Justin's POV:

I got out of my car and went around the front to open the door for my wonderful girlfriend. As I opened the car door she blushed, damn, she is so sexy when she blushes. I reached for her hand and we started walking to my dressing room. Once we got inside she sat on the couch and stared at me while I changed.

Justin: What are you looking at?; I joked

Ariana: OH Um I- I didn't mean to... I was ..... was just-;She cheeks turned red from her embarrassment

Justin: It's okay baby I am messing with you. ; I laugh

Justin: To be honest it turns me on when you stare at me. Like seriously though, I should be the one staring at you. I mean, look at you, your super sexy. You have no idea what is going through my head, or what I want to do to you right now.... ; I lick my lips

I start to walk over to her and pull her closer to me by her waist. I guess she felt my bulge growing because she started to giggle and blush even more than before.

Ariana: We will see what happens when we go back to my place tonight. But for now, it's off to make your appearance.


Audiences POV:

Ellen: Hey guys, welcome to the show! Tonight we have a very important guest who brought Swag back. Give it up for Justin Bieber!

We all went crazy, most people in the audience were teenage girls, screaming and jumping up and down.

Justin: Hey guys, thanks for having me today. I am so blessed to be here right now... I love you all!

We all went crazy again but our screams were much louder.

Ellen: So, Justin, there have been some rumors floating around that you and Ariana Grande are now an item, is that true?

There was now a picture of Justin and Ariana kissing at a club behind Justin and Ellen. We all went crazy again, screaming and freaking out at the sight of Justin kissing Ariana. We all went quiet to hear what Justin was going to say, he was now smiling from ear to ear and blushing like crazy.

Justin: Yes we are. The rumors are true. And I am really happy with her, she makes me feel... alive.

Ellen: I have also been informed that she is here right now in your dressing room watching the show.

Justin: Yes, why?

Ellen: We would like to pull her up on set if that's okay...

Justin: That's perfect actually,

Ellen: Well you heard him, Ariana come on out here.

Justin looked over and smiled from ear to ear again while Ariana came on set and walked towards them.

Ellen: Oops there isn't another chair, guys can you bring another chair on set?

Justin: Oh no it's okay, she can sit on my lap.

Justin put Ariana on his lap and she blushed. We all went crazy once again.

Ellen: So guys, the audience has a few questions for you two...

Ariana: Great

Ellen: This is from Sophia, Ariana do you think that you two will last?

Ariana's POV:

Ellen: Ariana, do you think that you two will last in your relationship?

I didn't think that would be asked.. I mean seriously? Isn't it obvious? I love Justin so much, I would do anything for him.... wait... did I just say that I love Justin? Oh my gosh! I love Justin! I can- Ellen interrupted my thoughts.

Ellen: Ariana, are you listening?

Ariana: Yes, sorry, I was in another world... But to answer your question, yes, I do think Justin and I will last. I've fell for him ever since we met about a year ago, and it has just sailed from there and here we are now... as a couple. And I am happier than ever! I would do anything to make him happy, he is my everything right now and I hope it will always be that way.

I looked at Justin and he was smiling, the most real smile he has had since we met.

Justin's POV:

As my beautiful girlfriend talked almost the entire time while I gave the audience a simple yes or no, I stared at Ariana. Trying to figure out how someone as goddess-like as her would want to end up with some tattooed pop star like me. She is way too good for me. The show went by quickly and I am glad it did, I want to have Ariana come to my friends party tonight.

Ariana: Well what do you want to do for the rest of today?

Justin: Well there is one more place i'd like you to come with me to.....

Ariana: Where?

Justin: Ryan's birthday is today and he is having a party so I wanted you to come....

Ariana: Sure babe.

Justin: Cool, it's in a 2 hours so that gives enough time to have a little Jariana time.... if you get what I mean,

Ariana: I love it when you say that... Jariana..., and I do get what you mean and I think I could I will allow you because I'm in such a great mood right now,

Justin: Your place then? It going to be extreme so be prepared for a whole new level of pleasure my sweet princess

Ariana: Oh don't worry about me, I am ready.; she giggled

As soon as those words left her mouth I carried her bridal style out of the car and into her house. I put her down and quickly led her upstairs to her bedroom. I can't believe I am finally going to do this with her, I can't wait to feel the inside of her and touch her.... I have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Ariana's POV:

I can't believe we were going to make love... I am really nervous. I'm not a virgin but I never would have thought I would fuck Justin Bieber. What if I say something wrong? What if he doesn't want me afterwards? NO... I love Justin and he loves me, I am not going to let my stupid thoughts get in the way of what will be the best time of my life.

Once we got into my bedroom I was pumped, I was ready and.... really horny. I started to giggle at my thoughts while Justin sucked on the skin on my neck. He slowly made his way to my jawline then he made his way to my lips.
