Sick and in the Hospital

A/N: I know I haven't updated in 2 days but I got back from vacation yesterday and today was the first day back at school after a 5 day break. I'm gonna try to update at least once or twice a week. Thanks in advance for understanding!!
   It's been two weeks since the movie night with at El and Liv's house with all the kids. It's been rough getting use to 7 kids in that house but they have been searching for a new place. Liv goes to wake up Sam to feed him a bottle and when she went in he said,"Mama me no feel good."
   "Okay baby let mama feel your head," Liv picks up Sam and feels his head and says,"Oh baby you have a fever. Let's get you some medicine."
   Liv carries Sam to her and El's bathroom and El says,"Hi Livvie love oh and hi there Sam."
   "El can you get the baby medicine?" She asks El while cradling Sam.
   "Sure baby. Is Sam okay?" El asks handing her a spoonful of the medicine.
   "He has a fever and I'm worried," Liv says sitting up Sam and El gives Sam the medicine. "Every time this has happened he always ended up in the H-O-S-P-I-T-A-L."
   "Maybe we just take him there now to be safe," El says smiling at Sam and Liv.
   "No I don't want to take him if I don't have to. Please El lets just see how the medicine works."
   El nods agreeing but says,"Is there anything else he has?"
   Liv nods and says,"He has A-S-T-H-M-A. He was born prematurely from the stress I was under from everything going on."
   El sees Liv needs to stay here and cry so he says,"Baby boy come to daddy. Mama needs to get herself showered." Sam goes to El and on the way out El turns around and mouths I'll be back I'm just gonna lay him down. Liv nods and El goes and lays Sam down and says,"Maureen can you keep an eye on Sam. He isn't feeling well and your mom needs me."
   "Of course. Anything for you two."
   El goes to his and Liv's room and says,"Liv it's just me." El walks in and goes over to Liv who is stilling sitting in the same spot. "Livvie love everything is going to be okay. I have Maureen watching Sam. Kathleen, Lizzie, and Dickie are keeping Eli and Noah company," El says and hold his arms out for Liv.
   Liv falls into El's arm and cries into his chest. "El I can't do this anymore. I don't think I can look at Sam for another 17 years. El I love him but everyday he is looking more like that-that piece of crap who did that to me," she continues crying into his chest holding him tight.
   El rubs soothing circles on Liv's back as he holds her close and says,"Baby you're not in this only. We will get through this. Just remember you never would be the great person, lover/girlfriend and hopeful more soon, and mother that you are today if you mom hadn't kept you. You just gotta remember that you love Sam no matter what. That other guy was a sperm donor yes maybe not choice but I will always be Sam's dad and nothing will change that." He continues rubbing soothing circles on Liv's back and holding her close.
   Liv calms down and her breath goes back to normal but she doesn't want to get up. They lay there with El holding Liv for a few hours till Maureen comes running in holding Sam and says with tears in her eyes,"Mom, dad Sam isn't breathing. I tried giving him CPR but it didn't work."
   Liv and El jump up and El says,"Maureen get him to the car now it'll be faster if we drive. Kathleen, Dickie, and Lizzie you're in charge. Me, mom, and Maureen are taking Sam to the hospital."
   Everyone nods and says,"Got it dad."
   El rushes them to the hospital. When they get there Maureen gets out holding Sam and El screams,"I need help my soon stopped breathing and he wasn't feeling good this morning."
   The doctors rush Sam to a room with Liv holding Sam's hand saying,"Mama is here, everything will be okay." El and Maureen wait in the living room and Liv comes out crying and shaking her head,"El they say--they say they need more tests. Right now---right now he's awake though."
   El holds Liv and mouths to Maureen go bring the kids back as he hands her the keys and holds Liv close. Maureen nods and El says,"Shhh baby it will be alright." El holds Liv as close as he can possibly hold her while they sit in Sam's room. Sam is asleep and El and Liv are laying beside him. Liv's body fits perfectly into El's side and she silently cries into his side.
A/N: This will be my only update tonight. You can expect one tomorrow night as well. Anyone have any ideas on what Sam could have? If you do comment them. I might choose one to use.
