9 months later

   Liv is now 9 months pregnant and should have the baby any day now. A few months ago they found out it was a girl but decided to keep it a secret until the baby is born. They have the name Serena Nicolle Stabler picked out. The day has been going normally. Liv is at home with Noah and they are by themselves. It is now Elliot's lunch break and Liv is in the kitchen making lunch for Elliot and Noah. Elliot walks in and Noah screams,"Daddy!!!! Me and mommy made you lunch."
   El says,"Is that so?"
   Noah's scream must have been enough because a second later Liv screams,"El my---my water broke."
   El says,"Okay let's get you to the hospital. I'll have the squad meet us there with Sam." Liv nods.
   "Noah grab mommy's hospital bag," Liv says with El helping her to the door.
   They slip on her flip flops and Noah puts his shoes on and says,"I got the bag."
   The walk to the car with Noah trying to help his mommy. El helps Liv in the backseat and Noah hands the bag to El. "I don't know where to put it daddy."
   El puts it up front and Noah gets in by his mommy. He offers her his hand and she takes it. "You can squeeze my hand mommy just like you do with daddy."
   She smiles but knows she won't squeeze very hard and says,"Thank you baby boy."
   They get to the hospital in 20 minutes and El carries Liv in. Noah grabs the bag and runs to keep up with them. El screams,"I need help over here my girlfriend's water broke."
   Doctors rush a gurney over and put her on it. El and Noah go back with her as they get her set up. Liv is only 3cm dilated and El calls cap. Captain answers and says,"El where are you? Your break ended 10 minutes ago."
   "Sorry cap. Liv's water broke and we rushed her to the hospital. She's only 3cm dilated. Can you bring Sam down though? I have to call the kids schools."
   "Sure thing. I'll be right there and so will the squad. We won't leave till that grandbaby of mine is born."
   "Okay cap," El chuckles a little.
   "See you soon."
   "See you soon cap."
   El calls Maureen and tells her what's going on and when she was out of school to pick up her siblings and come to the hospital.
A/N: this was sort of a short filler chapter. Tomorrow I'll post a longer chapter and I promise Liv baby will be born and the story will come alive again. I'm thinking of writing two other stories also. Vote if you think I should.
