Chapter 40- The Originals

3rd Person P.O.V.

Jessica stands in Damon's bedroom packing up some clothes she left there to take with her to New Orleans so she can make her flight. "I'm just saying that you just flipped the switch and you should probably take it easy," Damon tries but Jessica just sighs, annoyed with his continued argument.

"Damon, what was the point of me turning it back on if my life stops? I have to make this interview or I might not get in," she pauses, looking into his eye to show she's serious. "This school has been my dream since I was little. My dad always said where we came from was important and I came from New Orleans, okay?" He finally relents and she kisses his cheek before walking into the foyer where she is stopped by Stefan and Elena.

"Okay, explain your plan one more time?" Stefan commands and she rolls her eyes but obeys.

"I was going to stuff the ballot so that Bonnie would win," she begins. "I figured Rebekah would get pissed and back out of her deal with Elijah and kill her. If Bonnie was dead, it didn't matter if Silas had the cure or not because nobody could drop the veil. I got sidetracked when I went to stuff it though because Rebekah and April wouldn't stop talking and then Damon made me dance with him. I passed the cure to Silas before he attacked you two then I was crowned queen and Elena came after me. In other words, my plan would've worked because Elena would've taken down Bonnie had she won so really, it's Damon's fault."

"Of course it is," he agrees with a sarcastic smirk that makes her giggle.

"Look, it doesn't matter. Silas has to convince Bonnie to help him, which hopefully she won't now that she's our Bonnie again so I can go to New Orleans," she explains before hugging her sister. "I love you, Elena. Try not to get yourself killed." With that, she grabs her bags and gets in her car, driving to the airport.

Meanwhile, in New Orleans, Klaus arrives and begins his search for Jane-Anne, only to find someone else he'd thought dead, Marcel Gerard. They spend the day drinking and catching up, both suspicious of the other, unaware of the arrival of both Elijah and Jessica. While they are drinking at some bar in the quarter, Elijah makes his way to Rousseau's. He approaches the bar and the blonde bartender, whose nametag says Camille, pours him some bourbon. He begins to tell her that he is there for his brother, who has gotten into some sort of mess, when he catches a familiar voice, making him turn his head, Cami forgotten.

"Hello, I'm Jessica Gilbert," she introduces, holding out her hand. "Thank you for meeting with me."

"Hi, I'm Alexander Croft, the admissions officer," A young man returns. "And believe me, it's a pleasure." He takes a folder out of his suitcase and opens it up to reveal the information he has collected on Jessica. "According to your transcripts, you're a highly qualified student, a bit overqualified for a state college if I may say. It also says that you have your IQ scores," he prompts and she smiles.

"Yeah, I have them here," she says, pulling out 4 envelopes, drawing the attention of not only Croft but Elijah and Cami as well. She opens the first one laying it on the table. "That one was from when I was tested at the age of 5 because my kindergarten teacher thought I was too much of a smartass," she reveals.

"You scored a 311 when you were 5?" He asks shocked.

"Yeah, that's what everyone else thought so they made me take another one that wasn't multiple choice and that's when I got this one." She opens the next letter.

"322?" He questions taken aback. "At 5."

Jessica shrugs nonchalantly. "Yup and then I finished Junior year early because I had some things to handle and they made me take another IQ test and I had to do a repeat of what happened when I was 5." She hands him the remaining to scores and he blanches.

"You scored a 330 and then a 343?"

"Yup, they tell me that I'm a genius or something," she jokes to try and lessen his awe but it doesn't go away as he tells her that they'd love to have both her and Meredith attend their school but they can only offer a full scholarship to her and that he'd be in touch to discuss courses due to her advancement.

Over at the bar, Cami studies Elijah. "Is she an ex or something?" She wonders, noticing the clear age difference between the two but not judging.

Elijah clears his throat. "No, my brother's ex actually, although I did have a...thing with her twin sister Meredith, who I am fairly sure hates me now," he confides, returning to his bourbon.

"That sweet, smart girl got involved with your trouble maker brother?" She wonders aloud and Elijah chuckles at her bluntness.

"Yes, my brother seems to be her type. Idiotic, short-tempered, and easily manipulated by her, although from what I've seen, she's very good at manipulation." He finishes his bourbon and leaves a couple hundreds on the bar as he hears the voice of Sophie Deveroux. He kills two vampires that attacked her and she takes him to the cemetery, revealing a pregnant Hayley.

Klaus, who had discovered two vampires following him, goes to Marcel to 'talk', only to run into Diego. After threatening him, Marcel pops up, taking him away. They are standing on a balcony, watching the streets, when Marcel sees Cami. He speeds to go talk to her, and Elijah reveals himself to Klaus, convincing him to go to the graveyard to show him Hayley.

Once she is sure that the originals are out of sight, Jessica interrupts Marcel's chat with Cami, knowing that she is Sean's twin. "Hey stranger," she says and the pair glance at her. Cami can't miss the way that a smile stretches wide on Marcel's face at her appearance.

"Jessica Gilbert, what are you doing running around New Orleans?" He teases and Jessica grins. "Please tell me you haven't brought those brothers with you."

Jessica laughs. "No, they're safe and sound back in Mystic Falls. I came for a college interview for U.N.O."

"And I'm sure they were begging for you to go there," he jokes.

"The admissions officer seemed ready to pass out when he saw her IQ," Cami inputs, reminding Marcel of her presence. "I was working the bar and I couldn't help but overhear. Sorry."

"No need to be. I've long since realized that my high IQ is a good thing. It makes me catch onto things that my friends might not," she says, elusively hinting to Marcel that she has information.

He gets the hint and turns to Cami. "Well, Cami, my offer to walk you home stands."

She shakes her head with a smile. "Thanks but I think I'll manage." He nods and she heads off. As soon as she's out of earshot, Marcel invites Jessica to go to the compound with him where he's throwing a party. She agrees and leads him to one of the balconies to talk.

"So what do you got?"

She rolls her eyes before answering. "I just got news from Damon that Katherine Pierce sent Klaus here in connection to Jane-Anne Deveroux, so I took the liberty of getting Theirry to let me see her body-" Marcel lets out an angry sigh, cutting her off. She places her hand on his arm to calm him. "Relax, T and I are friends and so are we Marcel. I touched her body and saw why Katherine was so sure Klaus would stay here."

"What are those witches planning?" He sneers, worried for Davina's safety, a concern Jessica shares.

"Look, due to all the magic in New Orleans, sometimes when witches are born here, they develop special powers. I can see into people's pasts and even their minds but Sophie Deveroux has a special power of sensing when a girl is pregnant. There's this girl, Hayley, who has been lurking around the quarter, looking for the wolves."


"Because I saw her crescent mark and knew who she was. Andrea Lebonair. I had to send her Jack's way even if I was an emotionless bitch at the time," Jessica explains and Marcel chuckles.

"Right, your boyfriend called to tell me about your predicament," he reveals.

"Damon isn't my boyfriend," she dismisses and he laughs.

"So what does a pregnant wolf have to do with Jane-Anne and Klaus?"

"The reason I turned off my humanity was that my emotions were so close to the surface after Jeremy died so I did what I always do, focused on something else. I chose my feelings for Klaus. We were together for maybe a day and I went to see him and caught him in bed with Hayley. It was too much and I couldn't control my magic with my emotions going haywire. After I turned it off, I snapped Klaus' neck and told Hayley about the crescents. When I touched Jane-Anne, I saw the last spell she did. She used her magic to figure out the paternity of the baby and link Hayley to Sophie to give her leverage over the father."

"What does any of this have to do with Klaus?" Marcel wonders and Jessica sighs, wondering how he hasn't caught on yet.

"Because he's the father, you dope," she snaps and he looks at her, shocked. "Sophie will feed him a story about how you hate wolves and won't let his child be born to get him to take you down so they can get Davina."

"That's bullshit, I would never hurt a child," he denies.

"I know, you saved me and Hayley, but Elijah doesn't know that. With him and the witches trying to convince Klaus to take you down, he'll get angry and lash out, which is why I need you to take this," she says, revealing a necklace with a vial of blood on it.

"What is it?"

"The cure to a werewolf bite. Klaus will go after you and there are only two cures that I know of, his blood and mine. Be careful, Marcel," she tells him, turning away but he grabs her elbow.

"What about Hayley and the baby. You're just gonna leave them to the mercy of the witches?"

Jessica laughs a humorless laugh that makes her seem more sinister than Marcel had ever seen her, making him realize why Damon was so worried when she had no emotions. "I may not like Klaus much but I won't let anything happen to that baby. They'll be unlinked from Sophie before I leave tomorrow," she reveals before looking into his eyes. "I'll protect that child no matter what and no matter who I have to go through," she warns before turning to leave, once again, only to stop. "And give Sophie Jane-Anne's body. I know what they are doing is messed up but you used to care for Sophie and I won't let anything happen to D. Besides, let them consecrate Jane-Anne so she can be with Monique before they lose their connection to the ancestors." With that, she leaves to go to a hotel for the night.

After Klaus finds out about his child, he does what Jessica expected and attacks Marcel, biting Thierry before leaving. Marcel gives him Jessica's blood when Klaus leaves, only to be stopped by Elijah. They fight before Klaus realizes that he does want his child and he wants his city as well. Elijah goes to see Marcel to get Jane-Anne's body with the promise of getting the cure for Thierry but Marcel reveals an already healed Thierry before handing over Jane-Anne anyway, saying he got everything he needed.

Elijah bargains for Hayley with Jane-Anne and Sophie agrees. He takes her to the old plantation house with Klaus before saying he had some unfinished business in Mystic Falls. He returns to Mystic Falls, saying goodbye to Rebekah and then an unexpected goodbye with Katherine before going to say the one goodbye that he dreaded. The one he always seemed to be making. He walks up the steps of the mansion that seems entirely too big for the three or four people that stay there before ringing the doorbell.

He waits for a couple of minutes before the door opens to reveal Meredith. "Elijah," she gasps.

"Hello, Meredith," he smiles down at her before he frowns. "I wanted to say goodbye. My brother has gotten into some trouble in New Orleans that requires my help." She scoffs and he studies her. "You're upset," he points out and she snorts.

"Well, I suppose I should just be happy that you said goodbye this time, right?" She asks sarcastically and he sighs.

"I believe you've been spending too much time with your sister and Ms. Lescheres."

"My attitude has nothing to do with them, it has to do with you, Elijah. It has to do with the fact that you left me after deciding that I would be better off without you only to show up to bargain for Klaus without even intending to speak with me, had I not caught you in my house. Then you just leave without a goodbye or even a 'sorry my sister killed yours' and I may have been able to forget about it had Vivianne and I not done a spell that revealed that you left me to run right into Katherine's arms.

"Now you come back after realizing that Katherine will always be a manipulative bitch that only cares for herself and here you go again, running off to chase after a brother, who constantly screws you over before shoving a dagger into your chest. I'm pissed because I'm tired of this back and forth, Elijah. You come into town and get close to me just to leave and I don't want to do this!"

"I can't just abandon my brother, Meredith. He needs me. Would you have me believe that you would abandon Jessica or Elena?" He demands and she sighs.

"That's different. They don't dagger me when I do something they don't like." He goes to protest but she holds up a hand, stopping him. "Just don't, I don't want to hear it. Go ahead, leave and help your bastard brother but when he daggers you, don't expect me to show up in New Orleans to help you. You're digging your own grave and you realize it, yet you can't stop so I hope you have a great time lying in it because Vivianne gave all the daggers Jessica took, back to Klaus to get him to stay away from Jessica because she thinks Jess is better without him. So congrats, I hope you enjoy New Orleans," she sneers, slamming the door in his face.  Elijah looks at the door for a few more seconds before speeding away.

Vivianne reveals herself and smiles at Meredith. "That was very empowering. Jessica would be proud," she complements but that doesn't stop Meredith from breaking down in tears.

"Then why did it hurt so much?" She questions as Vivianne rushes over to her and hugs her.

"Because you care about him, even if you shouldn't." Meredith nods as Vivianne holds her while she sobs for what could've been with Elijah.
