Chapter 29-Slumber Parties and Kidnappings

Jessica's P.O.V.

As I gather my books at my locker, barely paying attention to Bonnie and Caroline, I can't help but allow my thoughts to drift to last night and this morning. The last thing I remember clearly is drinking at the grill and deciding that I needed to go home. After that, I have fuzzy memories of being at Klaus's house and talking to him, about what I don't know, but I remember kissing him and being pushed off with him saying he couldn't take advantage of me before I passed out.

This morning, I woke up in my bed at my mansion with a note from Nik stating that I fell asleep on his couch so he took me home and set aside a glass of water and a couple aspirin to help my hangover. I didn't have a hangover so I put the aspirin back but ever since, I can't stop thinking about him saying he couldn't take advantage of me and wondering why I went to him when I was drunk.

"Hello, earth to Jessica," I hear Caroline exclaim and shake off my thoughts, noticing that Bonnie is no longer next to her.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I ask curiously.

She studies me. "Are you okay? You completely zoned out there. You didn't even hear Elena invite us to sleep over at the boarding house while the Salvatores are in New Orleans," she says, worried.

"I'm fine, just thinking. It's good that we have this sleepover because I have something that I need to talk to you guys about. I'm a bit confused," I confide, hoping that they can help with the Nik situation.

"Okay but I need to talk to you about something now," she tells me nervously so I nod for her to continue and she takes a deep breath. "Yesterday, Klaus said something about Damon and Elena being curious and that I'd figure it out and I was talking with Stefan last night and thinking about how strange Elena's been acting and, God I don't know how to tell you this!" She exclaims, looking up as if God will give her the answer, and I laugh.

"If you're trying to tell me that she's sired to him, I already know," I respond, closing my locker, and she looks at me in shock.

"How? For how long? Why didn't you tell anyone?"

I sigh. "I knew when Elena couldn't drink the blood bag at the memorial so I told Damon that she needed blood from the vein first and he repeated it and suddenly she drank from Matt and was fine. I didn't tell anyone because it didn't matter, it didn't really affect things until they got together," I explain and she looks at me as though I am insane.

"What are you talking about it didn't affect anything? The sire bond could be the whole reason they are together. And how do you know they are together, she didn't say anything?"

"A sire bond between vampires is created by a love that is already present when they are human, it's rare and doesn't always happen but I think it affected her because she fell in love with Damon while still in love with Stefan. Oh and I know they're together because I saw them at Miss Mystic and they were...close, so I told Damon to be happy and ended things," I answer nonchalantly, walking to class. Caroline is still standing by my locker in shock when I feel someone pull me into an empty classroom. I look up to see Damon.

"I need to talk to you," he says guiltily and I sigh.

"Look, if this is about Elena being sired to you, I already knew, I don't care, and it stems from her love for you so your relationship is real," I assure him and he looks at me startled as he processes the information I told him.

He shakes his head as though to clear it. "Yeah well, that isn't all I wanted to tell you, something happened with Elena and me last night," he confesses, running his hand through his hair nervously. "We slept together," he finally finishes and I look at him before sighing.

"Well if we are sharing everything we do, I got drunk last night and ended up at Klaus' house and we kissed," I share and he looks angry.

"He kissed you?" He snarls and I laugh.

"No actually, I kissed him. We were talking about something, I don't really remember, I was pretty trashed. Anyway, I kissed him and he pushed me away, saying that we couldn't do anything because he refused to take advantage of me, very chivalrous, and he was right because I passed out while he was talking and he took me home." He looks at me with a sad look before the guilt comes back, almost like he feels guilty for being sad.

"Well, if you like him, as much as I hate to admit it, I can see how much he cares for you and I think you should give him a chance," he responds carefully, as if he can't believe he is saying it, and I smile.

"Thanks for the permission," I joke. "I hear you're off to New Orleans, presumably to look for someone. Go to Bourbon Street and ask for Marcel, say Jessica sent you and he'll help you with anything you might need," I assure and he looks at me confused.

"Who's Marcel?"

"King of New Orleans. Oh and don't mention him to any of the originals and make sure Stefan doesn't either."


I laugh. "Let's just say you aren't the first people to call Mikael to kill Klaus and I quite like Marcel." He grins at me and promises before leaving. I watch him go, realizing how much I am going to miss him.


That night, Caroline and I arrive to the boarding house together to find Bonnie already there. We spend most of the night dancing and drinking until we somehow end up in Damon's bathroom as Elena admires the bathtub, asking why we don't hang out there more. "I'll tell you why. Cooties. Think of all the germ-ridden skanks that Damon has lured into his den of inequity," Caroline answers, offending me.

"Hey, I have been in here on multiple occasion and I resent being referred to as germ-ridden!" I exclaim and she looks at me.

"That was the offensive part, not the skank part?" She questions but Elena answers before I can.

"Whatever Caroline. Rip away. I mean, it's only Damon, right?" She sneers.

"Well, say what you want about Ripper Stefan, but at least he wasn't a man-slut," Caroline defends.

"Okay, can we please stop talking crap on my ex-boyfriend. I happen to love Damon, being as he has always been there for me and you're being kind of a shitty friend right now, Care," I frown at her.

"He's always been there when I needed him," Elena adds and Caroline snorts.

"That's because he's hoping you'll sleep with him," she retorts and I snort.

"She already did," I reveal, downing some bourbon from a bottle I jacked from Damon's room, barely noticing their shock. "What, it's the truth."

Elena looks guilty. "How did you find out?"

"Damon told me at the school today. I'm assuming that's why you threw this right?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Because I showed up to tell you guys that I got drunk last night and made out with Klaus," I answer, downing more bourbon. It takes them all a moment to process but when they do, I'm bombarded with questions.

"What happened?" I hear Bonnie ask and choose to answer her.

"I kissed him, like I said, I was drunk. It's all pretty fuzzy but he pushed me off said he'd never take advantage of a drunk girl and then I passed out. Woke up this morning in my bed with a note from him saying he brought me home after I passed out. Nothing about the kiss and I'm assuming he doesn't think I remember," I confide. Everyone stares at me as I finish the bourbon. "Well I'm all out, so I'm gonna get another bottle," I say and leave. They all follow me, clearly wanting more information.

Before they can ask anything, Elena and Caroline start bickering again as Caroline processes that she slept with Damon. I suddenly hear Caroline shout, "Ugh, you're not falling in love with him, Elena. You're sired to him."

Elena starts stuttering, trying to process what Caroline has told her and getting angry that she told Stefan and I get frustrated and cut the fight off. "God, Care, I already told you, she had to love him before she turned for the sire bond to form. If she says she's falling in love with him then I have news Elena, you're already there!"

Neither gets a chance to respond as the door swings open and 2 of Klaus' hybrids, Kim and Adrianne I believe are their names, come and try to take Caroline. They fight off Bonnie and Elena and try to take her but I won't let them and instead let them take me as well.

They take us to the Lockwood Cellar and I roll my eyes, wondering if they have any original hiding places. They tie our hands behind us with shackles that are uncomfortably tight, before turning to Caroline. Kim goes over and starts putting pressure on the shackles, making her scream out in pain. "Stop!" I command and Kim does before realizing that she is trying to be the alpha and walks over to me. "That's right, you want to hurt someone, hurt me!"

She laughs. "So brave, yet so stupid," she proclaims before breaking my leg. I don't even flinch, staring her down, but Caroline screams again like her leg was broken.

"Stop, why are you doing this?" She begs.

"We took you to get at Tyler and Klaus, she just wouldn't leave you. That's loyalty right there," she taunts before displacing my shoulder, making Caroline scream again while I slam it against the gate, popping it back into place. Tyler comes running down the stairs with Elena behind him.

"Stop! Stop it, Kim. They're with us. All right? We're all on the same team," he tries to reason but she laughs.

"She's on your team, not mine," Kim retorts and the other hybrids grab them.

Kim punches me across the face and I laugh. "God, you hybrids just suck at loyalty, don't you? Disloyal to Klaus, which will be your death, mark my words," I say, addressing the other hybrids before turning to stare Kim down again. "And you can't even obey Tyler. I mean, I get it, kid's not much of a leader but then again, if I had to pick between you or him, I'd choose him. He had to force you to break the sire bond because you were a little bitch, whining about how it hurt," I taunt, reading her mind. "At least Ty had the balls to do it on his own and barely complained, never stopping."

She goes to hit me again, but Tyler breaks free at the same time that I break my shackles and feel both my legs heal. Tyler moves towards Kim and puts his hand through her chest. He makes them all submit before releasing her, claiming not to be Klaus. "I'm.....I'm sorry," she tells him as he removes his hand.

"You should be apologizing to me," I say, pissed because she hadn't even really done anything to Tyler. My anger gets the better of me and before I can dismiss the thought, her heart is out of her chest and flying towards my hand. As soon as I receive it, I drop it, turning to the rest of them. "Kim made a drastic mistake," I inform them. "I don't give a damn that she hurt me because honestly, I've experienced worse," I continue, hearing Care, Ty, and Lena gasp in shock. "But I won't stand for people going after the people I love, so do it again and you won't need to worry about Klaus finding out about your lack of loyalty because I'll slaughter you all myself," I promise, breaking Caroline free before walking out and back to the boarding house.

Elena and Caroline enter soon after me, apparently friends again. Caroline said she promised not to be judgemental and Elena says it's a good thing Shane knows what he's been teaching Bonnie when Bonnie reveals what kind of magic he's been teaching. "It's been baby steps but he's helping with a whole new kind of magic. He calls it Expression."

"What did you say?" I gasp.

"He's teaching me Expression, why?" She wonders, concerned, and I look at her intently.

"Bonnie, Expression is dangerous. It's sacrificial magic," I warn her but she denies it.

"Not the kind he's teaching me. I haven't killed anything and I was able to do the locator spell to find you two," she argues and I study her.

"Yeah, it must be different," I mutter. "I need to get home, it's been a long night and I just remembered that Vivianne said she needed to talk to me," I lie and they all say goodbye, except Caroline, who comes with me, remembering what I told her about Expression. I race to the Gilbert house and find Meredith and Vivianne in Mer's room. Care and I enter and begin discussing with the two before something hits me. "Conner said he found a letter talking about a greater evil," I tell them. "He said Pastor Young wrote it right before blowing up the remaining council. Guess how many were left."

"12," Caroline answers, remembering the Expression triangle.

"Bonnie might not have killed anyone, but I think Shane has," I tell them, worried about Bonnie and what Shane is truly planning and worried what this greater evil might be.
