
Aether was still caressing Xiao's hair, except now his companion's eyes were wide open from the words he spoke to him a couple of moments before. The silence felt like it really lasted forever. The traveler even slowly started thinking he might've messed up with the stuff he said and that it didn't mean anything to the boy on his lap.

"Where did all of this come from..?" Said the Adeptus looking away as soon as the awkward silence was over. He developed a strange look on his face, unable to tell what exactly it was.

"I think now is the time you tell me what happened when I found you at that lake." Demanded the blonde boy completely dodging the question he was asked.

"..Forget it, you wouldn't understand the way we immortals think."

"Hmm? So it is something bothering your mind." That would've explained why he was in the state he was when Aether found him, but it still couldn't explain the blood and injuries. "It's fine to feel emotions you know? No matter whether mortal or not, nobody would judge you."

"Hmph, I shouldn't be feeling any. I was made to fight and protect."

"And yet again you still took me out on a walk, seems like you're more than just some machine made to fight evil." The traveler was really trying hard to make him say what was bothering him. It didn't seem like anything that should be ignored or left behind.

Xiao sighed softly and got up from the lap he was resting his head on, he turned to look away from his companion and moved away. Aether was surprised by his actions, this was very unlikely of him. Has he made the Yaksha uncomfortable? was he feeling unwell now?

"Hey, I'm sorry I didn't mean t-" He tried getting closer to the Adeptus to see what was wrong with him but what he saw next really shocked him.

The Yaksha was crying. It didn't seem like a normal cry but a very unusual one. He was shivering, sobbing quietly, and attempting to wipe his tears away with his hand. And this all happened in just a few seconds. It seemed worse than the lake situation now.

"Woah, woah! What's wrong?! Why're you crying?" Aether was now really feeling bad, for some reason, it felt like it was his fault for bringing up a topic Xiao was not too comfortable talking about.

"Don't look at me!" He yelled and flinched as the traveler tried putting his hand on his shoulder. He covered his whole face with his bare hands trying not to expose how vulnerable he looked while his eyes were soaked in tears. The shaking stopped but it still seemed like he was under a lot of pressure.

"Xiao please face me, I'm sorry." This was the first time ever the blonde boy made someone cry, it especially broke him that it was one of his dearest companions. He took a clean tissue out of his pocket and grabbed the Adeptuses face, he held his head as gently as he could and wiped away both the tears and mistakenly the eyeliner he wore as well.

"I don't want you to see me in such a disgusting state."

"It isn't disgusting."

Those bright amber-brown eyes that always glowed while being on guard have never shown such strong emotion before, it was as if they stopped showing their true light and completely shut off. The tears weren't there anymore but the sadness in them was still clearly visible.

Aether put the tissue away looking at him very worryingly while all the Yaksha could do was stay silent and grab his companion's hands shoving them away from his face.

"I'm sorry I...I guess I really do owe you an explanation now." He leaned against an old tree that was near them, finally calming down after what seemed like forever to him. He was unsure of why exactly he was crying but his biggest concern was the blonde boy seeing him in such a weak embarrassing state.

"Go ahead, I'm all ears." Aether kept blaming himself in his head for making Xiao cry, it really felt like he hit a deep soft spot inside the Adeptuses mind. The way he cried was so random, the entire atmosphere felt like it changed when he saw the tears rolling down his cheeks, it was as if the silence behind the golden house suddenly became louder.

"...As you've known for quite some time now, I've felt my karmic debt getting less excruciating. It has come to the point where I've started to feel..stuff." He was barely managing with every word that came out of his mouth, his voice was shaking uncontrollably. "Due to the sudden change that started to happen within me, I've been unable to control any of it." He continued. "So I figured it would be dangerous if I stayed around Liyue and kept doing my duty by saving people. I was afraid my emotions will act up and scare them all away at some point." The Yaksha took a deep breath and looked at the ground in shame, this was the only time he was ever at a loss for words in front of a mortal.

"That said, I think I already know why your head was that damaged when I first saw you there... I uh guess that Saves you some explaining." The Traveler assumed he tried hitting his head to make it stop. Karmic debt can often make people lose their minds to do the most unspeakable things to themselves.

"Xiao, you're a strong person."

"It would be concerning if fighting for thousands of years didn't pay off."

"No, not like that. I meant as a person. Of course, you're insanely strong in that type of way as well."

"As a person?"

"You've been through enough before, during, and after the Archon war, yet you're still alive and pushing forward with it. Can't you see? You're recovering. Getting adjusted to feelings might be a huge step but I'm proud of you." Spoke Aether feeling happy and relieved that he wasn't the reason his companion cried.

The Adeptus took another deep breath and gazed upon the stars. "I appreciate the praise but there is another reason I invited you for a walk today." The blonde boy gave him a very curious look straight in the eyes.

"I...need you to help me get used to this and learn how to control it. I know it's a lot to ask for and I won't mind if you decline."
