Calm times (2)

The two boys spent a long time on that rock. From that angle, they could see the stars perfectly. In the meantime, Aether manipulated the elements he possessed to dry his and his boyfriend's clothes. It didn't take too long and it felt completely safe.

After that, they decided to chill on the beach for the rest of the night. The morning was about to arrive soon anyway meaning they would have to leave soon. They couldn't leave Paimon alone for too long, so they decided to return once the sun takes over the sky.

Besides, they knew it would be boring once they got back. There was nothing to do back in the teapot other than talking and growing plants. Xiao enjoyed the time he spent with his partner but they both wanted to go out of there. Since the traveler's condition has been greatly approving, that meant that soon after maybe a week they could go out once again.

Going outside so early and jumping into an ocean wasn't really the best idea, but nobody got hurt, so it was definitely worth it.

"Stop moving. It's gonna get inside your eye." Complained the Adeptus as he held the blonde's chin to stop him from moving.

"Gahahaha! I'm sorry but it tickles!"

"You'll get used to this after a few seconds just let me touch you with it."

"I can't!"

"If you continue laughing like that it will draw attention and people around will hear you. They'll think you've gone crazy..."

The Yaksha had this idea to try putting his usual red eyeliner on the boy. Around the beach, there were many different kinds of flowers. Some were the exact same ones he used to make the eyeliner substance. Since they had nothing to do, he decided to ask his lover if he was willing to try it. Of course, the traveler happily agreed.

It didn't end up as planned. Since there was no way they could get the same brush Xiao used for his eyes, they decided to try it with a small stick. The blonde couldn't stop giggling and moving away every time his partner tried to apply the eyeliner.

"They won't be looking at me. They'll be looking at you. It looks like you're trying to poke my eyes out with that stick!"

The boy chuckled at the comment as he looked away from the other's golden eyes which were already full of tears from laughing.

"What else am I supposed to use?" He asked, trying not to laugh.

Aether thought for a moment but couldn't think of anything. He didn't really understand how makeup worked and what could be used for it.

"Anything but that stick..."

"Stay still and you won't even feel it."

"How are you able to do this every day...or is it better to ask why you do this every day? I doubt it's for the sense of fashion, so why?" The blonde questioned curiously as he laid under his boyfriend trying to catch his breath from laughing.

"It's to be able to see better. You'll see way further than before with it."

They stared at each other awkwardly not knowing if one of them should move or not. The Yaksha wanted to try applying the eyeliner to the boy's eyes again but he knew it wouldn't work. Especially not with the stick.

It was weird being in such an awkward position without saying anything.

Eventually, after noticing that Aether got lost in thought, he decided to strike again and see if his luck got any better. He gently held his face with one hand and the stick with red eyeliner with the other.

He successfully drew two lines on one eye without the other flinching. He pulled the stick away from his face and moved away after noticing how calm the traveler was. What happened to him being ticklish?

The blonde was looking him dead in the eyes. He didn't seem paralyzed in any kind of way. He just seemed to be staring normally.

"Did I accidentally poke your eye?" Xiao asked with concern in his voice.

"No...Your eyes!"

"I poked my eyes...?"


He sat up and pulled the Adeptus closer to his face to take a better look. He looked kinda weird with one eye finished and the other not. Xiao would've laughed if he wasn't so shocked by the reaction.

"There's a spark in your eye! It doesn't look the same as the one you usually have..." He pointed out as he smiled. "You're happy."

In response, the Yaksha just blinked a few times and stared. He wasn't excepting this at all. He was confused about what his partner meant. There was some strange feeling in his chest, it was the usual one he always had but now it felt different.

He was laughing and smiling a little more than usual. Normally he tried hiding it but now he didn't care if anyone saw him act this way. He decided to stop trying to make it go unseen, he never expected the blonde to actually notice.

"I'm always happy when I'm with you. Get back down, I'm not done with your left eye." The Adeptus responded with a warm smile while lightly pushing him back on the ground to be able to do the other eye.

"Surprisingly it didn't tickle when I got lost in your eyes..." Aether teased while technically saying the truth. He was too lost in thought to think or to notice that the stick was touching his face.

"Mind trying it again?"

The traveler nodded and looked deep into Xiao's eyes once more as the stick slowly started getting closer and closer to his skin.

While the Yaksha was doing the finishing touches, the sun had suddenly risen into the skies. It was a lovely red sunrise that showered the two boys on the beach. It was a very beautiful view, seeing the stars disappear and something like this appear. Too bad that the two were so focused on each other that they didn't care enough to look. If it wasn't for the light they would've never noticed it was already morning.
