T H I R T Y - T H R E E

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Damon steps out of Elena's holding cell, releasing an exasperated sigh. No matter what he tries, she doesn't seem to have any interest in turning her humanity back on. It makes him greatly regret siring her to turn it off in the first place.

The sound of the freezer lid closing catches his attention. His head snaps up, piercing blue eyes squinting through the dark, dimly lit hall. Arabella peeks her head around the corner, raising a brow.

"What are you still doing here?" She asks, emerging with two blood bags. Damon's lips turns down rudely.

"Trying to get my girlfriend back. Not that you care."

"You're right, I don't," She smiles pleasantly, leaning against the wall. "I don't care about her humanity being off. Honestly, it just makes her annoying and Katherine-like, but she'll be fine."

"Not when she realizes how many people she killed."

"She's a vamp, big whoop," Arabella frowns at him. "You look like hell. When was the last time you slept?"

"I will sleep," Damon sighs, running a hand through his hair. "When I can have the love of my life beside me again," Arabella pretends to vomit, smirking at the eye roll Damon gives.

"Here," She tosses one of the blood bags his way, the elder catching it swiftly. "Elena's smart, and she's good at manipulating you. You're gonna need your strength, big brother."

"Thanks," Damon nods, a small smile on his lips. Arabella returns the nod, turning and going back upstairs.

It's late in the night, and the rest of Mystic Falls is safely tucked away in their beds, sleeping blissfully. Arabella walks into her room, not bothering to turn on the lights. The moonlight spilling in through the window is enough.

She kicks off her shoes, the blood bag hanging from her teeth as she tosses some pillows on the ground, undoing her comforter. However, her ears perk at the sound of wind blowing into her room. If she remembers correctly, her window had been closed upon coming in.

Arabella eyes a pen sitting on her bedside table, and in a swift, quick motion, she picks it up and sends it spiraling through the air behind her, whipping around. A small, relieved breath leaves her lips at seeing who catches it.

"I could've hurt you."

"Don't flatter yourself, love," Klaus smirks, lowering the pen. He emerges from the shadows, the moon casting a luminescent glow on his pale skin, bouncing off the material of his black coat. "You're jumpy."

"Haven't you heard? There's an immortal witch running around town causing mayhem. Plus, it's creepy to sneak into someone's window," She points out, swiping a stray curl out of her eye. Klaus chuckles softly, tossing the pen on a table. "Heard you took a little vacation. Where'd you go?"

"New Orleans, and I would hardly call it a vacation," Klaus raises his brows, clearly tired from the last few days.

"Well, now you're back," Arabella shrugs. Klaus purses his lips uneasily.

"Actually... I'm not. I'm going back, to stay," His words shock Arabella, her brows raising and mouth falling open in the slightest.

"You're leaving town?" She blinks.

"Permanently, yes," Klaus confirms, taking a few slow steps forward. "But I came back to make an offer to you. Come back with me. To New Orleans," A scoff escapes Arabella's lips at his words.

"Yeah, okay," She laughs sarcastically, but the humor dies down when his face remains stoic. "Wait, you're serious?"

"Very much so," Klaus nods, continuing towards her. "You mentioned once of the injustices done to you by Marcel Gerard. Said there was nothing you could do, for you had no army. Well, I am an army, as is my family. This is your chance for revenge, Arabella."

"Even if I didn't have, like, a million problems in Mystic Falls," She holds up a hand, frowning. "What makes you think I want to move my life fifteen hours away to be a minion in your army?"

"I'm not asking you to be a minion," Klaus shakes his head quickly, eyes glistening hopefully. "I'm asking you to be my equal. I will take down his army from the inside, and you will help me. Then, we can rule together, and you will get justice for the witches once and for all."

"And I'm just supposed to believe you are willing to have an equal rulership?" Arabella asks unbelievingly. Klaus takes another step forward, closing the comfortable distance between them.

"For you? Yes, I would be," He replies without missing a beat. Arabella sighs, looking away.

"Klaus, I can't. There's so much going on right now with Silas--"

"We all know problems in Mystic Falls manage to either disappear, or get chased away," Klaus cuts in with slight amusement. Eagerly, he adds, "What do you possibly have waiting for you here? A graduation? Yet another meaningless job, or degree? Watching your brothers fight amongst each other as you, time and time again, attempt to mend a family that never takes your feelings into account?"

"They're my brothers," Arabella defends them half heartedly. Klaus raises a brow skeptically.

"Yes, your brothers. The same brothers who hardly ever take your own happiness into consideration, but expect you to constantly make sacrifices for theirs," She knows he's referring to what could've been between them, but says nothing. There's a truth to the hybrid's words. "You're the Sorceress, love. Strong, powerful, brave... your powers belong elsewhere, somewhere more deserving than this small little town."

"Like with you?" Arabella finishes for him, crossing her arms. Klaus smirks.

"In a city you were chased out of. A city that deserves you," Arabella meets his gaze, staring deeply into his ocean eyes. Simply the look he's giving her is enough for her to fold and follow him to New Orleans.

"It's a tempting offer. I'm not gonna lie," She laughs nervously, chewing on her top lip.

 And it is. He's right-- what waits for her in Mystic Falls? Being back with her brothers is nice and all, but a girl can only take so much family before she gets sick of it again, especially when said family likes to fight over doppelgangers and vampiric Cures. But leaving this small, pesky town, and going back to reclaim a city she was exiled from? With Klaus?

It's not just tempting-- it's an offer she doesn't want to refuse. 

Klaus smiles as she says that, but a troubled look washes over his eyes a moment later. He struggles with his next words, not quite sure how to reveal this following piece of information.

"There is... something you should know first, however."

"Ah, I knew there was a catch."

"Not a catch," Klaus shakes his head quickly. "But..." he sighs, deciding to just get on with it. "Do you remember Hayley Marshall?" Arabella frowns, confused. "Tyler's werewolf friend?"

"Oh, right," She nods, grimacing. "The one who sold out your hybrids."

"Her and I... had a bit of a, uh... altercation."

"You fought her?" Arabella stares at him dully. Klaus presses his lips together tightly.

"Not that kind of altercation."

"Wha-- oh," Arabella's mouth remains in a small, perfect O as she realizes what he means, swallowing down the slight uneasiness rising from the pit of her stomach. "You slept with her," Klaus is quick to explain.

"It was after the Cure had been retrieved, and we were both drunk and--"

"You don't have to explain yourself to me," Arabella shakes her head, attempting to play it off cool. It's not like they're dating, or anything quite near that. She has no reason to be jealous. And yet... "But I, uh- I'm failing to see how this is relevant to your offer."

"She's..." Klaus swallows. Why is this so hard for him to say? "She's pregnant. With my child."

"What?" Stunned, is the only right word to describe Arabella's face at the moment. Complete and utter dumbfoundment. Her dark brows have shot a mile up her forehead, eyes widening so much the pale green almost gets lost within the white. 

"It's impossible, and yet, nature continues to find loopholes," Klaus waves his hand in the air, seeming annoyed with the magical forces. He watches Arabella's face closely, heart beating rapidly as he waits for a reaction. The Original didn't realize quite how nervous he was to see how she would respond until this particular moment. 

"That's... amazing," The nerdy, wonderous part of Arabella springs out as her brain racks for how a phenomenon such as this is even possible. "I mean, that would make you the first vampire ever to procreate. It shouldn't even be scientifically possible! What species would the baby even be? I mean theoretically, it should be a witch, but would it also be a werewolf? How would the vampirism even affect its growth? And not to mention, you're going to be a father--"

She cuts herself off as the actual realization hits. The realization that settles a pit of dread in the bottom of her stomach. Klaus has been watching her with amusement, finding it adorable that she was so invested in the logic of all this. However, as soon as her face falls, so does his.

"You're gonna be a dad."

Klaus is quick to jut in. "This changes nothing about my offer--"

"It changes everything, Klaus," Arabella takes a step back, frowning. "You're going to have a child. Like an actual child."

"Not by my own will," Klaus huffs, throwing his hands up and looking off to the side. "Elijah thinks this child will be some sort of saviour for our family, as if we are already not broken beyond repair," He looks forward, back into the younger woman's eyes, and gently grabs her hand. "I want only a handful of things right now. Fatherhood is not among them," His thumb softly runs over her knuckles, the action almost distracting Arabella from the current predicament. 

"It should be," She frowns. "This is a chance for you to undo all the cruelty that Mikael forced upon you, Nik," She's never called him that before, yet it feels right, in this moment. Klaus' heartbeat picks up at the use of his nickname on her lips. Arabella squeezes his hand back, earnestly looking up into his eyes. "You shouldn't focus on being king, you should focus on being a dad."

"What good will a child offer me?"

"That's for you to figure out," Arabella smiles sadly. "I can't be there holding you back from that."

"You won't be holding me back," Klaus' other hand reaches up, warmly placed against her neck and jaw. She almost melts into his hold. "I'm taking my city back, and I need you there."

"You don't need me--"

"I do," He cuts her off firmly, staring down into her emerald eyes. For a moment, the surrounding bedroom fades away, and Arabella only feels Klaus. She only sees him, finding herself leaning towards him, and the comfort and safety he ironically holds.

However, she quickly snaps out of it, clearing her throat and looking away. Klaus, defeated, drops his hands to his sides.

"Please, Arabella. Consider my offer," He presses. She looks up, swallowing down the sudden lump in her throat and nods.

"I will."

A part of her knows that's not true.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"Stefan?" Arabella knocks rapidly, yet quietly, on the door to Stefan's bedroom, listening intently. She can hear his breathing, coming out quickly enough to indicate he's awake. Well, he's awake now. "You awake?"


"Stefan, c'mon, open the door," Arabella sighs, pressing her forehead against the wood. "It's important," There's shuffling on the other side, but after a moment, Stefan throws the door open. His eyes are groggy, hair's a mess, and white tank is wrinkled as he leans against the doorframe, half asleep.

"It better be. You know how late it is?"

"Okay, so remember, when we were younger, and I would have a fight with my sisters, or my mom, and I really needed someone to talk to so I would sneak into your house in the middle of the night to have a chat?" Arabella rambles quickly without taking a breath, her foot tapping nervously. "And then I would rant, and one of us would laugh too loud, and then Giuseppe would bust us, call me a racial slur, and kick me out?" Stefan stares at her blankly.

"Uh... y-yeah?"

"I really need that right now," Arabella swallows, her brows etched together anxiously. She quickly adds, "Y'know, without the Giuseppe, or racial slurs," Stefan raises a brow at his sister in confusion, but steps aside nonetheless.

"So," He flicks on a lamp and takes a seat in an armchair across from her. "What's wrong?" 

So, Arabella tells him everything. Starting from her time in New Orleans back in the 70's, to Klaus showing up in her room, which Stefan found slightly alarming that she didn't find it as creepy as she should. And ending, with him bidding farewell and leaving back through her window. For a moment, the two almost feel human again, sharing problems. Only this time, the problem involves a thousand year old Original hybrid and a miracle baby. After forcing Stefan to vow to silence about the pregnancy, Arabella sits back in her chair, waiting nervously for him to say something.

"W- wow," Stefan rubs the back of his neck thoughtfully, not fully comprehending a word of what was just said to him in his sleepy state. "A kid? I can't even imagine Klaus as a dad."

"You and me both," Arabella's head falls into her hands.

"You're not actually considering the offer, are you?" She chews on her bottom lip.

"Is it bad that I might be?"

"I mean," Stefan shrugs, thinking for the right words. "Yeah," He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Ara, if this is about your feelings for Klaus--"

"Three years, Stef," Arabella cuts in, looking up. "That's a longass time. I assure you, this has nothing to do with Klaus," A lie, but he doesn't need to know that. 

"I know. And I'm sorry, but let's be honest," Stefan tilts his head to the side. "You go there, and you're gonna get mixed up in all this Mikaelson family drama crap. How are you even gonna fit in there? Eventually, Klaus is going to focus on his kid-- whether it's to be an actual dad, or to use an heir to his advantage. You're gonna get left behind, without anyone backing your corner, and this Marcel guy is gonna imprison you all over again."

Arabella says nothing, staring down at her hands thoughtfully. He's right. As much as she hates to admit it, Stefan is right. She would love to believe that Klaus is going to stick by his word, but in all honesty, how does she know that's true? He's already broken it multiple times now. How is this time any different?

"You're probably right," Arabella says quietly, after a few silent moments. Stefan nods.

"So what are you doing to do?"

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

The last two weeks or so have been more hectic than the entire year combined. At least, Arabella thinks so. With Elena getting her humanity back on, then immediately deciding to kill Katherine, Silas running about and creating problems, and graduation approaching, it's been a headache.

Not to mention, she still hasn't given Klaus an answer. To be fair, though, he hasn't exactly called or texted either. Not that she can expect him to, seeing as he has quite a bit on his plate.

However, this morning, as Arabella trudges down the stairs, it feels like matters have only gotten worse. There were run ins with Silas a few days ago, though he only proved his power by besting all of them. She can't exactly see a winning situation in all this. However, as long as the Other Side stays up, they should be fine.

It's early-- far too early. Five in the morning, to be precise. For once, Arabella can't sleep at all, and she doubts it has to do with the upcoming graduation later today.

Stifling a yawn, she walks up to the cabinets in the kitchen and pulls out a brand new bottle of scotch, popping the lid off easily and taking a long swig.

"Well, it's a little early for drinkin', don't ya think, darling?"

The bottle slips from Arabella's fingers and crashes to the floor. She barely notices, a ringing in her ears as her heart beats at an alarming rate.

That voice...

That's impossible. There is absolutely no way.

She slowly turns around, the tears already welling up in her eyes. A strangled gasp escapes her throat as her assumptions are proved true.

Those round, warm hazel eyes, soft auburn locks, and crooked grin... It's impossible.

Arabella's hand flies to the counter, gripping it tightly to keep from falling over as a rush of nausea washes over her.


•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Author's Note:

Dun, Dun, DUNNNN

Gonna leave it on a cliffhanger, cause those are always fun :D

Anyways, I know a lot of people kept commenting and hoping that Hayley wouldn't be pregnant with Klaus' kid, but before you attack, just hear me out. I promise you, it is VERY important to Klaus and Arabella's storyline that Hayley gets pregnant. I'm already well into writing book 2, and trust me, they will still have their very own special little relationship even with a new baby entering the pic. Please don't hate me too much<3

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please comment and vote, thnx! 

