•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"Honey, I'm home," Arabella throws the door open to Alaric's apartment, striding in. She's in a fairly good mood today. Not only is it the weekend, but she actually had yesterday all to herself, without any annoyance from fellow Salvatores or cocky Originals.

Apparently, there was some sort of ghost issue in Mystic Falls, but it wasn't exactly her problem. She saw no one of interest, and as far as Arabella was concerned, Bonnie handled the situation perfectly.

However, apparently, Damon and Alaric found something of interest last night in the old Lockwood cellar that they needed her help with. So she agreed to meet them at Alaric's apartment that morning.

"Bella Boo!" Damon grins at her, standing across from an irritated Elena. "Please tell our doppelganger friend here she's a horrible fighter."

"Ric, what's up?" Arabella ignores him, coming by the history teacher. He stands over his desk, multiple photos and documents scattered across it. "Woah. What is this?"

"We found it in the cellars, but I don't think it's from the Lockwoods'," Alaric explains, handing her a few photos. Arabella takes them, setting her bag down and frowning.

"This is Runic," She observes, taking a seat in the spare chair. "This is, like, ancient."

"Yeah, from the Vikings," Alaric nods, pointing at them. "You fluent?"

"I know a bit from a class I took back in the 40's," Arabella shrugs, squinting at the photos. "Kol... Finn... Rebekah... Esther... wait. Is this the Original Family?"

"I think so, but that's not the surprising part," Alaric jabs his finger on the photos. "Keep reading," Arabella raises a brow up at him, but turns back to the photographs nonetheless.

"Niklaus... psh, that's a stupid name. More so than Klaus," Alaric chuckles at her words. "Elijah... holy shit," She stops suddenly, standing straight. "Mikael?!"

"Papa Original," Damon corrects, smirking.

"Mikael is their father," Alaric confirms, sliding a few more photos over. "These one's talk about a weapon. I think it may be the weapon he wields to kill them."

"Why would he want to kill them if he's their father?" Arabella frowns, looking up. "He really hated his kids that much?"

"Dads, am I right?" Damon pipes. Arabella rolls her eyes.

"So these scriptures... their the story of the Original Family?"

"Well, then, let's go straight to the source," Elena shoves Damon away from her and walks up to the desk. Arabella nods.

"You and Dame go do that-- I'll stay here with Alaric and continue deciphering this."

Damon and Elena go to complete their tasks, leaving Alaric and Arabella alone to try and understand. He hands her a textbook to help with the translations.

"That," Arabella jabs her finger on a circular shaped symbol. "I've seen that before. Where?" Alaric leans towards her, studying the photo and frowning.

"So have I..." He picks up the photograph. "But I could be wrong. Hold on, lemme go call Bonnie really quick," Arabella nods, turning back to the textbook.

Bonnie arrives later on, also revealing that the symbol is derived from the necklace Rebekah owned and got passed down to Elena, which means witch. After quite a bit of time, Arabella stands up to go call Damon, just to make sure he hasn't gotten himself into more trouble.

"Bella, kinda busy right now," He sounds irritated as he answers the phone.

"Hey, where are you? I think we might be getting somewhere," Arabella runs a hand through her curls. She frowns when Damon is silent. "What did you do?"

"Why do you always assume I did something?"

"Because I know you Damon, and you do nothing but cause trouble," Arabella snaps. "Now what did you do?"

"May or may not have let our brother loose," Damon tries to sound as nonchalant as possible, but it fails at his last remark. "And lured Mikael to town."

"You did what?"

"Trust me sister," With that, he hangs up the phone.

"Idiot," She grumbles, stuffing her phone back into her coat pocket.

"Arabella," Alaric calls her back to the desk. "Elena finished up with Rebekah. I think we just may have answers."

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

"Who the hell are you?"

Arabella would normally be a bit more alert if she found a stranger in her home, but that seems to be a more and more common occurrence nowadays. The newest resident is a middle aged, blonde man with deep frown lines and cold blue eyes, pouring himself a drink.

She had just come back from translating with Alaric, needing to begin getting ready for Homecoming. Not that she wants to go, but it's where her brothers will be and she's trying to keep an eye on them now that Klaus is coming to town.

"Mikael," He narrows his eyes at her. "You don't smell completely vampire. What are you?"

"Tired and overworked," Arabella grumbles, frowning at him. "So you're the infamous Papa Klaus I've been hearing about."

"Niklaus is not my son," Mikael snaps. "That abomination is the reason I am here. To kill him, once and for all."

"Right," Arabella stretches the word out, side eyeing him. "Well, I'm all for it. Klaus is evil, and I want him gone."

"I wanted him gone long before he became the 'great evil' he is today," Mikael takes a sip of his liquor. "That bastard has brought me nothing but shame."

"That's why you want him dead?" Arabella turns fully towards him, crossing her arms. "Because he's a bastard?"

"Is that judgement I sense in your tone?"

"Don't get me wrong, I want Klaus dead just as much as the next guy," Arabella holds up her hands in defense. "But wanting him dead because your wife's a hoe? Not really something he can control, is it?" Mikael speeds up to her, smashing the glass onto the floor.

"Keep defending that sorry excuse for a man and I will serve your head on a platter for his fellow abominations to feast on!" Mikael bellows into her face. "How dare you try to question me."

"Hey, take it easy, big guy," Damon speeds into the room, shoving Mikael away from his sister. He turns his head slightly to Arabella. "In what world did you think it smart to pick a fight with him?"

"You should listen to him, girl," The eldest Original glares. "A small, frail woman like yourself shouldn't try to pick a fight with me."

"This is the guy you want to kill Klaus?" Arabella hisses, smacking her brothers arm. "The guy's more annoying than his son."

"Niklaus is not my-- !"

"Okay, we get it!" Arabella barks, cutting him off. "You hate Klaus because your sad your wifey cheated on you. Get over yourself and grow a pair, would you?"

"What is wrong with you?" Damon berates, shooting her a pointed look. "Are you trying to get yourself killed? Since when do you defend the hybrid?"

"I don't. But being a bastard child myself, I just don't see that as a reason to hate someone," Arabella maintains eye contact with Mikael as she speaks to Damon. "There are a million reasons to hate that man. That is not one of them," With that, she storms out of the room, Damon following closely behind.

"He's helping us, genius," The eldest snaps. Arabella sighs, slowing down so he can keep up. "Try maybe not pissing him off? And also maybe not kissing Klaus' ass while your at it?"

"Shut the hell up, Damon," She grumbles. "I despise Klaus, but I think I just might despise that man more, if even possible."

"You don't have to marry the guy. Just keep personal opinions to yourself," Damon flicks her forehead. "What happened to brains over feelings? I thought that was your thing."

"I spent my entire childhood getting hated on by other children because I was the result of an affair," Arabella halts in her tracks, turning towards him. "It's a touchy subject. You know this."

"Yeah, well, no one ever said the Originals were a perfect family," Damon shrugs. "Just behave, will you?"

"No promises," Arabella smirks, walking upstairs.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

It took about an hour to do her makeup and find an outfit, and another hour to straighten her stubborn curls, but Arabella was finally ready. She had settled for a simple, cadet blue dress with lace coating the bodice, and strappy white heels. Perfectly boring for a 21st century homecoming dance.

She still didn't really see the appeal in this sort of thing.

Arabella picks up her phone, finding a text from Caroline. Apparently, the Homecoming dance had been moved to the Lockwood Mansion. Something about the sudden change of location seemed awfully... Klausy.

"Hey, Damon, I'm leav-- ugh. Ew," Arabella halts to a stop outside the doorway to the bedroom, staring in disgust at Rebekah's desiccated body. "I really hate dead vampires. Why do they have to look so gross?"

"Oh, that's all Elena," Damon smiles proudly, pointing at the troubled human. She sits cross legged on the bed, looking guilty. Arabella's brows shoot up.

"Really?" She nods, impressed. "Nice. Well, I'm out of here. Let me know when it's time to off Klaus."

Arabella speeds down to her car and starts it up, going a bit over the speed limit to get the Lockwood's. She groans as she sees how incredibly packed the home is. This night isn't going to be fun. Arabella parks her car somewhere easy to make a getaway, and strides into the packed mansion.

"Arabella!" Caroline's voice catches her attention as the Salvatore walks into the backyard, dodging drunken teens. "God, can you believe this?"

"Believe what? That these people are getting drunk off punch?" Arabella scoffs, watching as some teenage boy screams some gibberish and earns a roar of applause.

"Tyler's sired to Klaus--"

"Dog boy is sired?" Arabella is surprised. She hadn't heard that piece of information yet. "Well, can't say I didn't have a hunch."

"He's acting like a total jerk!" Caroline stomps her foot, huffing. "I can't wait until Klaus is dead."

"Shh, he might here you," Arabella holds a finger up, nodding to where Klaus stands, surrounded by a group of people. She narrows her eyes. The aura she gets off of them... it's similar to Klaus and Tyler's. Great. More hybrids. Caroline glares.

"I spent weeks on this dance, and now, Klaus is going to ruin it," She rolls her eyes. "I hate my life."

"Makes two of us," Arabella gives her a tight lipped smile. "I'm gonna go get a drink," She leaves the blonde and turns back towards the house, hoping to find a spare bottle of bourbon lying around somewhere.

She finally finds a pack of beers, grabbing the six pack and plopping down on a spare bench, watching as the people dance and chatter amongst themselves. Oh how she wishes to be as naive and stupid as these human teens. It must be so relaxing.

"I heard you weren't fond of dances," Arabella holds back an eye roll as Klaus takes a seat beside her. "Yet here you are."

"Great observation, Sherlock," She smiles sarcastically. "Want a cookie?"

Klaus simply chuckles, further annoying her. "You seem stressed."

"I'm not stressed, I just don't like you."

"I hope you and your eldest brother aren't planning anything tonight," Klaus stares straight ahead, tapping his fingers against the beer bottle he holds. "Because if I die, I've compelled my hybrids to kill Damon alongside me. Even in my death, they obey their orders."

"And what? I'm free to walk?" Arabella narrows her eyes. "What's your game, man?"

"Perhaps I simply don't wish to see you dead, Arabella. Did you ever think of that?" Klaus tilts his head slightly so he looks at her. "Make sure Damon gets my warning," Standing up, he adds with a cocky smirk, "You look lovely tonight, by the way."

As soon as Klaus walks away, Arabella lets out a shudder. "Ugh," She grimaces at his back, knowing full and well that he can hear her. But a small part of her does a mini backflip at his words.

She wants to stab that small part of her with a vervain soaked stake.

Arabella jumps up and goes on a quest to find Damon, wherever he might be. Probably feeding on some poor girl, if she's being realistic.

Arabella is fairly surprised to find him standing in one of the guest bedrooms, fixing his tie.

"Hello, sister," He greets, meeting her eyes in the mirror. "What's up?"

"You're not planning on trying to kill Klaus yourself, right?" She whispers, knowing there are hybrid ears everywhere.

"No. That would be stupid," Damon scoffs, but she can sense the lies in his tone.

"Do you take me for an idiot?"

"Sometimes, if we're being honest," Damon turns around with a smirk. Arabella glares at him.

"I'm being for real, Dame. He threatened to sike his hybrids on you if anything happens to him. Let Mikael handle Klaus."

"That was always the plan, Bella Boo," Damon brushes past her, leaving the room. Somehow, Arabella doubts his words. It's almost as if Damon has a history of lying. How about that?

Arabella walks over to the mirror, running her fingers through her hair to smoothen it out. Her ears perk up a bit as she hears Mikael's voice from downstairs.

Speeding down, she comes to stand behind a wall, peeking her head around to find Mikael and Klaus speaking with each other, Mikael holding Elena by the arm. Klaus has a tear trickling down his cheek as he listens to his step-father's words.

"How about that. He has a heart," Arabella murmurs to herself.

"Not after this, he won't," Damon comes up beside her, also peeking his head over. Arabella glares at him, turning her attention back to Mikael and Klaus.

"You seem awfully calm for someone's who girlfriend is about to die," She whispers. Suddenly, her pale green eyes widen. "Unless..."

The next series of events happen so quickly, if you blinked, you'd miss it. Mikael stabs Elena, or as Arabella had come to realize, Katherine, through the stomach, much to Klaus' surprise. Damon speeds from Arabella's side to Klaus, driving a white oak stake through his stomach as an agonizing scream rips from his throat. Katherine jumps up from the floor, shocking Mikael as she launches two wolfsbane grenades at the hybrids.

Bur Arabella doesn't have time to pay attention to the doppelganger or Mikael. She watches with wide eyes as Damon flips Klaus over, ripping the stake from his stomach and holding it over his head, ready to attack.

Not if she can help it.

"Motus!" Arabella holds a hand out, throwing Damon back a few yards, the stake clattering to the ground.

She speeds over to it, crouching on the ground beside where an injured Klaus lays. She picks it up, looking over at the Original hybrid. His ocean colored eyes follow her closely, and for the first time, she sees genuine fear in them.

Arabella shoves the stake against his chest, handing it over to him. "Damon lives," She orders. "And Stefan is free," Klaus' hand lays over hers, prying the stake from her fingers. Wordlessly, he tilts his head slightly down, in an unspoken agreement.

Arabella lets out a breath she had been holding as Klaus speeds away from her, tackling and killing Mikael, once and for all. She turns towards her brother, who stares at her with wide, angry eyes.

"What the hell did you do?"

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

Arabella walks down the stairs of the boarding home later that night, a backpack slung over her shoulder. She stops in front of the library, where Damon and Elena reside.

"You blew our one chance," Damon doesn't look up from the fireplace as he speaks with a dangerous calm. "To finally get rid of Klaus."

"He was going to kill you, Damon," Arabella tiredly explains. "Don't play stupid."

"I'm playing stupid?!" Damon thunders, whipping around. Elena flinches at his sudden change of tone. "You are the one who decided to hand over the one weapon we had to kill Klaus! Is this because you're both sad little bastard children? You're way of getting back at Mikael for humiliating you?"

"God, shut up, please," Arabella glares at him. "Like I'm all of a sudden the prideful one in this family."

"Right, because you're perfect," Damon laughs rudely. He knows his words aren't going anywhere well, but he's too angry to care right now. "You're the one who uses logic, the smart one. The one who always saves the day. And yet, you still can't seem to get over something that happened a century ago."

A tear threatens to slide down Arabella's cheek at his words, not quite registering that Damon really just said this to her.

"I'm leaving," Arabella decides to not acknowledge his words at all. "I was hoping we could exchange civil goodbyes, but I see that's not not happening. See you in a century, brother."

And just like, Arabella Salvatore leaves Mystic Falls once again.

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
