Chapter 6

"and thats how I took care of the lightning bird back at south africa, before it could ever bring harm to other people." jake

Jake was now on a phone call with dutuer, where he and his family just arrived back at manila.

"i see. Glad you are ok then. And what about the power stone?"

"i gave it to the proper authorities. Some men in black just came on our room in the night, so that they can retrieve the stone."

"whoa, hold up. Some guys in black suits came to your room?!"

"yes, but don't worry. President mata was there among the men and I showed him the power stone."

"whew, glad to know."

"anyways, do you have any other news?"

"no, aside from that the south africa will eventually pay you back for the save, nothing else. But im wondering, how does these events fall into place."

"i know right? There has to be some kind of setting wherein one of the 3 forces would temper with nature. And why now?"

"you think that it would be either of the 3 forces at work with this?"

"yes. As to why, I don't really care."

"well, as you say, ignorance is bliss. So not knowing the reason would be total ignorance for you."

"good point. Will just hold onto that question until someone knows the answers."

"well, thats maybe all for now I guess." dutuer said before cutting the line

"hahh.. manila, were back again with traffic on the streets." jake

They were now on the streets of manila and coming back to their home. After some time in traffic, they finally arrived at their home after a long vacation.


"hello?" jake answered his phone

He was now in the middle of unpacking his clothes from the trip.

"hello jake, this is dutuer again."

"yes sir, what is it?"

"we currently have an escapee from china which would like to speak with you, and is in custody of the PSG. What would you like to do?"

"hes just going to be deported by tomorrow right? So I will go and visit by then. Though if you manage to get info on what they want, that would be great as well sir."

"i see. Alright, I will do what I can with the chinese. And the person is a woman by the way."

"oh, alright then. And speaking of women, how was ai yukino?"

"whose that?"

"the one who sought assylum in the philippine embassy in japan."

"oh, right. It was agreed that she would be given some benefits, and an opportunity for a job in japan, which was why I just didn't accept her."

"i see. Thats good. Since she now has an opportunity to start over and live by herself."

"yes, that would be true."

"by the way, which side is japan and south africa with?"

"according to them, japan is with the science side nowadays, despite of a few of them still believing in their shamans. While south africa is with magic I guess, since president mata told me about it the other time. Why are you also asking me about this jake?"

"well, its just curiousity asking."

"i see. well, that would be all for now I guess." dutuer said before he cuts the line

After that, jake continues to unpack his things, before telling them his schedule for the next day. The next day, jake flies towards the malacanang where the chinese was being questioned.

"how is the questioning?" jake said as he just arrived

Jake and tuba were now outside a room at the malacanang where the chinese is being questioned gently, and with translators since she cant yet fully communicate with english.

"the questioning is proceeding well I guess. We did manage to get her name and where she comes from." tuba

"So whats her name and where did she come from?"

"her name is lim pai pai and she comes from chengdu, which is also a long was from any major airport in china by the way." tuba

"i see. So, what is her concern?"

"i think that she would like to speak to you personally about it. She wont even tell us."

"alright, lets both go inside the room now to find out." jake said before they entered the room.

There, the chinese woman finally met jake with tears and hugs him.

"whoa, whats the matter miss?" jake said as he pats her

"please help me." paipai said in english

"oh? You can speak in english? Or you can just understand it?" jake said as she lets go of him

Paipai said something in chinese, where they all turn to the translator.

"she said that thank buddha that you have come jake. she also said that you must avenge her parents." the translator said

"i see now. Please sit, and tell me everything that you know." jake said before they both sat on a chair

Paipai said something in chinese again.

"she said that there are rumors in the underground net about you, the monster slayer, and that she has come to give you information about china." the translator said

"what kind of information will you give me?" jake

She then produced her phone which she used to let him see pictures that she has saved from the chinese underground network, of a dragon, a giant turtle, a white tiger, and signs of a red bird. And Paipai said something in chinese again.

"she said these are the images of china now. where the azure dragon is in beijing, the black turtle is in tianjin, the white tiger is seen in the forests of chengdu, and the vermillion bird is last seen in the mountains of the yunnan province." the translator said as she was also wide eyed about what she saw

"i see." jake

"if word gets out of these creatures existence, there will be war between china and philippines." the translator said

"why?" both jake and tuba said

"because china is sort of very secretive with their stuff. Besides, all these creatures might not mean no harm to people, since they all represent luck and power." the translator said
Paipai said something in chinese again.

"what? It cant be true." the translator said as paipai agrees its true

"what did she say?" tuba

"she said that she believes her missing parents were killed at the forest of chengdu. Her parents were both travelling back from work towards their home in the city, but then they didn't come home day after day." the translator said

"hmm.. maybe the white tiger ate them perhaps?" jake said before paipai cries

"well, in other words, the tiger also represent war. So perhaps you are right about it." the translator said as she tend to paipai crying

"sorry paipai, but jake cant just move without authorization from your govenment." tuba

"yes, I agree. We appreciate the info, but I just cant do anything about it." jake said sadly

Paipai said something in chinese again while crying.

"what did she say?" jake

"she said, whatever it takes, she must find assylum here. Apparently, she got no other place to go and she left her relatives in china just for this." the translator said

"its true I can do something about it--" jake

Tuba cuts him off, "wait jake! If you do this, you will be waging war between china and the philippines. This isnt like that time in japan you know."

"yes, I know. But I was going to say to paipai that its a very delicate process to request some aid from another country."

"oh.. and besides, they arent quite moving yet right?" tuba said to the translator

"yes they arent, for the moment." the translator said

"i see. If thats all, then I will now head back." jake said as he stood

"thanks jake, for being here. She just wouldnt say anything without you around." tuba said as jake grabs the door

"no, it was good information." jake

"we will take care of the rest. Thanks again!" tuba said before jake gets out of the room

Jake then returns back home to tell the story to his family over dinner, while watching the news.

"this is jessica larsect live from washington, at the white house, where the president will now be addressing the people."

"hello everyone, this is president tramp. Today, i will explain about our countrys crisis. At 1am earlier, we have determined the source of an epidemic, right here in the USA, which lets you turn into a zombie. It all started at a facility near nevada, now some places in nevada are under a state of calamity. Please remain indoors for your own safety guys." Tramp said at the white house

"Mr president, what would you say about seeking the help of jake burns, the monster hunter?" A reporter said

"What?! You really believe in that crap? That may be fake news for all i care!" Tramp

"But jake burns is really true, and he has already been around in some countries helping them with their monster problems!" That reporter said

"Just where does he come from?" Tramp

"From the philippines sir." That reporter said

"If its from the philippines, there are so many fake news there that i cant even count. Not gonna trust that source." Tramp

"He has already been in japan and africa sir, dont you think--" that reporter said

Tramp cuts the reporter off, "enough! Anyways, we will take care of this our own way. I have already made america great again, and this wont stop me from making it even greater."

"Alright then, will you ask for other countries for help with this crisis?" Another reporter asks

"No! America can take care of itself! We got the finest soldiers and the most advanced technologies known to man!" Tramp

"ok, then how will this crisis be handled?" another reporter asks

"with the help of our army and police, we will shoot those zombies if they ever try to resist us. If they wont, then they will be treated like any other patient." tramp

"what if they all wont stop? What if there is no cure?" a reporter said

"nonsense! With the help of the WHO, we WILL find a cure for this pandemic thats striking our great country." tramp

"so for the meantime, its shoot the zombie, is that right?" that reporter said

"if the zombies persist of course. If it cant understand words no more, thats the time we shoot them at the head! Where their weakness are." tramp

"dont you think that a power stone is doing this?" a reporter said

"whats a power stone?" tramp

"i guess you havent been paying much attention to other countrys news." that reporter said

"i do have paid attention to other countries news, and I asses that some of the news is fake! Again, whats a power stone?" tramp

"its a stone of power, no one actually knows yet the full implications of a power stone." that reporter said

"and where did you hear this?" tramp

"in the philippine news, like its already aired in maybe like all countries I guess." that reporter said

"hahh.. like I said--" tramp said before a general besides him stopped him from his tracks.
After that, tramp just went away towards the back.

"well, it looks like he went away after that humiliating--I mean from his speech. Back to you ted." jessica

"hahh.. it looks like ignorance is truly bliss." jake

They were now at the dinner table where they were all listening to the news.

"yeah, talk about a big ball of pride." joy

"anyways, lets just enjoy dinner guys." jacob said as emma agrees

There at an unknown location..

"Is everything proceeding as planned?" The leader said in the darkness

"Yes." One said as everyone else agrees

"with the downfall of america, nothing can stop us from conquering the americas!" The leader said with a slight evil laugh

After a few more days, there were no requests for him at the moment, so he is helping the new family store at the meantime.


"hello?" jake answered his phone

"hello jake, this is dutuer speaking."

"hello sir, do I have any requests yet?"

"yes, and you wont like it."

"what is it, please tell me."

"its the US president howard tramp, he is asking for your assistance on the matter."

"whats the matter?"

"you already saw the news right? About their country's zombie crisis. Apparently, he needs help with that."

"i see. Well, tell him I wont help america in any way. I have already helped them enough by letting them decode my genome and let them go back home without any fuss."

"well, you see jake, they are very desperate. If you wont help, then they will be forced to nuke the country. And while thats happening, other countries like russia might also want to strike them, and our senators and advisers really advice for you to go there."

"whats so important about america that really needs saving anyways?"

"i do agree with you, but their generals are really insisting, so this puts so much pressure on me right now. So if you can at least try to help them, that would be good for me as well."

"i know.. hahh.. say this to them then. I will accept helping them with their problem, but I would need something from them as well."

"whatever you need jake."

"let them apologize in public, and properly explain to the public what is really going on behind the scenes. And I mean about the secret war between the 3 forces, science, magic, and the nazis."

"got it. Anything else?"

"just one more. If they ever try to hurt me in any way while im there, or they lay a hand at my family, not only will they feel my wrath but justice will be served to them after all this time."

"got it. I will relay what you said to the US president and let him explain about everything."

"whew! That was a load out of my chest. So, what else?"

"nothing more, just wanted to let you know on the situation at hand."

"well, too much power in any human would make them be tempted to do anything, specially if that human didn't go through any hardships getting such power."

"what do you mean?"

"i mean that im glad im in the philippines and at the middle class, so that I can understand a bit of both sides of the spectrum."

"i see. Im glad you are here too, and not there."

"yes, the americans already have too much power at their hands, and the other powers cant also be fully trusted, all because of their hidden agendas."

"yes, you are certainly right jake. Like you said, pride is nothing compared to doing the right thing. I hope im also doing the right thing with your demands."

"you are doing the right thing sir, I believe in you which is why I agreed to help them under those conditions."

"i see. And maybe thats all for now I guess." dutuer said before cutting the line

"what did the president say son? And why were you in a bad mood all of a sudden?" jacob said as he was cleaning the store again

It was now afternoon where the customers are now low, that they were able to slowly close up for the day. Jake was counting the money in the register, jacob doing the cleaning, while emma doing the counting for stocks.

"oh, its just the americans. They wanted my help for their stupid problem." jake

"why not go to help them jake?" emma said going out of the storage room

"you guys already know what they did to me right?" jake said angrily

"ok, alright. We get it, but don't get angry here alright. Remember what you said, you must contain your anger at all times." jacob

"or else your powers might lose control, got it." jake said after some breathing exercises

"and now whats left is, to watch for the presidents reaction at the news." emma

"yes, the people would surely revolt, but its really a small price to pay to save america right?" jake said with a gesture

After that, after a few more days, there was then some progress.


"hello?" jake answered

The call was made right after their dinner, where they were still tuned to the news.

"hello jake, this is dutuer again."

"hello sir, whats the matter for today?"

"guess what? The americans finally agreed on your terms."

"so, whats the downside?"

"hahh.. I guess I cant also hide this from you. They don't want to explain about the secret war, but they agree to the public apology and to never harm you or your family while you are in america."

"hmm.." jake was in deep thought

"well, americans are always about their promises anyways, so why don't you tune in to the news for now?"

"sure. Will do that after this call."

"well, got lots to do. Will discuss the rest of the details by tomorrow where they will also be the ones to pick you up."

"alright then." jake said before they cut the line

They were now at the living room that time where they just had dinner.

"dad, can you turn the TV to international news?" jake

"sure, why?" jacob

"cause president tramp is might be going live today." jake

"im still watching something, can you just tune in to social media for it?" jacob
"alright then." jake said before he tunes in to his phone and to watch tramps live address to the people, while sitting in the couch.

"greetings people of america. I am now here for a grave news to you all. But first, i must apologize and seek help from a person. On behalf of the USA, i apologize and seek your help, jake burns. I will now have general bruce take over." Tramp said in his short speech before the general takes over

"Some days back, one of our clients demanded that an agent of theirs to be out of their company, due to his almost excellent record maybe. So as one of our biggest providers and financers, we just had to fulfill his demand, even if it may be a bit unreasable. But to think that he would also make our soldiers pressure the victim to quitting his own job, as the victim stayed strong to his job in spite of all the emotional breakdowns we have seen. And as we did not also know that he was also subjected to voodoo, we continued to pressure him to just quitting his job. Though as the soldiers didnt care at all, the irresponsibly made the victim kill himself, also due to the fact that the victim is very sharp and is unexpectedly a bit of a science nerd himself. So as the days went by, he eventually quit his job and came home, but the fact that he has connections made him more of a target for erasure to the existence of the project. But eventually, we noticed something off about him that made him from target to observatory target, he glowed in ultraviolet light. So for further study, we had to get him to america to help him if possible, but it failed miserably as our soldiers were all taken out be his lightning. So coming from us, its too early to say if his gifts are from a mutation in his gene or from the gods, since his genetic makeup shows slight alterations, which proves that he is a mutant. And the person we are referring to is jake burns." Bruce

"General bruce whales! So is the secret war between the 3 factions as jake burns said, is really true?" A reporter said

"I have no comment on that, so does the president. Though what we can say is that the threat of monsters in this present time is real, and we will need his help." Bruce

"Earlier, the president said that we can handle this situation by ourselves, isnt this contradictory?" A reporter said

"Yes it is, and he takes what he said back. Right after hearing the truth from us generals." Bruce said as tramp agrees

"As the president now had a reliable source, why say all this now that its almost too late?" That reporter said

"He believed in america, and doing so to the end. It is us generals who advized him to seek help from jake burns." Bruce said as tramp strongly agrees

"So, what do we do now? Almost half of the american population is now zombified while rumors has it that a virus is currently spreading across the country. Whats more is that you have also cut funds to the WHO which is only doing its duty for the country." A reporter said

"We will plan everything for the meantime. for now, getting help from jake burns remains inportant factor to the success of this strategy." Bruce

With that said, they they got out of the stage and into the backdoor, leaving all the reporters with some other questions left unasked.

"Hahh.. finally, some justice." Jake said on the couch

"But bro, they didnt tell on how they manage to brainwash you." Joy said behind him

"Yeah, i know. But the main thing now is that they apologized, and explained majority of the truth to the public, so thats enough for me." Jake said as he stood up

"Where are you going jake?" Jacob

"To my room to pack some things, cause im going to america tomorrow." Jake said confidently

The next day, after jake told his family about the trip to america, he set then set out towards clark international airport where a military cargo plane was waiting for him as well.

"Commander will willis, at your service! Its a great honor to see the great monster hunter!" Will said with a salute

They were now below the hatch of the plane where the soldiers met with jake.

"Im chris ravenger."

"And im evans stone."

"Is this all my welcoming party?" Jake said smiling

"We are the only ones here for now, as this is only a supply mission, plus you as extra service." Will

"I see." Jake

"Can i have your sign? My son is a fan of yours." Chris said handing over a pen and paper

"No fair! Me too! For my sons!" Evans said as he searches for pen and paper

"Haha, dont worry guys. I will just half the paper just for you two. Its just a signature." Jake

"Just a signature? Do you even know how much your worth is now jake burns?" Will

"No, why?" Jake

"OMG, your now worth as much as the philippine president jake! Worth 3 million dollars! And counting!" Will

"Ok, haha. I just want to save lives, thats all." Jake said embarrassed

"And thats what makes you a hero jake! Though you dont quite have enough exposure since your with the military." Chris

"Alright then, thanks anyways everyone." Jake said smiling, as he also signs the papers

With that, jake goes to america, where the plane flew straight to oklahoma. Then after some time of flying, they have arrived at altus airforce base, in oklahoma.

"hahh.. good to touch the ground." jake
he was now at the hatch where many military personnel comes and goes, and with his sun glasses.

"hey sir will, what now? Do I get a flight to washington or something?" jake said to will who just passed by

"oh, for that, there is a helicopter waiting for you. Please wait for a while, will get these stuff out of the cargo hold before I will escort you to the helicopter." will

"it seems that you will be stuck here for a while." chris said as he appears at jakes side

"oh, you were there chris? Can you escort jake to hangar 2?" will said to chris

"oh, ok then. It would be my pleasure." chris said with a salute. "come with me jake, will lead you to the chopper."

With that said, jake followed chris to hangar 2 where the helicopter was waiting for him to arrive.

"hello jake burns, my name is agent angela hunt from the secret service. Im here to take you to the president." angela said as she points jake to the helicopter

"ok, so when do I start?" jake said as he gets on the helicopter

"we will start once you and the pentagon will reach to an agreement in strategy." angela

"i see. Thats good." jake said as the helicopter closes its door

With jake on the helicopter, they now begin to fly towards the pentagon where the president and the generals are all waiting eagerly for him.

"Glad your here jake burns! Follow me!" Bruce said after jake got out of the helicopter

"How is the situation going?" Jake said following bruce

"Not good. We found the source but we also cant get near him, since hes got an army of zombies with him." Bruce said as they were walking towards the pentagon

"How about trying to just shoot them in the head?" Jake

"We already tried that, but they just keep coming and we dont have unlimited ammo you know. Right now, america is retaliating as much as it needs to." Bruce

"I see. So where is the source?" Jake

"At a military facility near nevada. We tried all we could, but no other option comes up to mind. Dont misunderstand, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so were just asking for your help temporarily." Bruce

"Why should i misunderstand? Its not as if i completely trust some american generals as well." Jake

"Good, lets keep it at that." Bruce said as they arrive at the lobby. "Stay here, we will come to you."

"Ok. Its not as if--" jake said with a gesture

Bruce cuts him off, "we know, but you have the power of lightning, so it may interfere with our systems."

"Dont worry, i got my lightning under control." Jake said wihh a thumbs up

"Hahh.. anyways, just stay here. Got it?" Bruce

"Yes sir." Jake said nonchalantly

Jake then waits for the generals and the president to come to the lobby, where there were also some people and soldiers who came to jake for a signature.

"Ahem! Were here!" Bruce said to jake who was surrounded by people and soldiers

The soldiers then went back to work as the people got back to their seats.

"Oh, president tramp, very nice to see you." Jake said reaching out a hand to shake

"Yes, i dont mind you being friendly and all, but this is all business, so lets keep it that way." Tramp

"Isnt also the etiquette in business to shake hands of their business partners?" Jake

"Hahh.." tramp said before he shook hands. "There, now lets get to business." He said as he signals the generals

"Jake burns, currently, you are labeled as an unknown class mutant, since your dna shows alterations or mutations that led you to your powers." Bruce said as he made jake ser a tablet with data on it. "Currently, we cant envision you winning against what we call, the zombie king. He was a professor at that facility when the power stone that he was researching on, latched into that professor and turned him into the zombie king."

"I see. So this was due to a research accident. He might have used some kind of power source to power up the power stone." Jake

"Yes, thats what we thought as well. Which is why our plan now is for you and an army to invade and occupy that said facility and you will bring down the zombie king. Thats your job right, as the monster hunter." Bruce

"Yes, but i also have an option." Jake

"Hmm.. what could that be?" Tramp said curious

"How about i also launch a lightning storm around the area and light up--" jake

They cut him off, "what?!"

"That would mean that our soldiers would also be fried if they get hit! No way!" Tramp

"But if they concentrate around me, then they wont." Jake said confidently

"No way! You aint gonna do that to us, no way!" Tramp

"Lets just stick with the plan shall we? Also, just how much power do you have with you jake?" Bruce said as the other generals calls for some scientists

"Just enough to light up a continent--" jake

They cut him off, "what?!"

"But if i do that, i would probably be asleep for 3 days straight afterwards." Jake

The other generals then orders the scientists to scan jake in that instant.

"Oh, alright then. So do you currently have your powers under control?" A general said

"Yes, very much that it wont show in any instrument." Jake

"Sir, he shows very little to none radiation, we have never seen something like him before." The scientist said

"I will say this just once, my powers are gifted by the gods. My lightning is from thor himself, and further enhanced and trained by the gods, specially with ares." Jake

"Nevertheless, it shows there in our findings that you are a mutant, so you are--" tramp

Jake cuts him off, "thats because you also forcefully activated my mutant genes. Right now, im all of the 3 forces, i have a third eye open, a mutant, and gifted by the gods."

"Hahh.. whatever! You are a mutant and thats that." Tramp

"Anyways, we shall proceed with the plan to have an army invade the place with you at the center." Bruce

"Ok then." Jake said with a gesture

"The plan starts by tomorrow at 0800 hours." Bruce

"How about if we start now?" Jake

"We still have to gather our soldiers by then." Bruce

"Hahh.. what if i go there by myself?" Jake

"What?!" They all said surprised

"But can you really do it?" Tramp

"But the odds of me beating the zombie king would be about 50/50." Jake

"Hahh.. what about we go for our original plan? Making our soldiers fight instead of a foreigner? Much less a filipino." Derik

"You know we cant do that general derik miles, the odds of success for that are too much not in our favor!" Bruce

"Yeah, you have been making the same statement ever since! Whats gotten into you man? The statistics speaks for itself!" Tramp said being a bit pissed off

"Yes sir, im sorry about that sir." Derik said while being frustrated

"We have already literally tried about everything we could against those zombies, you already know that right?" Bruce

Derik didnt answer and just shut his mouth as he exits

"Hahh.. sorry about that jake, hes just too proud of an old man." Bruce

"No worries, pride is nothing compared to doing the right thing." Jake

"True, and in any case, where would you like to stay? Here at the pentagon or at a hotel?" Tramp

"I would like the hotel option, and some free food please." Jake said with a smile

"Ok then, consider it done." Tramp

After that, jake was made to stay in a 3 star hotel near the pentagon, where he had free food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus snacks. Then at night, some time after he bathed, he called his parents before falling to sleep. But at the middle of the night, someone snuck into his room and i jected something on jake.

"Ouch!" Jake shouted as he suddenly woke up

There, jake noticed the persons and struck lightning to them all. Due to that incident, jake hadnt had much sleep at all due to what they had injected him with.

"Who and what did you inject me with here?!" Jake said crashing into the pentagon, just in time as the generals walked in

"What?! Just who did?" Derik

"Tell me now or else face the consequences!" Jake

"Just who could that be? I bet your just helpless right now." Derik

"What are you trying to imply here?" Jake and bruce said

"And like i said, who did it?" Jake said as his eyes glowed and electricity flows through his hands as he floats.

"S-so so very sorry that this has happened to you during our stay jake, please do forgive us." Bruce said begging

"B-but how?" Derik said as he was shocked

"Jake, i know this has been really frustrating for you, but please calm down. At least i know i didnt order this kind of attack against you." Bruce

"Whoa! Whats happening here?!" Tramp said as he witnessed an angry jake

"Here!" Jake threw the injection to the ground. "Someone injected me with something last night, and thanks to that, i didnt have a good nights sleep! And i have rashes!" Jake said while scratching a bit

"Its a non metal injection! Who could have done it must know full well about your powers." Bruce said after picking up the injection

"Now tell me, who ordered the attack against me?" Jake

"What do you know if it wasnt an attack?" Derik

"You call me a liar general?!" Jake said as lightning struck outside

"No, we arent. So please, calm down--" bruce

Jake cuts him off, "then tell me who ordered the strike against me?!" He said with lightning strikes just outside the pentagon

"I promise, we will get to the bottom of this--" bruce

Jake cuts him off, "i bet it was general derik there. Since hes the only one who is always very unsupportive of the plan."

"But what if your wrong?" Bruce

"Yeah! What if your wrong about me? We dont know each other!" Derik

"But i can sense a liar when i sense it, and through their brainwaves." Jake

"What?! You could do that?!" All of them said

"Yes, a person always gives off a signal to the brain which i can feel as a certain emotion or trait. And your currently lying and keeping a secret from all of us!" Jake

"Is this true general?!" Tramp

"H-how can it be true?! Im innocent in every way!" Derik

"Take him to a lie detector machine if what i said was false then, pride is nothing compared to doing the right thing." Jake said as he calms down and powers down

"Then take him to a lie detector machine! And dont let him near jake if what jake said was true." Tramp said as the other generals commanded some soldiers

"What?! You believe in him?! A mere filipino?!" Derik said as he was being pushed away towards inside the pentagon

"Once again, i must sincerely apologize for my subordinates." Tramp said with a bow

The other generals also bows to jake for apology

"Thank you sir, for your sincere apology." Jake said touching tramps shoulders

"Anyways, lets get forward with the plan. Will you still do it jake?" Tramp said standing again

"Yes, i will. For the sake of america and its people." Jake said as they shook hands

With that resolved, jake was now rode the helicopter back to oklahoma airbase to rendezvous with the other soldiers, before proceeding to going to the facility at nevada. By the time they got to the facility, it was overrun by zombies and absolutely no way for them to land, so they landed near the facility before the operation starts.

"It seems that we meet again jake!" Will

They were now both standing in a desert where the helicopters landed, and the soldiers still readying themselves.

"Yeah, and this time, your leading the troops right?" Jake

"Yes. I hope we all can get out of this mess and come back home." Will

"We will. But first, i gotta let some of my rage go somewhere." Jake said as he faces the horde of zombies at the distance

"What are you doing?" Will

"Just a little warm up to the main event." Jake said before letting out a lightning storm around the facility

"Jake, this wasnt the plan!" Will

"Well, dont worry. It will just last up to 3 minutes, just enough time for you guys to prepare." Jake said smiling at him

"Hahh.. fine. Why didnt you just say that you were going to decrease their numbers for a while." Will

"Sorry, im a bit of a man of action though. Anyways, you still have some things to do right?" Jake

"Oh, yeah. Mission starts at 1000 hours, so i hope you have enough energy with you until then." Will said as he walks towards the others

As jake had nothing else to do, he just played with his old phone, as there were still a bit of time left before the actual operation. Then when the operation started, they slowly pushed through the horde of zombies rushing towards them, and as jake channels the power of lightning towards the horde for every 15 minutes. They maintained this strategy until some were able to get inside the facility along with jake, where a 5 man team was to be with jake while the others secure the perimeter.

"Thank the gods this facility doesnt have any underground tunnels." Jake said as he is walking through the facility

"Why? What are you afraid of?" Chris

"Because my lightning might not be able to reach the depths of the earth." Jake

"Oh yeah, the natural enemy of lightning is earth after all." Will

"And if thats so, then i would have to charge myself while im still outside and leak out some radiation in me." Jake

"Radiation?!" All of them said

"Yeah, radiation as in energy radiation." Jake

"I see, glad that we arent in an underground facility." Will said as he signals for them to continue

"Sir, we have found the zombie king in area 5!" A soldier said via comms

"Good, keep me posted." Will said before he cuts the line. "Zombie king is sited in area 5, what would you like to do now?" He said to jake

"We come knocking the front door." Jake said with a smile as they agree

After that, they then got to the entrance of the building on area 5, and entered cautiously at the entrance.

"Welcome to my facility o brave soldiers! Congratulations by the way on clearing the way to the hordes of zombies all around the facility." The zombie king said as he turns on the lights

"You can speak?!" Will

"Yes i can! I surmise that this power stone is like a parasite, and unlike any other stone i have ever analyzed. Dont you think so?" Zombie king said as he stood behind him samples from zombies

The zombie king was like any other zombie out there, only that he is pale and has the power stone in his forehead, and he has like assimilated different body parts into his body.

"I see. Anyways, we will stop you from your tracks!" Will said as they ready their weapons

"Oh, how frightening. If i werent immortal! Mwahaha!" Zombie king

"Since you can speak, are you aware of what you have done?!" Will

"Yes, i raised the dead all over this area, and im immortal myself even though i became like this." Zombie king

"If you surrender now, we wont resist you!" Will

"Surrender? Why should i surrender to the likes of fragile ol humans? When i myself am the zombie king!" Zombie king

"Then you leave us no choice." Will said as he now aims his scope at the head of the zombie king

"And whats with the civilian at the back? Why is he here?" The zombie king said laughing

"He is our insurance." Will said before they fired on the zombie king

"Is he dead?" Chris

"Not yet he aint." Jake

But after they fired their rounds, the zombie king just regenerates from any limb from his zonbie samples at the back.

"Let me take care of it." Jake said stepping forward

"Its all yours." Will

"Haha! And whats he going to do about me?! Haha!" The zombie king said before a horde of terminator zombies came from behind

"What the hell are those?" Evans

"You guys take care of the other zombies, i take care of its king." Jake said before he jumped towards the zombie king in battle mode

With that said, will and company handled the mechanized zombies while jake handles the king himself. With every lightning punch, the king would only regenerate himself as jake also dodges every of his attacks at lightning speed.

"I didnt you you had electricity within you, you would be a good addition to my army." The zombie king said as both of the locks hands in a battle of strength

"No way you are getting me!" Jake said before an upper kick at the chin

After the kick, the king lets go of him and they regroup themselves

"Stop being a pest and come to me!" The zombie king jumped towards jake only to have it dodged

"I said no way!" Jake said with a lightning attack that pierced through the ceiling of the building

As jake attacks the zombie king, and strikes, he was still alive and regenerating even after all that.

"Now look at what you have done to my clothes." The zombie king said before he ran towards jake again

"Tch! This is going nowhere fast!" Jake said before he also flies towards the zombie king

Then as the zombie king jumps again, jake jumps to his back so that he could do a lightning attack while pulling out the power stone. After some struggle from the zombie king, jake was able to pull out the power stone from the zombie king.

"Whew! That was a close one." Jake said as he held the power stone high up so that everyone can see

"Yes! He did it!" Will said as they also just finished taking care of the other mechanized zombies

But in that instant, the stone then tries to control jake into controlling him, which made a struggle between possession of jakes body.

"Jake, are you alright?!" Will said as he runs

"No! Dont come near yet! The stone is trying to possess me!" Jake

"Then fight it!" Chris

"We believe you can do it!" Evans said as the others agree

"Damn it! Here goes nothing!" Jake said before he did many lightning strikes at the stone itself, overloading it with power until its shine has gone out, and jake ghrows it in front of will and still smoking.

"Whoa! Why you throw that on me?!" Will said as he stepped back

"Sorry, cant help but throwing the damn thing." Jake said huffing

"Quick! Get a container to hold this stone." Will said pointing at the power stone

"Yes sir!" They all said before searching for a container

After that, they were able to contain the power stone and go back to the pentagon.

"Good work out there jake! Glad your on our side!" Tramp

They were now at the oklamhoma airbase where tramp and the generals were waiting, and ran to jake when he got out of the helicopter.

"You didnt have to come here just for me sir." Jake said as he was shaking hands

"Save the humility jake, you just saved this country! So this country owes a great debt to you." Tramp

"Thank you sir. And i trust the power stone is in good hands?" Jake

"Yes, you can trust that this will never happen again." Tramp

"Well, you can always call me for almost anything." Jake

"Haha, alright then. Anyways, whats with the bloody shirt?" Tramp said staring at a soldier who is holding the container for jakes shirt

"Thats the blood of the zombie king, so I figured you might want to look into it." Jake said with a gesture

"i see. speaking of blood, it shows that you were right. General derik was the one who ordered the attack on you."

"i should have known, serves him right." jake

"Though after this, you must come to washington." Tramp

"Why?" Jake

"Why? To get an award of course! Before your trip back to the philippines." Tramp

"Oh, i see, ok then." Jake said smiling

After that, jake now went to washington to receive his award.

"Hello people of the world, specially america, this is your president tramp again. We are here now to award this medal for excellence and bravery to jake burns, for heeding our call for help during this crisis. As of this day at 10am, an operation to rid of what we call, the zombie king, was underway with a win for the USA! And for that, we can now concentrate on rebuilding our lives and for many businesses to open again. Tourism will flourish once more and america will be great again, and for that, we really thank jake burns deeply. Please give him a round of applause." Tramp said before he applaud

Jake then claims the award as he got to the stage.

"Thank you, and may the gods bless the world." Jake said before he took his seat again

"Quite the shy person there jake, though as you said, pride is nothing compared to doing the right thing right?" Tramp said with a gesture. "Anyways, certainly, god has given us hope yet for the world."

"Excuse me mr president." A reporter said

"Yes?" Tramp said pointing

"If the zombie king has been vanguished, what about the other zombies that are roaming around the streets?" That reporter said

"Uhh.. uhm.." tramp said before turning to jake. "What zombies?"

"Do you want me to answer their questions mr president?" Jake

"Yes please, and you can take the stage for now." Tramp said before they exchanged places

"Now for your question, certainly, i defeated the zombie king. So the zombies would stop being too active in making other zombies and will go back to being a regular mindless zombie, you get me?" Jake

"Yes, thank you. So in order to put the dead at peace, we could just shoot them in the head right?" That reporter said

"Yes, you may shoot them in the head or wherever you want. Just dont get bitten in the process." Jake

"Jake burns, is it true that you have the lightning?" A reporter said

"Yes, if you want a sample, someone must borrow me a lightbulb." Jake said with a smile

"Haha, you are kidding with us right?" That reporter said

"Do i look like im kidding? Though thats the absolute minimum example that i can give to you." Jake said with a smirk

"A-anyways, how did you get your powers? Is it true that you are now a mutant?" A reporter said

"Its absolutely a long story, but i can assure you, they were telling the truth when they apologized in public. Also, im a combination of all 3 forces, mutant, psychic, and a person with a gift." Jake

"What do you mean all 3 forces? Is it true that there are 3 forces at war?" That reporter said as tramp was panicking

"Yes, there are about 3 forces at war--" Jake said as tramp stood up to get jake down.

With that, jake was taken to the white house where they begged to not say anything more about the 3 forces.

"Jake, can you make the matter of the 3 forces a secret? We dont really want any chaos happening on our watch." Tramp said as they were now in the white house

"Sure, i can. But the payment for my mouth shut would be a week long vacation to america with my family, at your arrangement. That fair enough?" Jake

"Hahh.. fine. If your fine with a 3 star course all the way. Since we are still searching in our intelligence networks for who might be with either magic or nazi." Tramp said regrettably

"Ok then, and do keep me posted if u need any help with monsters again." Jake

"Deal." Tramp said with a handshake

With that done, jake goes home with money, a medal, a ticket for 4 to america, and a tour package for one week. Then after one week of vacation at america, they finally came back and jake got an invitation for an interview at cnn philippines.

"Hello once again philippines and this is the talk, with your host ms carol yap. And with a special guest, the monster hunter or slayer, jake burns!"

Jake then makes a bow on his seat.

"So jake, your story is like that of hercules right? But with a modern twist." Carol

"Yes, though i think mine was much darker compared to hercules. and i have actually met him in the astral plane, hes quite the good guy and he respects me a bit thanks to my story." Jake

"Ok.. your half chinese like me right?" carol

"yes, why?" jake

"so can you explain on how you were chosen and why?" carol

"well, I was chosen for a purpose, thats what I know. Everything happens for a purpose, as answers to all things are simple, only the process or equation to the whole thing makes it so complex." jake

"i see. Like really, how were you chosen?" carol

"its quite a long story, are you sure I should say it here? And my story is already said by the americans right?" jake

"yes, but many needs to hear it directly from your mouth." carol

"alright then. In the past, I was a bit of a weird, very friendly and lonely guy, but that all changed I entered work. At work, I had very many friends, but what I thought was friends actually betrayed me." jake

"but what if they didn't?" carol

"no, they did. I have already gathered enough evidence for me to assess that they have done such a thing to me." jake

"ok, so how did they betray you?" carol

"they betrayed me by doing voodoo on me, and siding with the americans instead of doing the most proper thing to do, to manually tell me to quit instead of the round about way." jake

"voodoo? What do you mean? didn't president dutuer ban the use of any voodoo in the country?" carol

"yes, they all went in hiding and with money, they can work for you." jake

"how did they come into hiding in the first place?" carol

"you know filipino culture, cause that majority of filipinos are poor also due to high birth rate, majority will go to witch doctors for help with almost anything before they would go to a doctor. After that, its just too late to save the patient, since they would rely on the witch doctor first." jake said sarcasticly

"how do you know this anyways?" carol

"i have heard stories from many people during the years. Well, the perk of being a filipino chinese in these times is that sometimes, specially when you have good parents, is that you can hear many kinds of information from trusted sources rather than just be interested in sports and stuff just like any other guy. Not only because I live a lonely life you know." jake

"no comment on that. Anyways, didn't the americans also say that you have been done something that made you who you are?" carol

"yes, after the voodoo, since they think that voodoo wont work on me cause I also watch too much documentaries and movies, they probably used the low frequency thing after that." jake

"low frequency? Whats that?" carol

"low frequency signals or sound waves directly towards the ear, from any kind of source, may it be from phones or towers and etc." jake
"how come you know of this?" carol

"i know because im also a bit of a science geek. Anyways, after some time, 2 or 3 years to be exact, I came to that conclusion after I can still hear those voices." jake

"dont you think that you might need the doctors help with--" carol

Jake cuts her off, "thats what everybody thinks normally. But I know, and the US have already confirmed it, that they have been manipulating me for a long time now, and still trying to."

"ok? what gives you that impression that the US is still trying to control you?" carol

"you already know about my power right? The Lightning." jake

"yes, why is that?" carol

"its better if you can actually see than hear." jake said as he made his head armor visible which made some sparks at all sides. "you see the sparks made by my lightning armor? They are low frequency sound waves hitting me everyday, even also voodoo. With my lightning armor, which is always turned on everyday, this is the very reason that I get enough sleep every night."

"i see. No comment on that, and I basically wont ever doubt you ever again." carol said before the sparks on jakes head stopped

"oh, so now they have stopped. It seems that the world is also watching this, specially the 3 great powers. Which means that all you guys could ever do to get me to do anything is through political will." jake said with an evil laugh

"haha.. your turning to a villain yourself jake." carol

"nope, my laugh was just me acting. Well, it does feel good to let it all out though. Which makes you wonder which is more disturbing, my past, or whats happening to me right now." jake said as he made his lightning armor invisible again
"ok, I basically have no comment on that. Change of topic, on to the next question." carol said as she looks at her list of questions. "can you tell us all about your adventures?"

"sure! Though it may touch some sensitive topics like identities of the victims and others, so I will leave that as person 1,2 and so on." jake

"thats fine with me." carol

"where would you like to start?" jake

"from the very first adventure that you have jake, the one with the kraken perhaps?" carol

"nope, the kraken was the second one." jake

Jake then told them of his adventures, the mermaid, the kraken, the oni, the tengu, the kitsune, then the lightning bird.

"thats all my adventures so far" jake

"so, what about the zombie king?" carol

"yes, I was saving that for last. The zombie king was also a tough cookie to handle, specially when the power stone for it was a parasitic one." jake

"parasitic? What you mean?" carol

"it means that it latches on to you and control your body to its will. I learned that almost the hard way when it tried to control me too, after I pulled out the power stone from its head." jake

"i see. It seems that you always talk about this power stone, what is that?" carol
"a power stone is a stone of power carol, and each stone contains different kinds of powerful mythical beasts with extraordinary powers, enough to take out a whole city if it wants to." jake

"if a power stone has that much power, why not use the stone to power our cities?" carol

"if it were that easy, I wouldnt even be here right now." jake

"oh, ok. So back to the zombie king. You said that its power stone was parasitic, meaning that its evil or something?" carol
"yes. As there are many kinds of power stones out there in the world, for every different mythical beast, thre are also many kinds of mythical beasts. One that has intelligence, one that has not, one that is wild, and many more." jake

"And where are the power stones now? Do you know its exact location?" carol

"nope, but all I know is that each power stone from each country I went is with them." jake

"i see. Then onto the next question. Can you tell us all about the 3 forces that was said to be in a secret war, even today?" carol

"you really want to touch that topic huh, when the US government already has made me shut up about it for now." jake

"why? Why did they want to shut you up about it?" carol

"you try capturing or spotting an invisible enemy all around us carol, if its easy or not." jake

"oh, so its that hard huh.. and they are still trying to find the enemy is that right?" carol

"yes, they are. Right now, the US is focusing its resources on finding who is nazi or not." jake

"nazi? So the enemy now is nazis?" carol

"i don't really know myself as well. All I know is that they are still finding who and where they are." jake

It was also in that instant that their signal has been hijacked by an unknown source, which they also were able to watch from their screens.

"hello jake burns, its really glad to hear from you." unknown man said on TV

"hello there, anonymous. Can you name yourself first?" jake

"why? Why should I?" unknown man said on TV

"cause its only proper to name yourself once your on the air. So, whats your name?" jake

"our name does not matter, what matters now is that we are the nazis. Satisfied?" unknown man said on TV

"yes. What is your purpose here?" jake

"our purpose here is for us to declare war upon you and the world." unknown man said on TV

"i see. Where are you now and why are you declaring a state of war against the world?" carol

"as to where we are, thats a secret. But as to why we are doing this, is because we grow tired of the current system." unknown man said on TV

"you mean that your bored of the current system?" carol

"no, i mean that we are bored of everything. Which is why we have come to liberate everything, turn it as it once was, and shape it as we please." unknown man said on TV

"in short, you want to rule the world right?" jake
"yes, thats the short version. Anyways, we have also come to declare war on you too jake." unknown man said on TV

"why is that?" jake

"because for many times now, you have thrashed our plans many times over--" unknown man said on TV

Jake cuts him off, "well, I couldn't care less. Anyways, I was just at the scene and wanting to help people as best as I can. Also, im with the philippine military, thus I take orders from the ones at the top like the philippine president."

"oh.. I see. So you didn't intend to thrash in on our plans?" unknown man said on TV

"how should I know about your plans? Im not a clairvoyant." jake

"ok then. But you did earn your title as monster hunter due to our plans." unknown man said on TV

"yes, I did. truth be told, if you were to destroy the world or aim for world domination, you will find me on the front lines on the battlefield. So that I can protect my family." jake

"i see now. Though you were a bit unexpected, this only made our plans a bit messier. Anyways, time to go." unknown man said on TV before he cuts the line

"that was weird.. now we know who the enemy is, what are you planning to do jake?" carol

"for me, I will wait until someone will ask for my help." jake

"why is that? That isnt superhero like." carol

"real life will really let you down sometimes carol. Even though the answer is simple, its the process thats complex. So I cant just waltz in any country and claim im here to save, just like what the americans do." jake

"you got a point." carol said with s gesture before facing the audience. "Anyways, thats all for todays show on the talk, see you again next time!"
