Chapter 4

On an eerie forest, one man strives to seek vengeance in exchange for his soul.

"With this, i can finally take vengeance upon that wreatched group."

With enchanting an ancient spell, he was then able to summon up to 3 powerful entities into life at that forest.



Jake was helping with their moving towards manila when dutuer called. It was also the day after the incident, which also made paperwork move faster.

"hello jake, this is dutuer speaking."

"oh, hi mr president. What can I do for you now?"

"actually, its nothing very important, but I think that you should have an award or something for your service."

"wow, even though im just a civilian and new to the military--"

Dutuer cuts him off, "i know. even though I also know that im responsible for all those accountable deaths from your lightning strikes."

"sorry to have you make the tough decision mr president."

"i could never get used to tough and on the spot decisions. Hahh.."

"Again, sorry--"

Dutuer cuts him off, "dont be sorry, whats done is done and all we can do is move on. Anyways, the video of you fighting against the kraken already went viral online."

"Yes, even my sister cant believe i fought something as the kraken at lake lanao."

"You said its just going to be mermaids."

"I also said that there was a second stone that they just bought."

"Oh, you could have also just waited for--"

Jaje cuts him off, "but sir, the kraken ate the mermaid queen, which made it unbeatable by any explosion. Since it will just regenerate."

"Why do you think so?"

"According to a japanese legend i know and watched, if one eats mermaid flesh, they will become immortal."

"So which was why you made the sealing off of lake lanao an importance right?"

"Yes. We dont know what might happen to them if they just eat mermaid. And speaking of eating, my family even had calamari last night. Talk about coincidence."

"Haha, yeah.. and There have also been pictures which almost captures your face by the way. It would just be a matter of time before they might know."

"I see. And has the bait been bitten yet?"

"nope, not yet I guess. There has been no news yet about it."

"good, we keep it that way."

"and so i have a proposition.. this is going to sound contradictory coming from me, but i will need you to show up in camera."

"So it has come to that. the decision came pretty early by the way."

"Yes, we could have also brush it off like always, but thinking about your familys safety made me think otherwise."

"I agree, you may never know when the americans might try to make me come or defect to their country."

"I think that the americans are too proud to do that."

"We will never know, might as well count the possibilities."

"I agree to that. On that note, i would like to invite you to an awarding ceremony after you get here by tomorrow."

"Get where?"

"Get to manila of course, we will guarantee you guys security while also being here."

"Ok. And speaking of security, did the fish bite already?"

"Nope, the rod is still empty."

"Hahh.. i guess the americans are really tapping us. But no matter, they arent that foolish anyways, not until they know my weakness."

"What is your weakness by the way?"

"You do know facts about electricity right mr president?"

"Yes. Which means that you cant control anything non metal, am i right?"

"Yes, your right. Which was also why the gods told me to side with the philippine government with this."

"I see. The gods really do know what might happen to you if you were to go solo."

"And they also said that they all put you in that position now for this very purpose."

"Sorry, but i believe only in one god."

"And who is that?"


"Hes also there, the god among gods."

"Oh, alright then. Did they say anything about me?"

"Nope, aside from what i have just said, nothing else. But im gonna divulge you on a prophecy of sort."

"What is it, tell me."

"In the coming chaos, if there might be any, this country will be a safe haven for people like me, with you as the president."

"Whoa! Thats quite a heavy responsibility there! I aint gonna be here on my next term you know!"

"I dont know, the future is uncertain after all."

"Oh, i see. Then thats good to know, for now."

"Oh, and im gonna still help my family pack our things sir, so--"

Dutuer cuts him off, "ok, thats all i have to say for now anyways. Please do make sure to attand your awarding ceremony." He said before he cuts the line

"Sorry for the wait dad!" Jake said before he helps again with the packing of stuff

Then on the next day, where they just rode a plane towards manila and with their other stuff basically delivered via cargo ship, they arrived on manila and escorted to their new home.

"Thanks for also escorting us general greg tuba." Jacob

They were now right outside their new house, which was a 2 story building and complete with the basic ameneties i side the house, having also a parking lot and a gate to protect them. As they were in the suburbs, they were all surrounded by many other houses. Jake and the others were examining the house while jacob was outside with tuba.

"No problem at all. I just had some spare time, and the president asked me as well." Tuba

"By the way, what is our mode of transportation again?" Jacob

"You may want to figure that out yourselves. But i do think ghat we have set up another medium sized convenience store just for you guys." Tuba

"Where is that again?" Jacob

"Uhh.. somewhere in manila. Dont worry, i will still be here to guide you." Tuba

"And what will happen to our old house now?" Jacob

"Of course, you will still hold ownership witb your old house. Its just that you now have special circumstances of your own." Tuba

"Yeah, it might take a while for us to get used to this life." Jacob

"Thats always what they say, but you mostly have to get used to it now." Tuba

"Anyways, what will be the time for the awards ceremony?" Jacob

"This afternoon at 3pm. Sir dutuer will hold a live announcement in light of the viral videos online about the kraken." Tuba

"So you have already heard about their battle." Jacob

"Yes, when i saw the video, i just couldnt believe it at first. Magical creatures do exist in the real world." Tuba

"Jake said that they were probably summoned from a different dimension." Jacob

"Whatever the case, those stones really defy human logic. Which is why im also glad jake came to be what he is right now." Tuba

"For us, we still cant believe that our son has become a chosen one." Jacob

"Believe it or not, i believe that jake is right. The gods prophesized about an upcoming chaos, so we will need all the help we can get. And i believe his adventures will only just begun." Tuba

"You really said that right." Jacob said before the rest got out of the house.

"Were done inspecting the house, and its good." Joy said as they arrived outside the gate

"Believe it or not, this was suppose to be a safe house, but it was never used before." Tuba

"Might there be any ghosts around here?" Joy

"I believe not, we already had the place blessed before your arrival." Tuba

"Joy, why you asked about that?" Jake

"If the kraken is real, so are ghosts. And i dont want to live in a place where there are ghosts." Joy

"The kraken was only real due to the stones, they were being pulled from another dimension, as jake says." Tuba

"Yes, i know.but i cant just shake the feeling." Joy

"Hahh.. you know, ghosts dont normally assault people, but they do possess people when they want to. And ghosts can only be seen if one has a third eye." Jake

"And who said all that to you?" Joy

"The gods." Jake

"Whatever. Its our rule now to never argue with you when it comes to that topic." Joy

"Why is that? I believe that there are other gods, though they might have lesser power than jesus have." Tuba

"Because, by mentioning about the gods would damage our faith! And there is only one god right?!" Joy

"Thats enough joy." Emma said as she pinched her

"Oh, alright. I wont discuss that topic to you guys." Tuba

"Anyways, we should now go. We still have to look at the new store." Jacob

"Also, with your new store, note that we just provide the place for you. For the materials and stuff--" tuba

Jacob cuts him off, "ah, yes. We will be the ones to provide all the other stuff, got it."

"And we will provide security for you, depending on what you guys will decide." Tuba

"Ok." Jake said as the family agrees

After that, they went to the new store being made just for them, before going to the malacanang where dutuer is waiting.

"People of the philippines, this is president richard dutuer and im now here to explain what happened over at the lake lanao incident. The incident at lake lanao was supposed to be a recon mission for the communists. But hearing as they retailiated, and brought about that hideous monster on the lake, i will declare an all out war against the communists."

"Sir! You claim that the monsters in that lake was real?" Said a reporter

"Yes, and please ask the questions later, im about to tell you guys the whole story about a secret war that has been fought during the centuries." Dutuer said as the crowd was now silent. "During ancient times, there were just about 2 forces, magic and people with gifts. But along the line in our history, another force rose up and fought as well, which makes it 3 forces at war with each other. I will not tell you any names as of yet, but all i can say is that that monster in the incident was born out of the remnants of that secret war."

"Sir! Why cant you tell us the names--" one reporter said.

Dutuer cuts her off, "im still speaking here."

"Sorry. Please continue." Said that reporter

"And under a persons recommendation or plan, i approved of that certain plan, where it took out some people, but it saved many other people around the area. And i would like you to meet the hero and the one who saved other people in that area, jake burns." Dutuer

Jake then gets up the stage and shook hands with dutuer.

"Oh boy." Jake said as he faced the crowd. "Thanks for the award, thats all i could say."

"Jake burns, question. Who proposed that plan in the first place?" A reporter said

"It was me. But before i tell you why, please observe." Jake said as he then held a lightbulb in his hand.

In the instant jake said "on", the bulb lights up. The opposite also came true as he said "off".

"Wow! So your power is electricity, is that why you proposed the plan?" That reporter said

"Please bear with me, im quite shy at the stage nowadays. And my power is lightning, not electricity." Jake said with his hands shaking. "Ahem. In the first place, the mission back then was a recon mission, and a simple one at that. Just get info from the communists and get out, but they noticed us and we had to escape. And after we escaped, its maybe then that general delta used some kind of stones to summon creatures from another dimension. At the moment, we now have the stones at a safe place."

"Stones? How many were there? And what did they summon?" A reporter said

"There were 2 stones in total, so about 2 mythical beasts were summoned. The siren and the kraken." Jake

"So the videos were true then? About the kraken and the bones of mermaids found." That reporter said

"Yes. Just like sir dutuer said, an ancient war has been fought on the past, and it was purely chaotic i believe--" jake said as his hair sparked

"Whoa! What was that?!" All of them said after they saw the spark

"Becareful there jake, the president is also near you!" One of the presidential security group said

"Believe me, it wasnt me. Any long distance attacks wont work on me by the way." Jake

"Then what was that earlier?" A reporter asked

"Some probably want to voodoo me or that america is trying to shut me up with a satellite attack." Jake

"And what does america have against you?" That reporter asked

"Thats the thing, i dont know what made me have my powers. It might be because of an acceleration of processing of my brain due to intense signals from the low frequency hypnosis from the americans, or that the gods gave me these powers. Anyways, if anyone will disturb the balance that they have been trying to keep secret about, they would probably eliminate." Jake said with a gesture

"I see. What kind of information do you have anyways that they want you dead?" A reporter said

"For that, the president will have an official statement later as to the details of the forces involved in this secret war." Jake

"Why not say it now?" That reporter said

"I cant protect everyone in manila when im still giving out a my speech here, they might nuke us if i just tell. You know america, they must also keep secrets in order to protect the world from any kind of danger, specially if its america thats the target." Jake

"No comment about that." Dutuer said as everyone agrees

"So does your family know about all this?" A reporter said

"Yes, but i wont mention anything about my family here." Jake

"So what will you be doing now?" That reporter said

"For now, i will be with the military and police, cooperating against crime and terrorism." Jake

"If thats true, criminals would seriously be afraid of you." A reporter said

"Probably. but my power is lightning, so i cant be all that useful, unless if the crime is a bit extreme." Jake

"Ok, then back to the last question, so the videos were true about the monsters then?" A reporter said

"Yes, just like what president dutuer said, this was a product of such a war. They would now resort to mythical beasts to selfishly battle for their own side." Jake

"Mythical beasts such as dragons and stuff? Are they really true?" That reporter said

"I dont really quite know, since they can only be summoned by using the power stones." Jake

"Do you know where are those power stones now?" That reporter said

"Nope, its location is kept a secret even from me. So you can be assured." Jake

"Doesnt mythical beasts exist in secret? So why do they appear now? And from a stone?" A reporter said

"I dont know that much, but all i know is that they exist in another dimension where they are all sealed. And i theorize that if one infuses power into the stones, will the stones summon the creature equivalent to the power given" Jake

"Is it wise to give out this much info?" A reporter said

"Yes. Anyways, even if there might be many of these things, each country has their own way of dealing with each crisis i think." Jake

"If the story about an ancient war is true anyways. This is the modern world, what could ever go wrong?" That reporter said

"Oh, you might be wrong about that, since the gods told me when i visited the astral plane once, that an incoming chaos shall befall on earth soon." Jake

"You seriously think we would believe in other gods and stuff?" A reporter said

"Believe it or not, its coming our way, and its now one of my jobs to deal with it." Jake

"So your saying god chose you to save us from this chaos?" That reporter said

"Nope, not just me. There are others like me, im just the first among the few." Jake

"Meaning there are others with the same powers as you?" A reporter said

"Nope. I cant say they will and of the other details, since i dont really know, but i can say that they might be somewhere among other people and chosen from the billions of people around the world." Jake

"What was your power again?" That reporter said

"Lightning. But i can also do some electricity--" jake

A reporter cuts him off, "how much power do you have and what is your weakness?"

"Just who would ever say their weaknesses? But i can say that i have enough power to light up a whole continent." Jake said with a smile

"Whoa.. thats just overkill. Or do you just mean that you can literally light up each house in a whole continent?" That reporter said

"Nope, i mean i can take out a whole continent if i wanted to." Jake

They all had no other comments over what was said.

"I guess thats all i guess." Jake siad before he steps down the stage and back to his seat

With that, the ceremony was over with giving jake an award for his bravery, before jake goes back to their new home.


"Hello mr president what can i do for you?" Jake answered

"Yes, its now been some time after that incident right?"

"Yes, it has been. We have also already adjusted to our daily life here."

"How is the family doing?"

"Well, my mother and father is always at the convenience store, while joy is always at home with her online job. Since she didnt continue her medical studies and doesnt quite like her previous one."

"And you?"

"I have been helping the police from time to time, while im at home."

"How does that work?"

"I stay at home and always watch anime from time to time, while i listen to police radio. When i find a worthy report, i go to the scene and trace the culprit through the friction of the tires."

"I see, the rebels in mindanao has been quiet anyways ever since the lake lanao incedent."

"They probably thought that the tikbalang might get them in the mountains, now that the mermaid and kraken is proven real."

"Its not that funny jake, though you might have a point. The rebel forces has been very quiet ever since."

"But seriously, if the tikbalang is real, they would be sealed within another power stone, and they are all very tricky to hit unless if you go all out."

"You sound like you have fought one."

"I just did my research and imagined what it might be like."

"I see.. anyways, we currently have someone here who is seeking assylum, and from japan."

"Then? What brought that up?"

"The person, or she, is seeking your help. She wont talk to anyone else about the problem unless you go to her."

"Hmm.. i smell trouble."

"Yes, and a big one at that. My intel says that japan is currently suffering from a spike of disappearances within these days. And they also have a news about yakuza doing something, so citizens must stay at home at night."

"I see. Thanks for the info. So when will i meet this girl?"

"Now would be great, since shes currently at the philippine embassy in japan."

"Oh, let me guess, she doesnt have a passport?"

"Yes, shes seeking assylum in the embassy in spite of being poor. I would love to have the japanese owe us, so can you fly towards japan now?"

"This is quite sudden. Why not tomorrow or something?"

"What you planning?"

"Will just catch a plane by tomorrow and ask permission from my parents."

"Your already old enough--"

Jake cuts him off, "i know. But they should at least have some knowledge of where im going, so that they wont worry."

"Alright then, your choice. I will provide the cheapest ticket to japan by tomorrow, so dont be late."

"Yes sir." Jake said before they cut the line

With that call done, jake was able to notify his parents about the trip and packed his bag for a 2 day trip to japan. The next day, he was ready for the trip and gone to the airport alone, where an envoy was waiting for him to give his ticket for a round trip.

"Im now at japan." Jake said when he does a selfie with his camera on the airport

He was now at the airport where another envoy came to pick him up from the airport. It was also morning when he arrived at japan.

"Uhh.. were you waiting for me?" Jake said to the envoy holding a paper with his name

"Ah, yes. Come right this way jake burns." The envoy said as he directed him towards the car

"Where will we be going by the way?" Jake said as he got in the car

"We go to the embassy." The envoy said at the drivers seat

"I see. Does the japanese government know what i will be doing?" Jake

"Yes, the philippine representative called the prime minister but he said he doesnt care." The envoy said as he now drove

"Hahh.. do you have any information then about the case?" Jake

"While we are here, i will say this. There are many disappearances happening all over tokyo these few days, many people, sometimes fruits, and sometimes animals. Specially women." The envoy said

"So where do i go to get more information onto the cases?" Jake

"You go to police station, but i doubt they will help." The envoy said

"Its good, in a way. At least i might have a lead on who to ask." Jake

"After embassy, its off to the police station right?" The envoy said

"Yes." Jake said before the envoy agrees

After a couple of minutes in traffic, they arrived at the philippine embassy in tokyo.

"Weve finally arrived." Jake said as he was stretching his limbs

They were now right outside the embassy, at the parking lot, where the envoy just parked the car.

"Shes currently inside, waiting for you." The envoy said pointing inside the building

"Ok then." Jake said as he goes inside the building

There at the lobby where he was directed to, the girl was waiting for him eagerly, along with the embassador.

"Hi jake burns, im embassador ken yamamoto." Ken said as he shook hands with jake. "And this is ai yukino, the daughter of the victims."

"I am ai yukino." She said as she shook hands with jake as well

Ken then points jake towards a seat so they can talk.

"Jake burns, i will be direct to the point on this, i need you to solve a crime and eliminate the threat." Ken

"Yes,thats why i am here. So, whats her story? And can she speak english?" Jake

"She can only understand english, she cant speak it." Ken

"Oh, i see. So, whats the story?" Jake

"Ai yukino comes from a poor family where they sell takuyaki at the corner. One night, when she came home to their house, they were both gone. And this happened about 2 days ago. The detectives were there to take her statement, but they couldnt find anything else on the crime, except that they just disappeared." Ken

"And what of the disappearances that i have been hearing about?" Jake

"You told him?!" Ken said to the envoy who was just standing behind ken

"Yes sir, he needs to know." The envoy said

"Hahh.. it cant be helped then." Ken said before facing jake. "According to the ai, where she heard from the detectives and rumors, the disappearances happens every night and specially when you are alone or with just 2 or 3 people. High schoolers and other people coming home from work are the usual victims of these disappearances."

"What else?" Jake

"What else? Thats all i guess." Ken

"Just your typical kind of japanese disappearance huh, but much more larger in scale." Jake

"Yes, its much more larger than what is said in legends." Ken

Ai then just spoke some japanese out of nowhere to ken

"What did she say?" Jake

"Nothing, its just--" ken

Jake cuts him off, "please, i need all the information i could get so that i can help. At this rate, i will just be driving in circles!"

"Oh, alright then. She said rumor has it also that the yakuza might have a hand at this. Weird huh." Ken

"Its not weird, its might totally be the information i need. Can you take me to the police station then?" Jake

"Oh no, will you make any trouble?" ken

Jake cuts him off, "no! Of course not. I will just go there and ask some questions to the police."

"O-ok then, let the envoy guide you to the main branch of the police." Ken

Ai then stood and kneeled by touching jakes legs, speaking japanese and crying

"Daijoubu." Jake said as he stroke her head

"You know japanese?!" Ken

"Just a bit, due to anime. What will happen to her? Its said she is seeking assylum in the philippines." Jake

"I suggested that to her, since it was her only choice. Anyways, the philippine government will always compensate for her when she arrives. And in an enough amount at that just for her to start her own business." Ken

"Why did you suggest it?" Jake

"I was pitiful of her situation, and i heard about you on the news, so i thought it was worth a shot. And presideny dutuer also said it would be poliyically beneficial for the philippines as well." Ken

"Ok then. Anyways, guide me now to the police HQ." Jake said as he stood

On that note, jake was then brought to the police main HQ in tokyo. And after a while at slight traffic, they arrived at the police main HQ.

"This is as far enough as you may take me." Jake

They were still in the car, and at the parking lot, when jake said this.

"What?! Im goong with you! You will need an interpreter right?" The envoy said

"Yes, but i might be able to take care of myself inside the buidling." Jake said with a smile

"Are you sure? There will be no way back once--" the envoy said

Jake cuts him off, "i will be fine, they might have someone who speaks english there right?"

"A-alright. I will just be waiting for you for a couple of minutes here, and if you wont be coming back, then i go back." The envoy said

"Thats fine with me." Jake said as the envoy agrees

With that said, jake leaves the car and goes straight to the front desk of the police station.

"Here i go." Jake said before he speaks at the front desk. "Is there anyone that can speak english? I need help."

The officer then goes towards a detective who can speak english and made them meet up.

"im detective sinku kareshi, what can I do for you?" he said as they shook hands

"im jake burns, and im here for information about the disappearances."

"What?! jake burns?!" sinku shouted in surprise

Sinku then looks around him to bow and say sorry before looking back at jake.

"why are you here? You arent suppose to be here." sinku

"why shouldnt I be here then?" jake

"this is our problem, its not your problem by the least." sinku

"i have come by the request of the daughter of some victims, so this is now my problem. Besides, when the population now slowly becomes very low due to the disappearances, you will have no choice aside from contacting me." jake

"true. Hahh.. follow me to the police chiefs office where we can talk privately." sinku said with a gesture

Jake then follows sinku towards the police chiefs office.

"whats is this detective sinku?" the police chief said in japanese

"sorry sir yamada, but hes here to help. Might as well speak in english to him." sinku said in japanese

"what do you mean?" yamada said in japanese

"hes the jake burns!" sinku

"what?!" yamada said in japanese as he stood

"anyways, glad to meet you." jake said with a wave

Yamada then goes to close the windows and the shades to the office before he goes to jake

"glad to meet you mr jake burns!" yamada said with a salute as jake salutes back

"he already knows though about the disappearances." sinku

"i see. That makes things faster." yamada said as he offers jake a seat

"though I would still need for you to explain everything about the disappearances." jake

"yes, the disappearances started about maybe 3 or 4 days ago, when we investigated a disappearance of a group of people around the outskirts of tokyo. Then the disappearances spread like wildfire all over tokyo and here we are now." yamada

"like I said before, the other cases are also linked to this one!" sinku

"what other cases?" jake

"hahh.. there are also cases right outside of tokyo which are similar to the ones in tokyo, which is why detective sinku has been thinking that those cases might be linked." yamada

"what about the yakuza? Rumors say that the yakuza might also be related to this." jake

"oh yeah, I havent heard from my colleague who are undercover, guarding the yakuza head." sinku said to yamada

"probably. The last time I have heard of him he sent a note to me saying please tell my wife I love her." yamada

"lets all go towards the yakuza house for now, to see on what is really happening there." jake said as he stood up

"alright then, I will permit you guys to enter the yakuza main house. If shown any threat, you may disable the threat. Now go before night falls again!" yamada

"can I ask for reinforcements?" sinku

"no, now go!" yamada

"yes sir!" both of them said before they got out of the office.

With the chief of police permission, sinku then gets into his car, along with jake.
"what are you doing? Get in!" sinku said as jake was looking around for a bit at the parking lot

"its nothing, was just checking out on the envoy who got me here. It seems hes gone." Jake said before he got into the car

After some time of going towards the yakuza main house due to traffic, as the main house is on the suburbs on the other side of tokyo, they finally arrived at the house.

"good afternoon, we are here to see the current head of the yakuza, takeru nagoya." sinku said in japanese

They were now at the door of the house where they were being asked by 2 thugs

"why are you here? This area is off limits!" one thugs said in japanese
"this is detective sinku kareshi, and I have been authorized by the police to investigate." sinku said in japanese

"like I said, this property is off limits! Specially to any police!" that thug said in japanese

"like I said, im only here to investigate and ask--" sinku said in japanese

The thug cut him off, "like I said, this is our territory! No police can ever come inside!" he said in japanese

"if you don't move, I will have to shoot you!" sinku said in japanese and producing a gun

"then shoot! We have our rights as well! Haha!" the thug said in japanese

"hahh.. this is getting nowhere." jake said before he pushed sinku aside

"ha? What will you do--" one of the thugs said in japanese

In that instant, jake fired electricity with his hand towards the 2 thugs that were on the door, before they both fell on the ground.

"whoa! What did you do?!" sinku said as jake enters the door

"i just tased them! Now lets go!" jake said with a gesture

"hahh.. they are so totally going to feel that in the morning." sinku said before he also enters the door

There inside the door, one by one, thugs came from the inside the house and into the wide walk way. The house was of a traditional japanese house, which is also considered a mansion to many.

"who are you and why are you trespassing?!" said one of the thugs in japanese

"damn it! We are surrounded!" sinku said as he views the situation

"all of you! Get out of our way!" jake said in japanese as he floats from the ground and released some electricity

"you can speak japanese?!" sinku

"just a bit actually." jake said with a gesture before facing the group of thug again

In that moment, the thugs were all scared to death and shaking of what will happen to them as they hold on to their guns.

"enough! Leave them be! they will become my guests!" a girl with a bandana shouted in japanese from inside the house

"yes maam!" the thugs said as they all lined up at the side

"you all may pass." said a girls voice

Jake then disables his powers and walks towards the house

"is this really fine? I mean, can we now really enter?" sinku said as he carefully walks towards the house

"i think its alright." jake said as he enters the front door of the house.

And as etiquette of the japanese, as jake well knows, he leaves his shoes inside the front door.

"you really know your manners sir jake." sinku said as he also leaves his shoes

"i watch anime, so I know at least this much." jake

With that done, they were greeted by the girl in bandana and wearing modern clothes, pants and shirt.

"im really sorry for the welcome that we have given you." the girl said in japanese

"no problem, but we really need to talk with the current head of the yakuza, takeru nagoya." sinku

"who are you guys really?" she said in japanese

"i am detective sinku kareshi and he is jake burns, we are here to ask some questions." sinku said as he also points to jake

"i see. Kindly come with me to the waiting room. I am sara kitsune by the way." sara said in english as she points towards inside the house

Sara was a woman with blond hair that has red eyes and has a bandana on her forehead.

"i guess she is multilingual." sinku said with a smile

With that done, they then followed her to the waiting room.

"im nervous, meeting some big shot like this." sinku

"nah, don't be. Its just like going in an interview, you just say everything that you need to say and with confidence, before thinking of everything that happened. Wishing it could have gone smoother." jake said with confidence

"just how could you say all this jake?" sinku

"well, I have actually met someone even higher than the japanese prime minister himself." jake

"and who is that?!" sinku

"well, long story short, it was during my visits in the astral realm that I met amaterasu at the heavens palace." jake

"haha, how I wish I could have your guts." sinku

"thank you for waiting." takeru said in english as he enters the room."I am takeru nagoya, the current head of the yakuza."

After he entered the room, he then sat on the other side of the small table, as sinku was shaking a bit from nervousness.

"so, what can I do for you?" takeru

"we are here for the continuous cases of disappearances in tokyo. Do you have any idea at all?" sinku

"no, I believe I don't know." takeru

"we believe that the series of disappearances are all connected to you, or to the yakuza to be exact." sinku

"like I said, I don't know what you are talking about." takeru

"dont play dumb with me, I know something happened, I can smell it in this house." sinku

"what are you? A blood hound? Like I said for a hundred times, I don't know!" takeru
"but--" sinku

Jake cuts him off, "enough detective, im sure that he doesnt know."

In that instant, the sara got in to serve tea.

"but sara knows." jake said as he points towards sara

Startled, she accidentaly dropped the cups on the floor, filled with tea.

"what are you talking about sir?" sara said as she picks up the cups

"let me also pick it up." both takeru and sinku said as they went to pick up the cups

both takeru and sinku was close to the door where sara got in, which is why sinku also offered to help. But as they picked up the cups, they found a pill.

"what is this?" sinku said as he picks up the pills

"wait, this isnt--" sara

"these are sleeping pills right? What were you doing with them?" sinku

In that moment, sinku was about to get his handcuffs.

"sinku, don't! you will only end up dead!" jake said stopping sinku

"why?" sinku

"tell me sara, whats under that bandana?" jake

"nothing, I just came from cleaning, thats all." sara

"yes, she just came from cleaning!" takeru

"its very rude to ask a girl something like that--" sara

Jake cuts her off, "something like that isnt rude, unless you are hiding something."

"what you mean?" sinku

"show us what is under that bandana now." jake

"hahh.. you finally got me huh." sara

"no sara, don't! you don't have to--"

Sara cuts him off, "no, I don't think I can hide something from that man over there." she said referring to jake

She then unveils her forehead to show a stone, the size of a thumb, at the center of her forehead

"whoa.. just how did you know?" sinku

"in your language sinku, shes a yokai, a shape shifting monster." jake

"dont call her a monster! When she is very human in every way!" takeru said hugging sara as he stood

"hahh.. then tell me your story first." jake

"why should we tell our story to you guys?" takeru

"sit and tell us your story." jake said with glowing eyes

"hes not any normal human, we should listen to him darling." sara
"but--" takeru

She cuts him off, "its alright darling, we can trust him. Besides, you know what im capable of right?" she said as she lets him sit down

"you too sinku, sit down and listen." jake said as he disables his glowing eyes

"y-yes sir." sinku said as he sat, and with sara sitting beside takeru

"my story began with his father summoning me and the others--" sara

Sinku cuts her off, "wait, there are others? And what you mean by others?"

"sinku, lets listen to the end." jake

"yes, your right." sinku

"ahem. My story began with takerus father, satoshi nagoya, summoned us. Instead of summoning us here, he summoned us at aokigahara forest." Sara

"Aokigahara?!" Sinku

"Whats that?" Jake

"In english, its japans suicide forest, right by the foot of mt fuji. But we thought that you were the one who made those disappearances?" Sinku said to jake before sara

"How rude. Me, a kitsune, would do such a vulgar thing? When my existence was even reveered by others?" Sara

"Kitsune huh. Sorry for that rude comment." Sinku

"Anyways, nine tailed fox or not, your still a mythical beast. Which means you must be sealed back at some point." Jake

"Sealed back?!" Takeru said enraged

"I said at some point, meaning she can live here as long as she doesnt cause any trouble. Gladly, its the modern era, so there are less trouble nowadays even if shes this beautiful." Jake

"Thank you for that compliment." Sara said smiling

"Anyways, do you have the continuation of the story?" Jake

"There is still more?" Sinku

"Yes, you have to also ask his fathers motive and such." Jake said as sinku got it

"My father was a chivalrous man, and a kind man as well, so he didnt make anymore crimes like he did in the past. But as mom got sick, the doctors just wont or cant treat her, and he bacame enraged by what they have done. Dressed with debt, he got nothing else aside from rage for others, specially with medical personel. So that might be why." Takeru

"So, how did he manage to summon you and the others?" Jake said to sara

"Yeah, i also want to know how mr satoshi could have summoned a mighty yokai." Sinku

"I bet that jake already knows how, but hes still asking anyways, which means that you are not sure. Am i right?" Sara

"Yes, i have my theory, but i still have to ask." Jake

"I see. As jake already knows, i was summoned using a stone of power." She said as she touched the stone in her forehead. "But as to how he summoned us from our world might be due to a scroll that he got from his ancestors." Sara

"Why do you say that?" Sinku

"Because when he summoned me, he was holding a scroll, where i could also see that his third eye was glowing in his forehead." Sara

"And is this third eye round or not?" Sinku

"Hahh.. who cares whats the shape of a third eye, what matters is that he summoned them using what i would call, quantum energy." Jake

"Whats quantum energy?" They all said

"Quantum energy is energy at the quantum level, and its everywhere and affects all matter. The human brain in fact is a receiver and manager of such energies just to keep us moving, without our atoms ever fallinh apart aside from its gravity." Jake

"Whoa, i couldnt understand any of that." Takeru said as sara agreed

"Its a science thing. And how do you really know all this?" Sinku said to jake

"Im a bit of a science geek, who cant memorize. haha. Anyways, we should go by early dawn sinku." Jake

"Why? I think now would be better." Sinku

"We could do it now, but you might get lost in the forest at night time, and i wouldnt recommend it." Jake

"Oh, alright then." Sinku

"What would you do with the others?" Takeru

"What else? Im going to kill them." Jake

"What?! Even though they are yokai, they also have a heart just like kitsune." Takeru

"Thank you takeru, but i think i might agree with jake with this." Sara

"Why? They are your bretheren right?" Takeru

"Dont ever talk as if you know them, and they arent my bretheren." Kitsune said in disgust

"Sorry." Takeru

"Anyways, they are both vicious in their own way, even though they possess their own intellect." Sara

"I see. And can i ask?" Sinku

"Since you wont go until by dawn, you can ask." Sara

"Who named you? And whats your story with takeru?" Sinku

"I also want to know." Jake said smiling

"Haha, alright. Though long story short, i was named sara by takeru here. You know, at first, i sought to at least fulfill his old mans wish, but i had to know first on his situation. So i met takeru here, his son, and he told me the story of his parents and all about the modern world. As he taught me much about the modern world, i also fell in love with him. And hes also not that bad of a looker." Sara said with a smile

"Haha, thank you dear." Takeru

"I see. A forbidden love that transcends race,thats good." Sinku

"But for how long will that last?" Jake said, breaking the mood

"What?!" Sinku and takeru said

"I mean, knowing what humans would probably do when they find out about this." Jake

"Yes, your right." Sara said with a sad face. "After all the centuries i have seen with humans, some of their nature would never change."

"But at least my love for you wont." Takeru said holding her hand

"Oh takeru, your just too sweet." Sara said as they kissed

"You know, kitsunes kind of know when someone lies, thats what the legends says." Sinku said whispering to jake

"And i can basically hear more than a regular animal can hear." Sara said after the kiss

"Haha, anyways, i should be going now." Sinku

"Where are you going?" Jake

"Back to my apartment, i live alone and i got no one at all to take care of me. My parents already passed away." Sinku

"Sorry to hear that." Jake

"If you guys like, i could offer you shelter here for tonight." Takeru

"If you dont mean to do anything to me that is." Sara

"Nope, i dont intend to do anything to someone who means no harm." Jake

"After hearing your story, it made me think that you guys have it hard. So i think i also wont do anything, since i basically cant do anything to a kitsune." Sinku

"Good, i can tell that your both not lying." Sara

"Wait, you really mean what you said jake? I thought you would go and seal her?" Sinku

"What do you think of me? A shaman? I just have a gift from the gods, thats all." Jake

"Is it true that shamans can seal you back?" Takeru said to sara

"I dont really know." Sara

"I know how, but you guys wouldnt even like it. And i wont tell anyone how." Jake

"Why? And this is just a curiousity question." Sinku

"Cause no one could ever seal a mythical beast except those who can properly fight against them, so whats the point in even telling it?" Jake said with a gesture

"Haha, right. Your certainly right about that jake." Sara said laughing

"Anyways, enjoy your stay here, we will serve you guys with utmost hospitality." Takeru

"Arigatou." Jake said with a bow, which sinku also followed

Then after a nights stay at the yakuza main house, at early dawn, jake and sinku sets to go to aokigahara. After an hours worth of travel, they then got to a road block, asking anyone to turn around or go the other way.

"Hey jake, wake up." Sinku said as he wakes jake up

They were now at sinkus car where jake was sleeping a bit, since it was still very early in the morning.

"What is it?" Jake

"Its a road block, saying no one should pass. And there is what seems to be fog ahead." Sinku

"I see. And its still about 4am in the morning." Jake

"Is that japan time?" Sinku said also checking his watch

"Yes. Anyways, should you also come with me sinku? It will get really dangerous from here." Jake

"How dangerous?" Sinku said gulping

"Dangerous as in once in a lifetime chance to see but it would kill you when you get inside the fod kind of dangerous." Jake said as he stretches

"And you will be fine?" Sinku

"Yes. In fact, i can fly." Jake

"Why didnt you say that in the first place?! I could have saved fuel!" Sinku

"Well, im just conserving power, thats all." Jake said as he now reached the burgers they ordered

"So this is also why we ordered breakfast at mcdonalds." Sinku

"So, will you still join me or not?" Jake said as he eats

"What will be the chances of me surviving if im with you?" Sinku

"Uhh.. probably about 20%, since there are just too many variables that i dont know." Jake

"Ugh.. that would be problematic. Alright then, i will just go back to the main office and report on what we have found." Sinku

"That would also be great." Jake said as he finishes his burger

With that, jake then flies upwards and above the forest while sinku goes back to report to police chief yamada on what he knows.

"I just cant believe that that is the jake burns, i guess the world is just so wide." Sinku said as he drove onwards and in awe from what he saw

After flying onwards towards the center of the forest, he then saw tree houses down on the southern parts of the forest, while he saw lots of signs of camp fire at the northern part of the forest.

"Hmm.. just where do i start?" Jake said as he was thinking

When many karasu tengu approached him and try to stab him, but failed since jake detected them.

"What are you doing here?! And i didnt know humans could fly!" One of them said in japanese

Jake was now surrounded by lots of them, and outnumbered.

"Easy there, i go in peace. Where is your leader? I want to speak to him." Jake

"What are you doing here?!" Said one of them in english

"Oh, you speak in english. Anyways, bring me to your leader, i wish to ask him a few things!" Jake said looking at that tengu

"You wont get to our leader just like that!" Said the same tengu who spoke in english

"Tell me, whats your name?" Jake

"My people call me kuro."

"Kuro, why cant i go to your leader?" Jake

"Because you are very suspicious! And mom told me never to trust strangers!" Kuro

"Hahh.. shes right about that, though you are wrong about me." Jake

"What? You claim to be good when all strangers are never to be trusted!" Kuro said as he prepares for battle

"Are you sure you want to duke it out with me?" Jake said as his eyes glowed and his hand produced electricity

With jakes threat, all the tengus were scared to face him.

"Stop it!" Said a voice from the distance

"Why are you here leader?! What about the village? Whose going to protect it?!" Kuro

"I am the leader, kansuke! What does a great warrior like you want with us?" He said as he ignores kuro

The leader was like any other karasu tengu, black, human size, has feathers, and has clothes in him, though with the power stone at his forehead.

"I just want to ask some questions, thats all." Jake said as he disengage his battle mode

"Come to my home, i will answer all the questions you need." Kansuke said as he points towards the southern part of the forest

"Alright, lead the way." Jake said before they all flew back towards the southern part of the forest

Then somewhere at the southern part of the forest, jake was shown to kansukes home, which is bigger than the others.

"So, what is your question?" Kansuke

They were now inside the big tree house where jake and kansuke sat across each other in a small table, being served with water.

"As i have already heard the story of satoshi from kitsune, can i ask what are you now doing here?" Jake

"As you can see, we are all just living peacefully in this forest." Kansuke

"True, you guys didnt have any fog in these parts." Jake

"The fog is created by the oni, to lure in lost travelers and to eat them or use them as playthings." Kansuke

"What about you guys? There are bound to be scarce resources here in the forest." Jake

"Yes. Its true that the forest is quite a bit scarce in resources such as food, which is why we are all small in number, for now." Kansuke

"For now? What do you mean?" Jake

"The oni is always gaining strength in numbers, while kidnapping more people. And we need to stop them! Will you help us?" Kansuke

"Might that battle also include many victims?" Jake

"True, there will be victims. But if you and we help each other, we can beat the oni." Kansuke

"Hmm.." jake said in deep thought. "ok then, lets all beat the oni." Jake said as he shook hands with kansuke

With the negotiations done, kansuke then spread the word through every corner of the southern forest. After the negotiations, jake and all the gathered karasu tengu flew towards the northern part of the forest. There, they all were met with long range fire attacks from the oni.

"What should we do leader?"

"We cant get close enough at this rate!" Kuro

"Leave it to me." Jake said stepping forward

With jake power, he was able to make a big lightning storm and rain lightning upon every oni on the ground.

"But jake, what about the innocent victims on the ground?" Kansuke

"Well, this is the only shortest way to attack those oni, with the least amount of casualty." Jake said with a gesture

"Hahh.. cant you just use the lightning and attack only the oni?" Kansuke

"No, its not that simple to control a loghtning storm. Anyways, here comes the next barrage of attacks!" Jake said as they all evaded the attacks

"The attacks seems fewer now, what could have happened?" Kuro

"Let me battle them, until i can get the leader to come out." Jake

"Yes, that would be good." Kansuke

"You are just going to leave him to battle against all of them leader? Not that i care anyways." Kuro

"Yes, because he is our only shot at defeating the oni." Kansuke

There as the tengu watched from above, jake flies a bit above the fog, before producing lightning all over a wide area while flying in a straight line further north. As some trees burn and crash from the lightning, a roar was heard from a distance.

"You dare threaten me and my brethren!" The oni boss roared

Then the oni boss appeared, not from flying or anything, but from gigantification. The oni was as legends depict, all red and a bit fat, as he is now visible and as tall as mt fuji.

"You dare threaten me little one!" The oni boss said

"I have already fought something as big as you, so im not afraid!" Jake said after he flew upwards to meet face to face and in battle mode

Then there behind jake, the tengu all lined up behind him, as the sun now rises from the east.

"Hah! The tengu is siding with you?! Lets see how you.. " the oni boss said before he sees something from a distance

There at a distance, they then saw jet fighters soaring towards them, and helicopters just right behind them.

"What the heck are those things?!" Both the oni boss and kansuke said

"They are how humans fight." Jake said before he faces the oni boss. "Now lets rumble!"

Jake then attacks the oni boss in that instant in the eyes with lightning bolts, making him blind. And in that instant, kansuke threw a wind cutter towards the oni boss as well. Also, as the jet fighters closes in, their missiles launch to hit the oni boss with big explosions.

"Argh!" The oni boss then shouted in pain

"What are you guys waiting for?! Attack!" Kuro said before all the tengus attack the oni boss with their weapons

With jake bringing the lightning above, kansuke doing wind cutter by the face, and the jsdf bringing in the firepower everywhere else along with the other tengus, the oni boss couldnt take it and spit fire everywhere.

"Jake! We must kill him now before everything else burns!" Kansuke shouted to jake who also agreed

Jake then flies to the oni boss forehead to get the protruding stone out of the onis forehead, with his lightning hands. And after a while of attacking all over the oni, and as the oni didnt realize what is really happening, jake finally got the power stone out of the oni while red blood spat all over his shirt.

"Gah! My shirt!" Jake said as the oni falls behind

"Jake, can you do something about the fires?" Kansuke

"Sure!" Jake said before he forms storm clouds to bring rain.

Its also then that the jsdf also fired bullets upon the tengus.

"Tengus! Lets get down to the forest! They must be confused on which side is good!" Jake said before kansuke agreed

They all then descended towards the southern part of forest, where it was safer and the fog was cleared, and where soldiers made their base camp. As they descended towards the base camp, the jsdf armed themselves with their rifles.

"Whoa, we come in peace. We just saved the future of japan right?" Jake said as he touched the ground and signaled the tengus to remain standing behind him

"Who are you and why have you come here?!" Said one soldier in japanese. "Answer me!"

"Uhh.. i have come to help you." Jake said in japanese which confused the soldiers a bit. "Bring me your leader!" Jake said that in english

As the soldiers position themselves, not being fazed by a bit by jakes comments, the commander then appears and signals them to stand down.

"What are you and why have you come here?" The commander said in japanese

"The name is jake burns, i have come to help you with your problem with the disappearances of people in the area." Jake said as he raised his hands

"English huh.. no matter, why are you here jake burns? To conquer us?!" The commander said

"Like i said, i just helped with the situation. Im just merely helping. Here, a token of my peaceful approach to you." Jake said before throwing the power stone in front of the commander

"what is this?" the commander said

"its the oni boss power stone, its what summoned it in the first place." jake
"and them?" the commander said

"another power stone. But they mean no harm." jake

"i see. I will bethe judge of that. But I have to ask, are you human?" the commander said

"yes, but with the gift of lightning." jake

"thats not a human to me." the commander said

"hahh.. fine. You may call me what you want, but im here to tell you all I know." jake said as he walked forward

"sir--" the soldiers said before the commander stopped them

"what is your aim or agenda?" the commander said

"none. Just to save lives, just like you do." jake said as he now stood face to face with the commander

"hmm.. I will be the judge of that. Im commander tsukasa shishio." he said before shaking hands with jake

"sir, what about them?" one of the soldiers said

"leave them for now, first comes first, information. Come with me jake." tsukasa said

With that, they then head towards the command tent or temporary command center in the make shift camp, while the tengus all gone back to their homes just a bit further from the base camp.
