History Class

So, one thing you guys should know is that I absolutely LOVE Hamilton. So we took our post test in history and now we have to do a last project for history and every once in a while we can listen to music on our laptops. So I went to YouTube and listened to Hamilton, and if I hear Hamilton I sing like its a habit so...I kept it down for all the songs up until The Schuyler Sisters..So I started singing it and me and me two friends Riley and Jaxton are in the same class and I go "ANGELICAAAAA" and Riley is in the opposite side of the room cause he had to be moved away from me cause we mess around XD so anyway so he goes "ELIZA!" and jumps up...so Jaxton is over sharpening his pencil and goes "and peggy" and we start singing so our teacher looks at us like wtf? and meanwhile everyone is just laughing and staring so I get up and back flip and I got in trouble....Guys, don't mess with your history teacher xD
