Chapter 43.

Somewhere at the afterlife*

You are trying to reconnect with y/f and the rest of your dead family members. You focused deep inside you thinking about nothing and finally entered the tomb of your ancestors again. You landed in front of y/f's tomb, you touched it and you promised to talk to this "ethan". You walked for a very long time finding the tomb of ethan. You are getting tired but you decided to continue on. You are super tired and is sweating very badly, you decided to give up until you see a very huge tomb infront of you. The tomb is on a very high area and there is three statues that is in front of it. The three statue resembles a female look.

You: Okay, all I need to do is climb the stairs and talk to this guy and maybe I can finally have some clues about this "ethan" dude.

You walk for a few meters and then suddenly you stepped on a trap. You tried to summon your sword but it doesn't work.

You: What?! Why doesn't my gem work?! (you look at your check*)

You look at your chest and the gem wasn't there.

You: (sigh*) Okay, I guess I'll protect myself with no weapons. Just my body I guess.

You noticed there are no booby traps trying to harm you. No flaming arrows, a giant wrecking ball, explosives, or anything.

You: (sighs in relief*) Thank goodness there weren't any traps.

You decided to resume your journey. You walked pass through the three statues and was going to climb the stairs.

You: (dodged a giant rock sword*) What the?!

You see the three giant rock ladies started to move. They have red eyes  and is going to kill you. You can't beat them since you don't have any weapons but you have to atleast try to survive

One of the statues: (with a distorted voice*) No ordinary mortal is welcome at the tomb of the yashikos!!! Leave this place place while you still can!

One of the statue tries to hit you with an axe and you dodge it.

You: I will not leave this place until I got all of my answers that I want.

Statue with a sword: Then you shall die like a fool!

The statues started to attack you and you dodge all of their attacks.

You: What's a yashiko?! And who the heck are you three?!

Another statue tries to crush you with a mace. You dodge it and you run for a place to hide.

Statue with a sword: Silence you hideous insect!!

The statue with a sword tries to slash one of the other statues but it failed.

You: (whispering to yourself*) Yes!!

Suddenly a giant hand tries to grab you. You ran away from the hand before it catches, the statue with a mace growls. You decided to escape the tomb by waking up. You just need enough time for you to escape but you stumbled on the ground because you trip a little rock.

You: (growls in pain*) Ahh!! Damn it!!

You look up seeing the three statues look at you with a creepy.

Statue with a mace: Die you miserable insect!! (steps on you*)

The three statue smiled in relief thinking you are now dead. But suddenly you lift the foot of the statue with bloody red eyes. You throw the foot away.

Statue of with a sword: (shock*) You're a yashiko?

You: (angrily*) And what? Will you finally stop attacking me?

Statue with a sword: (smiles*) No...

The statue with a sword decided to thrust her big sword to your body. You just catch it and break the sword.

Statue with a sword: What?!?!

You: What's the matter you little shit? Surprised I won't fight back?

You just throw the piece of sword that you broke to her and hit her pretty hard. She stumbles to the ground in defeat

Statue with an axe: Raahhh!!!

You dodge her axe and landed on her handle. You broke it and lift the part with the blade with all your might and throw it to her.

You: Two down, one to go.

The one with the mace tried to sneak attack on you. You dodge it and she failed. You quickly grab the other half of the axe that has no blade and then you run up to the face of the statue by running on the handle of the mace and you smack her cheeks. She growls in pain and let go of her weapon.

You: So are you three done already?! Because it is really annoying.

???: Enough!!

You are heard another voice and that voice sounds it came from a male. You see a statue with a white eye is stepping down from the steps. You are suspecious that he might attack you.

You: And what are you?! Another person who will try to kill me!?

???: I mean no harm, and so does my daughters. They were just trying to make sure this place is safe from outsider's mind.

You: That's your daughters?

???: Yes, the one with the sword is maria, the one with the axe is zaudia, and the one with the mace is carla. They are my three daughters. You three, go back to the afterlife.

Maria: But dad! How will we know he's not up to anything evil!

You: I'm not evil.

???: Enough!! (the voice echoes through the walls*) Maria, Zadia, Carla you don't want me to get mad right? Do you remember the last time you made me upset, right?

The three girls growls in dissapointment and they returned to their tomb once and for all.

You: You're daughters are really weird.

???: I apologize, they just don't want to see outsider after what a long time ago.

You: Who are you?

???: My name is ethan, Ethan Yashiko. I am the godfathers of the yashiko's. In short, I'm your great grandfather y/n.

You: (shock*) Oh my god!! Holy cow! I am really honored to meet you and I'm sorry for hurting your daughters.

Ethan: Your apology is accepted y/n. Please, come with me. We have a lot of important things to discuss.

You: Okay, let's go.

Ethan just raised his hand and suddenly the rock you and ethan are on started floating.

You: Are you doing this?!

Ethan: Yes, I control everything here.

You: Woah, that's so cool you're like controlling earth.

You and ethan arrive at the very top. You step on the ground and so does ethan.

Ethan: I have been expecting you y/n, especially ever since y/f told you about me.

You: You talk to y/f?

Ethan: Yes, he asked a lot of questions and I answered them all. (he swing one of his finger and a table and two chairs made up of rocks appear*) And I know what you're wondering, what is this place? What is your connection to us? Why did y/f told you to meet me?

You: Yup, so can you like answer it.

Ethan: I will, all questions were made to be answered but some are better to be left alone. Sit y/n, we have a lot to discuss.

You: Sure.

You sit at one of the chairs and ethan sits on the other one.

You: Ethan, what is the yashiko? And what is my connection to it?

Ethan: Y/N, our family, the yashiko family is known as the most powerful family to be exist in blood. Most of our family members were great soldiers, conquerors, rulers, assassins, warlords, etc. Each of our family members possess incredible strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, and toughness. Each of our family member is basically superhumans that can rival the physical abilities of a gem. And you y/n are a part of us, the yashikos.

You: As much as I remember, my dad was just an ordinary man who has a lot of business trips and my mom was just a gold digger.

Ethan: You're biological mother is not a yashiko but as for your biological father.

You just realized something.

"My mother was very drunked, she meets a complete stranger and made out at a hotel...

"After that, my mom was pregnant and the stranger left her."

You: (started crying*) I thought, my old man was just selfish. I got it all wrong.

Ethan: That's correct, your father knew that our family is close to extinction he knew he had to keep the bloodline alive.

You: (crying*) What?! What do you mean extinction!!

Ethan: In the past, our family is hunter down by countless nations from all around the globe for our power. Most of our family members committed suicide because they can't take it anymore. But some decided to continue the bloodline, someone that has not given up yet. And one of them is your father. So, when your father met your mother he did the best he can to impregnate your mother and after he finds out your mother is pregnant he committed suicide because his mission is successful to keeping our bloodline alive.

You activated your yashiko powers and your eyes turn red, you then smash the table out of pure anger.

You: Why would they do that?! My family, my bloodline is extinct because of the fucking world!! Why are people so greedy?! greedy for power, greedy for money, greedy for fame!! Gahh! I hate this! I hate humanity and that is why I fucking throw  it away!! (breathes heavily*)

You: And the gems downgrade humanity while they don't know how dark can we be! It's incredibly unfair god damn it!!

Ethan: Y/N, calm yourself. (fixes the table*) Take some deep breath.

You: Calm down! Do you even have any idea how much it hurts when the person you hate the most turns out to be an innocent man who did nothing wrong!

Ethan: Nope, but one of your ancestors will.

You: Fuck this world! Pink should have just finished the entire colonization progress if she could have known how horrible we humans are!

You: Tch, forget it. If I rule homeworld one day in the future I'll make sure earth will have no connection with homeworld no matter what!

Ethan: And about homeworld, there's a reason why your gem isn't at your chest.

You: How do you know about the gems? And how old are you exactly?

Ethan: Let's just I'm older than any normal gem that could have existed.

Ethan: Listen y/n, I have been monitoring you because of your future. When black diamond gave you her gem, she entrusted you with great power. But not just that, it is also for to convince the other diamonds to stop being evil.

You: How can I be sure I can do it?

Ethan: Your great grandfathers and great grandmothers have done it, and so will you. If you need some advice just ask them.

You: And what if I don't?

Ethan:... Then you are a dissapointment to our family.

You are annoyed at what ethan said and ethan started laughing.

Ethan: Ahahaha!! Relax, it was just a joke.

You: Okay, uh care to explain what is this place?

Ethan: Y/N, you are somewhere at the afterlife. This place can only be entered by a certain yashiko. A soul of a yashiko. So if you focused at the center of your soul and at the same time, thinking of a dead yashiko member. You can finally enter this place.

You: But why is my gem not on my body?

Ethan: An energy of a gem and a soul of a human has some differences and at the same time has some similarities. Both of them can enter the afterlife, but there are some places  that a soul can't enter and a gem energy's place and some places that a gem energy can't enter a soul's place.

You: Oh, I get it. So my gem can't be here because it's not allowed.

Ethan: Yes.

You: But why can't they be allowed though?

Ethan: I don't know, I have been asking the same question.

You: Well that's okay, I need to go back. Can you tell me how to escape this place?

Ethan: Just think of someone who is alive and relief yourself from your focus.

You: Got it.

You closed your eyes and think of the crystal gems. You take a deep breath and release you are back from to normal. But before you leave ethan forgot to tell you something.

Ethan: Wait y/n! I need to tell you about arrow and his plans-!!

Back to your house*

You are breathing very fast. You wake up rubbing your head. You don't understand anything anymore. You decided to go to the fish stew pizza

Jenny: Good evening. what would you like to order?

Jenny noticed it was you.

Jenny: (smirks*) Why hello there handsome, what would you like to order?

You: One fish stew pizza.

Jenny: (smirking*) Anything else? extra topings, extra beverages, or maybe a little actions...

You: (obviously knows what's going on*) I have a girlfriend. Look, jenny, I know what you're trying to do to me and it won't work. So just please give me the food and I'll give you your money and I'll be on my way.

Jenny: Ok, ok jeez. I'll prepare your food.

You: Please make it quick, i'm in a hurry.

Jenny leaves and started to prepare your pizza.

Jenny: (at the distance*) I wonder how many abs does y/n have?

You just rolled your eyes in annoyance.

Time skip*

You leave the fish stew pizza with your food of course and is going to steven's place.

Outside steven's place*

Pearl suddenly pops in, freaking out.

Pearl: What are you all doing? Steven is falling; he needs our help. I'll catch you, Steven! (sees you*) Y/N help us!!

You obviously sad as fuck and can't handle things properly. Look up at pearl when she calls you. You decided to pretend that everything is normal even though it's not.

You: (smiling*) Hey pearl!

Pearl starts running backwards around in her panic, holding her arms out and trying to find out where Steven will land.

You: What is she doing?

You look up and see steven falling down slowly.

You: Is that steven?!

You run up at the crystal gems.

Amethyst: I think it's gonna be a while.Oh hey y/n, what's up?

You: How is steven doing that?!

Amethyst: I don't know, ask him.

Garnet jumps away and noises are heard, implying she breaks a window, triggers a car alarm, and knocks over trash cans. She then returns with a phone in her hand.

Garnet: I've found a phone.

Amethyst: Whose is it?

Garnet: That's not important.

You: That's stealing but we'll handle it later.

Garnet dials Steven's number on the phone. Steven's phone begins to rings, revealing it to be Kofi's phone, and Steven answers.

Steven: Hello?

Garnet: Ground control to Steven Universe

Pearl: (yells through the phone*) Steven! Are you okay?

Garnet puts Kofi's phone on speaker

Steven: Oh, yeah, I'm fine.

Amethyst:See, he's got this.

Steven: Not exactly, I think this is some kind of new power.

Garnet: Rose could regulate the speed of her descent.

You: Give me the god damn phone. (snatches the phone*) Steven, can you hear me?

Steven: Y/N thank goodness your here.  Listen, I don't know how to control this new power but can you please help me?

You: I'll try.

Garnet: Rose could regulate the speed of her descent.

Amethyst: Yeah, and she could control how fast she fell.

Garnet: That's what I said.

Pearl: Steven, try falling a little faster.

You: Try to like, I don't know swim down to the ground?

Steven: I already tried but it didn't work. I can't figure out how, and it's taking forever to reach the ground. Can you guys just keep me company until I land?

The Gems begins to do their best to help Steven pass the night comfortably. Amethyst hurls a soda can at Steven, and then a bag of chips, but it accidentally hits a seagull passing by.

Amethyst: Oooh...

Garnet then begins playing checkers with Steven. Steven makes a move, then Garnet discovers a chain and captures all of Steven's pieces in one fell swoop.

Steven: Wha... (sighs at his loss*)

Amethyst: So, how are going to get up there?

You: I can't, but garnet here. (gives her your pizza*) Give this to steven so he won't starve to death.

Steven keeps descending ever so slowly as the sun begins to rise. Pearl plays a picture-guessing game on the sand with Steven.

Steven: Is it a broom? No, it's a spear!

Pearl gives Steven a thumbs-up. Suddenly in the background, Steven's Cookie Cat alarm goes off.

Amethyst: Hey, Steven, why is your alarm going off?(Steven gasps heavily as he flashes back to the previous night.

Steven: Six fifty five A.M. That should give me enough time to get to the Big Donut right when it opens at 7.Donut
Steven's Imagination in Sadie's voice*)Fresh...

Steven: Oh, nuts, my donuts! (speaks into his phone*) Guys, I need to get down right now!

Garnet turns off the alarm clock while Amethyst holds onto Kofi's phone.

Amethyst: What's the hurry, dude? You got nowhere to be.

Pearl: He's clearly very tired from being up all night, and he's eager to get some sleep.

Steven: (through the phone's speaker*) There's no time to explain, just help me down!

Amethyst: How're we supposed to do that?

Pearl: Maybe we can weight him down?

You: Good Idea, everyone find as many objects as you can, the heavier the better. And don't hesitate to steal from anyone just tell them you need to borrow them for a sec.

The trio: Right

Pearl jumps up and puts a heavy jacket on Steven.

Steven: It's not enough, keep it coming!

Amethyst hands Steven a bowling ball and a giant rock.

Steven: More, more!

Garnet: bring a boat from the sea and places it on Steven.

Steven: Nnnnn, I don't think this is working.

Steven struggles to hold everything while no velocity was gained.

You, Pearl and Garnet climb aboard the boat while Amethyst, as Purple Puma, tries to weight it down.

Steven: Nothing's working, is there anything else you could put on me?

Garnet: Just this alarm clock.

Garnet pulls out the Cookie Cat alarm clock and shows it to Steven. It displays "7:26" as the current time. Steven looks at the time in disappointment.

Steven: It's past 7:00. (sighs*) Thanks for trying guys, but there's no point any more.

Amethyst: Sorry, Steven. (lets go of the boat*)

Pearl: Sorry, Steven. (jumps off the boat*)

You: Sorry for letting you down.

Garnet: It wasn't meant to be. (grabs you and jumps off too*)

Steven:Huh... (flips over, causing everything to fall off of him*) It was 'too' meant to be. (sighs in disappointment*) My first day back, and it's already ruined. I wonder who will get my donut instead of me.

Steven begins imagining the scenario in the Big Donut.

Steven: Probably Peedee, he'll be up for his morning jog. Mr. Smiley will have the second donut. Lars will embezzle one. Ronaldo will buy one that he thinks is a mutant. Onion will buy one, and take it for granted. And then Mayor Dewey will order a dozen, and then a dozen dozen for the whole town, and then a dozen dozen dozen for all the starving children of the world!

Steven: imagines small cartoony children surrounding the Earth, holding out their donuts and cheering in joy.

Steven:But not for Steven.

Steven imagine Sadie preparing a special donut on a pillow with a card named "Steven" especially for him.

Steven: They'll say, "Where's Steven? We saved a donut for him." They won't see me, because I'm in the sky. And then they'll feed my donut to a dog.

Steven: imagines Sadie feeding his donut to a stray dog.

Steven: And then I'll die...

Steven imagines his skeleton falling from the sky.

Sadie: (picks up Steven's skull*) "Alas! Poor Steven, I knew him well."

Steven: Noooooo!

Steve's skull starts screaming, when Steven wakes up from his daydream, realizing he is now falling towards the ground at a faster speed.

Steven: Huh? I'm falling. Oh jeez, I'm falling! (calls out to the Gems*) GUYS!

You and The Gems, however, are busy discussing on the beach on how to get Steven down, and do not notice Steven falling.

Amethyst: Yeah, but if he did have a jetpack, he could just put it on upside down.

You: It won't work, I think no matter what we try, it won't work at all. I think, it's because of his gem powers and something tells me that it is related to his emotions.

Steven: Uh, they still can't hear me. Oh, my phone! (checks his pockets and cannot find it*)I dropped my phone! Why do my powers keep coming and going? I was just so happy to be home. (suddenly realizes*) Wait! That's it! Happiness, my floating power's tied to my emotions. (facepalms*) Ugh, right, just like all my stupid powers!

Steven starts falling at an even faster speed.

Steven: Okay, right, I can control this! I just have to think happy thoughts and no negative thoughts. So, what makes me happy? Donuts? No, I'm not gonna get any. (imagines a donut, which quickly disappears with a poof)  The beach? No, that's where I'm going to die.

Steven imagines himself falling into the sand and creating a Steven-shaped hole

Steven: Mom?

Steven imagine Rose Quartz, but he pushes her away like a picture card.

Steven: Oh jeez, those emotions are complicated! Come on, come on brain, time is running out! I just need something that makes me happy, something I can depend on to cheer me up!

Steven looks down and sees you the Crystal Gems

Steven: My guys... They spent all night just to keep me company. No matter how much I mess up, they'll be there to help me.

Steven's descend begins to slow down. Back on the beach, the Gems are still discussing about the situation, while Garnet is smiling to herself.

Pearl: Even if y/n is right about his theory. But what will happen if he can't control his power-

Garnet: It's all right.

Pearl: How is it all right?

Garnet: By now, Steven has realized that his powers are tied to his emotions, just like I knew would happen. He's used the memories of happy and sad things to land safely behind us, ready to give us a hug.

You: But why didn't you told us about your plan earlier?

Garnet: (smiles*) I don't want to.

You, pearl, and amethyst frowns from garnet's reply. Steven lands hard on his face in the sand behind Garnet, mis-predicting the outcome a little.

Garnet: Close enough.

Steven: (lifts up his head up excitedly*) Guys!

Steven runs towards the Gems to hug them, but Garnet halts him.

Garnet: Wait! You have somewhere else to be.

Steven: What?

Garnet: There's no time, run to the Big Donut. Run! (points away*)

Steven: Uh, okay! (runs away*)

Pearl:... I would've liked a hug.

You: Wait, all of this happened because he just wanted some donuts?!

Garnet: Yes, y/n don't be angry. Don't let your ruby side show.

You take a deep breath trying not rant. Steven starts running towards the Big Donut.

Steven: No way. No way. (picks up his pace in increasing delight*) No way, no way, no way! Whoa...

Steven leaps and floats forward to the Big Donut, stumbling on the ground as Sadie is opening the shop for the day.

Steven: (runs up to Sadie excitedly*) You're just opening? I thought I was late!

Sadie: Late? We always open at 7:30 on Sundays. (enters the shop*)

Steven: Ugh, duh...(enters too*)

Sadie: Well, you're just in time, here you go. (holds out a donut on a plate*) My treat, a fresh baked frosted donut with sprinkles.

Steven: My FAVORITE!

Steven jumps in joy and accidentally crashes into the ceiling, cracking it.)

Steven: Ugh...!

Sadie: (cringes*) Oh...

Steven: Oh bother...

Inside Steven House*

The gems are sitting at steven's couch wondering why did you arrange a meeting with them.

You: Okay, I'll get straight to the point. What do you guys know about the yashikos?
