Chapter 33.

At The Barn*

Steven is seen fast asleep on the back of a truck in the barn, snoring loudly. Two shadowy figure then approaches him, and Steven snores a final time before waking up.

You and Garnet : (excitedly, and garnet without her visors on*) Steven!

Steven: (gasps*)Garnet! Y/N! Is it morning already?

Garnet: (grins*) It's midnight! Happy birthday, Steven!

You: Happy birthday steven, congratulations.

Steven: (grabs his cheeks, then sits up and grabs Garnet's cheeks*) Oh man! Garnet, Are you finally gonna tell me that you're a fusion of the Gems Ruby and Sapphire like you promised?

Garnet: You already know about all that, Steven.

You: (chuckles*) Steven, remember when we jailbreak from peridot's ship?

Steven: (sighs*) It's true and I remembered y/n. (lets go of Garnet and falls back into bed*)

Garnet: But what you two don't know is how Ruby and Sapphire first met.

Steven: (sits back up and grabs Garnet's cheeks again, blushing with stars in his eyes*)
O-M-G! I don't!

Garnet blushes and giggles, as she begins retelling her story of how Ruby and Sapphire first met, cuing a flashback.

Ar the Cloud Arena*

Garnet (Narrator): The Earth, 5,750 years ago; it was a promising site of a new Gem colony, but progress was being thwarted by a small, persistent group of rebels. A team of diplomatic Gems were sent from Homeworld to investigate. Among those Gems was Sapphire, a rare aristocratic Homeworld Gem, with the power to see into the future. Assigned to her were three Rubies, common soldiers, with a mission to protect her.

Ruby Guard 1: (walks up to Ruby Guard 2*) Hey! Can't wait for those rebels to get here!

Ruby Guard 2: Haha, yeah! When I see those rebels, I'm gonna punch them right in their faces!

Ruby Guard 1: What are you sayin'? I'm gonna punch them all over their bodies, and then it'll be over.

Ruby Guard 2: What if, I just punch you!

She punched Ruby Guard 1 playfully in the back of her shoulder, sticking her tongue out, and Ruby Guard 1 yelped out in pain.

Ruby: Oh, come on. We'll punch 'em together when we fuse. That's why they sent, uh, three of us?

Ruby Guard 1: Three this!

Ruby Guard 1 attempted to punch Ruby, but Ruby blocked the attack. Ruby was knocked backwards, causing her to collide into Sapphire. Onlooking Gems gasped in shock as Ruby quickly stepped away from Sapphire.

Ruby: Oh, I, um, I'm so sorry, I, let me, uh...

Sapphire: I'm fine.

Ruby: What?

Sapphire: It's okay. It was bound to happen.

Ruby: I, uh... okay.

Sapphire: Now please wait here. I must attend to my duties.

Ruby: Right.

RubyGuard 1: Mmm.

Ruby Guard 2: Yes.

The three Rubies stood in attention as Sapphire walked up to Blue Diamond's Palanquin, where Blue Diamond's Pearl was seen standing next to Blue Diamond's throne.

Garnet (Narrator): Sapphire had been called to Earth by Blue Diamond, specifically to share her vision of the future.

Sapphire: (enters the palanquin*) My diamond, I've arrived.

Garnet (Narrator): Blue Diamond spoke, "Sapphire, tell me what will happen here."

Sapphire: I foresee the rebels attacking the Cloud Arena. Before they are cornered, they will destroy the physical forms of seven gems, including two of my Ruby guards, and myself. Immediately after my form is destroyed, the rebels will be captured. The rebellion ends here.

Garnet (Narrator): "What about the human pests that is trying to carry on a rebellion, sapphire?" Blue diamond asks to sapphire. "Will they be a threat to the future of this colony?" Blue diamond adds to her question.

Sapphire: "For now, I can't see the humans entering the sky arena my diamond. But if my prediction is true, then we can crush the human rebels easily and make this planet to a new colony"

Garnet (Narrator): "Thank you, Sapphire." Blue Diamond said, relieved. "That's all I needed to know."

Sapphire: I look forward to speaking with you again once I reform back on Homeworld.

Sapphire gave a curtsy to Blue Diamond before returning to her Ruby guards, standing next to Ruby.

Garnet (Narrator): Sapphire knew she would be a casualty, but it did not faze her. She saw her whole life laid out before her, and she had already accepted all of it.

Sapphire: (speaks to Ruby*) What a beautiful place to build a colony. I wish I could have seen more of this planet.

Ruby: Uh... there's still time.

Sapphire: That is a nice thought, but... no.

Rose: *(off-screen): Blue Diamond, leave this planet! This colony will not be completed!

Ruby Guard 2: It's the rebels!

Various Gems muttered among themselves, one of them shouted, "Who are you!? Show yourselves!" Pearl, wielding two swords, appeared standing on a pillar as Rose Quartz floated in from above.

Rose: We...

Rose & Pearl:... are the Crystal Gems!

The Palanquin carrying Blue Diamond and her Pearl closed, sprouted mechanical legs and walks off.

Garnet (Narrator): The attack was right on schedule.

Pearl used her swords to defeat four Gems, before the Ruby guards intervened and fused into a much bigger Ruby. The Ruby fusion charged after Rose Quartz, but she counter-attacked, instantly defusing the Ruby fusion. Pearl then instantly jumped in and destroyed the forms of the two other Ruby Guards, leaving just Ruby on the ground. Pearl then prepared to strike Sapphire.

Sapphire: Thank you, Ruby. You did your best.

Garnet (Narrator): Ruby suddenly realized what Sapphire meant. She had known that Ruby would fail. Sapphire had accepted it. But Ruby... Ruby could not.

Ruby: NO!!

Ruby got up and charged at Sapphire, pushing her out of the way of Pearl's attack. As the two of them spun in the air, they accidentally fuse into Garnet for the first time.

Past Garnet: Wha... (examines her newly formed body, and the two gems on her palms*) What... !?

Onlooking Gems gasped, horrified, as they muttered among themselves.

Past Garnet: What...what is this?

Pearl looked on in, amazed, but shook it off and prepared to strike again, before being stopped by Rose.

Rose: Wait! This is... hm?

The other Gems noticed her and began to approach, ignoring Garnet.

Rose:...Let's go.

Pearl: Uh... bye!

Pearl And Rose then leapt away.

Past Garnet: Is this... ?

Past Garnet defused back into Ruby and Sapphire, and the onlooking Gems turned their attention back to the pair.

Garnet (Narrator): The furious crowd closed in around Ruby and Sapphire. They'd never seen fusion of two different types of Gems.

Various Gems (Garnet): "Unbelievable!""Disgusting!" "This is unheard of!"

Garnet (Narrator): Blue Diamond's voice cut through the crowd. "The rebels have fled. Sapphire, this was not the scenario you described!"

Sapphire: his is... not what I saw! I don't know what happened, I...

Ruby: No! It was me!

Garnet (Narrator): "Clearly." Said Blue Diamond. "How dare you fuse with a member of my court?"

Ruby: Forgive me, I... !

Garnet (Narrator): "You will be broken for this!"

As blue diamond clenches her fist and the angry Gems began to close in on Ruby and Sapphire, A human appear at the edge of the cloud arena. Some gems was caught their attention including ruby and sapphire. The human landed on the sky arena and with great speed he quickly draws one of his swords and with all his strength, he throwed his sword directly at blue diamond. The entire gems on the arena are shocked but blue diamond just slowly move her head away dodging it. Sapphire quickly looked at the human grabbed Ruby's hand and dashed off with her

Ruby: WAAAIT!! What are you dooiing!? NO!!

The human jump off the sky arena just when Sapphire was running into the human. Sapphire along with ruby jumped off the Cloud Arena as well, and the two disappeared into the clouds.

Somewhere on Earth*

Sapphire gently floated Ruby down somewhere at the base of a mountain and dropped her into the ground. It then began to rain heavily.

Ruby: Ugh, why'd you do that!? I have to get you back up there!

Sapphire: They were gonna break you!

Ruby: Who cares!? There's tons of me!

Ruby looked up at the rain, and the area around the mountain. She then groaned in panic.

Ruby: Gahh! What do we do now!?

Garnet (Narrator): Sapphire had known every moment of her life. How it would happen, and when. But because of Ruby's impulsive gesture, she suddenly jumped the track of fate, and everything from that instant on was wrong, and new. She couldn't see, she couldn't move. She was... frozen.

Ice began forming around Sapphire's feet, freezing her onto the spot.

Ruby: Ah! We have to get you... out of here!

Ruby grabbed Sapphire from behind and pulled her out of the ice. She then carries Sapphire bridal style.

Ruby: Come on.

Ruby carried Sapphire away from the mountains and into a nearby cave. Ruby set her down inside and examined the surroundings.

Ruby: Alright, this should be good for now.

Sapphire sat down and pushed aside her bang, uncovering her eye.

Sapphire: Thank you...

Ruby looked at her, stunned and speechless. Fire then formed around her feet, causing her to step back in shock. A bonfire was made from the flames and Saphhire began warming herself. Ruby, however, kept pacing around in panic.

Ruby: What kind of Ruby am I supposed to be? Look at this! It's my fault you're stranded here. How am I gonna save you?

Sapphire: You already did.

Ruby: What!?

Sapphire: You already saved me.

Ruby sniffled and sat down next to the bonfire, still perturbed. The two remained silent for a moment, thinking about the accidental fusion they performed earlier. Ruby stared at her gem, and then at Sapphire's gem.

Sapphire: I... I've seen gems fuse before, but I had no idea that's what it felt like. I always thought... I never realized that fusion... that'd you'd disappear like that.

Ruby: It's never like that! Whenever I've fused, it's always just been me, but bigger, I... I've never had a third eye before.

Sapphire: I've never had more than one! It was nice.

Ruby: (blushes*) Ha... yeah...

Eventually, the rain stopped, and Ruby and Sapphire stepped out of the cave. They climbed over a hill and witnessed a sunset in the horizons. They both began to sing "Something Entirely New" as they explore Earth together.

Ruby & Sapphire:

♫ Where did we go?
What did we do?
I think we made something, entirely new.
And it wasn't quite me, and it wasn't quite you.
I think it was someone, entirely new. ♫

Sapphire walked through a forest when a butterfly landed on her hand. Ruby came over to observe it, but it flew away and got eaten by a frog. Ruby then picked up the frog and showed it to an excited Sapphire.


♫ Oh... Um...
Well I just can't stop thinking ♫



♫ So... Um...
Did you say I was different? ♫


♫ And you hadn't before? ♫


♫ Of course not!
When would I have ever? ♫

Night fell, Ruby and Sapphire lay in the grass to gaze at the moon, while talking about the accidental fusion.


♫ I'm so sorry. ♫


♫ No, no, don't be. ♫


♫ And now you're here forever! ♫


♫ What about you? ♫


♫ What about me? ♫


♫ Well you're here too. 
We're here together. ♫

Sapphire placed a reassuring hand on Ruby's hand and then led her into a forest. She began humming her song, to which Ruby then joined in too, forming a reprise of "Stronger Than You" and "Strong in the Real Way. They danced together in the forest, and eventually fused together back into Garnet. Past Garnet began stumbling around, unfamiliar to her body yet.

Garnet (Narrator): I was back; I was someone and I didn't know who. But I felt I was getting the hang of my strange new form. ...And then I fell.

Past Garnet tripped and rolled down a hill.

Past Garnet:... Ouch.

Suddenly, a sword was pointed at Past Garnet's face, causing her to flinch and recoil.

Past Garnet: Ah! Don't hurt her! Don't hurt... me?

The sword bearer then revealed to be Pearl.

Pearl: It's you! The fusion...

Past Garnet: We didn't mean to fuse! Well... well, we did this time. We'll unfuse! We, we'll...

Rose Quartz approached from behind Pearl.

Rose: No, no, please... I'm glad to see you again.

Garnet (Narrator): And there they were: Rose Quartz, the leader of the rebellion, and her terrifying renegade Pearl.

Past Garnet: I don't upset you?

Rose: Who cares about how I feel? How you feel is bound to be much more interesting.

Past Garnet: How I feel? I feel... uh, lost... and scared... and happy. W-why am I so sure that I'd rather be this than everything I was supposed to be, and that I'd rather do this than anything I was supposed to do?

Rose: (laughing*) Welcome to Earth!

Past Garnet: C-can you tell me!? How was Ruby able to alter fate? Or, why was Sapphire willing to give up everything? W-what am I!?

Rose: No more questions. Don't ever question this. (holds Garnet's hands*)
You already are the answer.

Back at the Barn*

The flashback ends as Garnet concludes her tale.

Steven: So... ? What was it?

Garnet raises an eyebrow.

Steven: The answer?

Garnet : (whispers*) Love.

Steven: Wow... I knew it.

Garnet: So did I.

You: Come on, steven. Let's get you back to sleep.

Steven: (sleepy and yawns*) Your right y/n, I gotta be fully rested for tomorrow.

Steven said and lies down comfy and laughs a little before returning back to sleep.

You and garnet get off and before leaving you tuck his blanket into him and garnet kisses steven's forhead.

Outside if the barn*

You and garnet are sitting and looking at the moon, the wind is really cold but you didn't mind it.

You: (to garnet*) So that's how ruby and sapphire met huh?

Garnet: Yup, you want to continue the story, right?

You: Yup.

Garnet: Alright, well then.

{Past Garnet=Garnet in the flashback}


Garnet (background): Garnet meets rose quartz for the very first time in person somewhere beneath the earth. Garnet was astrounded by rose's aura to her. Garnet could not move she can only appreciate the kindness that rose was giving to her.

Rose and garnet was still holding hand but was about to be interrupt by someone. Suddenly a figure jump out of nowhere with a sword. The figure was aiming for garnet but pearl block her hand.

Garnet: Gah!!

garnet stumbles to the ground and rose is helping garnet to stand up again.

???: Pearl, move out of the way.

Pearl: You are misunderstanding her Emily she isn't a threat, at least not for now.

???: That's enough Emily!

Garnet (background): At one of trees was another human hanging at it. The human was under on a grey hood and his body was mostly covered by weapons. The human remove his hood, revealing non other than arrow ackerman himself. Garnet was shocked by his appearance because his skin color is now pink.

Arrow: So, you must be the fusion that rose told me. Tell us, what's your purpose here?

Garnet: (background): Arrow snaps his finger and a bunch of more humans appear ar the ground with weapons threatening garnet.

Rose quickly covered garnet for protection. Arrow raises an eyebrow
seemingly interested at rose's intention.

Arrow: Rose what are you doing? Are you protecting the enemy?

Rose: No! Arrow, she isn't an enemy! She is one of us now, a member the crystal gems.

Arrow: (rolls his eyes and annoyed*) Rose let the fusion speak for herself or face the consequences.

Arrow sheaths his sword in front of rose but garnet finally decided to stand up for herself.

Garnet: Rose is right! I will join your rebellion and stop pink diamond for taking over this planet if you only let me?

Arrow: Why? If you are going to join the rebellion just because we threaten you then you are not worthy.

Garnet: I will join because I want to be allowed to be myself. I want to fuse, I want ruby and sapphire to be happily live together forming me, forming garnet. In short, I want to join this rebellion for FUSIONS!!

Garnet background: Garnet said with great confidence ar the rest of the army, fhe armt lowered down their weapons for a little while arrow wasn't amazed.

Arrow: How can we know you will never betray us?

Garnet: I already betrayed them, if I go back there I will be shattered. Ruby, no- What I meant is that this is the path that I chosen and I will not regret it nor regretting to join the rebellion if you or rose allowed me too.

Arrow jumped and landed on the ground.

Arrow: Very well then, If you want to join in the rebellion then I'll allow it. Rose, what about you?

Garnet (background): Rose was speechless at what garnet said. Rose then Instantly hug garnet and garnet was kinda suffering from the hug.

Rose: Of course you can join!!

Rose keep squizzing garnet.

Garnet: (struggling*) Please, let go of me.

Rose: Oh, sorry.

Rose let go of garnet and garnet was catching her breath.

Arrow: (sighs*) Let's go back to the base.

At empire city*

Garnet: (background): Garnet was sitting on a wood with a fire thinking about arrow. She has a lot of questions running up to her gem.  Arrow then sits down with garnet.

Arrow: You know, I've seen you before. At the cloud arena.

Garnet: How? unless..

Garnet (background): Garnet remembers the human that tries to attack blue diamond at the cloud arena. And it wasn non other than arrow himself. But something was missing, how did arrow entered the sky arena? The cloud arena is on the very high places.

Arrow: Yup, I'm the human who infiltrated the cloud arena. Is there a problem?

Garnet: No! No! It's just that it's weird to see a human capable of doing such things. No offense.

Arrow: Non taken, and it seems that we started a horrible introduction to each other.

Arrow gives his right hand to garnet signalizing a hand shake.

Arrow: Nice to meet you fusion. My name is Arrow, Arrow Ackerman. Leader of "The Fallen" or the human rebels.

Garnet takes arrow's hand and the two shake hands with each other.

Garnet: Nice to meet you, arrow. And you can call me garnet.

The two let go of each others hands.

Arrow: So, which side will you join? "The crystal gems" or "The fallen"?

Garnet: I think ruby and sapphire will join "The crystal gems".

Arrow: I respect your decision and you are allowed.

Garnet: Can you tell me, how you humans are capable of fighting against us gems? Like, how can you be so strong to attack us or like the confidence to attack a diamond?!

Arrow: Rose and pearl teached us about your gem cultures. Like how planets work, what are gem beings, what are the architectures that is being built on earth, who are the diamonds, who is pink diamond, almost everything that is need to know.

Garnet: Yeah, but you humans are organic beings, you aren't capable of fighting.

Arrow laughs hysterically.

Arrow: Are you joking?! Humans have been fighting each other for years. Humans are devided by culture, race, religion, but most importantly they are different in opinions. They fight for many reasons but once there comes a threat bigger than humanity. That is the time when humans are different from each other will unite to eliminate that threat. But after they defeated the threat they will start to fight each other again and the cycle never changes. That's my opinion on humans.

Garnet: Woah, what about you then? Why do you fight for humanity?

Arrow: Freedom.

Arrow: I fight for freedom of humanity but at the same time for revenge.

Arrow remembers  a village, but at what blink the village was burning into ashes, many pile of headless body's were burning, everything was on fire, a kid watches as soon as hell happens in front of him. Arrow then stops his flashback and look at the ground.

Arrow: I will kill you.

Garnet: Who?

Arrow: I will kill that lazuli and get my revenge.

Garnet: But why? What did she did to you?

Arrow: She killed me. So that is why I will get my revenge on her and no one is gonna stop me.

Garnet: But how are you still alive?

Arrow: Rose, has healing powers. Lapis is the only gem that can only keep up with me. Rose healed me and give me certain powers. And I will use this powers so that I cannot only win the war but to also shatter her.

Garnet (background): Arrow said with anger shown to his face. Arrow was super determined and that was one of the reasons we won the war.

End of flashback*

You: Wait, lapis killed someone?!

Garnet: I don't know, but that is what arrow promised to himself. He wants to win defend freedom at the same time get his revenge.
