Chapter 4: Smile Ok?

(My favorite character from Scared Stones is L'Arachel. I just love how happy and headstrong she is compared to both Tana and Eirika. I also love how she took none of Innes's sass. She's also pretty powerful. In the app, she's kind of strong. Though, she's not as strong as any character from Three Houses. Enjoy!)

                        L'Arachel was happily heading towards the spring with a smile on her face.

"We will be able to do good for our kingdom soon enough! Onwards, my fellow knights!" L'Arachel said in determination as she galloped forward.

"But of course, princess! Bahahaha!" Dozla yelled as he ran after her.

"Why did I agree to this? Why?" Rennac asked in a defeated tone and slowly walked after them.

As L'Arachel's horse galloped forward, the horse tripped over a tree's root by being startled by something in the distance. L'Arachel was launched forward and landed on the ground.

"Ah!" she screamed as she quickly crawled away from the coming skeleton.

"Don't worry, princess! We're coming!" Dozla yelled as he and Rennac rushed towards the princess.

However, a young girl in purple quickly ran towards the princess and cast a purple shard of icicles down on the skeleton to freeze it.

"What was that?" Rennac asked as the young girl stepped towards the princess.

"I'm Lute. You are safe now, because of my amazing skills" she introduced as she turned her head to the princess and her knights. L'Arachel looked at the tome in awe.

"Innes just relax! We'll make it in time and make father proud! Just you wait and see!" Tana reassured her brother as she leaned back on her Pegasus.

Innes sighed as he replied, "I would like to make sure we are on time and ahead, Tana. Everything must have order"

Tana rolled her eyes at her brother as they kept marching onward. The group then approached a village in the valley and decided to rest up for the night.

"Do you think we are close?" Tana asked her brother curiously as she looked at the map.

"You are also searching for the power of the gods as well. How do you feel about our search?" Innes asked as he marked the map of places they have already been to.

Tana pondered on her brother's words and shook her head as she answered, "I feel like we are lost and close. It should be here"

"That can't be. We are far away and lost. We have a map" Innes said seriously as he showed his sister the marked up map.

Tana was getting annoyed at her brother. The two of them began to argue with each other as Vanessa, Syrene, and Gilliam watched from afar as they handled the goods and supplies. Moulder then stepped out of the inn after getting rooms for them for the night.

"Another one?" he asked in a knowing tone.

"Yes. Though, we don't know how to stop them" Vanessa said calmly as she made her Pegasus calm down.

"Finish up and then rest. I will deal with our prince and princess" Moulder said as he walked up to the siblings.

He slammed his staff on the ground to make two small moons above the prince's and the princess's heads. He slowly drained their energy and then approached them.

"Are you two done with your petty arguments?" Moulder asked as he looked down at the siblings.

Tana lowered her head in shame while Innes looked away.

"It doesn't matter where the spring is if you don't reach your potential of being who you really are. The gods won't listen to someone who won't realize who they truly are. Listen and you'll hear it" Moulder informed seriously as the siblings remained quiet.

Then, they heard screaming and yelling. The siblings didn't hesitate to rush to those who cried for help. Moulder went to get the knights.

L'Arachel's group found themselves at a village with Lute and two other young men.

"I'm Artur. I am just a humble priest. This is Han, a mercenary of sorts. Lute and I are the ones who mainly protect our home from the Demons who threaten our land" Artur introduced kindly as he offered tea to L'Arachel and her group.

Artur had brown curly hair and wore blue and white priestly robs. As for Han, he wore a black vest and white shirt. He wore black pants and held a short bow.

"Wo, why are there monsters here? I thought most of them were sent to another after the War of Atlas?" Rennac asked.

"That is true, but some of the monsters remained here. As the Descendant of the Ice Tome of Europa, I will vanquish the remaining monsters!" Lute proclaimed as L'Arachel opened her eyes wide in awe.

She couldn't believe that she would meet a famous descendant.

"Is there anything we can do to help you?" she asked excitedly.

Rennac groaned in annoyance as Dozla asked with a hint of worry, "Are you sure about this, princess? We still have to find your link to the gods"

Dozla looked at the princess who remained firm.

"It is the duty of nobility to help others without question! I will carry that will out without question nor regret!" L'Arachel stated with pride.

Dozla let out a loud, hearty yell while Rennac just sighed. The two of them smiled at their princess.

"Well, if you really wish to help us, then we could use some help with protecting our home from these monsters. There are a lot of monsters lately, so any help will be appreciated by this" Artur said with a smile.

Han then left the room with a huff and said, "I already agreed to work with you two, but I will not work with them. they would only slow me down"

He then left the group as Rennac glared at him.

"Ah, Han is always like that. Sorry about him" Artur reassured them.

The group then heard people screaming and panicking!

"The monsters are back!" a person yelled as he ran pass their house.

"Let's go! We have to protect the people!" Lute shouted as she ran outside.

"Wait for us, Lute!" Artur yelled as he chased after her.

"My knights, we have work to do! Let's help those people!" L'Arachel exclaimed as she went to the fight.

Dozla and Rennac followed her into the fight. Rennac held his silver katana as he glowed a. brown light.

He said with a yawn "Shara, let's wrap this up. I don't want to take up too much time"

Rennac quickly sliced the monsters in half and ran around the village to defeat the monsters heading towards the people. Dozla slammed his slaying axe on the ground as a strong light emitted from him.

"Come on, Maiakbel! Let's give them a hardy fight!" Dozla declared as he charged forward to knock the monsters down and smacked them away using his slaying axe.

As for Artur, he was surrounded by skeletons and separated from Lute and Han!

Artur held his tome and prayed quietly, "Nabu, please give me more of your magic, so that I may reach Lute"

Artur began to glow a strong, heavenly light as he raised his hand over the tome. He unleashed a powerful rain of light over the skeletons. Han was able to snipe the monsters from a far as Lute joined him.

"Are you alright?" She asked as she gave off a purple light.

"Fine. Annoyed. I'm getting paid for this, right?" he yelled as he avoided an incoming attack from the monster.

"Sure" Lute said as she raised her tome in the air, "Ningillin! Freeze everything in your path!"

Ice poured from the sky and began to freeze the monsters in place. L'Arachel cast her powerful light magic to blast a few monsters away. However, as she celebrated her short victory, she heard a bunch of children screaming. L'Arachel rushed towards them without hesitation as ice rained from the sky.

The ice was heading towards L'Arachel and the children as Dozla shouted, "Princess please move!"

L'Arachel then tackled herself and the kids into the cave and away from the incoming ice spell. This ice spell completely froze over the only exit to the cave.

"Oh, no!" Artur shouted in panic when he saw the ice covering the cave, "Lute, you have to dispel it!"

Lute ran over to the cave and placed her hands on the wall of ice to slowly make the wall of ice melt as Han and Dozla went to protect her. As for Artur and Rennac, they rushed to the other areas of the village to help the people escape.

"Are you kids alright?" L'Arachel asked them with a small smile on her face.

She saw how scared they were and knew she had to reassure them.

"Don't worry, we are going to get out of the cave soon. Trust me" L'Arachel said with a bright smile.

The kids calmed down as lute slowly began to melt the ice. However, a skeleton threw a bone at Lute to knock her to the ground!

Han quickly rushed over to the young girl as Artur yelled loudly, "Princess! You'll have to bust yourself out! Lute got hurt!"

Artur rushed to help Lute while Han charged into the fight. L'Arachel nodded as she stood up and held her tome.

"Alright kids, stand back and just watch how a heroine saves the day!" L'Arachel proclaimed as she opehed her tome to make light gather around her right hand, "After all, a heroine makes sure others are safe and have a smile on their faces! I'll make sure you're safe and happy!"

She unleashed the power of the light spell to blast a hole through the wall of ice. She began to crack it slowly and let out a powerful yell. Soon, the wall of ice completely shattered in front of them!

"Princess!" Dozla exclaimed as he rushed towards her.

The children were worried about as Dozla gently placed the princess on the ground.

"She'll be just fine. Now go off and stay hidden" Dozla said calmly.

The children ran to take cover as Dozla, Rennac, Artur, and Han fought off the remaining monsters. Once the monsters were driven out of the village, the villagers thanked them for their help. They allowed L'Arachel and her knights to rest at the village until they were ready to go on their quest. As for Artur, Lute, and Han, they discovered as to why the monsters attacked the village.

"Well, I didn't expect my blood and tome to be the reason for the attack at our home" Lute said in defeat as she looked at the tome in sadness.

"There must be something we can do to stop these attacks" Artur said as he flipped through a few books to find a possible solution.

"I think you know what you have to do. Leave this place and start a wondering life" Han said seriously.

Artur gasped at his suggestion as L'Arachel overheard their conversation when she awoke. She pondered on their situation.

"I believe he is right, Artur. I don't want to hurt others because of my blood and power. We should leave" Lute said calmly as she stood up, "Until we can find a proper solution to this, I should leave"

Artur didn't want Lute to leave by herself. L'Arachel then opened the doors and cleared her throat to gain their attentions.

"I believe I have a solution to this whole ordeal" she said with a smile on her face.

She then cast a spell to meet with her uncle and said, "So, please send us the finest soldiers to watch over this village!"

Everyone was surprised by her request as she then faced her knights and friends.

"Now, your village will be safe as you go on your journey to find the solution you need!" L'Arachel said in delight.

Lute was very surprised as Artur thanked the princess for her help.

"Now, we shall be off! We will return to our adventure and shall see you soon!" L'Arachel stated as she and her knights departed from the village.

Except, Lute wasn't sure if she should depart with Artur and Han on their own.

"Princess L'Arachel, may we come with you?" Lute asked as Artur rushed to his friend's side.

Han sighed as the princess said in delight, "Of course! We would love to have you with us! It would be so much fun!"

Lute and Artur thanked the princess as Han said, "I'm going on my own! I don't want any part of this without pay! Goodbye! Have fun!"

He prepared to leave until he heard a bag of golden coins jingle!

"I'll pay you any price you desire as you come with us!" L'Arachel said with a grin as she tossed him the bag of golden coins.

"I'll follow you to the ends of the earth if you keep this up!" Han shouted in delight.

Thus, Princess L'Arachel's group set out for the spring.

Innes and Tana rushed pass the panicked people while the siblings saw a horde of monsters charging towards them!

"Innes! We need to help them!" Tana exclaimed with worry as she ran back to get their knights.

Innes drew his bow back and fired the arrows at the monsters.

"Everyone get out of the village! I will make sure the monsters do not follow you!" Innes shouted loudly as he threw a few broken arrows at the monsters.

"Guys! We need help!" Tana yelled as her Pegasus flew towards her side.

Vanessa and Syrene flew above the village and went to Innes's side.

"Are you ok, prince?" Syrene asked with worry as she landed her Pegasus on the ground beside the prince.

"I'll be fine. Right now, I need you two to pick up any villagers left behind in the village and take them out of here!" Innes ordered seriously as he dragged the monsters towards himself to the center of the village.

Syrene and Vanessa flew around the village and picked up people who were running or hiding. As for Tana's group, they were fighting the monsters towards the center of the village and met up with Innes.

"Are you ok?" Tana asked as she held her lance and landed behind her brother.

"I'm fine However, we still have a long way to go!" Innes shouted as he launched another arrow at the enemy.

Moulder raised his staff and said, "Shul_utula! Make your Moonlight shine down on the enemies!"

Then, the moon gave off a gentle light which blasted the monsters around him.

"Martu! Strengthen my defensives!" Gilliam shouted loudly as he gripped his iron great lance and gave off a blue, emerald light.

He rammed himself towards the monsters and knocked down the monsters. He swung his iron great lance around to knock the monsters down.

Vanessa held her bright lance as she whispered to herself, "Sarrat-Deri please give me your power"

She flew around quickly and created a powerful gust of wind to knock the monsters down. Syrene flew herself and Pegasus to the ground. She drew her short spear in front of herself.

"Nisianna lend me your power! Haah!" she yelled as she charged through the row of monsters.

Innes and Tana stood back to back as they fought the rest of the monsters. Then, a giant skeleton appeared before the siblings.

"Innes! Do we have a plan?!" Tana exclaimed as she held her lance close to herself.

Innes looked around and saw a few barrels of oil.

"I've got an idea. We need to drag the skeleton to those barrels" Innes said as he ran to the giant skeleton monster and smacked his bow against the back of the monster.

The giant skeleton growled and tried to grab Innes. He was too quick for the giant skeleton. Tana gripped her lance and had her Pegasus fly towards the giant skeleton. She smacked the monster with her lance to get his attention. Innes the took one arrow out and ran to the other end. He drew the arrow back and into the bow. Tana made sure the giant skeleton was near the barrels.

"Tana! Get ready to fly upward!" Innes yelled.

Tana nodded her head as she saw the barrels were close to them. Tana then tapped her Pegasus's head to signal her to fly upwards to the sky. The Pegasus flew upward, but the giant skeleton caught the tail! Innes released his arrow as Tana threw her lance to knock the giant skeleton off! The arrow hit the barrels and exploded it! Innes shouted his sister's name as he was blown away. Smoke covered the area. Vanessa and Syrene flew around in a circle and made the smoke air away. Innes picked himself up and ran towards the area to see nothing but burn bones and ashes. He felt tears run down his face. Did he just kill his own sister? Tana and her Pegasus flew to the sky as Tana let out a cough. She then saw her brother and flew to his side.

"Are you ok? We got him!" she exclaimed in a cheery manner.

Innes looked at her in disbelief. Tana then hugged her brother as she talked about how amazing his plan was. Innes hugged her close and let out a shaky breath with a few more tears falling from his face. Their knights and villagers returned to the siblings and grinned.

"They've learned a valuable lesson. They need each other if they are going to find the power of the gods. Now that they know that, they will be even stronger" Moulder said with a knowing smile.

Then, the other Knights of Frelia rushed to the village and began to help the villagers. As for the royal siblings, they prepared to leave the village with their knights.

"Let's move onward!" they said as they departed from the village. 
