As girl and her parents were packing and getting things ready to go, there's a knock on the door.

Girl goes to open the door and when she does, she passes out.

Because it's ✨Pablo✨

"Great, you killed her" mom says as she walks up to the door and over girls body. " What can i do for you Pablo?"
"My mom said to give these to you as a parting gift" pablo says in his oddly high pitched voice and english accent.

Gladly receiving the cookies, mom thanks him and closes the door. "You can open your eyes now" she says once again walking over girl, who was still laying on the floor.
"where did i go wrong with this kid?" mom asks rhetorically while eating a cookie. Leaving the hallway mom says to girl "You know, acting like an idiot and embarrassing yourself isn't going to grab musty man's attention" then she goes to pack her room.
