Once upon a time, there lived this girl madly in love with some dude name ✨Pablo✨.

Said dude named ✨Pablo✨ was completely oblivious to this girl's feelings for him.

So he just continued with his days like he always did, oblivious of her existence.

To her dismay, ✨Pablo✨ had a girlfriend.

She was a sight for sore eyes, in a non complimentary way.

On her way home from work, girl was day dreaming of ✨Pablo✨ when she bumped into someone.

This someone had an incredibly muscular build. His face was so rugged and beautiful, she almost forgot about ✨Pablo✨.

After apologizing and continuing on her walk, she stops by a dark alleyway questioning whether or not she should walk in for no apparent reason.

Once she got home she proceeded with her impulsively stalkerish habit of looking outside her window towards ✨Pablo's✨ house.
