Their Hidden Friendship

(Y/N)- Your Name

(Y/N)'s POV

"Miss (Y/N)! A pleasure to meet you, what can I help you with?" She gestured us to have a seat and we did. "Well I was wondering about-" "-She wants to be on the swimming team." I looked over at Joseph, glaring a bit.

"That's great! You're on, we've received your physicals and your records from your old coach. Practice is after school Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Practices start this week. Since you're new you can start next week." I gave her a smile. "Alright thank you so much."

"Have a good day you two." We walked out and by then it was the last period of the day. "Since it's so late you can pretty much go home now, since we're excused." I nodded. "Ok thanks."

He left to go to his brother and I went out the front doors. I texted my mother if she could already come pick me up and she was on her way.

A few minutes later my mom arrived, I got in the passenger seat. "How was your first day sweetie?" I shrugged. "I think it went okay, I didn't go to my classes I was taking a tour." "Were you excused? I wouldn't want you to be marked absent on your first day."

"Mr.Agustin excused me and his two kids. They were the ones showing me around." My mother nodded. The rest of the ride was filled by the music coming from the radio, and the occasional commercial break.

When we got home there was a bag on the front door. "Did your fashionista leave it so early? How nice of him." We got out and I grabbed the bag, sure enough it had clothes inside and a card.

Dear (Y/N),

I left your outfit for tomorrow early since I'll be busy with my fratello! I hope you like it~


What's fratello? Must be a different language, I shrugged and put the note back in. I followed my mom inside, the bag was on my left hand.

"Did you make any friends sweetie?" I nodded. "Turns out that's the school Cadenza goes to, and of course I have Joseph and Chris. They introduced me to their friends." "That's great sweetie." She gestured towards a batch of cookies that was on the kitchen island. "They're white chocolate macadamia nut cookies! Yours and Gargar's favorite!"

I took a cookie and happily ate it. "You won't mind going to pick your brothers up right? I dropped them off this morning." I nodded. "That's fine, I'll go pick them up." I looked at the clock, It was time for me to go. I put my things down.

I grabbed the keys to the car and headed out, I grabbed another cookie on the way out too. They're so good. I got in the car and turned it on. I adjusted the seat before reversing out of the driveway and to my old school.

I didn't think about it then but I don't know what I would tell my friends if I see them. 'Oh hey I just got transferred to a different school because Dante and Nicole were 'bullying' me!' I sighed.

When I arrived I parked in the parking lot and waited for my siblings. I looked at my phone and it should be time for them to get released, it's 2:53. I waited a few more minutes before getting off and deciding to look for them. They weren't answering my calls or messages.

When I got to the school doors I hesitated a bit before walking in. I took a deep breath and opened the door and walked in. Inside everyone was acting normal, like they had just changed classes? I walked over to the cork board and then I remembered the new time schedule.

After the first week time was added, they get out at 3:20 now instead of 2:45. What a pain, but how could I forget? I sighed and decided to go back outside to the fountain. I took a seat on the bench next to it and browsed through my phone.

"Hey, didn't she get transferred." "Yeah she totally did." "What is she doing back?" I rolled my eyes. "Nice seeing you too, Shadow Dorks." "It's knights!" "Can it Zenix. Me and her have something to talk about, you two get going." "But Gene!" "I don't want to hear it Sasha. Go."

The two members reluctantly left which left me with their leader. I put my phone away and looked up at Gene. He gave me a soft smile. "It hasn't even been a day and I already miss you."

"You know you don't have to act tough in front of me. I know you're a real softy." I saw him roll his eyes. He sat next to me. "Sorry about what my brother did, he really can be an idiot sometimes." "Most times." He let out a chuckle. "Yeah, most times."

"He's been in such a bad mood since Friday, I thought I was the grouchy one." "How about today?" He shrugged. "Hell do I know, last time I saw him was a few minutes ago in the hallway fighting with his girlfriend." "I thought they'd be broken up by now." "You and me both."

He handed me a piece of paper. "You should come, it'll be fun." I looked at it, it was a campfire get together. "Who's going?" "My crew, a few people from school, two guys from your school." "From my school?" "Yeah, you'll see who'll be there when you get there." "I don't know Gene, you know how strict my parents are and I don't want any trouble."

He put his arm around me and pulled me in close. I was against his chest. "Baby girl, I won't let anyone hurt you, much less lay a finger on you." I never liked that nickname, it's so embarrassing. "Please stop, that's embarrassing." "Aw come on we've known each other for a long time I thought you'd be used to it by now."

"I never knew you two were so close." "Yeah, what's it to ya little bro?" Dante scrunched up his nose a bit. "Nothing. Can we just go now." Gene let go of me and stood up. He walked a bit away with his brother before looking back at me. "You look good baby girl." "I said stop calling me that.!" He laughed and left to the parking lot.

I crossed my arms and sighed. Why do I get called such weird nicknames? I uncrossed my arms and looked at the paper he gave me. A campfire gathering huh?

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Have a Good Morning/ Evening/ Night.
