Spring Break Day 1

Doing a time skip because I'll be honest, I'm excited to write & publish the next few chapters. Hope you guys are excited to read :)

This chapter goes out to Best boi, he might be reading this I don't know. If you are reading this plz stop ahhh

(Y/N)- Your Name

On the way to the beach house was pretty fun. My brothers and I were in one vehicle and our friends came in their own or carpooled. We sang way too many songs on our way down here.

"Are you finally done with your awful singing." "Zane you literally sang Seven Nation Army all three times it came on. Do not start." I heard Vylad snicker. "You too Vylad." "Oh I know I was singing, I'm not afraid to admit it!" "It's the only good song that played." "Yeah you totally weren't humming along to Us! By Tayler Swift and Brandon Urie (misspelled on purpose ok you guys?)."

"Alright that's enough, we're almost there so start getting ready to get off." "After we leave our belongings at the house and decide who gets which room what are we doing?" "Perhaps going to the beach? Or should we have the staff start preparing dinner while we hang out in the living room?"

"I like the latter!" "I do too, only because I'll be able to lock myself in a room away from all of you." "Oof, what a mood." "What does that mean sis?" "Oh um, nothing nevermind."

I started grabbing empty bottles of water and empty bags of chips and gathering them in a small plastic bag to dispose of later. "We're here!!" I looked up and yes we were indeed here. I smiled. Our parents would almost always bring us to this beach house in summer, it's recently been remodeled so it has two more bedrooms. They remodeled the upstairs exercise room and the downstairs study.

The people that came on this trip are my brothers and I, Dante, Laurance, Travis, Jeffory, Gene, Kawaii-Chan, Katelyn, Cadenza, Lucinda, and Aphmau and while yes this is a big house it's not the biggest one so people will have to share a room, but there's more than enough room.

The other three cars arrived and parked next to us. We got out and were greeted by the staff here. "My beautiful children!" "Nanny!" Garroth stretched his arms out and greeted our Nanny with a hug. "My you've all gotten so big! Awe is that my two little babies?! Zane and Vylad, awe you two are just adorable!" I gave her a smile and waved. "Hi Nan, these are our friends I'm pretty sure dad called you and let you know we were coming."

"Of course he did pumpkin, he's always ten steps ahead." "Woah this place looks amazing!" "Yeah! We seriously get to stay here?" "It's so pretty.." "Like from a movie!"

While everyone else stared in amazement we started taking our small bags out of the car. Since my brothers and I usually come here during summer we already have clothes here.

"Come on you guys, we have to get settled in." They came back to reality and scattered for their belongings. Once everyone was ready we headed in.

We decided my brother's would take the Master Bedroom since it's where our parents have their belongings. Dante, Gene and Travis would be in one room, Jeffory and Laurance in another. Kawaii-Chan and Aphmau could room in one, Katelynn and I would be in my room and Cadenza and Lucinda would be in the room downstairs formerly known as the study.

I took the lead in going upstairs and let the group of three guys choose which room they wanted first. They decided in the bedroom with the porch, the bigger room upstairs, which also happened to be Zane & Vylad's.

My room was next to theirs, and Garroth's room was the one next to mine. (Bedroom 4, Zane & Vylad, #3 Yours, #2 Garroth's) Kawaii-Chan and Aphmau went to their room, which was formerly the exercise room, and freaked out about the pretty view. Dante, Gene and Travis were deciding who was sleeping on the bed and who would sleep on the nice and comfortable pull out couch. Laurance and Jeffory were in Garroth's room getting situated. I showed Katelyn to mine and we set our things down.

"Wow, living in luxury must be nice." I gave her a small smile. "Yeah I guess so." I dolphins dived to the bed and landed face down. "Imf tifed." "What? I can't hear you when you have your face in the mattress." I turn my head to the right to look at her. "I said I'm tired." "We haven't even done anything yet."

"Yeah but long car rides exhaust me!" "It was only three hours." "Pretty long." "You're such a baby." I pouted. "Am I a cute baby." This took her by surprise I'm assuming, because she started blushing lightly. "Y-Yeah sure. Whatever." I sat up and gave her a smile. "Thanks. You think everyone is done getting situated? We should go back downstairs!" She shrugged. "Pretty sure I still hear Gene and them fighting over the bed."

I stood up and walked to the door. "Let's go check on them." She followed behind me as we made it over the their room. The door was opened. Inside was.. well I don't know what I was expecting. Gene was laying on the bed with his hands behind The back of his head and his legs crossed. Dante and Travis were on the floor defeated.

"Well this is a sight." Dante and Travis looked up defeated. "Gene managed to kick us both off the bed, at the same time.." I giggled. "Yeah sounds like something he'd do." "Just wanted to make sure I got the bed so when (Y/N) comes in to sleep with me at night she's comfortable." I felt myself start blushing. "Pfftt, as if Gene." "She has her own room, why would she do that." "I know you'll pull through kitten." I crossed my arms and looked away from Gene.

"I only came over here to tell you guys we're meeting downstairs." I turned around and went to the next room, Jeffory and Laurance's. I told them the same thing, all of them started heading down. I knocked on Kawaii-Chan and Aphmau's room and told them as well. We headed downstairs together.
