Ch.12 Midnight


"What could be so serious?" I asked and looked at Tycer in the eye. "It's not midnight. Can't he wait?" I said. "I mean....he could..but he says he needs you now." He said and rolled his eyes. "Well what is it then?" I asked. "Never mind. Adam told me to tell you that it was serious. But I knew you wouldn't really go for it. But uh...he does want you back before midnight.." Tycer said. I wasn't very happy about this. "Well tell him it can wait. He said I have till midnight." I said and crossed my arms. Tycer shook his head and sighed. It was annoying how Adam always wanted me in the realm. It didn't make much sense to me. Why won't he just give up? I don't want the role of a prince. Can't he just let it go? I looked at Tycer, I kind of felt bad. "I'll tell Adam I guess... But don't get in more trouble than your already in. Don't start something with Adam." Tycer told me, "Yeah yeah..I know....Thanks Tycer.." I said, then he disappeared into a portal as I nodded.

A few hours or so had passed after Tycer came. I didn't know what to do. It was 11:50pm. I had 10 minutes before midnight. I knew I had to leave before Jay would catch me. I stood up, looked around one last time, then headed out the door. I looked up at the moon. It was a clear sky, and there was a full moon. I put my hood up, and went deeper in the woods. It was quiet. More quiet than it normally is. No cricket's chirped...Nothing. Honestly, I was hoping time would go still, and stop right now, but it didn't. I knew it wouldn't. I swallowed up all of my fear, knowing I had to say something to Adam. But then all of my fear came back to me, as I heard a familiar voice behind me. "Hello Coda. It is midnight, and Adam sent me to come and get you." It was Mako. The only one I really feared. I turned to face him. He had a smirk on his face. I tried gathering up my courage. But it just left me. "Oh..he d-did?" I said nervously, and stuttered. I knew I shouldn't be afraid of him. But I had reasons to be afraid. "Yes. He did indeed. Now, let's go...shall we?" I nodded without another word. We then both went through the portal, and appeared in the realm. I looked around, seeing we where in the castle. Adam was infront of me and shook his head a little. "Hey Adam.." I said quietly. "Hello Coda...nice seeing you back.." Adam said with a mutter at the end. I didn't see Tycer. I was hoping he was okay. Mako huffed, as Adam told him to leave, but he did. Adam looked at me and told me to head to my room. So I did. I sat down on a small couch and waited.

A few minutes passed, and I looked up, hearing the door open. Mako walked in, he looked mad. I stood up and backed away a little. "No one is around right now." Mako said, with a small smirk. I was afraid now. I had no confidence or anything. Pure fear was in me. "You know what I wanted, but you took it all away from me." He said. I knew I could do nothing. No matter what he would do to me. I did nothing. I never told anyone, I just sat there, and let whatever happen to me happen. "I thought I told you to never come back." He said. He then held his hand up, he held a small blade then swung it down to me. "Now the prince will die, and I will rule this kingdom!" I felt the blade hit me, my breath taken away. I couldn't see straight. I felt blood drip down off my face. He had fire on his left hand, his blade ready to hit me again in the other hand. I didn't want to fight. But I knew I had to fight back. Mako would not be the reason I die. I can't die here, and I can't die now. I had to fight back. He can't be the next ruler of this kingdom.
