Ch.1 A Royals Role


"Coda, Wake Up, your going to be late for training!" Adam yells from the bottom of the stairs as I fall off the bed. "Ah! Okay okay Im up!" I yell as I get up rubbing the back of my head. "Uhg...I don't want to train.." I mumble to myself. I grab some clothes from my dresser and change. I put on a black shirt, then a red hoodie, blue jeans, and black shoes. I then open my room door and walk down the stairs, and sigh. "I'm ready.." I mutter to Adam. "About time.." Adam says and looks at me. He has red eyes,...after all he is a demon.
He had black hair. He wore a dark red and black shirt with black jeans, a black jacket and black leather gloves.
"A prince should always be ready on time.." Adam tells me. "I know that.." I say and look away. I never wanted to be a prince..let alone a royal... But ever since my mother Zoey...the demon queen passed away..My training has gotten alot tougher. I hated it. I don't want to be the next royal. But Adam doesn't listen. I just want a normal life. "Alright. Let's go." Adam said and walks off, and I follow.

Im always expected to do so much. The constant pressure of me having to do everything, and do it right. It's tough. But I can't do anything about it. Me and Adam soon stop at a training like area. Outside of the castle. -Guess I'm doing combat training...great-
I think to myself then sigh. The arena is surrounded by fire. It's a fire ring like shape..I guess.

I jump down into the arena. Ahead of me I see Mako, a tall demon, he looks at me. Fire around his hand, as he prepares. Adam is watching me from afar. Expecting me to beat Mako. I then prepare, a blue flame in my hand. I feel a little worried. My powers haven't been working properly. They cancel out for some reason. But I'm not giving up. I'm determined to show Adam that I can do this right. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. When I opened them again, Mako surrounds himself with flames. -I got this..- I think to myself. I jump up and a blue flame cancels out Mako's flames, and hits him. I slide to a stop behind Mako. He turns around and stops me before I could give him another blow. Mako held a blade in his left hand. Before I could stop him, he managed to get a good cut across my left upper arm. I slide back, ignoring the cut as I wouldn't give up. I see Adam, who is still watching.
-I just need enough, before I can use my final blow..-
I think as I make another flame appear in the palm of my hand. I stare at Mako. My light blue eyes giving off a small glow. "I'm not giving up!" I exclaimed as a flame goes in Mako's direction and hits him directly. He falls back and huffs. I look up at Adam and he nods, jumping down. Before things get out of hand, as Mako can get that way.
"You did good Coda.." Adam mutters and looks at Mako
"Get up where beaten by a kid.." Adam says as Mako stands up annoyed. I sigh in relief that combat training was done for now. I wanted to leave. I hated all of this. I was afraid, afraid of Mako. I had a plan to leave, and I had to act fast for it to work. I look at Adam, as Mako walked off. Adam sighs then walks away, and I followed.

Later on in the day, a few hours pass. Adam did another "lesson" to me about being a prince. I didn't pay much attention to it, but Adam didn't notice, luckily..
It was my "break" from the lesson. I walked away from the castle. It was time for me to escape the demon realm.
