pixie's betrayal

pixie thought to herself what would her friends think if she did become a pirate but she was worried they will shun her so she decided to tell Annie before she told anyone else.

Annie i have to tell you something said pixie

what do you want to tell me?asked Annie still mad pixie wanted to talk about feelings

well your not going to like it but before I tell you you have to promise not to tell peter and the boys till the right time pleaded pixie

I won't tell anyone unless you tell me said Annie now knowing that what pixie wanted to tell was bad.

well earlier today I had a run in-just as pixie started to say was when peter had some new,news that pixie was aware of.

there is a new pirate aboard the jolly roger he said the mermaids say she is called one eyed Jess

you know you can tell me later said Annie 

one eyed Jess she sounds dangerous said curly

dangerous?I dought that scoffed peter

I bet she is not very smart joked Annie

not very smart? yelled pixie for your information one eyed Jess may be very smart and a brave swordsman.

but all the lost boys laughed when she said that.

brave or not I shall run her through shouted peter causing all the boys to cheer.

that is a very good joke pixie Annie laughed

they are right they do make fun of me sighed pixie then she went to grab a sword.

then for your information I have something to tell you all announced pixie I am one eyed Jess

pixie gasped Annie that is not true I hope

it is Annie pixie said your best friend has been invited to piracy.

Annie could not believe what she was hearing her best friend was now working for the pirates.

but pixie hook is a fiend and a bounder and he happens to have witch for a pirate the boys exclaim.

you know I find hook to be a heartless man but I find seasick sally to be a woman with feeling.right when she said that Annie lunged at her threw the sword out of her hand and pointed her sword at her neck.

the girls are fighting

let me tell you this gasped pixie you being unlady like and defficient

why am i defficient asked Annie

because you are nothing but worthless said pixie

Annie lowered her sword when she said those words

I cannot believe what I am hearing shouted Annie

oh please like you can hear mocked pixie

Annie and pixie were both yelling at each other with peter and the boys watching.

hey shouted peter breaking up the fight

you two are being stupid and your full of nonsense

but she started Annie and pixie

I think you too are just being plain silly about all this argued peter

are you really to be a pirate pixie asked slightly

no she stated I told them I would think about it

which means you will said Annie causing pixie to get mad.

it does not mean that shouted pixie

yes it does screamed Annie I just can't look at you right then she said if you wanna join the pirates and leave us then go ahead i am tired of you she said I wish to never see you again.then she ran out 

nice said slightly giving her the cold shoulder and then all the boys left leaving pixie all alone.

what have I done? cried pixie a tear rolled down her cheek then she went into her chambers to cry all alone.
