A boy

that night while Annie was asleep in bed,a boy came flying into the nursery he had blonde hair,blue eyes and wore an outfit entirely out of leaves he came floating over to Annie when he noticed she was wearing a acorn necklace which looked very familar to him slowly he grabbed hold of the necklace was when Annie opened her eyes to find a boy flying above her in bed,she let out a gasp then the boy clung himself toward her ceiling,just then scraps was barking was when he flew out the window.just them scraps shut the window,Annie was curious about the boy and she grabbed a flashlight and she and scraps ran outside to look for the boy but she saw nothing but a shooting star in the sky so she thought she was overtired.the next day at school during lunch she took out her notebook and drew a picture of herself in bed and the boy flying above her just then a mean girl named claire snatched her notebook out of her hands

give that back claire said Annie angry,claire had bullied her for a long time and she was sick and tired of her treating her like that.what is this? it's a picture of me in bed if this is you in bed what is this? a boy Annie replied,just then scraps ran and bit claire that was when claire kicked him.Annie angry that claire hit her dog she attacked claire which was enough to her getting sent to the office.her mother had to come and pick her up from school.the school suspened her for 2 weeks and they sent a letter home to her father that night when he came home from work he was so mad that he chained scraps up outside in the yard.I am sick and tired of you shouted her father,Annie had never gotten in trouble at school but this was her first time she had done something like this tomarow you are to come with me to the bank and scraps is going to the pund,it is time for you to grow up her father shouted.no you cannot do that cried Annie I am a man that children fear and adults respect shouted her father,how could I have ended up with a daughter like he scolded,so that night in very long time scraps was not up in the nursery to watch over Annie.that night she was sent to bed without any dinner.her mother came into the room and talked to her that next week she would be living with her father.the night lights will keep you from harm tonight her mother said but mom I'm not ready to grow up cried Annie I know my dear but rest everything will be fine in the morning her mother said calmly and that would be the last night mrs darling said to her daughter for after she left the room Annie decided to run away.

she waited till her parents went to bed she took her bag with some stuff she would need and then she snuck into the yard to get scraps.she knew she did not want him be taken away from him then she set into the night looking back at her house for one last time then she started to walk away from home.
