41. A Visit [III]

Chapter 41: A Visit [III]

"... the government's underestimation of us, and due to it, lots of assassination organizations has been quiet on us for the past years," Shirayuki's father, General Mikaze, informed.

Shirayuki has been sitting with his father, for her record, about forty-five minutes. Forty-five minutes of just listening to her father talk and announce things she doesn't understand, things she doesn't know if it should be referred urgently for her to flee from Clarines, things she doesn't even wish to know. Her father has been talking, talking and talking. But as a good woman she is, she faked seriousness and interest in their conversation.

"So, not to be impolite and discourteous, but what does this have to do with me? And above all, I already know of the assassination organizations attacking the Lions of the Mountains " Shirayuki asked, with a slight frowned expression.

Mikaze heaved a long sigh. "I suppose I should have guessed you already knew about it already." He forced his lips into a tight smile. "If you already know about this, then I guess we have nothing to discuss anymore."

Shirayuki just stared at his father. And for once in her life, she could identify her father was lying to her. This urgent meeting was more than his government-political-assassin talk. There was more to it. And it could be recognized for his continues avoidance of Shirayuki's steady gazes, his constant rub of his temple - as if trying to remember something. Moreover, the ladies' conversation earlier seemed crucial than this.

Her father's last sentence was nothing but an indirect dismissal, so Shirayuki stood up and excused herself.


The second day of her visit had ended with another big feast with everyone. The dance, tales, myths, laugh and everything was memorable. And she must admit, her serious, emotionless soldier-guards also had a very great time.

This was their last night here. They will be departing tomorrow.

On her bed, she thought of Zen so much -including Mitsuhide and Kiki too. There were so many things they - mostly Zen - could be doing right now, and Shirayuki couldn't herself but imagine.

She gently smoothed, with both hands, her babies' back. They had gone through almost every arm in this compound, and also had a private section with their maternal Grandfather, too. Rather refer them by their names, they shortened it into Zella; Zehel and Laila. It really amazed Shirayuki of how they could've come up with such a name.

Shirayuki yawned. She was exhausted, and the weight of "Zella", her cherished twins on her chest, was starting to melt every fiber of her body.


She had packed everything. She was so excited, yet, she was sad. Sad, she will be leaving these people, sad, she will have to leave her country once again, not that she regretted it, and also sad her father has decided to make her trip her meaningless, yet wonderful.

She will probably remember mostly the nights with Kazuki and Itoya, with full of laughter, slight of unnecessary gossips. Kazuki had grown into a very attractive man but still having his feminine features.

Their journey to Clarines started blissfully. For the past three days had just been such amazing days.

The hunts with Obi and other men were awesome. And Shirayuki confesses she had secretly learned some combat skills. Though, she's not going to put it to use.

There was a sudden break after fifteen minutes of the non-stop ride. The carriage stopped.

After few minutes, a guard abruptly appeared. He informed her cousin, Lord Hiroyuki sought her presence.

Shirayuki exited her carriage towards around five men on their horses.

Hiroyuki was first to get off from his horse and helped a seven-year-old girl from her own smaller horse.

"Aunt!" The little girl with red hair, like the father, braided, reaching her back, and green-turquoise, like the mother, run to her Aunt Shirayuki she missed so much.

Shirayuki with so much happiness hugged her. "Ow, Emerald, how I missed you so much. The last time I saw you, you were only four, five years, and now look at you."

"Me, too. Can I see the twins? They are why I came," Emerald said excitedly immediately as she was released from her hug. Shirayuki touched her left chest, faking being hurt by her words. Emerald grinned, showing her growing front teeth, and run for where her Aunt had exited.

"She's becoming too wild to control," Hiroyuki commented on his daughter as he walked forward to Shirayuki. Shirayuki laughed. "Too much of her mother."

"Trust me, when she finally hits teenagehood, it's going to lessen." Shirayuki hugged Hiroyuki.

"So, how did your urgent meeting go with your father?"

Shirayuki sighed and told everything about her conversations with her father.

"Honestly, Hiroyuki, I feel like there's more to this." Shirayuki shrugged her shoulders. "But I don't know. Maybe he doesn't want to tell me? Then why would he even invite me here?"

There was a moment of silence before Shirayuki actually realized Hiroyuki's lips were tightened. She came to a realization. 

"Clue me up, Hiroyuki, I know you know something about this."

Hiroyuki exhaled. "Your father contacted me yesterday through a letter that he couldn't really tell you yesterday, that If I could, I must be the one telling you this."

"Okay..." Shirayuki trailed, nodding slowly.

"The real reason you're here has to do with our family, it's blood inheritance and genetics, and..." Hiroyuki's eyes looked away. "my first son."

After a realization, Shirayuki's eyes widened. Hiroyuki's first son had died years ago due to many reasons. He couldn't survive an unknown symptom of an illness and dysfunction that is believed to run their family carried by either a female or male, passed onto only males in their family.

"Do you think, in any way, that Zehel--"

"Yes, Shirayuki. That's why you're here. Your father couldn't tell you, and I am."

Shirayuki's hands covered her nose and her mouth.

After Hiroyuki taking a large step, he was only centimeters away from Shirayuki now. "Listen carefully. I wouldn't want my carelessness to repeat to you. This has been in our family for who knows how long. We've been trying to seek proper vaccinations for it. There could be a chance Zehel might have it, but there could also be he might not have it. I guess you already know how the symptoms show; when and where. Laila could also be affected with only 3.25 percent, so her health is reassured. Their health should very be monitored closely."

Hiroyuki's hand moved up and down on Shirayuki's Shoulders. "Before you departed, a woman gave you some unnatural green leaves, from the Lions, correct?" Shirayuki nodded. "It is so far the only leaves that have been identified to lower the illness by about six percent. Use it carefully and wisely. She said she had put on instructions for it on a paper inside the bag."

Shirayuki wasn't sure if she was supposed to cry at the news she had supposed to realize years ago, but due to her näiveness, she couldn't understand anything.

"That's all your father and I wanted to tell you, Shirayuki." Hiroyuki kissed Shirayuki's forehead. "I think you've heard enough, it would be best if you return. And about this illness of ours, maybe Zen is only, so far, the trusted to know amongst us. Reassured my beautiful Scarlet, nothing will happen to anyone, especially Zehel."

Shirayuki smiled lightly.

"Emerald, your father seeks for you," Shirayuki said outside the carriage.

"We're leaving already? But I was starting to have fun with them," Emerald protested still not looking at her aunt.



Shirayuki sat in the carriage with her arms folded across her chest. She thought of everything Hiroyuki had said.

Her eyes met with her blue-eyed son who was giggling to Suki's funny faces and light tucked on his chest, her daughter giggling alongside her brother.

It had indeed been stressful. She couldn't wait to get to Clarines and tell Zen everything. This was too much for her, and Zen was obviously the only one who could help her cope with it. Through it all.




Zella is a female name meaning: "lacking nothing, one who knows the way". Origin: African, Bobangi
