39. A Visit [I]

Chapter 39: A Visit [I]

"I'm going to think about you every day. I hope you do, too," Zen whispered and sadly kissed Shirayuki's lipsticked lips. She wiped the pink color lipstick off his lip.

"Of course," Shirayuki responded, her arms still around Zen's neck.

A knock was heard, and with a frustrating sigh for interrupting, the couples pulled apart from each other. After his knock, Obi entered, bowed and told Shirayuki that they were finally ready to depart, and then excused himself again and went.

"Take care," Zen whispered as he kissed Shirayuki's cheeks for the last time. "Have a safe trip. And tell Zehel and Laila not to bother, they should be good."

Shirayuki giggled. "I will tell them. And you, too, sweetheart, take care," Shirayuki whispered to her husband for the last time and left the room with Zen all alone.

Shirayuki ascended into her carriage with the help of the Lieutenant-General, who will be the head soldier-guard. Her one-and-a-half month twins were already in the carriage in Suki's arms where she already looked exhausted from holding two infants at a time.

Shirayuki took her seat, opposite Suki. "Let me help," Shirayuki told and stretched her arms and took Laila out of Suki's arms.

The Lieutenant-General notified that they were ready to leave. Her eyes focused out the window for the last time before the carriage moved.

Shirayuki's visit to Tanbarun was kept secret, due to a failed murder attempt during her pregnancy, and also not being an official engagement. Hopefully, by the time she is back Zen has been able to make four excuses for the next days of her absence, including the twins', too.

And by the fast force, by the horses, they were officially leaving Wistal Castle, to be seen in the next three-four days.



"Have you ever been out of Clarines, to be in any other country - Tanbarun, precisely?" Shirayuki asked smiling faintly at her sleeping, peaceful white-hair daughter.

"Never, Princess," Suki started promptly with a smile. "and I'm glad I was taken along. I can't wait to set my first foot in the sand and atmosphere of Tanbarun." Suki looked so satisfied with the journey - and has been, ever since she was informed. "I'm really looking forward, even though I heard it's a bit a colder on the mountains, especially, on the top."

"Don't worry much. It's not cold there." then Shirayuki quickly added, "Depending."

A short memory of the mountains revisited. Oh goodness, how she can say, she has really missed the mountains and its exhilarating breeze.


They had crossed the border between Tanbarun and Clarines minutes ago. They were officially in Tanbarun. Suki had realized the smile on her Princess's face after they were told they were in Tanbarun.

The sounds of individuals increased, including the shouts of the bandits, informing their partners about who just arrived. They had met three bandits that secured and spied the borders to the Lions of the Mountains. And eventually, after telling them what they were, and who they were, they gave them a-go-ahead and even said they were expecting Shirayuki. They decided to help by escorting Shirayuki's men to the right direction of their destination.



"Hello, Dad," said Shirayuki, who stood in the middle of the room, with her father few meters separation. 

The last time the father and daughter had met was last year at Shirayuki's marriage to Zen, only few minutes talk, nothing else. The last time they communicated was through a letter provided with an instructing map to the Lions for Shirayuki's visit.

Mikaze forth his arms, giving Shirayuki the gesture to have her seat.

Their conversation started with lots of respect. 

"... you might be tired. Why don't you just go have a rest, and by the time you wake up, we'll have a meal together, with the whole Lions," Mikaze said, his hands lying on his laps. "That's if you're okay with dining with all of us."

"I don't mind, I would love to join." The exciting smile of his daughter reassured him more.

Shirayuki was accompanied by one of the women in the mountain to her room. For her information, Suki, Obi, and others had been already showed around while Shirayuki had spent more than half hour with her father. Shirayuki could recognize some of her guards already roaming around the village, probably to inspect every corner just in case if anything invades.

The lady who was in her mid-twenties kindly showed her room. And said if there's anything Shirayuki needed, she should just reach her, that her vacancy is around the corner.

Shirayuki gladly stepped into a medium-sized, yet cozy-looking room. She saw her baggages that belonged to her, and the other small baggage which belonged to her twins. The first thing her body reacted to was the bed. She'd sat hours in a carriage with a child in her arm, and there's nothing more she wanted to do than to just rest. Her body rolled flexibly on the bed.

"Yes, enter," Shirayuki answered her door knock, after pulling herself into a sitting positing. It was Suki.

"Princess, do you need anything?" Suki asked after her curtsy.

Shirayuki wrinkled her nose. "For now, nothing." Her inside suddenly panicked. "Where's Zehel and Laila?!"

"They're with, if I remember their names correctly, Kazuki and Itoya, the first people you introduced me to after we descended from the carriage."

Shirayuki felt easiness run through her body. But still worried. "I hope you checked on them before coming here?"

"Yes, ma'am, I did. And actually, some of the village's children were also with them. And Sir Obi."

"Okay, thank you." Shirayuki dismissed Suki. After a while rechecking to see if she had not forgotten anything import in Clarines, she stood by the window her room. She was thinking of Zen; wondering what he was doing.

Her mind drifted to her earlier conversation with her father.

What could exactly the urgent business her father might have had, yet he didn't even hint Shirayuki in their early conversation? It must be really important.
