Chapter 7 Confess your Sins (Carden)

⚠️TW: Mention of Sucide⚠️

Carden had a hard time believing the whole situation. What could they POSSIBLY want with Charlotte. She's fallen. She's no use to them anymore. Was Raven just bait? Did they really just want Charlotte, but took Raven? Why?

There's got to be more than meets the eye surely. It was just like a poorly written book. Little action and filled with plot holes. No obvious motivation for what the enemy wants.

"I mean... I guess I could do that. But illusions can only do so much. If Dane were to say something to her and the illusion didn't respond it would seem fishy."

Belial nodded.

"That's true. But, what else would we do? We can't risk Charlotte, but we also can't risk the child."

"I don't know, hope I don't die? I could go with." Charlotte shruged. "Might as well let me go up there. Dane didn't give us a lot of time."

"Of course he didn't. He's an Angel. Angels basically expect everyone to rush and obey them just to get a peek of them. One of the reasons they hate Sinners so much. Because you don't give everything to bow at the feet of their tyrant whom brainwashs them. And now that Carden basically started a revolution they're extra pissed off." Belial grew angry. Tension rising in his body. The energy in the room be coming more tense.

Carden thought back to when she started the EEA 50 years ago. It didn't start out with burning churches. It didn't even start as a company really. It started as Sinners going up to Earth and simply calling out the Church on their crimes conservative churchs tend to commit and encouraging people to leave the church. Asmodeus nodded.

"It's true. Even back when creation was a concept of the future Yahweh spoke of, Angels had that attitude of humans must be holy or they deserve the worst. With the concept of creation came a prophecy warning Heaven of the Rebellion against Heaven and the falling of Angels. I remember being told by my Mother that she, my brothers and I were given such a long lifetime because me and my brothers were supposed to be a big part of the Rebellion, but we didn't know which side. So my Mother assumed we'd fight for Heaven. All families were told their would play a role refused and I mean refused to believe their kid would be the one to rebel."

"I'm sorry... You have BROTHERS?! Hold up. Rewind." Harper looked stunned.

"I don't speak of them much. They're not Deadly Sins or members of the Ars Goetia so you probably haven't heard of any of them apart from one. And that's Azazel. He's the Demon who brings Damned souls to Hell after judgement." His tone wasn't the most proud, but not disappointed.

Oh Azazel. He's... Interesting.

She thought back to her encounter with him a century ago.

"God damn. You got some guts for saying that straight to Saint Peter's face." Azazel led her back down the golden stairs.

"Well he deserved it. You got something to say give it to me straight. I mean he was basically slut shaming me. If you wanna do it don't be shy about it." Carden followed the taller demon by about a foot. The nameless man chuckled.

"My brother would like you. You have no shame do you? I mean what you said was basically just one big confession of all your sins combined with a big fuck you." He did held up the middle finger with one hand and ran his other hand across the skin of his bare, tattoo covered chest. Pentagrams, upside down crosses and the Sigils of Sins and Ars Goetia and Lilith covering his torso.

"Who's your brother?" She grew slightly suspicious. Who was this brother the no name man spoke of?

"Oh no one of your concern you little sinning whore." They came across an area where a pole ran through an open circular gap in the clouds. "All I can say he's a rather... Sex hungary man. So just a heads up if you ever meet him. That is... If you even survive to meet him."

The man pushed her into the gap, she gasped and quickly grabbed the pole the fall was longest, bone-chilling fall Carden had ever experienced.

At the time when that happened she had no idea what was in store for her. She was a very lucky soul to get reunited with her friends from life. Especially so quickly. The overwhelming feeling had hit her like a Tsunami. To see one of her best friends again. One of the few people who had taught her to smile with their goofy personality and their humor.

"Not that it matters." Asmodeus inhaled more intensely than nessicary. "They have nothing to do with this. I was simply adding more explanation to Belial's speech shout how Angels expect everyone to remain or worship the divine."

"So Dane is just expecting us to give him Charlotte in like litterly tomarrow?" Harper sounded offended.

Carden went to sit by her.

Once again, Charlotte isn't any use to them anymore. What the fuck does he want. She tried to think.

"Pretty much. I was a pretty important Exorcist. Ever since Carden discovered she could hurt Exorcists 70 years ago they decided they should have a doctor. And that doctor was me." Charlotte spoke softy, annoyance present in her voice.

"Hang on, Carden. You've known Angels could be hurt since 70 FUCKING YEARS AGO and you didn't think THEN would be a good time to act on it?!" Belial shot Carden a look, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Well that day I was more focused on staying alive than letting the world know that Angels can be killed." Carden looked down at her shirt. She wore a cropped tube top so she just decided to go for it and pull it up just under her right breast.

"This is what I was more concerned about after the Extermination." She pointed to a indigo colored scar on her ribs. "Revealing that Angels aren't immune to harm wasn't as important as recovering in my book. I could've died from this."

Belial raised an eyebrow.

"How did you get caught in the Extermination? You were supposed to be inside."

"I was. When the Ring got the order to lock down I was closer to my Auto Shop than my apartment so I stayed there. Those stupid sacrifices were so desperate to escape the Extermination. They broke my windows to get inside hoping to have some sport of protection in the shelter. But, the Angels followed them and since they don't discriminate they went after me too." She pulled her shirt back down.

"Moving on from me. We don't have a whole lot of time. Dane won't fall for an illusion I guarantee it. Yes, the illusions look realistic, but another problem with them is they don't look solid. They're litterly made of smoke."

"That's true. So I guess Charlotte will have to go." Belial ran a hand through his hair.

"I'll go too. As the Deadly Sin of Lust, I am responsible for all my Succubi. Fallen Angel turned Sinner or not. It's not like Dane can hurt me."

"So the plan is to go up there, hope it goes well and if anything goes wrong Asmodeus will step in?" Rose questioned, her tone unsure.

Asmodeus nodded.

"There's not much we can do."

"Didnt you used to be a General? Aren't Generals supposed to come up with actual plans?" Rose looked and sounded impressed and skeptical.

"Watch your tone Rose. Do you forget who you address?" He frowned. "The thing about leading a battalion against a hivemind is knowing Angels strike with little planning, no fear of death and a lot of speed. You have to react fast. You want to beat Angels? Be quick, ground the Angel or get them in your grip then deliver a swift and fatal blow. Worked for me."

"I can attest to that. I was in his Brigade back in the day. Now, Exorcists didn't exist back then. And they didn't until about the 1400s. Before them Cherubs were the lowest class and the weakest. Now, it's the Exorcists. You just have a hard time killing them because Angels are fast and you're Sinners. You're not that powerful."

"Then why don't you and Asmodeus just do it?" Derrick asked. "Since you two could do it so effortlessly."

"Because you can do this Derrick." Asmodeus replied. "You had one little bicker with them so far at Latter-day. And now all the sudden you're doubting if you can do it? Take advantage of the two Overlords you have on your team."

"Besides alongside helping you five I have to run my factory and my club, do all the political stuff and host or go too a bunch of meetings with the other Sins or Goetics. And Belial has to keep the prisoners in line."

Belial chuckled.

"God I love keeping them in line. It's so fun making them fear me."

"Oh I know you do. That's why I put you in charge. You're a literal Sadist." Ozzie out on an amused smirk.

"You bet your sweet ass I am."

"Thank Lucifer you weren't a human in my lifetime or we probably would've met Azazel a lot sooner than I should have... I mean we did... But still." Rose pipped in, rubbing the back of her neck.

The room seemed to get hotter. Rose was right. They all did. Every single one of them. Charlotte who died during the Salem Witch Trials in 1692, Derrick and Harper got murdered in their 20s, Rose and Carden took their own lives. Carden was the last out of all of them. She was really old for a Human when she did. 80 years of age.

"Not all of you. Actually." Asmodeus announced proudly. I have no clue about Harper since she's not mine, but Carden, you came right on time."

Huh? What's he mean? I went on my own terms.

"Ozzie what the fuck did you do to Carden? Did she sell her soul when she was alive or something?" Charlotte raised an eyebrow, seeming a mix of shock and concern.

"Oh nothing bad. And no no no. No soul selling. I don't own her soul. It's not the first time I've done it either. It wasn't my idea exactly. And I had some help. I just kind of sat there, ordered some Demons around and hoped it worked. Which it did." His tone was filled with pride, a smile on his face.

"So you purposefully dragged your own partner to Hell? That's just wrong. You full on dragged her to live in woe." Harper once again sounded offended.

I don't live in woe though? I mean it's Hell yes, but I'm not miserable.

"Keep in mind Harper I didn't even think I'd meet her down here. I kind of did drag her to Hell in a way sure. But, I had my reasons. And be glad I did or your friend would be on the side of the kidnappers. To be extremely honest with you even if she did go to Heaven I don't think she'd last up there."

Derrick and Rose laughed.

"As I'd she'd go to Heaven even without Demonic interference." Derrick spoke through his cackles.

"It's true. I don't even care I was dragged to Hell. I'd like to know why. But, you think some tattooed promiscuous bisexual who rejected Yahweh is gonna make up to Heaven? Nah." Carden chuckled.

Not that I wanted to go anyway. Down here I have the freedom to do as I please... Within restrictions, which isn't a whole lot.

"Exactly. So what's the big deal Harp? You got reunited with your friend... Illegally considering you ran here without a pass, she's not on the Divine side of the universe, and it's not so bad down in Lust. While you in Pride have the worst of your people roam free in the Ring the worst of mine are kept seperate."

Harper nodded, no longer sounding offended.

"True. Just, no offense, I'm just not used to the idea of being dragged to Hell. Since no one in Pride that I know has been dragged. I thought you were saying that you dragged her to Hell so you know."

"None taken. But, believe me when I say this. I didn't even think I'd meet her face to face. I've met very few of the souls I actually drag here. Come on Imp, you trying to say a few extra orgasms is a bad thing?" Asmodeus chuckled, crossing his arms.

"Woah there buddy. I'm ace, keep your bed talk away from me." Harper held up her hands over her shoulder like a human about to get arrested by the police, her wings going up with them.

Oz laughed.

"And I'm the literal Embodiment of Lust so deal with it. Sex is my specialty." Ozzie grinned wide, giggling.

"But, in all seriousness." He cleared his throat. "We'll meet here at six tomarrow, go over different scenarios, and hopefully be able to come up with a better plan. You're dismissed."

The five Sinners got up off the floor. Belial, walking over, saying something to Asmodeus, the two giggling before Belial walked out along with Carden's friends. Leaving the room deprived of residents other than her and Oz.

"... So why and how exactly did you drag me to Lust?"

"Well, I think it'll be more fun to let you find out how on a later date. However, I drag the souls I drag because I think they'll be better off down here and even make a difference. And every single time I was correct. I mean look at you, founder of the EEA, one of the top mechanics in Hell's entirety and you've written goodness how many books now? You've done a lot. Besides, you seemed like you struggling a lot at the end of your mortal life." Asmodeus held our his hand and gestured for her to go over.

"I mean yeah, I did do all that. So, who exactly helped you?" Carden spoke as she walked.

"Vassago, Ramiel and Widow. You don't know Widow. She doesn't come around much. For.. Legal reasons."

So the third Demon of the Arts Goetia, his youngest brother and whoever this Widow is. Legal reasons? What did they even do?

"Oh. Honestly that's more Demons than I thought. I thought it would only be one. And yes... I... Can't exactly deny the struggling." Carden spread her wings and took off. Hovering by his head.

"So it's a good thing you're down here. No more of that. And I'll tell you a little something. You wanna find out how I did it? I'll have you meet the new soul I'm working on dragging. As for right now we got a little time." He got up walking towards the door, locking it.

"So why don't we just take advantage it this time and just... Have a little fun?" Asmodeus's voice got a little deeper, turning back to her, raising an eyebrow, a small smirk on his face.
