Chapter 3 Angelic Crisis (Derrick)

His entire body trembled. Tears streaming down his face. The glass porch doors could no longer lock. Fucking bitch. What I'd give to rip his throat out and feed it to him until he chokes. Derrick stared at the long, white feather that laid on the ground.

It was too long to be a wing feather. And it was the wrong color to be Charlotte's. Too long to be a Cherub's tail feather. Dane. Fucking Dane.

"Well we should definitely tell Asmodeus about this." Harper stared at the feather, one hand on her hip, the other on her chin. "Dane broke Hell's oldest law and not to mention it's against Heaven's law too. Not to mention that he KIDNAPPED A CHILD! But something this bad needs to go to an Authority. Or even better, we could bring it to Lucifer. He's the biggest Authority in all of Hell."

"Well, it's gotta go to Asmodeus before it can go to Lucifer. Asmodeus is the only one who can get in contact with Lucifer without having to wait super long. But, Asmodeus won't take it to Lucifer right away. He's gonna want to see if we can figure it out ourselves." Carden rubbed her temples, frustrated.

Derrick couldn't listen to anything being said. Tears spilled like a waterfall. Dane I swear to Satan I'm gonna kill you if it's the last thing I ever do! Charlotte was crying just as hard.

"THAT SON OF A FUCKING BITCH! HE CAN'T! HE CAN'T GET AWAY! FUCK!" She screamed, distressed, tears streaming down her face. Her mascara running down her face.

The sudden sound of an engine reving came from behind him. He raised an eyebrow, confused, turning his body. Derrick looked at the carpet below him with the small wet dots from his tears as he sat up.

Carden was frozen, her eyes a multitude of colors like a Tv glitching. He widened his eyes, taken off guard. Rose stood right by Carden, looking at her worried. After a few moments Carden shook her head, her eyes returning to her normal brown.

"She saw something." Carden looked out the glass balcony doors, holding back tears.

"Who did?" Charlotte choked out through her tears.

"The Mother." Carden's breathing sped up, a look of desperation in her eyes. "The Mother saw something. She's calling."

"Yeah we could see that." Harper shuddered. "It's creepy when that happens. I hate it when she does that."

"Not my fault that's what happens when she calls."

"I know you're an Overlord the Overlord of Automotives, and the only Overlord in Lust for that matter, but it's still freaky that you can communicate with the Mother." Derrick stood up, wiping his nose.

"It's kind of cool. But also I kinda agree with Derrick. Kinda freaky you made the Mother like mini deity in the first place. Like how?" Rose gesticulated.

Carden ran out of the door and the others followed, running down stairs and out the side door on the side of the Complex that lead to the Complex's parking lot. Derrick ran through a puddle of rain water, kicking drops into the air with a splash.

The air like usual smelled like wet grass, and it was raining extra hard. Rain battered his head as he ran to the far end of the parking lot in the very back right corner. Harper panted loudly behind him, trying to catch her breath.

They arrived to an Orange Dodge Grand Caravan. This Van, that Carden had created years ago. Not that she created the body. But she created The Mother. Carden put her hand on the hood, closing her eyes.

Please say something good. I swear to fucking Satan if its bad. Just let it be good. Please... Please...

Carden sighed, opening her eyes, but not taking her hand off of the Mother's hood.

"She said she saw Dane. She said saw Dane pick the lock, but not sure what he picked it with. And him flying out." Her eyes did that Tv glitch again for a second and she turned her head back down and closed her eyes.

Derrick moved closer to Charlotte, throwing his hands around her and they cried into her shoulder. She leaned her head against where the top and the side of his head met and cried. Her BlackBerry scent filled his nose, bringing the slightest amount of comfort. What is the Mother saying? Where is Raven? What are we going to do? I'm going to rip Dane apart! Tear his limbs off one by one, rip every organ out of his body as he cries until death! Witch he will CRAVE when I get my hands on him!

The rain continued to beat him. Charlotte's hair slick with water, wind blowing it over his head. But hot wind. Not unlike Earth's wind. Hell's wind was not. He heard Carden whimper and start to cry.

"DAMN IT!" She let out a few sobs.

"What?!" Rose's voice was full of panic.

"Dane was with two other Angels. Who were not Lisa and Steven. They were...taller. They had six wings instead of two, one man one woman. About Dane's height, but a little taller. They carried themselves as if they were somebody important, like royalty. And when Dane came out... they opened a portal and went to Heaven."

Charlotte let put a scream of distress, falling to her knees. Derrick dropped down after her, holding her tight. At that moment everyone started crying. Even Harper. Carden once again closed her eyes, talking to the Mother. After a few minutes she nodded at the Van, taking her hand off and taking out her phone.

She put the phone up to her ear, throwing her wings over her head to protect her from the rain. He couldn't hear what she was saying.

"We'll get her back. We'll get her back my Crow. I promise." Derrick reassured his wife, patting her back as they both continued to cry. Memories of Raven flashing through his mind. Raven at the playground, taking Raven to daycare and seeing how happily she was with her friends, her on her third birthday blowing out the candles on her cake among other memories. He missed that giggily child. She should be here. In her parent's arms. But instead she was in the arms of the Holy. The enemy.

Carden walked over, putting her phone away.

"Asmodeus is on his way. He's um...not happy. About the whole thing to say the least. But, he thinks he knows who one of the Angels with him were." Carden wiped her eyes.

"Who?" Harper raised her eyebrows, a look of concern on her face.

"..." Carden sighed. "He didn't say. But by the way his voice sounded it's not someone he's fond of."

"Doesn't he hate Heaven and it's Angels? That doesn't narrow it down Carden." Rose piped in. Derrick couldn't bring himself to talk. It felt like a ball of force inside his throat was pulling it shut. Like it was trying to suffocate him. His eyes felt as if he  a bee had stung them. They were too sensitive to rub anymore.

Satan damn it.

"Yes. He does. There's a few that he really and I mean really hates. And judging by his voice I think it was one of them. What he did tell me, was that those Angels with six wings were ArchAngels."

The Demons froze.

"... ArchAngels?" Charlotte's voice was shaky and airy as she turned her upper body to face Carden.

Carden nodded. Charlotte threw herself back into Derrick's arms, knocking him back a bit. Oh Devil no. Not the Archs. Whoever they were... It better not be... It better not be her. Not the one who raped my love all those years ago. Sara I swear to all things Unholy if it was you or if I ever even see you I will tear your wings off and drown you.

His heart ached. His whole world was shaking. His daughter gone, the ArchAngels. Right now he needed his wife and friends more than ever. Raven was family to everyone here. Carden, Rose and Harper being the "cool Aunts". Point was everyone cared for Raven.

Lust felt a lot colder to him now. As if Hell's heat was taken away. Rose sat down on the wet pavement, putting a hand on both Charlotte and Derrick's shoulders.

The Ring was silent other than the rain for a long moment. Uncertainty washing over Derrick. His body trembling, his tail wrapping around his feet. Everyone was quiet until...

"FUCK!" Carded shouted way too loud, followed by a low demonic growl.

"What?!" Harper shouted back.

"Asmodeus's driver accidently ran over something pulling out of the the Tower's parking lot. Probably a nail. Now they're waiting for the tow truck to tow it down to my Repair shop." She sighed violently, looking back down her phone, typing in an aggressive manner.

"Soo... Does he want us to go over there? Just you? Or..." Rose stared down at the ground awkwardly.

"You guys go inside, dry off or something and keep looking. I gotta go get my keys and go pick him up."

"HA! A Blue Blood riding in a Dodge Grand Caravan? Pfft. Hilarious." Charlotte chuckled, her tears having run dry.

"Well he's gotta get here somehow. I wouldn't think it's wise for us to leave and go over there. When there could be more clues inside. We need to find Raven. Let's get to it." Carden started walking back.

"Glady." Charlotte got up and pulled Derrick up, wrapping an arm around him as they walked.

Back in the Apartment Carden grabbed her Car keys and left. Derrick didn't know what to do. His daughter was in Heaven, he felt as if someone took his heart and crushed it in their hands.

Raven come back. Please. We'll get you back. I promise.
