part 2: 11


Okay guys now this is my book, so that means things are different then the show, things might happen that doesn’t happen in the show I might use some things from it doesn’t mean it is going to be xactly like it. I don’t wanna get comments saying ‘no that doesn’t happen till 2nd season or no that doesn’t happen till late in the season, or regina doesn’t say that or emma doesn’t do that. Okay, this is my book so it isn’t like the show. Okay I had to get that out.

Hunter POV

I lean against the car seat waiting, waiting to see Henry and his real mum drive into storybrooke. I then think back to what I saw before. It looked like the shadow, from-

No Hunter it’s not real, but it could be. Maybe Henry is telling the truth? I want to believe him it’s just too hard to.

I then see a yellow car, I look carefully ad see Henry in the passenger seat, and a blond woman in the other seat.

Here we go.

I wait a few minutes and drive into storybrooke, I drive to Granny’s and get out of the car and run in, and see Regina hugging Henry.

“Henry”, I say and he turns to me and runs and hugs me.

“Don’t do that every again”, I say so everyone can hear me he then quickly chuckles.

“Thanks Hunter”, he whispers and I smile.

“So who is this”, I ask.

“Yes I would like to know that too”, Regina says hands on her hips.

“I’m Emma”, she says.

“She’s my real mum”, Henry says and the look of Regina’s face drops.

“What?” Regina says. “You left town, on your own to find your real mum?” Regina says.

“Yes I did”, he says proudly.

Regina then turns to Emma, “Are you staying in town”, she asks.

“Well uh”, she turns to Henry, and Henry looks at me and I give him a look of ‘think of something’ and he looks at Emma big puppy dog eyes, And mouths please.

“I think I’m staying for a while”, Emma says and Regina’s nostrils flare and fake smiles.

“Right, Henry you’re coming with me you’re grounded”, Regina says taking his hand leaving Granny’s.

“Wow”, I say and Ruby chuckles.

I walk up to Emma who is rubbing her temples.

“Hey I’m Hunter”, I say and we shake hands.

“Emma, do you have any idea what all this is about Henry said something about me being a savior”, she says and I sigh.

“Trust me, it’s all new to me as well”, I say and nervously chuckle.

“So I’m guessing you need a place to stay”, I tell her and she sighs.

“Yeah I guess I do”, she says.

“Okay, hear it is Henry is a big believer and he believes in you I know it is a big thing, that has just slapped you in the face, but don’t break that boys heart”, I tell her and she slightly smiles.

“I’ll try not too”, she sighs and I can tell she means it, as much as I want her to say I won’t instead of I’ll try, I know she will be lying. I guess she has had a hard time.

“Now why don’t you stay with me and my roommate Mary-Margret”, I say.

“Oh no I don’t want to intrude”, she says putting her hand through her blond hair.

“Ooh its fine, come on”, I say and we walk out the door, I get her to follow me in her car to the apartment once we get there I open the door and Emma smiles.

“Thanks again”, she says and I nod.

“It’s fine, I guess Mary-Margret is at the hospital”, I say and go to the kitchen.

“Does she work there?” she asks sitting at the table.

“No she is volunteering, she works at the school she is a teacher”, I smile.

“And where do you work?” she asks.

“I work at Granny’s and soon to be working somewhere else”, I say and get out two cups.

“Soda?” I ask and she nods.

“And what is this soon to be working place”, she asks and I hand her the drink and sit down with her.

“Well I’m going to be working for Mr Gold, he works at a merchandise shop, its actually pretty cool but ‘him’ not so much, nobody really likes him but its good money, he also helps with the tax’s and what not”, I say drinking my soda.

“Interesting”, she says.

“How long are you staying?” I ask her.

“I have no ide-“ she was cut off by my door opening wide open and in came Henry.

“Henry? What are you doing here aren’t you grounded?” I ask him.

“Yeah I am”, he says out of breath then calms down a bit. “Regina went to the office, she wasn’t exactly smart”, he says.

“Okay Kido but what are you doing here?” asks Regina.

“Its Prince Charming”, Henry says and I look at Emma who looks at me, then back to Henry.

“I found him”.

Peter Pan POV

I wait by the fire leaning on a tree flute in my hand and watch the lost boys sharpen their arrows and swords.

“Alright lost boys have some fun”, I smirk and start playing my flute they all cheer and start jumping around the fire, I then see my shadow and I stop playing and they all groan.

“Continue boys I will be back”, I say and go to the shadow, I get there and raise my eyebrow.

“Well.. go on”, I say.

“In her new life her name is Hunter”, he says and I smirk, perfect name for her, she is a hunter.

“She is living with snow-white who is called Mary-Margret, she recently went to New York to help a boy named Henry, find his mum”, the shadow says.

“Really?” I say and he sighs.

“There is more”, he says.

“Henry has found a book that contains all the stories what really happened and.. that Regina cast the curse, who is Henry’s mum and you’re in the book”, he says.

“Really another book!?” I yell, closing my eyes pinching the bridge of my nose.

“She’s read it”, he says and my eyes snap open.

“And?” I ask.

“She doesn’t believe it but is trying for Henry, Pan Henry’s real mother is supposed to be.. the savior”, he says.

“And what does that supposed to mean?” I ask him.

“She is going to break the curse”, he says.


“That means Maddie will remember everything, but I don’t think we need to worry about anything she cant get here, and this savior doesn’t believe in any of it”, he says and I sigh.

“It could still happen, and… Neverland is slowly falling apart”..

Hunter POV

Emma and I followed Henry to the hospital and I give him an odd look, “Trust me”, he says we go through and we arrive in room which has a window showing a man in a bed, we then sneak in the room.

“Is this him?” I ask Henry.

“Yes this is him, he is a coma”, Henry says.

“So if this is Prince Charming who is his princess”, Emma asks.

“Snow white”, Henry and I say together.

“And who is that?” she asks.

Suddenly feel hands on us and we scream and turn around seeing Mary-Margret.

“That would be her”, Henry says.

“Hunter what are you doing in here, with Henry and.. who are you?” she asks Emma.

“I’m Emma-“

“My mum” Henry says and Mary-Margret’s eyes widen and looks at me.

“Yes okay we have a lot of explaining, but Mary-Margret”, I say turning around so we are looking at the man in the coma, I then nudge her and say.

“This is Prince charming”, I tell her and her mouth parts.

“And because I’m-“

“Yep, this is your prince”, I say and she shakes he head.

“Oh my god”, She says.

“Okay, how about we get Henry home before Regina finds out he is gone again and we will meet Mary-Margret, a the house for dinner and Emma you can go to our house, by the way Mary-Margret she is staying with us”, I says and her eyebrows push together about too say something when I continue.

“And I need to go to Mr. Golds”, I say and walk out the door.


Once Henry is home and everything was fine I start heading to Mr. Golds and I start biting my lip. Okay Hunter calm down, it’s just Mr. Gold.

I walk in and hear the bell when I do so, he then walks out from out back and smiles.

“Uh Hunter lovely for you do join me, finally”, he says and I walk up to the counter.

“Sorry Mr. Gold”, I say.

“Alright, I am going out for a while with a meeting with the mayor, I have some things out back I want you to clean up making presentable”, he says and I nod and he walks out and I sigh.

“I’m here alone”, I say I walk out back and see cups and plates and jewelry o the table for me to clean. I sit down and get too work.

I finished really quickly making me bored, ugh I should have brought head phones. I get up and start looking around, I see odd stuff, some things not even from this century.

Where did he get this stuff? I am then drawn to something, I walk over to a bow and arrow, and I touch it feeling a buzz go through me.

I walk over to some papers and then one fall on the ground I roll my eyes and pick it up, curiosity got to me and I looked to see what it was..

‘The Real Neverland’…


How did Mr Gold get it?

Sorry it is kind of boring I have a mental blank I didn’t know what to write so sorry if its crap.. and short

But I finally put up Falkon Prophecy so that means two books on the go! Falkon Prophecy isn’t exactoly a fanfic but from all the people im using for it, im calling it a fanfic, espically how Robbie Kay is in it! Well as an extra for one part but he may come again!
