"Your Highness"

Last on Sorcerer's Gem

"Mia's mom is narrating her a story about teenager Aashuko who had reached a world of Sorcerers which was troubling him in his dreams. Aashuko was later helped by his new friends, Scarlet and Ralph, however his friends Jessie, Ronnie, Caitlin, Sam, followed his tracks and reached Masconcia (World of Sorcerers). His crew was however were captured by a army of Digmons who were commanded by a Dark Sorcerer, Salveder. To rescue his friends, he meets Shiny, an elderly fairy who helps him locate his friends. With the help of Scarlet and Ralph, he rescues his friends. To find the cause of their visit, they choose the root Master Zyguard, one of the ancient guardians who lies to them but later helps them get back home, eventually Aashuko and his friends reached back home but the things left incomplete needed to be completed. Soon after their return, Aashuko saw strange incidents occur in his life like A strange note by an unknown old man, A bad dream informing him about death of Ralph and Scarlet. Aashuko felt completely powerless but his mom soothed him. After his dreams, He felt more confident and saw the strange light returned. Aashuko went to the mountain and found his friends waiting for him, holding their hands, they all went to make things right."


Sliding down the swirling passage, their screams was everything that they could make out from the complete silence of the passage.

After a hard crash landing, they find themselves back to the place where the story is left to be completed. Seeing Masconcia, they feel their world turned all around, the devasted lands weren't what they left behind in the first place. What the hell happened here, wasn't the question of worry of Aashuko, seeing his last night's dream get life was what made shiver ran down his spine.

"No Scarlet, Ralph. It can't be"
Aashuko screamed out in trembling voice. Hurrying deep in forest, all Aashuko was able to see was the memories of his friends with a blurry effect due to the tears splashing out of his eyes.

He ran deep and deep with his crew following him on his foot until crossing paths with the General Omega.

"Well well someone has returned or maybe the gift of Salveder has came around to his doom. Take him"
Omega told out to his guard before finally turning around and walking but luckily, he wasn't able to complete his journey. From green and half burnt bushes, Shiny jumped out and screamed:


Before turning into a massive transpat Ape exposing Shiny as its heart.

The stretch of muscles on Omega's forehead proofed his scared and frustrated feeling.

Pulling out his sword and aiming it towards the ape, he ordered to his soldiers: "Show that monkey its place"

The clashes of sword informed the readiness of enemy to which the massive land shaking roar was all that Shiny wanted to say.

With its massive clenched fist, the Ora Ape threw the army miles and miles away while the commander Omega just ran away and the battle ended even before starting. Shiny and his friends freed Aashuko.

"Wow, that took you so long to finish off their asses. P.s note the sarcasm"
Aashuko mocked out Shiny to which she replied
"Already done and ya None taken"

After saving their skins, Shiny and the others retreat back to the secret hiding place of Shiny and the other fairies.

*Forest of lost legends*

Shiny took the crew to a safer place where fairies and the rest of the survivors were kept.

She(Shiny) led them to his house and offered them a cup of water before asking them,
"So it isn't the most precise time for you all to return back however, why did you guys return?"

There was complete silence in room for about a second or two after which Aashuko finally spoke out,
"The dreams, my dreams had returned but they weren't usuals, they were different. I saw the collapse, collapse of Civilizations, the devastated lands of Masconcia holding the dead bodies of the Innocent people executed by Salveder but my friends laying still on land was the most heart wrenching thing, I saw in the dreams."

"Seems like you just saw the reality in fiction. Masconcia is ruined and broken to fragments except this place
King's Ferry, our last hope."
Shiny with unwillingly accepted defeat and a broken soul spoke out in fumbling voice.

"What happened here? Where are Scarlet and Ralph? You have some questions waiting to be answered"
Caitlin asked with a scent of worry.

"After you left, Salveder and his army attacked us and we were completely outnumbered in front of the Stoners, the soldiers we faced earlier. We had no idea about them until the Mysterious hooded figure of height about 5'6'' appeared. His eyes were of deep mesmerizing green color but the thing that made him creepy was the left side of face which was completely burned and also his snake like skin made him much more creepy. As expected we lost and so did the peace and harmony of our land. People were captured and executed, one of them was Master Zyguard who scarified his life for others which helped us fall back here but not long enough some Stoners found our base when I was preparing the Visibility portion. Oh Ya Scarlet and Ralph are dead,to save us they fought but eventually were captured and the rest his history." Tears shredding out of her face her helplessness and guilt of being powerless.

Seeing all the devastation spread around Aashuko couldn't believe that his friends were dead. Tears being overpowered flowed out of his eyes to an unbearable amount, all he could do was just crying.

After some while, a fairy reported that two mutated General have attacked on them and are killing the civilians. Shiny ordered her troops to get ready for the battle and asked the other Civilians to go deeper in forest however, before the evacuation the walls were broked and the generals had entered in with their army, one seemed to be girl whereas the other was a boy.

The boy had his dark black appearance with horns on his head and also he spitted out flame in his each and every breath also his eyes and his whole inner body system was covered up in flames.

While the girl had her red appearance with her eyes in a shade between orange and red with her long red hairs. The thing that made her more Devilish was her long wings and her black horns.

Their appearance weren't the only that made them look dangerous, their power level were exceptionally high, far beyond Shiny and her armies.

"What the hell? How did they came to know about the invisible passage!" Shiny exclaimed in shocked and horror, "Attack!!"

Shiny ordered her troops to open fire at them however all their efforts seemed to be meaningless.
Arrows were shot out at them and multiple spells varying from fire to dark dreams were thrown. However, all of them proved to be of no use and as consequences, Shiny and her army were unable to fight and had to face defeat. After a while, it was just the generals standing before the heavily wounded body of Shiny, lying lifelessly on ground.

Aashuko who was completely shocked and in fear, couldn't control himself and exclaimed out, "No Shiny!!"

Hearing his voice the generals shifted their gaze towards him and gave a puzzled expression, "You?"
Suddenly they fell to their knees, clutching their heads which all of a sudden started aching. With the help of the backup force, that came to rescue, Aashuko and the others made the generals, scramble away for their lives.

*Evening time*
Many hours had passed but Shiny didn't open her eyes, Aashuko and his friends had gathered around her.

After a while, the recovery team came in gave report of things they were able to collect along with some things left behind by the Generals.

Scanning the items, Caitlin discovered a familiar item.

Caitlin turned towards Aashuko and told,

"Hey this things belongs to Scarlet and Ralph."

Aashuko with a visible puzzlement on his face, glanced over the belongings and nodded in response.

At that instant, Shiny called them and informed them,

"Guys, this means that the generals were the bodies of Scarlet and Ralph, possessed by the evil souls of General Gemisis and General Flare, the ancient evil warriors, defeated by the former Guardians."

Aashuko and shifted their gaze and asked her,

"Shiny, Are you alright? What do you mean by their bodies?"

Shiny steading herself sat up, taking in deep breaths and slowly spoke out,

"It might have happened that, after they captured them(Scarlet and Ralph), they used the Spiritio Spell. It was an ancient spell used by the blood magicians in which using the sorcerer used a thing of a dead person and connect that article with his/her opponent. The soul of that person take control over the body. That explains how they came to knew about that passage."

Aashuko was quiet worried to hear that, calming his nerves and taking in slow breaths, he ordered out,

"We need to save them, they are counting on us. Shiny, Is there any way to rescue them?"

Shiny was quiet amazed but with slight smile curve across her mouth, spoke out,

"You need to destroy the thing that connects the soul and their body but this going to be really difficult. We need a plan for it."

Reaching deep in their thoughts, everyone tried to come up with some idea to cop up with the issue.

Ronnie snapping his fingers, spoke out,

"How about we brag them with some delicious food and then ask for that article in return."

Jessie crackling her knuckles and gritting her teeth, replied with extreme sarcasm,

"Well then you should be the perfect meal for them, Right?"

Ronnie chuckling in nervousness, stood beside a wall, wiggling his finger in a hole. At that instant, Caitlin spoke out,

"Guys, I got a plan but I need a map for better explanation."

After a while and with the murmures in silence along with the group discussion, the plan was greeted was acceptance by all and it was ready to be initiated.

Aashuko coughed for attention of the audience who were giving Caitlin a big round of applause as well as praising her for her brilliant idea,he spoke out,

"Ok guys, now enough of conspiring, it's time for action. We need to be really careful with this, our one mistake risks our whole world also we are their last line of defense for all their hopes."

Shiny clapped her hands twice and called in the elementary guard and ordered him,

"Sir, may you be kind enough to give this vice people the elementary rings for some assistance. Guys the elementary rings are the element powered consisting of each element present in this universe. Seeing my condition, I would be a liability rather than an asset."

Aashuko with a firm determination boiling in his eyes, extreme determination and clenched fists spoke out,

"Just a bit more guys, we are coming for your rescue. It's show time, let's get that big mouth, slithering monsters crawling to their feet."

*Aashuko's World*


The dark blue sky had covered the whole town, cold breeze blowing through the streets had engulfed the whole town in silence and sleepiness except a few, closing their shutters.
However, winds along the mountain had changed its pattern showing bright lights twirling in Mid air forming a portal connecting worlds.

Making its way through the eye blindling bright coloured portal, a dark figure made its way, landing his feet on the ground that announced the arrival of the upcoming mass destruction waiting up ahead in silence.

The dark figure had his hoodies on and the only thing visible were his glowing red eyes and the wide sinister smile spread over his face. After giving the fast asleeped town a long glance he spoke out in hissing tone,

"I must admit, it's beautiful. Oximerians, welcome to the first stage of your doom. Now where is she? Come on Salveder, we have some business."

*Aashuko's house*

After completing her daily chores, Lisa was turning out the lights, when she heard a knock on the front door. At this moment of night, she wasn't accepting an uninvited visitor however, she opened the door to meet her wildest dream face to face.

Salveder along with few of his guards was standing before her with his scary sinister smile sticked to his face.
Eyeing his host, Salveder bowed and spoke out, "Your Highness"

Lisa stood frozen before finally speaking out in fumbling voice, "Salveder?"

Salveder with his usual smile replied, "Wasn't accepting me I guess. We have a lot to talk about but how about we finish it, where it began?"
After telling this Salveder turned towards his guards and ordered them,
"Take her with us and by uttermost respect, she shouldn't face any problem."


So it's time for epic rescue but what is Salveder upto? And who is this mystery man? Keep reading to know more about the adventures of our heroes.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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