"The Truth?"

Last on Quest of Sorcerer's Gem

"Mia's mom is narrating her a story about a guy, Aashuko who due to his dream has reached a world, a world of Sorcerers. His adventure started with making new Friends like Scarlet, Ralph, Shiny and Master Zyguard. He soon discovers many of the secrets of the world. Later his friends in search of him reach Masconcia too but unfortunately are captured by A dark Sorcerer's army. However, Aashuko and his new friends reach there for their help. For the first time there is a appearance of Sun Guardian. Soon to know cause of their entrance, they set on their journey to Master Zyguard house. Unfortunately, they discover that he doesn't know a way back. However,it is later to be known that Master Zyguard is hiding something really big from them."


*Night time*
Ralph:"Please tell us,What are you hiding?"

Zyguard with a certain uneasiness replies: "I am not hiding anything. What are you guys saying?"

Aashuko: "You know what we are saying. Please say it Master?"

Zyguard: "I---uh----"

Aashuko: "Please Master."

Zyguard (heavy sigh): "Ok. According to an ancient prophecy it was said that:

'7 young heroes, the protectors of world will show up to help in time of crisis. Darkness will burn in light of wisdom and justice.'

I thought it was you guys, the chosen ones but I wanted to confirm, that's why I did this"

Aashuko: "Master does this mean, you knew a way back for us?"

Zyguard: "Y..yes"

Everyone hearing this were completely shocked, it felt as if there world got completely turned around.

Scarlet: "Master how could you?!"

Zyguard with complete shame in his eyes replied: "I'm sorry my kids, I didn't knew what to do?"

Ralph: "Master, we can't make them stay here for our doubt or personal needs."

Everyone was blaming Master Zyguard for his deeds.

But Aashuko with rage in his eyes said:
"Please Will you all just shut up?!"

Everyone was puzzled but decided to remain quite.

Aashuko continued: "What do you all think, fighting among ourselves will be of any use to us? Master thought about his countrymen, his people, about you guys!! He jeopardize his life to save us, he fought for us and saved us!!"

He turned towards master getting calmed a bit and asked him: "Master, now that you are done with your test, will you tell us the way out?"

Master with a slight smile on his ashamed face replied: "Yes my son. It's too late for now, you guys sleep we'll get you back home tomorrow morning."

Everyone nodded and headed back to their room but Aashuko went up the terrace and was later joined by Master Zyguard.

Master Zyguard with a shameful eyes went told him: "Thank you my----"

Aashuko stopped him in between and told: "No need to thank me Master. I didn't wanted your students to hate you."

Master with total confusion asked him: "What? And how did you know that I did this for my people."

Aashuko with slight grin told: "Simple, being a gaurdian, I knew you would never do anything wrong to anyone until and unless there was a big cause behind it and there could no big cause except behind saving lives of other."

Master tried to meet Aashuko's sharp gaze, held his arm and in an instant came to know something, with a trembling voice asked: "You knew it, from the beginning that I am hiding something from you, didn't you?"

Aashuko met his gaze and gave a slight nod.


Last night

Master Zyguard was holding the scroll told to himself: "So it's true ha. Sorry kids but you all are destined for something big, I don't know why but you all were meant to be here. One of you has a strong past in this world but I don't know who and how? I played this trick so that I can find answers to all my questions and I am sure soon you all and me will find."
Aashuko, who was hiding behind the window over heard his confession was completely shocked but decided to go away.

*Present time*
Master Zyguard with shimmery tears of guilt in his eyes, fell on his knees and said: "I'm sorry, I am such a fool. I did so much wrong with you all. I'm sorry."

Aashuko pulling his legs back asked Master to stand up: "No Master, please don't make me ashamed. You are my Master, you shouldn't apologize to me."

Master standing up asked him: "Don't you hate me for what I did?"

Aashuko with a grin said: "I wouldn't lie to you. Ya sure I am angry with you but I don't hate you afterall, you are my master, you have each and every right to do the right thing and I won't Question you."

Suddenly, rest of the crew came infront and apologized to Master Zyguard and with big heart Master Zyguard forgave them all.

There were tears of joy rolling down Master Zyguard's cheek and unable to control his emotions, gave Aashuko a tight hug but Aashuko on the other hand replied unusually. Expressions on his face were of agony which were clearly visible to Master Zyguard, but Master decided to let it be in shade for a while.

Master with extreme concern told: "Aashuko can I please steal you away for a moment or two?"

Aashuko: "Sure Master."

Zyguard and Aashuko went to the  Master's room. For the first time Aashuko had visited Master's room and he found it really mesmerizing, the antique weaponry, wooden selves high enough to touch the ceiling was completely filled with pilled books, in every there must be almost Ten to Twenty books ranging from prophecies to herbal remedies and each narrating a story of its own. There were drawings of the legendary Guardians resting beautifully on Master's assigned position.

Master gave Aashuko a glass of water and asked him: " Well let's get straight to point, are you alright?"

Aashuko took a sip and replied: "Ya I am alright Master, but, why are you asking this?"

Master with intense look replied: "Well sorry to say, I can't count on that"

Aashuko with puzzled looked replied: "Means?"

Master with a smile said: "I saw the sigh of agony on your face, back when we were on terrace. Say what's wrong"

Aashuko with intense look replied: "Earlier tonight, when we were attacked by Slaveder's general, one of the Digimon came to attack towards me and the frightened me just guarded my eyes but suddenly, a strong burst of light came and when I opened my eyes I saw that the Digimon was already ceased to death. However, wounding my shoulder in process."

Aashuko stripped his T-shirt to give the sight of wound. Master asked Aashuko to take rest while he prepares medicine from herbs.

After a while, Master returned back holding a bowl in his hand and started applying it on his wound.
Aashuko tried to keep a chit - chat and asked Master about the way for their,  to its response Master politely and with extreme kindness explained him everything and many more thing about Masconcia and its secret, however, Aashuko became fast asleep in the middle of their conversation.

Next morning, Aashuko woke up early in the morning and wasn't able to find Master anywhere. He met Scarlet and the others in the garden and talked to them. His crew and understood his concern and told him to return back to his world.
Aashuko and his friends considered their friend's suggestion decided to return back.

Aashuko and the crew decided to get ready and meet after a while.

Aashuko and the others got ready and reached the destined location, however Scarlet did not reach the destination and hence, Aashuko decided to find her, he asked other to go ahead while he finds Scarlet and join them later.

Aashuko searched around and found Scarlet sobbing near the lake. He went towards her and told: "Well, it's a really nice location to sob and wipe tears but a cute face like yours does not deserves to be sobbing around."

This sure cheered her up brought big smile on her pink cheeks which had turned red due to crying.

Aashuko wiping her tears asked her: "So now cutie, why were you crying?"

Scarlet, sobbing though calming a bit replied: "It's just that it has been so long I have been with you guys and especially you Aashuko, all the adventures, all the research we made, I will miss them all, I will miss YOU"

Aashuko understood the issue though blushing a bit said: "Aww that's really cu---"

Before he could complete Scarlet wrapped him up tight in her arms and gave him tight long hug.

Aashuko, choking and taking heavy breaths replied: "Though I enjoy it but i think we should go a bit easy here"

Scarlet controlling herself pulled herself and apologized: "Ya sorry, that's just me"

Aashuko gasping for breath replied: "I totally understand it"

Scarlet thought to herself and said: "Now enough of touchy talks, we should probably get going"

Aashuko with a puzzled looked replied: "You girls are just out of everyone's mind---"

Before completing his sentence he could see It was wrong move since Scarlet was burning in rage and with extreme anger in her tone asked: "Did you just say something??😡😡"

A sudden feel chill ran down his spine. Poor Aashuko, all that he could say was: "No..😅😅. No I didn't say anything, how can I?"

Scarlet calmed a bit and said: "You better remember that"

They both continued on their journey and later met others waiting for them.  The crew United continued on their journey of home.

Scarlet taking the lead asked: "Ok guys, so now what?"

Aashuko told her: "Let me do that. So yesterday night, I asked Master Zyguard about the way of returning and he told that..."

Aashuko: "so Master, how are we gonna return back home, what's the way?"

Master applying the herbs replied: "Aashuko my boy, for that you need to go to the Enchanted forest and then head your way to the Mountains of king, and lastly there you would find a secret waterfall, The falls of truth, this is where your quest ends. You have to chant a special spell to make it work and it will take you to your world. Just one more thing, don't lose faith and believe your heart"

*Present time*
Ralph with extreme level of excitement said: "Well then what's the wait, let's get this over with."

Continuing on their journey they traveled through the Enchanted forest and then to the Mountain of kings.

Everyone started to move ahead but Aashuko stopped outside and looked behind.

Caitlin asked him: "What's wrong Aashuko?"

Aashuko's glittery eyes seemed to be waiting for someone, like dying for someone to bid farewell: "Just waiting for Master."

Caitlin with tensed eyes said: "Don't worry he'll be here soon. Come on we don't have much time."

Aashuko nodded and went with her but sadly, they did found the cave but not the desired falls.

Scarlet with frustration, stomped her foot and told: "Where is the waterfall? We have been searching from so long"

Aashuko with extreme calmness told: "Master told to keep faith and believe in your heart. We are missing a clue but what?"

He thought for a while and then asked everyone to stop their chat instantly and everyone followed his command with extreme silence, he searched for the sound of waterfall and then headed in its direction.

They all took a breath of relief after finding the waterfall.

Next step was to be completed by Aashuko but an unexpected disturbance made them stop in their trails.

Scarlet: "What was that?"

Ralph clenched his fist: "I know what it means. Aashuko you carry on, we'll handle it"

Scarlet and Ralph headed outside and found an army of Digmons waiting for them and announcing the beginning of a battle.
Spells, blaze of fire, gust of winds, lighting had sky covered it completely. Meanwhile, Aashuko continued to chant the spell, finally the bridge was ready. Ralph and Scarlet came to wish their farewells and hugged their friends for the final time.

Aashuko was still waiting for Master and asked his friends: "Why hasn't Master reached yet?"

Scarlet replied: "Yes its quite unusual"

Suddenly another large shriek of creatures were heard outside along with Master Zyguard calling Aashuko.

Scarlet: "You guys need to hurry, we'll hold Slaveder. He is here to go along with you guys. Go Fast!!"

Master Zyguard came screaming and calling out for Aashuko: "Aashuko wait!! I need to tell you the truth!! Wait up!!"

Aashuko hearing this was completely shocked and confused: "Master? What is it?"

But before he could get the answer to his question a dark blue smoke with twinkling white light came around and started swallowing his friends and lastly him

Aashuko with all his strength said: "Master!!"

Master Zyguard came running and finally found: "No!! Aashuko I dont have the time, The truth is---"

But before Master Zyguard could complete his words The smoke had already started swallowing Aashuko and all his senses the thing around started to get blur and his vision started to fate all he could say was: "Master!!"

All his vision blurred and he became unconscious.

*Aashuko's World*

Evening time
Aashuko and his friends were lying unconsciously until Jessie woke up and helped others too.

Jessie with extreme pleasure and immense level of joy told: "Guys wake up!! We are home!! We all are!!"

The world they saw completely made their thoughts and worries fade away and they all were danced in joy but Aashuko just remembered the last word of his Master.

Master: "Aashuko wait!! I need to tell you the truth!!"

Aashuko thought to himself: "The Truth? What was the Truth master was talking about?"


Our heroes are back to their world but with a mystery left unsolved. What is the truth Master wanted to reveal

Please keep up your support and show your love❤️❤️☺️☺️
