Briar wakes up "you hear correctly Raven Queen," our teacher Rumpelstiltskin says to the class "professor Rumpelstiltskin," Apple says standing up from her seat "this is totally unfair," she tells him "you can't test us on chapters one threw thirty-four!" Ashlynn adds "we've only studied up to chapter two," Dexter says from beside Ashlynn "I cannot tell a lie and well that's just not very nice," I say crossing my arms instead of answering Rumpelstiltskin laughs at us and says no more.


That night a bunch of us gather in Briar and Ashlynn's room to study for the big test. "You guys don't know about professor Rumpelstiltskin?" Blondie asks "at the beginning of each year he gives an insanely hard test his students have to ask for extra credit!" she explains "which is just shinning stray into gold for him" she adds "the test is tomorrow morning look I'm totally getting stress splinters!" I say holding up my hands "well I could tutor you guys" Brair says happily "I've been studying on my own for like ever after" she adds "royaly cool!" Ashlynn exclaims Brair yawns "let's start with the basic elements," she says before passing out Apple starts poking her then sighs and stops. "If we can't wake up Briar we're totally going to fail the test!" I say

Dexter and Hunter open two books and put them on either side of Briar's head together they shut the books at the same time but Briar doesn't stir. Next Daring flashes his blinding smiling the only thing that happens is Briar's sunglasses falling over her eyes. Blondie gets her tablet and sends a hologram of a bear roaring at Briar but that also doesn't work. "Man if only she took studying as seriously as partying" Dextor jokes "that's it!" Raven says excitedly once Ashlynn had gotten Briar's speaker Raven turns it on and almost instantly Briar wakes up. She yawns "oh hey guys what's up?" Briar asks moving her sunglasses to the top of her head "you finally!" Raven jokes "you have to stay awake and help us," Raven says "well there's one thing I'm always up for," Briar says pausing for dramatic effect "a study party!" she says we all cheer happily

Briar puts the elements upon one of our walls "the basic elements! There are pixie dust and dragon fire!" she says in a sing-song voice "pixie dust and dragon fire!" Blondie and Ashlynn say doing a little dance together.


The next day in class we take the test first thing. "Time is up!" Professor Rumblestlskin says gruffly "let's see how you failed," he says summoning our tests with a flick of his ruler "Raven Queen an A, Apple White an A, Cedar Wood A, Hunter Huntsman A!" he says angrily "never underestimate the power of a study party!" Briar says high fiving Dextor "Brair Beauty A, Ashlyn Ella A, Blondie Lockes A, A, A, A!" he continues angrily we all laugh as he cries out in rage.
