"my what big muscles you have," Ashlynn tells Hunter batting her eyes "all the better to hug you with," he tells her they both smile at each other "you two are dating!" I say standing in between them the smiles on their faces disappear "what! No" Ashlynn says turning away from Hunter "that's silly of course we're not," Ashlynn tells me "romantic picnic? Heart-shaped cupcakes? Really guys come on?" I ask holding up their entwined hands Hunter takes his hand from Ashlynn's "these aren't romantic," Hunter says holding up a cupcake "my uncle made them" he lies "what about this?" I say running over to a nearby tree. Carved into the tree were the initials of their names inside of a heart "your initials inside a heart!" I point out "oh we didn't do that" Ashlynn laughs "it must have been that," Ashlynn thinks for a second "that woodpecker," Ashlynn says pointing to the bird "bad woodpecker," Ashlynn says to it "okay well what about this?" I say pulling a piece of paper from behind Hunter's back.

I look at the piece of paper and reads it aloud "Ashlynn I'm so glad we're secretly dating love Hunter Huntsman" Ashlynn couldn't help but gaze at Hunter happily as I read those words. Hunter shakes his head "I mean come on" I say with a playful smirk on my lips "you wrote that for me?" Ashlynn asks Hunter dreamily he eats a peanut from a box he had brought for their picnic I rush towards them and sits in-between them "when Professor Nimble asks me if something dramatic happened to me today I'm going to have to tell everyone about you guys I can't lie" I tell them dramatically obviously actually upset by this "what are we gonna do? Everyone's going to know" Hunter asks eating a peanut "wait a splinter," I say when an idea strikes me, "I think I have an idea," I say putting my hands on their shoulders.


It was my turn to present Hunter and Ashlynn were watching me scared that I could spill the truth that Hunter and Ashlynn were secretly dating. "Well I was out walking in the woods and I saw something pretty amazing" I begin I take a lot of peanuts out of the bag in my hand and put them in my mouth before continuing "I saw Hunter and" the rest I couldn't even understand thankfully because of the peanuts in my mouth "that girl is a nut" Hunter says to Ashlynn" in all the right ways" Ashlynn tells him before winking at me "it's just so obvious like come on" I say before getting another mouth full of peanuts then I wink back at Ashlynn.
