Part three

"Nothing!!" I defend myself. Josh laughs some more.
"Uh-huh. Yeah, sure." He jokes. I grasp my fork with my fist.
"Don't make me use this." I smirk.
"Oh please." He brushes me off. "I dare you." He glares at me trying not to smirk back. I glare back at him. We have a small glaring contest, then both burst out laughing.
"I really missed you." He says with a sincere tone in his voice.
"Don't go and get all mushy on me now man." I tease. He smiles at me. "I missed you too." I smile back. Then, the awkward silence between us. It ALWAYS happens! We're both just happy to see each other, that we don't know what to say. So we both just sit there, happy to be in the presence of one another, just silent. It's weird.
"So how have things been going?" I break the silence looking around the dining hall.
"Good..." He says looking at me. "Hard." He chuckles.
"I can only imagine." I laugh. "Is it everything you imagined yourself doing?" I ask looking at him.
"You mean, everything we imagined?" He asks glancing down, then at me. I look down, I chuckle slightly.
"Yeah. What you said." I say with a smirk.
"It's more work than you're prepared for." He says with a 'big brother' tone. "But once you get used to the heavy labor, it's... enjoyable." He says looking over my shoulder again.
"So when do you become an 'official' guard?" I ask following his gaze. "He's still there?" I ask trying my best not to turn around.
"Yeah." He says looking back to me.
"Should I be nervous?" I ask with a chuckle. He gives me a look.
"Just a little." He says looking down.
"Okay, you're making me nervous. You better be joking." I say waiting for him to laugh, or make fun of me in some way.
"Some of the things I've heard from some of the higher ranked servants and soldiers, about... Prince Loki." He looks up at me with a serious expression.
"Like what?" I ask trying not to sound spooked by his words. He shakes his head.
"If he takes a liking to you, then be careful not to upset him. Do not become his enemy." He says with a serious tone.
"Thanks for the info. Very useful." I say sarcastically. An unamused expression on my face.
"I'm being serious Jen." He says.
"Trying to spook me, I see what you're doing." I say hoping he's joking.

"I'm not trying to scare you, I'm just doing what I've always done." Josh says looking me in the eye.
"Watching out for me, yes. I know, I know." I say with a smirk. "So when are you going to be an official guard?" I ask changing the subject.
"In a couple weeks." He answers with an excited tone. "I can't wait." He adds.
"To become a guard?" I ask pushing my plate of food away.
"To get out of boot camp!" He says raising his tone a bit with frustration.
"Calm down Josh." I say with a chuckle. "You're getting a little passionate about boot camp. Maybe I should tell Prince Thor to put you through it again." I joke. He inhales and exhales with frustration and gives me a 'you better not' look. I laugh at his frustration. He rolls his eyes. A few soldiers from Josh's squad come over to our table. They're laughing and being noisy, (typical young soldiers from around here) Josh and I look from each other to the approaching soldiers.

"Hey heyy." Josh calls to one of them. They brofist and start talking. I look down as one of them gestures to me.
"So is this the famous Jennifer you're always talking about?" The young soldier says looking me up and down. I force a smile on my face and look at Josh.
"Yeah man!" Josh says in a manly tone.
"She doesn't look that tough." One of them comments with a cocky grin.
"Oooohhhhhhh" The group gasps.
"Dude, remember the Assassin?" Josh asks looking at the one who called me out. I look down chuckling.
"The one who beat your ass that day?" Josh says looking at me with a smirk.
"Yeah." The soldier answers trying to sound manly. I smirk. Josh gestures over to me.
"That was her." Josh says. The soldier's eyes widen. I laugh and look up at the soldier. He looks me in the eye and his face turns a bit red.

Josh laughs.
"I remember you! You're the one who peed his pants!" I joke. Josh laughs harder, he hits his fist on the table from laughing so hard. That one soldier begins to say something back but another soldier interrupts and Josh and the guys go on a man to man laughing talk. Josh gets up and looks at me.
"Go." I say moving my hands in a shoo-ing motion. He smirks and the other soldiers group behind him laughing and talking. A short moment goes by and as I begin to get up, I feel someone behind me. I turn my head slightly and see green and black coloring.
"Leaving so soon?" I hear Prince Loki ask from behind me. I turn around fully as I stand to my feet.
