Part fifteen

Thor walks down the hall to the healing room. Memories of his mother bringing him there forcefully back when he was just a boy run through his mind. One time, while he and Loki were sparring, he had backed right into a pile of brush. Turns out, the pile of brush was entangled with poison ivy. He and Loki hadn't noticed it until they were heading back to the palace. Their mother greeted them and became startled at the color change of Thor's skin. He didn't even feel it itching until the healers in the healing room were examining it.

Thor reaches the healing room. He enters and sees a young maidservant.

"You there," He starts. The girl turns around and bows her head in respect.

"Welcome back your Highness." She greets. "How may I be of assistance?"

"I was told that I could find a woman named Jennifer here." He answers.

"Yes, Jennifer, she just left with her husband about ten minutes ago." The young maidservant says.

"Where did they go?" Thor asks suspiciously.

"Please forgive me, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I overheard they were planning on visiting the Butterfly Garden." She answers. Thor thanks her and immediately heads for the Butterfly Garden.

"No, I haven't heard anything about him since I've been back Darling." Thor hears an uncomfortably familiar voice say from the garden. He almost acts on impulse, but waits.

"Is it? It couldn't be." He think to himself, already knowing the answer.

"Why? What happened to him?" The familiar voice asks.

"I don't know. I haven't heard or seen Joshua in years. I asked Thor about him last time he was here. He said that the last time he had seen him was when Josh went MIA on a scouting trip." Thor hears the familiar, unmistakeable voice of Jennifer.

"I'm sorry to hear that. We could send out a search party, if you'd like? I mean he-" Loki starts but is cut off by the roar of an angry Thor. Thor comes out of his hiding place and sees Loki and Jennifer sitting together on the main fountain in the center of the garden. Jennifer's eyes widen at the sight of Thor, Loki smirks and quickly begins thinking on many different ways to protect Jennifer. As Thor approaches, Loki stands to his feet. Thor reaches the fountain. He lunges for Loki but Loki gets in a defensive stance. Thor fazes right through Loki and into the fountain. Jennifer stands to her feet and next to Loki. Thor lands in the fountain with a big splash, water goes everywhere. Thor is more than angry now. He stands up and whips around to see a grinning Loki, and a pregnant Jennifer.

"Still falling for my simple tricks, brother?" Loki asks sarcastically. Thor can't stop staring at Jennifer in disbelief, he had trusted her. Was this one of Loki's tricks too? Or did she really reconcile her relationship with Loki? The one she claimed to hate so much.

"Loki," I start. Loki looks over at me with a smirk still plastered on his face. "may I have a moment to speak with Thor, alone?" I ask. Loki's smirk fades, he hesitates for a second, then reluctantly nods. "Thank you my love." Loki takes one last look at Thor climbing out of the fountain. Then he looks back at me, smiles and kisses me right in front of Thor. On purpose I assume. He breaks the kiss.

"I'll see you in the banquet hall this evening." He says. I smile and nod, he turns and leaves. I then turn my attention back to Thor. He's wringing out his long blonde hair. I always thought it was a bit too long, but never brought it to anyone's attention.

"You're with child?" He asks.

"Yeah. About six or seven months now." I answer.

"It's, his...?" His voice trails off. I cant tell if it's because of anger or embarrassment. I smile and nod. "What happened Jennifer?" He asks with a disappointed tone. "I trusted you."

"It's a long story." I sigh.

"There's quite some time before dinner." Thor replies taking a seat on the dry part of the fountain. I exhale and walk over, sit, and begin telling a version of what happened after he left that I know he wont become too angered with.

* * *

Thor and I stand to our feet and exit the Butterfly Garden.

"I'm sorry for letting you down. I don't have an excuse." I say as we walk through the palace halls. "I apologize for my, um, choices." I smirk and look down at my extended stomach. Thor laughs. As we reach the entrance to the banquet hall, he stops me.

"Are you happy?" He asks with a sincere tone. I nod.

"I am." I answer.

"Are you safe?" He asks, still sounding sincere.

"Loki would never hurt me." I answer confidently.

"Do you still trust me?" He asks.

"Yes..." I answer. This is getting weird.

"Jennifer, do you trust him?" He asks sounding worried. "Don't answer that. Just think about this, does he trust you? Does he feel the same way about you that you do him?" He asks in a strange tone. He's talking as if the knows something's about to happen. Before I can say anything, a servant walks over.

"Lady Jennifer, King Loki has requested your presence by his side at once." The young man says. He looks over and recognizes Thor. "Your Highness! My deepest apologies, I did not recognize you at first." He bows. Thor shoots me a concerned look, then walks back down the hall. The servant rises and looks at me, I smile.

"He's being impatient again, isnt he?" I ask with a smirk. The servant nods. "Very well, lead the way." The young man leads me through the banquet hall, straight to the royal table. There, the royal family and high officials sit.

Loki is in his usual fancy special chair. He hates when I call it that. His expression brightens when he sees me. I smile. The young servant pulls out my chair for me.

"Thank you." I say with a smile. The young man walks back to his station.

"Darling, you know you don't have to be kind to the servants." Loki says with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Why not? After all, I was the Prince's servant. Why was I shown special kindness?" I ask sarcastically. Loki smirks.

"What were you and Thor talking about?" He asks with a jealous tone. I try, but can't hold in a laugh. Loki raises an eyebrow.

"Oh come on. Don't think your presence at the garden went unnoticed." I answer. Servants begin serving food to the different tables.

"What? Darling, I have no idea what you're talking about." Loki says.

"Really? We're really gonna do this?" I ask with an annoyed tone. Loki smirks.

* * *

After dinner, Loki and I walk through the halls of the palace. Thor walks up behind us and places each of his hands on our shoulders.

"Don't say a word." He says. "Turn here." He says as we turn down a hall and walk into the Butterfly Garden. Thor takes us into the center of the garden and shoves Loki forward. He steps in front of me, Loki laughs sarcastically and turns around with a sassy grin on his face.

"Nice to see you again brother." He says. Thor growls. I stand by the fountain with my arms folded, just watching my foolish husband make things worse for himself. I can't believe he still hasn't noticed Thor has the garden surrounded by soldiers.
