c h a p t e r - 15

I must've been walking on the same road for fifteen minutes, totaling to thirty minutes of being on my feet. Fifteen minutes ago, I was sure that this was the road that led to my neighborhood. Then again, I knew it that even on foot, the winding path to my suburb didn't take this long.

As I held my clutch in one hand and my dead phone in the other, I mentally cursed myself for not driving more. My father forced me to become dependent on Martin and yet when I needed him the most, I was unable to even text him. Maybe if I had been able to put my car to use, I would know which streets belonged to my side of the city.

The only thing I knew was that the route to my neighborhood involved numerous hills and unlit streets. Whatever road I was currently on had both of those qualities, but judging by the lengthy amount of time it took to ascend up the inclined concrete, I was nowhere near my house.

A mental debate of turning around or continuing on consumed my thoughts as I struggled to think straight without becoming lightheaded. Something had to be on this road, I convinced myself, unless it was a dead end.

The worn asphalt had now turned into dirt and my heels were sinking into the crumbly soil, making my struggle to walk even more wearisome. I lifted my foot as the brown mass swallowed the spike of my shoe, trying to remove it without sinking deeper.

Just as both of my feet were firmly on the surface once again, screams and shouts faintly breezed into my ear, coming from somewhere off in the distance.

I stood frozen as I looked around, searching for an answer to the chilling noises. Further up the road, I noticed a building with flashing lights and a parking lot filled with cars. More shrieks and howls emitted as I continued eyeing the area, a new choice needing to be made.

No. There was no way I was continuing up this horrid path with sounds like these coming from a building full of God knows what. I wasn't going to be the idiot girl in all those cliché horror movies who actually moves closer to her impending death.

My only remaining option was to be the other idiot girl who had walked up a dirt path for fifteen minutes then went all the back with still no sense of direction at eleven o'clock at night.

It was a no brainier, really, I was idiot girl number one.

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( a/n: short chapter bc the next one is full of stuff oOoOoOoOoOo what's in the building????? comment what you think it is hehehe btw yay for double updating, i might even do a triple update bc i have such a muse rn. thanks for reading and remember to vote bcos i love your feedback!!! )
