author's note

a/n : guys, i'm truly so sorry for not updating in such a long time. i've been stuck between posting this author's note or forcing myself to publish another chapter and well... my decision is pretty obvious. as writers and readers, you all know how frustrating it is when you no longer draw inspiration from your muse and that's exactly what has happened to me. i have so many ideas and plot lines for this story that have yet to be developed, but it's nearly impossible to write when typing a chapter feels more like a chore than a hobby. let me just say that i am NOT ending this book, but i am putting it on hold for the time being. i appreciate you guys so much for loving this book as much as i do and i don't wanna let y'all down, so it'd be unfair of me to publish chapters when i know they're not worth of publication since my muse is no longer what it once was.

all that being said, i still love writing as much as ever, which is why i'm currently working on another book. if you want, you can check it out on my page under "down in flames". i totally get if y'all were just here for gilinsky, but maybe if you liked my writing you could check it out?? again, i'm so sorry and i love you guys :-( i hope you all understand where i'm coming from.
