Chapter 3 - The Captain

The following day Jack went back to the tavern they visited the other night to see if he could find out anything on the man that was watching them from the dark table. He couldn't rest until he knew who that was. And why they were watching them. Inside were a few drinkers from the previous night, still clutching their drinks as they struggled to keep their eyes open. They all felt weighted, unable to carry themselves to the door. Jack swayed his way past, grabbing a drink off a person who was passed out on a table, and sat at the bar. It was early in the morning, the sun just reaching through the windows, illuminating the dust that collected on the floor. The bar man motioned a hello and topped up his drink before continuing to wipe down the table.

"What's it to be Jack Sparrow?" He asked, hands pressed to the wooden bar.

"I'm here to ask of a person who came here the other night and left around the time me and my company left," Jack explained, taking a swig from his drink.

"You mean that old guy?" The barman mumbled.

"Yes that old guy. Who is he?" Jack was growing impatient already.

Once he had the name, it would be a lot easier to track where it came from. He already had a gut feeling and after sifting through previous men who he would consider enemies, most of them dying as of late, there was only really one name that still remained. But that name he hadn't heard of in years. He presumed he was dead. However many people liked to return from the dead if the cause is right for it.

"Never got his name. Quite rude the bloke was," The barman began "he didn't look that tall, but he did rather slump in his seat. He had a horribly shaven beard, like he'd never used a shaver before. Dark blue eyes I presume it was dark after all as you know," Jack glared at him to get to the point "he had to be old like over 50, not that that's even that old but you know what I mean compared to you and I. Oh and he wore a ugly black coat that looked like he dragged it through mud then decided it looked better that way."

Jack nodded and added it to the description he had of his shadow. The way he sat, the way he moved his wrist with the drink in his hand. A ding sounded in Jack's brain just as the person came to his head. A chill went down his spine. It couldn't be. Not him. The name pounded in his brain like it was tearing down the walls to his mind. Ripping them down while continuing to laugh in his face. That familiar use of letters that formed a name Jack forgot how much he despised. He hadn't heard it in so long and now it was back, pushing right through to the centre. Why did he forget this man was still out there? Why did he let himself believe that he was really safe? That Lydia was really safe.

"Captain Thomas O'Malley," Jack  murmured, the barman's eyes widening and him paling like a ghost.

"No no it couldn't be, I heard bad things from him," The barman stuttered as Jack shot up from his seat.

"And you'll likely hear even worse if I don't stop him," Jack said, chucking him some money for his drink and storming out the bar.


Lydia brushed her hands over the covers of the books once more. They were just how she imagined her parents. Soft and gentle yet bursting with wisdom and trickery. Sat alone in her cabin, Lydia lit a few candles around her before peeling open the first book, finding a page that seemed to ring familiar.

Saturday 9th June,

Unfortunately today is the day. Benjamin and I knew Beckett would come after us, but why today? Lydia still doesn't know, and we plan on keeping it that way. We shall get her away before, hopefully get her to some place like Port Royal and away from any pirates. This greedy man wants to take everything from us, but he won't take Lydia. Our gorgeous girl will grow up magnificent and separate from pirates. That's all I could ever want for her. To be better than us. Better than pirates. Although that would be rather nice, take our legacy. But I can't wish that on her. She could be so much more.

Water picked at her eyes. Tears even. If only they could have know. But they did. They knew exactly what was to happen and just let it happen. They shouldn't have died. Not like this. When Lydia saw them they were thrilled to see she had followed in their footsteps, yet she had no clue they were so torn. Torn between wanting her away from this world and having her in it. She couldn't blame them. If you asked Lydia almost two years ago if she thought she could ever be a pirate she would have refused even if the title gave some interest. She was thrown into the deep end and managed to be able to swim, managed to become just like her parents.

Quickly she turned the page to avoid whatever could be written next. As the page flipped over and the light of the candles flickered over it, Lydia spotted something embedded between the words on the page. Pressed down like an iron presser were symbols, invisible to the naked eye but not someone who was looking for them. They were in shapes of triangles, circles and several shapes Lydia couldn't make out. She ran her finger over the page but was met with not only the feeling of the pressed shapes, but the letters on the page as well. It was too hard to make out this way, so she decided to read the page itself, see if it had any relation.

Onboard our ship we have been met with no trouble as of yet. Benjamin says we should be expecting trouble but it seems to not be the day we are going to slip away-

A dash of ink flew across the page, stabbing into the paper slightly. The next few words the lettering appeared rushed and hard to read, Lydia squinting to make out the words.

I spoke too soon. I have to get on the main deck to be with Benjamin however my dear Lydia if you ever read this and I do hope you do, READ BETWEEN THE LINES. I love you I alwa-

Another slash came across the paper and that was it. She never finished that word or even the journal. The following pages were blank, blending into a field of nothingness, Lydia shutting the book and putting her head on the table. Who said reading these would be easy? With her eyes closed she pictured them, pictured their smiles the last time she saw them. The soft wrinkles around their faces and their wide grins as she waved goodbye. It was her last goodbye. The next time she sees them would be when it comes to an end.

But that time wouldn't come for a long time, she hopes at least. Reading the thoughts of someone who has passed can be worse than watching them go sometimes. You get a keyhole into their thoughts and when you peak through you often find they were just as shocked as you were for their passing. Unless of course they already knew. Like her parents. They accepted death too well for Lydia's liking. She didn't even notice the puddle of tears forming on the book below her. Her heart ached to see them again, to hug them again. That's all she could ask for.

Picking herself up, Lydia opened the book again to pear at the symbols. Once she had the page open she grabbed another and scanned through until she found the symbols again. And after that she grabbed a third book and did the same. Each book had one page each riddled with embedded symbols Lydia was unable to decipher. There were no clues, no repeating patterns, just shapes. Groaning, Lydia dumped the book she was holding down and rubbed a hand over her face. Flicking to another random page Lydia leant back to read the page.

October 1st, Wednesday,

It's Lydia's birthday today. Our darling daughter is five! Lucy wanted us to celebrate away from the ship but how could I? The crew insisted on being there! Our daughter is persistent on wanting to be taught the ways of the sword, I would teach her but I'm not letting one of her little sausage fingers get hurt. She's so adorable I wish I could lock an image of her from my eyes and hold it in my hands. It's just too expensive to hire a painter. That and Lydia won't sit still. Got to go the crew is pestering me about if they could throw a party for Lydia now. Goodbye.

Lydia chuckled at the thought of her father. She did hate posing for paintings. Marianne often asked her to pose and Lydia could never hold it for more than five seconds. He did finally teach her the proper ways of handling a sword. Will believed he was a master however was too stiff and always stuck to the rules, until he actually met pirates though. Leaning against the wall, Lydia's sword modeled like the elegant beauty it was. She didn't like to take it everywhere with her, she didn't need it. Like it was calling to her, the silver blade shun in the sunlight, Lydia getting up from her chair to touch it.

It was still just as sharp. Just as shiny as when she used it a few days ago. It didn't feel like she'd returned from such a battle. The adrenaline had worn off like the buzz of champagne. Memories still remained. Like how much rain there was. There was so much rain that day. Laughing faintly, Lydia put the sword down and looked back up at the books on the table and decided she had done enough for the day. It was time for a break. She could decipher the codes for another day.

Walking out onto the main deck, Lydia was met with the quiet tasks of the crew. Sat on a few crates, Barbossa, Gibbs, Pintel and Regetti were in an intense game of something Lydia didn't know. By the helm cotton brushed his parrots feathers and Marty was hanging on the netting whistling a happy tune while fixing the ropes. Peaceful. That's the only way you could describe it. Not something you would often use on this ship. Choosing to join the men on the crates, Lydia picked up her own seat behind her and saw them throwing around words like they were guessing something, old bits of maps stuck to their foreheads. One word, or she should say name, suck out for Lydia as she sat down beside Barbossa.

"Why is my name on your forehead?" Lydia joked to Pintel, him ripping off the paper as soon as she said it.

"No no no I was so close," He grumbled folding his arms while Regetti laughed at him.

"Oh Lydia has spoiled the game she has," Gibbs shook his head.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize we were playing a game. What game is this?" Lydia pointed the papers on each man's head.

"Tis a little game I like to call Guess Who?" Barbossa said "ye each have a word or name in your forehead. It's your job to guess what it is."

"Well can I join you?" She asked.

"Trouble with your journals?" Gibbs wondered.

"I figured out they have secret codes but I'm unable to break them. Need to give my head a break," Lydia explained.

Nodding, Barbossa bent to his side and picked up a pile of ripped up maps facing up to the blank side, the side with the words, were facing down.

"Take your pick lass," He said.

Avoiding looking at the paper, Lydia swiped one and held it to her forehead, finding it not stick as well as the others did.

"I'm how do you-"

Before she could finish, Barbossa snatched the paper and licked down the opposite side, slapping down on her forehead and rubbing it in. She gasped before he took his hand back, finding perfectly stuck to her head. Grinning, the others sniggered as they spotted what word was on the paper. One perfect for her.

"Ow," she mumbled "I will never forgive you for that."

"Aye now we give out guesses whenever something comes to our heads, the others have to say if we're right or not," Barbossa told her "wanna go first lass?"

"Okay..." Lydia tapped a finger to her chin as she thought of what to guess first "am I a part on a ship?"

"No," They sniggered in unison.

Slumping in her seat, Lydia questioned her options, looking to the others at what they had. Gibbs had parrot, Barbossa had helm, too easy for him, Regetti had dress and Pintel now had pistol after picking up a new bit of paper. They all had things without a pulse, except the parrot if course. So Lydia came to the conclusion she had to be an intimate object too.

"Am I an object on a ship?" She grinned.


Making a shocked noise, Lydia slumped back down again. So close. She believed. It had to be something. A book? A candle? A sword? Any of these things could be a possibility. Eyeing up the others she took in how they looked at her. All of them seemed to grin at her like what she had on her head was the funniest thing they've ever seen. They looked at her like her word was so obvious she was almost stupid no to understand it.

By this point Barbossa had already guessed helm and was onto his next card. Was their any objective to this game? Like they were supposed to collect the most cards. Lydia definitely wasn't winning. Every one of her guesses were wrong. She kept with the objects theme but the more she asked, the more they seemed bored with her guesses, maybe she was quite far off. Maybe she wasn't close to it at all. Regetti wasn't much close to dress either, crossing his eyes trying to catch a glimpse of the word under the paper.

"I'm going to need a hint," Lydia said.

"A hint?" Pintel huffed.

"Yes a hint just to push me in the right direction," She replied folding her arms.

"Alright. It's someone you know quite well," Barbossa drew out his words before winking.

Someone? She thought it was an object this whole time. Scrunching up her face she pondered who it could be. She looked to Pintel and he was wriggling his fingers like a mad man. Then when she turned to Gibbs he did an odd sway like he was drunk. But when Regetti pretended to turn up his beard, which was non existent, Lydia had an idea of who it could be. Laughing she shook her head before smiling at them all.

She opened her mouth but stopped the words coming from her mouth when she turned her head to the pounding sound of someone coming up onto the deck. She spun around to see who was coming aboard and the person who was did not appear happy at all.

"Jack?" Lydia questioned.

"Well done you finally got it-" Pintel cheered but was halted when Regetti shoved his shoulder.

Standing by the edge of the ship was one Jack Sparrow who looked angry enough to tear someone's head off with his bare hands. His jaw was clench, so was his hands, and his eye was twitching. Lydia got up from her seat and approached him slowly, Gibbs and the others taking the paper of there heads fast. His face softens just a bit when he saw the silly paper on her forehead but the name kept banging in his mind kept his anger boiling.

"Jack what's wrong?" Lydia cooed, patting his arm.

"Guess who was watching us lads!" Jack stepped away from her and addressed the small amount of crew.

"Who?" Gibbs got up from his seat.

"Captain Thomas O'Malley! Oh yes him!" Jack shouted.

The crew grew silent at the mention of his name. All except Lydia. She had never heard that name before yet it was clear the rest of the crew had. Scanning her eyes around, everyone was pale, staring at Jack as if he could confirm what he already said. Even Barbossa looked to have seen a ghost, Jack the monkey running to his side.

"Who's that?" Lydia asked innocently.

"That darling," Jack grunted, turning to her and making her back up slightly "is not someone I really want to cross. He's a ruthless man who isn't afraid to hurt anyone to get what he wants."

"Why do you think he was watching us?" Regetti wondered looking around as if he was their right as he said it.

"Isn't it obvious. He wants Lydia, or Lydia's treasure. He wants to see me perish, so this way he can hurt me even more," Jack grumbled before leaning close to Lydia "please you haven't spoken to that Peter recently."

Fumbling over her Lydia struggled with what to say. She had seen him. Yes. But she couldn't believe he would be with someone who sounded as terrifying as this O'Malley did. He couldn't. He's such a kind man. Men like him wouldn't associate with men like O'Malley. Surely. Seeing her mess with what to say, Jack took her arm and marched them into their cabin before slamming the door. The rest of the crew stared at each other, Gibbs scrambling to order them to do something with their time.

"You have met with him haven't you I can see it in your eyes love. Don't lie to me," He said lowly.

"I am not lying to you I just don't believe he would be with a man like that," She stuttered.

"Oh so because he's charming and dreamy and kissed your hand when he introduced himself he can't be a bad man!" Jack argued.

"I'm not saying that at all I'm saying that there's no way he could be like that. Sure he's charming but men like him don't associate with-"

"Pirates? Although he is one isn't he?" Jack stomped towards her, backing her up to the table "what is it with him huh? The googly eyes at the bar don't act dumb with me," he tore the paper she forgot she had off her forehead.

"Oh my god you're jealous aren't you? Jealous that one guy was nice to me... Attention all, some men are gentleman!" She shouted back throwing her arms in the air.

Jack leant back at her words as they struck him. He scoffed before leaning his hands on the table either side of her, trapping her between him and the desk. She scoffed two, shifting back to face him.

"I'm not jealous of some scrawny boy who can never compete with me. Alright love? What I have I problem with is why you're defending a man you just met," he went close to her ear "I don't give care in the world if some man is gentlemanly to you but I do care if you're insinuating I can't be like that. Because I love you and care for you and don't want you to be hurt."

Turning her head Lydia held her lips to his ear this time.

"I never said you weren't gentlemanly. Last time I checked you have never met him so do you really know if he's as bad as you're insinuating? I love you too but you can't let you're jealousy get the better of your like this jack," She grabbed his jacket and yanked him even closer "it's not a good look. Now get out my way I'm going outside to think."

Shoving him away, Lydia stormed past Jack, him blinking as she left the room. The door swung open with a bang that put all the attention of the crew into her, not that Lydia was at all interested in what any of them had to say. She went to the tip of the ship and slumped down by the railings, exhaling deeply.

It wasn't like they were very quiet. The crew heard it all, both their shouting was heard by almost the whole ship, Barbossa slipping the cards away and yelling at the crew to get to work. He nodded to Gibbs and tilted his head to Lydia, indicating he should go to her while he goes to Jack. When Gibbs shrugged nervously Barbossa scoffed and shoved him her way, forcing him to talk to her. Slowly he then walked up to cabin door, peering in at Jack who stood defeated in the middle of the room.

Like he was frozen, Jack stared at the floor not even swaying in his spot. Barbossa shut the door gently but it was still loud enough to alert Jack who jerked his head towards him when he noticed his presence.

"What's going on Jack?" Barbossa asked walking towards him.

"We've never fought like that before Hector," Jack murmured "we've never been like that."

"It happens lad, couples fight it's part a being together," Barbossa tried to reason but Jack shot round to face him.

"But not like this. We've had disagreements and I haven't always told her the truth..." Jack trailed off "but we've never spoken to each other like this. I don't even know why I was mad."

Barbossa sighed and lead Jack over to a place to sit. He awkwardly sat him down and shuffled in his seat next to him. He's never been the most comforting person. It's not in his nature. Barbossa wasn't prepared to give Jack relationship advice nor was he expecting Jack to act like this. Jack liked to put on a brave face to the crew, but maybe he was just as normal as the rest of them. He truly cared for Lydia and that was obvious to Barbossa by how he looked to almost be crying sat next to him.

"Why were you mad?" Barbossa started, wanting to get to the route of the issue.

"I thought she may have seen Peter recently. The one who may be associated with O'Malley," Jack explained.

"Ah and did she?" Barbossa asked.

"No. But I didn't believe her and thought cause he's some noble man she could be hiding it cause she thinks he's cute," Jack chuckled "she's right I am jealous."

"Jack Sparrow? Insecure? Never would have seen the day when you're threatened by another man," Barbossa joked.

Jack laughed mockingly and leaned back in his seat. Speaking about it, talking, made him think over what he said. She had no reason to lie to him. He was just angry and paranoid. He wasn't thinking straight.

"Never thought myself the type. It's hard when she's so perfect," Jack smiled.

"She ain't perfect Jack. Neithers anyone," Barbossa rested a hand on his shoulder "Jack Sparrow I'll only tell you this once and if you go gobbing off that I said this there'll be a mutiny on your hands okay?" Jack nodded "you ain't got nothing to worry about. She's totally smitten by you, no man no matter how gentlemanly could ever steer her heart away from you. He ain't got nothing on you, you're not like anyone, most men are jealous of you. Look around although I find myself quite the looker you're definitely a sight for sore eyes round ere. So don't worry your stupid face off."

Smirking, Jack looked up at him and shook his head.

"Hector you think I'm handsome don't you?" Jack joked.

"I'll take it back!" He pointed at him.

"No I'm going to remember that for the rest of our days together," Jack held a hand to his heart "thank you I really appreciate it. I needed that."

"Course. Now Gibbs is off with blondy so leave her for a bit to process everything she looked pretty angry when she left," Barbossa stood up.

"Yeah I'll give her a while, don't wanna make it worse," Jack said.

One last time Barbossa patted Jack's shoulder and left the room, leaving Jack in his chair alone again. It was the evening now, golden skies reflected off the waters as Barbossa spotted Lydia far away with Gibbs. He walked back up to the helm so he had a clear view of the ocean ahead. Cotton was there as always and the two smiled as they looked off over the sea.


"Lydia?" Gibbs announced walking up behind her.

While Barbossa was off with Jack, Gibbs was stuck tending the much harder party member. She had he head in her hands leaning off the ship, wind in her hair making it hard for Gibbs to see her face. But if only he could he would see her puffy eyes and red face. She was angry. More than angry with what just happened.

She wanted to run off the ship, get far away from the Pearl so she could breathe. Not have a whole crew watching her like a bomb about to explode. Her legs was bouncing furiously, as if it was angrier than her. Which didn't look possible by the state she was in. At the sound of her name she rolled her eyes. She knew someone would come, she just didn't expect so fast.

"What Gibbs?" She growled.

"You alright love?" He wondered.

"No actually," She spun round to him "I was just met with a lot of stupid words compiled together to make and even stupider sentences. Good enough?"

"What he say?"

"Oh yeah forgot don't really want to air all this with anyone okay? For once I want space away from all of this!" Lydia flailed her arms around the ship.

"Lass I wanna help," Gibbs tried to sit down but Lydia stopped him.

"You can help by leaving me alone," She shooed him away.

When her own words hit her, when she realized how she was acting, Lydia cringed to herself. She shot around and found Gibbs already walking away, not even giving her a second glance. She wanted to get up, chase after him to apologize, but she couldn't. Like she was frozen. A statue watching everyone go past her like she was the most boring statue there. It didn't matter if she was angry anymore, she wanted to run back and make everything right again.

But she still was angry. What Jack said, what she said, ran through her veins, mixing with her blood and making her feel sick. The jealousy. She couldn't handle it. It never feels good to see someone like this. Fixate on other people and wanting to be better than them. Lydia hated it. She hated that Jack felt this way. He shouldn't. Lydia had never loved anyone before Jack. He was perfect. Her perfect puzzle piece.

Yet right now she wanted space. To think. She was lying to him. She did see Peter however a side of her still screamed that Peter could never be what Jack believes him to be. Or what Jack wants to believe. Peter was a gentleman, a word she was growing tired of. He was a kind man, like no one she had met. There was no way she could believe he would want to hurt her. Why when they just met would he want to do that? It just couldn't be possible.

Lydia was curled up in the corner for hours. The afternoon slipped by and now the sun was setting. It wasn't that familiar clementine orange, it felt off, like the shade had turned to red. Too red. It didn't compliment the water, it stuck out like red apples falling to the ground. Perfectly red. The wind stroked Lydia's hair, a few wisps flying into her face. She was a painting, dress in her loose white shirt that fell open to reveal small bits of her collar bones, he hair becoming more and more sun kissed, along with her skin. She was a beauty seen so many times, yet so individual to her.

And Jack saw it all from his place at the door. He leant to the side with his arms crossed, watching the painting unfold. She was far across the ship, yet that only made it more beautiful, the sea shining in the background. Why could one argument cause all this? He thought it over and over. It shouldn't. He kept saying to himself that it shouldn't to the point that word had become mush from use. So he went inside again, leaving her alone again.

By nightfall the crew had went below deck, except a few. Being Barbossa. He watched Lydia like Jack did, but more like a father. He couldn't see her sat their alone. He couldn't see Jack get so worried. Not when they have so much they can do. Barbossa was the first to see their love, he saw it when he first met her. On the Isle de Muerta. Jack was protective, like anyone would to someone who'd never faced Pirates, but it was a different kind of protection. The one where he wanted to hold onto Lydia as tight as he could to make sure she wouldn't get hurt. It was cute. Sometimes too cute it made Barbossa want to hurl. But love is love, Barbossa could only hope he could have what they have.

At the docks there was a flicker of a light, Lydia spotting it straight away. A man was walking up the docks with a glowing lantern. He stopped about midway and held his lantern to his face, revealing who he was. Peter. Sighing Lydia looked around the deck, seeing no one around, and got up, waving to him subtly.

She should not be doing this.

Not after lying to Jack's face about meeting with him.

But she had to.

What did he want anyway?

Hoping down onto the docks, Lydia kept a watchful eye on the ship, wanting to be sure no one could see. And no one could. She shuffled along until she met Peter, him giving a tight lip smile. That's when he noticed her face. Her flushed cheeks and puffy eyes. Perfect he thought. This will be easy for him.

"Are you okay?" He put his lantern down and rubbed her arms.

"Yeah I'm fine," She avoided his eyes, not wanting to tell him.

"Is it Jack. Has he done something?" Peter rushed.

"Why should I even say?" She threw her arms out.

Tell him. Don't tell him. She looked up to his eyes and his own told her to go on. To explain. She sighed. Jack would be so angry. And have every right to be. But something about telling someone who isn't part of the ship sounded so much better than talking to someone like Gibbs. If only she had Elizabeth right now.

"You can tell me, I want to help," Peter told her stepping forward.

"Me and Jack got into this big fight. He found out this guy Captain O'Malley is following us," Lydia said as Peter widened his eyes but nodded quickly "and Jack thinks he saw you speak to him in the tavern where we met and he asked if I saw you recently. I kind of lied and it all blew up and I don't know I feel really ashamed."

"If it makes you feel better I never heard of a Captain O'Malley ever in my life. If he did speak to me it was probably some blank question I can't even remember," Peter explained "why do you feel ashamed?"

"Because I said how you could never be the man he believes you are and Jack got really jealous of that thinking I like you or something," She chuckled, Peter held a smirk and nodded.

"Sounds like Jack is not really being a man," Peter said and Lydia became confused "if he was a real man he wouldn't be threatened by me. Not that he isn't a great man, I'm sure he is but why must he make you feel this way. I would never want to treat a lady like that."

Stepping back slightly, Lydia shook her head.

"But he didn't even say anything mean he was hurt and so was I he didn't mean it did he?" She began to stutter.

"A gentleman would never behave like him. How long have you two been together?" Peter said as Lydia cringed at the word gentleman.

"Maybe a year in a few months," She thought it over.

"And you two believe you're in love. I'm saying this as a friend Lydia maybe you have rushed this whole love thing. It takes years before people admit their love," He said.

"Rushed? We didn't-"

Peter cut her off with giving her a hug, petting her head like a dog. She tried to pull away but Peter kept her close, watching over her shoulder. To where two people were standing. One tall and skinny, one short and fat. He made sure they saw them hugging before moving away, Lydia blinking to herself.

"I'm only saying this as a friend. I care for you. I may not have known you that long but I do see this," Peter said "opposites don't attract. You two are too different to be in love. You're so much more than this world."

Lydia shook her head. It was the complete change from what she's been told this whole time her and Jack had been together. That they could never work. But they have. Everyone she's been close to has seen that. See that they belong together. But maybe they were lying. Just saying that because they saw she was happy. So they just went along with it.

"Why are you saying all this. You don't know us," She became defensive, desperate to defend what she had.

"From what I've seen. He's arrogant, flirtatious, a drunk. You're respectable and kind. It would never work," Peter took steps towards her as she drew away.

"But I love him," Lydia whispered.

"Or is it just attraction. Do you really love him?" Peter continued, enjoying watching her squirm.

"Of course I do, Peter you weren't-"

"No I wasn't there. I never saw. I'm sorry for worrying you, that wasn't my intention. Take my words as you will," He smiled "let's change subject. Your parents journals. Have you found out much about them?"

Lydia took a few deep breaths before stepping close to him again. There was a heat at her cheeks and a faze over her brain. Not letting her think straight, like she wasn't in control of her own words anymore.

"Um it's okay. I have a lot to think about," She said "about my parents. There's codes to the hidden treasure I'm after but I can't decipher them. I'm going to the historian again tomorrow. Hopefully he knows more."

Peter chuckled.

"Will you be staying her for long?" He asked.

"We staying for one more day then leaving for Port Royal the next day. Then to find wherever this treasure is," She explained.

"Do you have any clue of where it could be?" Peter squinted.


With a smirk on his face, Peter nodded.

"I should go. You've been away from the ship for too long," he said looking back up at the two men watching them.

"Oh okay. Thank you for the um advice I guess. I'll think about it," Lydia said.

"Goodbye Miss Mahogany," Peter bowed.


Slowly Peter slipped into the darkness, leaving his lantern behind. The glow stayed with her as she paced up and down the docks. She couldn't head back to the ship. There was too much to think about.

Like what he said about Jack. He couldn't be right. She couldn't believe him yet at the back of her mind, hidden right at the back... She did believe it. Maybe she's just as insecure as Jack. Thinking, believing that they would never work together. Opposites don't attract sounded so wrong. Strange. Lydia didn't believe that was true.

Because her and Jack do work together. They clicked instantly. They had a connection perhaps Peter didn't understand. She does love Jack. Nothing less. They hadn't known each other for long but with Jack she feels she's known him forever. They'd been through enough together to disprove what Peter said. But it will still remain. Everything Peter said. Like that gross scent that lingers, it doesn't go, you just used to it. She was used to that thought. Doesn't make it a good one. But it will unfortunately remain for the remainder of this trip. Or the entire time they will be together.

That a painter from Port Royal couldn't be with a pirate. Even if fate aligns them together.

"Who is that that was with her?" Regetti wondered leaning over the ship to get a better look.

"That's Peter," Pintel replied gulping.

The two looked to each other with wide eyes.

"Jack would be so mad," Regetti started to panic.

"That's why we can't say a thing," Pintel grabbed him before he could run to the captains cabin "she will tell him. I'm sure of it."

Lydia had no intention of telling Jack anything. How could she? What Peter said couldn't be true. There is no reason to spread his words further.


That chapter was so long I do apologise but I wanted to really go into detail with this fight as it will be very important later on. Both Jack and Lydia are facing a lot personally from taking the time to relax and breath so I'm excited for you guys to see what happens further down the line, I have a lot of ideas.

I made a few references too! Captain Thomas O'Malley. O'Malley the alley cat 🐈 that's a reference to the Aristocats one of my favourite Disney films and I thought the name sounded powerful while also not really relating to piracy. That will be important later.

Also, with the diary dates there's the 9th of June if you don't know that's Johnny Depp's birthday thought it would be cute. The first of October relating to umbrella academy you get it you get it.

Hope you enjoyed!

Happy reading ❤️
