... I love you.

Reader's POV

When I walked onto the Opera House's roof, Erik was crying and seemed angry about something. I walked up to him, "Erik...? What's wrong?" He stopped in front of me, and stared dead at me... He placed a hand on my cheek and then he pulled away and smacked me across the face. I stared at the ground beside me in shock, feeling a sting on my left cheek. He walked around me and left me alone on the roof. I turned to the door he left through and I clenched my chest and crouched over. I felt tears start to well up in my eyes. I started to scream and cry out loud. This pain... In my chest was unbearable. I screamed once more, and I heard someone come from behind me. I turned to find Meg.

Erik's POV

When I left the roof I headed back to the lair. I turned to talk to (Y/n) thinking she had followed me, but she was not behind me. Could she have taken a walk around? No... She couldn't have. I shrugged it all off, and went to the organ to write the next opera. 

~5 Hours Later~

I groaned and rested my head in my hands. It has been 5 hours and that girl is STILL. NOT. BACK!?!?! I got up and went upstairs to wander the halls for (Y/n). After hours of wandering, I heard crying coming from Madame Giry's room. I knocked and Madame Giry answered, "What do you want?" I furrowed my brows, "I came for my student." She shook her head refusing. I pushed her aside and saw (Y/n) with her mask on a table and crying. I walked up to her, "(Y/n) come. Now." She turned to me and shook her. I snatched her mask and grabbed her arm. The second I made contact with her arm, she pulled away but couldn't get me to let go. She cried and pleaded, "Mother please!! Make him let go!!" I looked over to Madame Giry. She said nothing, and just turned away leaving the room. I turned back to (Y/n) and put her mask on, then grabbed both her arms to steady her. I watched as she struggled to get away from me, and it pained me. I do understand why, I did smack her across the face for watching me in my moment of weakness. Seeing (Y/n) scream and beg me to let her go, pained me more than seeing Christine with the Viscount. This painful feeling... I grabbed (Y/n) around the waist, pulling her close and connected my lips with hers. I don't know what came over me, but I yearned to be with her, me to be with her. I always have, ever since I caught her after the chase a week ago. I pulled away and opened my eyes to look at her. I took a deep breath... "(Y/n)... I love you."
