Chapter 6 - the campus.

"So he just showed up in the middle of the night and he started attacking?" "I know, it's weird right?" blush responded to stream who is still trying to get the power steeling virus under Control. "What do you need us for?" Charlie asked. "Well you and eve are immune to this virus so I'm sending you to the epicentre of this thing." "I thought the city we were in was the worst of it?" blush responded. "That may have been the worst of it but autopia was the start of it all." "Wait, that place where we keep getting new cars from?" eve asked "the very same. How is onyx holding up?" steam asked. "she's drained after last night. If you're going to just send these two then I'm going to head back to the grey warrior." Blush responded as she started to walk out of the room, her high heels finally being used for longer than 5 minutes.

"The grey warrior?" Charlie asked in a Playful and slightly condescending way. "What else do we have to call her?" blush responded shrugging her shoulders and wings. "She was knighted as the knight of the upside down wind back in the magic dimension." "I'm not calling her that." Blush smugly responded walking out of the room. Shutting the door behind her. "So then, shall we get going?" Charlie asked. "Be careful, we already sent out a few volunteers last week to try and help deal with it but nothing has come of it." "don't worry. Onyx's brother has his ex-working on the virus." "Ok..." stream responded with confusion as she waved them out of the room.

"All right then, let's head out to the city of cars." Charlie said getting into her motorcycle. Eve kept on switching between the 10 different powers in her omni-select and she noticed that it was glitching out. Can I just ride in the side car?" she asked. Charlie handed her a helmet to which eve knocked on her head to make Charlie remember that she was made of metal. Charlie took the helmet back and they sped off to the city of cars and upon arrival they found it a ghost town. All except the collage in the centre of the town that had the racetrack in the background. "isn't this that school where Nora and that quick kid went to?" "You mean V?" Charlie gave a slow nod. "yes, this is the place." Eve responded. They walked inside to try and get everybody to go back into the building to find that party that had been started was just too wild to stop with a simple yell.

She raised her multi-tool and set it to the gravity setting. The students started orbiting around her. "Dam that crystal is strong. Anyway, you all need to head inside." Charlie explained. The students all groaned however one person in the crowd stood out. "Nora? What are you doing in a party like this?" Charlie asked and Nora admitted that she was starting to crack. "How so?" eve asked. "I'm cracking under pressure of so many different Courses. I managed to get in 4 different courses and it isn't working out." Nora explained. "Listen kid, you just gotta admit that you need to reel it back. Why don't you pick out the one you're most interested in and stick to that?" "we're halfway through the school year. I can do that next year but I have to stick with them for now and I refuse to fail one of these courses." Suddenly V ran up to them.

"Hey eve and Charlie." "Hey V how's the collage life?" eve asked. "it's been nice so far. I mean I'm only taking heroics but it's going well. Although I think Nora is starting to crack." She let out a screech of anger before kicking a rock. "Hey Nora, we're meant to be here for the next week or so. Why don't I help you out?" Charlie suggested. "Really?" Nora asked "yeah, I mean I never finished collage but I think this could go well." "what about the machine?" V asked showing off eve. "maybe if I wasn't so bad with all of those things." Eve responded trying to step back. "but I can help you with your heroics course. Honestly I'm shocked that the collage is still open." Eve continued. "so am I" Nora responded as they walked into the building. In the distance the alternate watched and smirked knowing that getting to onyx on her own was now going to be easier.
