Reiko Jade is an 11-year-old half Canadian and japanese student in gifted academy grade level 5.

The user of the healing ability, bloom of hope, has the ability to heal people but cannot bring them back to life.

Being 4'11/146, with long sky blue hair and emerald eyes.

She is kind, vivacious, brave, and sarcastic. However, on the inside, she is lonely, sad, and depressed.

Her birthday is on March 20, 2011, and her zodiac sign is Pisces.

Her favorite colors are pink and blue, and her favorite animals are cats, dogs, frogs, and rabbits.

Her favorite foods are chicken and cheese, and her hobbies include drawing, watching movies, reading, and learning new things.

She enjoys cute things like seashells and helping others, and she despises bad people, being weak, and eating too much sugar.

Fun fact about her:

She is competitive

Joins the art club even tho she is an ability users

She Values Human Life Highly

Her Personality Changed After the Death of Her Dad

Only cares about those who care about her.

Stalk you, but in a positive way.

Was once use her own blood on her painting

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it
- Reiko Jade
