My thoughts may be chaotic and terrifying if I fell or was pushed, but if I fell to end this suffering and pain, it would feel surreal and peaceful.

As Reiko let herself fall and slowly closed her eyes.

Good bye cruel world.

As I fall down but...

Someone saves me, I open my eyes, He grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him, spinning me around as if we were dancing.

Why is this person helping me escape from a dangerous situation?

I'm at a loss for words, should I thank him for saving me, or should I be angry?

As I gaze at him and look at him in his ocean blue eyes he still holds my hands and spins me around he stops as soon as we are far away from the edge and said are you alright?

Alright? Does it look like I'm alright?

I slap his hands to break our grip, and he takes a step back.

You just witnessed a suicide attempt and you're telling me I'm fine?!

Really? So why are you still looking back as if someone will come to your rescue? Suicidal people do not hesitate, they simply end their lives.

You were watching me?! He didn't respond to my question instead He walks around me and looks at me up and down, lecturing me like a teacher.

If you really want to end your final chapter here, go somewhere else-

Hey! don't tell me what to do and what not! You don't know anything!

True, but can you tell me why you wanted to? Is your problem bigger than the universe, and is it difficult to solve, as in math? Most people, including yourself, end their lives because they are unable to find a solution to their problems.


Let me tell you something about ending your life and saying goodbye does not end your pain and problems, you simply pass them on to someone else.

Shu- kaidoku - I...

That really strikes me hard as I think of my friends that I just made.

My dad died now I can't find my mom

My legs were trembling, and I knelt on my knees. I couldn't stop crying, and my tears kept falling, and I couldn't speak properly. I use my arms and hands to try to stop it.

I'm sorry for your loss, but I can't guarantee that everything will be fine, however, don't give up, kid.

Really? What if i can't find her what if she's Dead-

Don't give up hope, you'll never know if you do.

He kneels down and pats my head, wiping away my tears.

But my tears continue to fall, and I wipe them away just as I was about to thank him.

His gone.


I went to the police station and asked for assistance. They assisted me in finding my mother and informed me of any developments. I continued to call her, but she could not be reached, I believe her phone was turned off. This makes me feel very depressed.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, even though no one was there, so I nodded yes and told myself to keep moving.

That boy, whose name I haven't asked, saved my life. Now that I think about it, he looks like the person in my dreams. I'm not sure why, but he seems to be concerned about me, as if we've been together for a long time.

As the sun went down we couldn't find her and the stars and moon appeared. The police told me to keep me updated every day, to keep investigating, and to keep going until they found her. Now that I'm staying at my grandparents' house, they're both as concerned as I am. Shu and Kaidoku called, and I told them everything that had happened, as well as some of my teachers. I still went to school and went home to my grandparents, but before I went home, I always went to our house to see if my mom had gone home, waking up every day and she's not there it's like I'm leaving in a nightmare As the weeks passed, I began to print and display a poster of my missing mother. When I finish school, I always look around and ask people where she has been but there is no clue where she has been it's as if she never existed in the first place.

Whoever took my mother away from me, I'll find you and never forgive you!

I'll kill you!

2 months later


I'm running as fast as I can while holding some of my notes, books, and art supplies, and some of my stuff is falling behind, but I don't mind.

Reiko jade?

I opened the door and said

Present! And gasp for an air

You're almost late. Please be sited.

Almost isn't late. As I walked to my chair, I said on my thoughts, and Kaidoku said almost and laughed at me

shut up!

I said thru our telepathic communication in our minds and shu said.

Ohayo Rei chan!

Shirudo waves at me, and I reciprocate. As soon as our class was finished, I went to the art club and began painting on my canvas. I've been working on this for a while and am hoping it turns out well.

The bell rang, so I gathered my belongings and proceeded to the cafeteria, where I noticed Shu and Kaidoku already seated and eating their snacks. I sat next to them.

so how's the art?

She smiled and handed me a juice box, which I accepted.

It's still in progress.

I take a sip after inserting the straw into the juice box.

I'm not sure why, but lately I've stopped looking people in the eyes and instead just give them a quick glance.

Hey you alright? Earth to Rei shu snaps her fingers and I quickly back to my right sense


I'm excited  to see it because you never show it to us, or is it because you drew us? She said it cheerfully and excitedly.

What nooo nooo

Come on, don't lie to us, you know lying is bad. Is she lying? Shu addressed kaidoku.

no she's telling the truth.

I'm sorry, but I can't tell you.

awww That's fine. Good luck with it, especially since the school art show is this week, right?


Shirudo POV

The atmosphere is awkward, and I'm doing my best to make the situation appear amusing. Since Rei chan mother began missing, she has begun to change day by day. I'm so sorry for her, and I hope they find her soon.
I've also noticed that she doesn't eat all the time, despite the fact that I told her that slicing her wrist wouldn't help, and I hope she stops, I'm just pretending I didn't notice it. Last time I told her, she yelled at me, and I could see in her eyes that she was about to cry, but she held it back and she ran away. Later that day, she apologized to me, and I understood her, instead, I hugged her and told her to let it all out.

uhm don't be sad we're here to cheer and watch you!

Thanks guys

of course, that's  what friends are for. Here are some sweets.

No thanks.

Oh ok.

I forgot she doesn't like sweets, and yet here I am still giving them to her. I also put some in her bag without her permission.

Kaidoku POV.

I know Shirudo chan is just trying to make her happy, but I don't think that's a good thing because she's intensifying the atmosphere.

I didn't tell them about it and kept it to myself since I heard about what happened to Reis' mother. I started searching as well by reading people's minds and there's too many of them. I got a nose bleed that time because I couldn't handle too many people and I got no clues or leads. it's pointless if only I could do something more.

Could you please just give us a hint about your painting?

Shu chan!

no that's ok. Hope. Rei said while doing a little pen spinning tricks.
hope? Shu ask.


I knew what she was talking about and who she was talking about the moment she said it.

That's fantastic Rei, I give her a smile despite the fact that smiling is not my forte.

Ooohhhhh what's this kaidoku Kun is smiling aaaawww

Shut up!

Rei laughs and tells us to knock it off.

I know she told me not to read her mind, but even if I don't, I can tell she's in a lot of pain, both mental and physical, and she's faking her smile and laugh every day to make us feel better and not to worry us but there's something off about her that makes me think she'll do anything to kill someone, and that's rage.

I got my mind on you.

Let go of me! What do you want?! Please don't hurt me.

Don't worry, we will not harm you.

Then what do you want?!


- anonymous
