
That would be older Brooke

March 2020

Brooke's POV

It has been almost a month since Mama's and Mom's anniversary, I've met a girl, her name is Stacey, she is tall, blonde and has green eyes, we have been hanging out with William, she in the same grade as us and she is also in the female soccer team, she is really good if you ask me.

School is great, I love soccer, I am doing well in all my classes except for science, it is so boring like why do I wanna know DNA coding for each fucking thing or why do I wanna know what are the names and functions of each organelle.

Billy was still annoying us and even more when he discovered my fake background story: Mama was in a car crash in USA while Dani and I were in Canada, Mama lost her memory then she lived in Star City, Dani and I moved to Star City at the same time Mama moved to Washington DC, Dani died protecting me from a dude with a gun in the glades, I see Mama in Tv on the Legends documentary, I search for her and found her, I trigger something in her mind and her memory comes back, then I go to live with Mama and Mom. So he just loved messing up with that.

I was packing all my stuff in my backpack, I get out of my room, Mom and Mama are taking breakfast, I say goodbye and go downstairs to take the School bus, I sit next to William, and we talk all the way.

We have a class and Billy starts to annoy us, Billy has failed eighth grade three times, so he is older than all of us, he is sixteen.

"hey freaks"

"Como chingas" I mutter in Spanish.

"what are you saying bitch?" He asks, I put my hand on my forehead, and groan.

"nothing that little brain of yours could understand," I say, he tries to say something back but the teacher enters the classroom.

We have a few more classes, and then we go to the cafeteria where we meet with Stacey.

"Hey guys," She says cheerfully as she sits at the table.

"Hey, Stace" I say, that's her nickname for me, no one else calls her that.

We eat lunch and talk about a few things, then Mom calls me that they have a long mission and they may not be home when I get out of school, it has happened just a few times they always come back, but I still get nervous when they arrive late.

Another few classes pass.

William and I are in the hallway next to our lockers, I am putting a drawing I made, Drawing a hobby I picked two years ago because I had a lot of free time, I put it in my locker, it was Mom in her original canary suit with her staff when I feel a hand harshly taking out of my hand, I turn around and it is Billy, shocker.

"Give it back Billy" I groan, and he laughs, in a quick move I take it out of his hand, put it on my locker, and close it.

"it was your freaky Mom, right?" he spats, god he doesn't even know how to bully.

"you know what I am not going to do this, I am not gonna lower myself at your one brain cell level," I say looking away from him.

"no, you are not doing that you are being a coward because you know I can win you in a fight" Billy says getting closer to me, he is so ridiculous, his other three friends are around me.

"I'd like to see you try"

" You are a bitch, your family is so weird, you have two moms, one is mental sick she is a lesbian and the other one is a slut that fucks with everyone!!" He yells I clench my fist but William grabs my hand.

"He is not worth it Brooke" William whispers and we move away.

" Although your Mom is hot, I've seen her on tv, she has a great body, why don't you call her and tell her to give me a hand-job like the good slut she is," Billy says pushing me, I punch him in the face with all the strength I have, blood flies out of his mouth, throwing him to the floor.

"Don't even dare to talk about my Mom like that!!"

We walk away from there.

"That was a lucky punch, No wonder why you are so fucked up with a family like that, I am sure your sister was relieved when she died!!" He yells, he stands behind me, he takes Dani's dog tags and pulls them chocking me, I lift my elbow and hit his neck, making him drop Dani's dog tags and stops chocking me.

"Ahora si ya valiste Verga, puto" I mutter under my breath, I throw my backpack to the floor, I walk to him and punch him in the face once again, he puts his hand in his nose.

He recovers from the punch and punches me in the face, he gets in fight position, his friends get around me, one in the left, one in the right, The one from the right tries to punch me but I get down making his fist land on the guy on my left, The one from the left cries and falls to the floor, I quickly sweep my leg throwing the guy from the right to the floor, he lands on his face.

Billy tries to kick me, I grab his foot and flip him over crashing him against the floor, he gest up and punches me in the face

"Brooke stop!!" I hear William yell.

Billy gets up and kicks me making me fall to the floor, I spat the little blood that is in my mouth, I sweep my leg throwing Billy to the floor again, I lift my head to see a bunch of kids around yelling fight, I get distracted looking at that, he kicks me in the stomach, I quickly get up, I punch him in the stomach and then kick his face.

I want to really use my fight skills but that will just get me in more trouble and an uncomfortable explanation.

Billy tries to punch my face, I block them and kick him on the face again.

" Still confident that you can beat me up," I say smugly.

He throws a punch at me but I move instead he hits the lockers.

He is about to punch me when the Teachers stop us, one of the Teachers grabs Billy's fist, I move away from him, then we hear the Principal through the speakers.

"Miss Brooke and Mr. Billy to my office now!!"

Stacey hands me my backpack, I look at William and he sighs.

"You okay?" He whispers and I nod, I walk towards the Principals office, Billy is walking next to me, I look at him and smug, we sit outside the Principal's Office.

I look around and see a mirror, I look at myself, I have a thin red line around my neck, my bottom lip is bleeding, my cheek is bright red and the skin around my eye is turning light purple and I am sure I have a few bruises on my stomach, Billy is looking worse his nose is still bleeding, his knuckles are also bleeding, he has a large bruise covering all the left side of his face, he also has a cut on his forehead.

The secretary calls Billy's parents first, The secretary tries to call Mama a few times but she didn't pick up I guess she is undercover to solve the mission, then they try to call Mom she picks up immediately, I hear her freaking out after a minute the Secretary hangs up and says that they are going to be here in ten minutes.

Billy's parents arrive two minutes later, and how I expected they are just like Billy, for them Billy is the perfect Golden Boy, and the mom is a Karen.

"Excuse me, when is her Mom arriving?" Billy's Mom asked.

"Moms" I mutter and she scoffs.

"That explains everything"

"That explains what?" I ask rudely raising my eyebrows.

Five minutes later Mom and Mama arrive, I already feel Mama's stare, and I try not to make eye contact, Don't make eye contact or it will be worse, I look down at the floor trying to avoid their looks, My hair is covering my face so they can't see that I am bleeding or the bruise.

The principal takes us to his office, I sit between Mom and Mama, Billy is also between his parents, The principal is sitting in front of us at his desk, and he starts to talk.

"I would like to say that this school does not take violence lightly, as far as we know Ms.Brooke and Mr.Brown got into a fight, one of the teachers is already sending me the footage from the security camera in the hallway, but before I show you that I want the kids to tell us what happened," The principal says looking at all of us.

"Brooke care to explain?" Mama asks I don't see her face but I can bet she is raising her eyebrow, I stay quiet.

"What is to explain, your psycho daughter attacked my son" Billy's Mom takes his face and turns it so Mama and Mom can see his bruise and bleeding nose "She did this to my son, I expect her to be expelled"

"Brooke, show me your face," Mama says looking at me.

"I rather not," I say softly.

"Brooke," Mama says sterner this time, I lift up my head letting her see my face, Mom's and Mama's face change completely to anger, Mom gives Billy a death stare, shit is about to get real.

"Can you please show the footage of the fight, please?" Mom says to the principal.

"Of course Miss Lance," The principal says, he takes out his laptop and plays the video.

All the adults watch the video, it has audio so they all heard what Billy said, how he choked me then how I beat his and his friends' ass, Billy's parents stay quiet.

Mama turns her face to Billy "You attacked my daughter", Mom puts her hand on Mama's leg to calm her down and stop her from doing anything crazy.

" so after seeing the video, my decision is obvious, Mr.Billy you are expelled we do not accept your behavior, this is not the first time you have been involved in an issue like these" The principal explains, Billy's parents start to complain, I mouth I would like to speak to your manager to Mom and a small smile breaks out of her mouth.

"I would like to speak to your supervisor" Mrs.Brown complains "My sweet son is getting expelled while this little brat gets away of trouble"

"Mrs. Brown, Brooke is not getting away with this, she is getting a one-week suspension and then one of detention, but it was your son who pushed her first and who talked very disgusting things about her family, and it is your son who has an extensive record of fights and bullying, this meeting is over"

We get out of the office, we walk through the school until we get to the exit, I get in the back of the car, I take a tissue and put it on my lip, the edge of the tissue start to turn red because of the blood.

We arrive at the apartment, I quickly go in and try to go into my room, but Mama stops.

"You are not going to your room until we talk," Mama says, I sit on the couch, Mom comes back from the kitchen with a pack of ice.

She sits next to me, she puts the ice pack over my cheek and eye, she touches the red line around my neck, I wince in pain.

"it hurts?" Mom asks.

"just a little" I whisper, I slowly get up from the couch so I can talk easily to Mama.

Mama pulls me into a crushing hug "Are you okay?"

"I am okay Mama, why do you ask?" I tuck my head in her shoulder.

"God when Sara said the school called I thought something horrible happened to you, I was so worried," Mama says softly over my head.

"I am here nothing happened to me" I feel Mama rubbing my back.

" I know, we still need to talk," Mama says and I groan.

We sit back on the couch.

"You know you can't fight everyone that talks shit about us, violence is not always the answer," Mom says sternly.

"Why not? He deserved it"

"You can't just kick people's asses when you don't like what they say......Brooke, I know it is hard for you sometimes, I know some people can bother you for having two moms, but you can't react like that" Mama says.

"I give a fuck about what other people think or say about me having two moms it is my life, not theirs, but you heard what she said about Mom, you would have kicked his ass too and even worse" I complain back.

"That's not the point Brooke, you could have been seriously injured, Billy is sixteen and way higher than you..."

"I know how to fight, I kicked his ass and I wasn't even trying"

Mom and Mama stay quiet, I know they were trying to have an actual conversation about why beating Billy's ass was wrong but I was having none of it.

"I know you are teaching me violence is not the answer and all that, but he deserved it, you heard what he said about you two, the disgusting thing he said about Mom, those were enough valid reasons to punch him, then he talked about Dani, he touched her dog tags, he made fun of her death!! and I do not regret beating his ass"

"Brooke..." Mama says softly " I am not mad at you, I understand why you did it, what I am trying to say is that you can't react like that, you can get in trouble and something could happen to you"

The only reason I finally beat the shit out of Billy was because he talked about Dani, he said that she was relieved when she died because she wouldn't have to be with us, the truth is that she never was, she never got the chance to have a family, to have a decent life, to have the legends, Mom and Mama, grandpa, aunt Nora, uncle ray and aunt felicity, she never got to meet any of them because of me.

She was better than me, she was always nice, humble, generous, honest, cared for others, she was the best and because she was my sister she died.

I didn't hear what Mom and Mama were saying, I was lost in my mind, I just heard that little sentence I know it is not fair and something explodes inside me.

"Of course It is not fair Dani deserved this life, this family, she deserved to have you and Mom, she deserved all this more than I ever did!! she was better than me"

When I finish the sentence Mom and Mama realize what was going on with me.

"All this is about Dani, isn't it?" Mom asks sweetly, I feel my eyes tear up a little, I nod.

Mom pulls me into a tight hug, I put my head on her shoulder.

"It is not fair, If I have you I lose her, if I have Dani I lose you both"

" I wish she could have been here too baby, she is our daughter too even if we never met her," Mama says rubbing my back.

After talking for a while and calming down, I find out that Mom and Mama have three pictures of us in their room that I haven't noticed, one of only Dani, one of me, and one of us together, they made it very clear that Dani was their daughter too and that what happened that day wasn't my fault.

Dani's photo:

Ava's POV

Since that conversation with Brooke four days ago, I have been thinking a lot about bringing Dani back, about saving her from death, I have been searching and reading information about her, how her life was before Brooke and after there was not a lot of information, only a couple of documents, names of her biological parents, the orphanage she grew up in, hospital records, she also learned that Dani used the Sharpe last name to fill documents and other things, and a few photos.

I will not tell Brooke about this, if she knows and we fail, if we can't bring Dani back, it will destroy her, I can't give her that kind of hope, Sara knows about it, she is helping me too.

I walk into the library, where Zari is checking something on her computer as she eats a donut.

"Zari, can you help me with something?" I ask and Zari turns around to face me.

"sure, what do you need"

"I need you to find a loophole in history to avoid the death of Dani Sharpe on June 25, 2215, in Star City"

"Okay," Zari says, I thank her and get out of the room

The next days Zari and I look for loopholes to save Dani, we run all the possible scenarios, actions, ways to save her, we try everything but there is no way to save her without screwing the timeline.

I sigh in defeat and sit on the armchair, Zari steps away from the computer and sits next to me.

"I am sorry Ava, but there are only three possible scenarios, in the first if Dani doesn't get hit by the bullet Brooke does and she dies, the second scenario is that if we try to save them both Dani and Brooke died, the third one is the one were you and Sara arrive one day before Dani dies and take them both of them with you, Dani's death had a massive effect on Brooke it made her the person that she will be in the future, without future Brooke around fifty thousand people will die, I am truly sorry Ava but there is nothing we can do to bring her back"

I feel my eyes tearing up, there is no way I can save Dani without someone else dying.

"I need some air I'll be back"

I walk out of the library and go to my and Sara's room in the waverider, I lay on the bed, I stay thinking for a while, if I can't save her I at least need to meet her, I at least need to meet my older daughter once.

I take a time courier and open a portal to May 2215, Star City. I walk through the portal to the clocktower, I see Dani sitting on the kitchen table, I don't see Brooke in the apartment, luckily she isn't around, Dani abruptly stands up and takes a knife.

" I am not here to hurt you," I say raising up my hands, she gets closer to me, her face changes.

"You are Ava, Brooke's Mama!!" Dani almost yells in excitement.

" Yeah..." I say softly, Dani runs to take her phone but I stop her "You can't tell her I am here!!"

Dani has one of the most confused faces I've ever seen " I am from the future, if she sees me here, we would screw-up the timeline"

"From what year? If you are not here to get her back, why are you in 2215?" Dani asks trying to understand what is happening.

" I am from 10 months away from now, I came here looking for you, to talk to you" I try to explain.

" That doesn't make sense at all, she has been looking for you for years, and you just come here to talk to me, excuse me but what the actual fuck is going on" Dani stares at me, then her eyes wide "You are another clone, aren't you?"

" I am not a clone, I am Ava Sharpe, Brooke's mother," I say getting frustrated.

"Prove it"

" Brooke has a little scar in her right shoulder that she got when she has learning how to ride a bike, she has an obsession with ice-cream, she was born on August 29, 2202, Vancouver Canada at 03:16 pm, she weighed 6.8 pounds and she was 21 inches tall, she met you after she escaped the Ava Corporation, where she was taken after Rip Hunter took me to 2014 to work at the Time Bureau, her favorite color is white, she speaks fluent Spanish and has an amazing talent at drawing, do you want me to keep going or that's enough?"

"why do you want to speak to me?" Dani questions worriedly " In the future is Brooke with you, and if she is why would you come back here"

"Yeah in the future she finds me, she lives with Sara and me," I stop myself before I say too much about the future "...I-I wanted to meet you"

"But if Brooke found you, I would have been with her, so I would have met you before, why would you have to" that moment was when Dani understood what was going on "I am dead, aren't I," she says, tears roll down my cheeks, I nod.

I take one step closer to her, I hug her, I feel her resting her head on my shoulder" I am so sorry, I am so sorry, I tried saving you, I tried everything...I tried everything, I can't save you...I am so sorry" I sob.

"It is okay, Brooke gets to be with you and Sara" She mumbles and I sob again, I kiss her head.

I don't know for how long we hug but it felt like hours, Dani texted Brooke to stay out of the apartment and go look for some things, I stay with her for hours, talking about a lot of things, of her life, some stories with Brooke, we do a few other things, we cook some dinner, then it is finally time to leave, I hug Dani once again, I hold her close to me.

" I wish I could have had a family like Brooke"

"You have one Dani" I state then I feel some of her tears in my shirt.

We hug for another ten minutes until both of us are ready to let go, I take out the memory flasher.

"Do you want me to erase this from your memory?" I ask adjusting the memory flasher.

She shakes her head "No...I'd like to remember my Mama"

I sniff and nod, I kiss her forehead "I love you"

Dani smiles and hugs me for the last time.

I open a portal back to the waverider, I walk through and it closes behind me, I feel all the tears rolling down my face.

I stay the rest of the day in the apartment, in my room, Sara arrives with Brooke at night, Brooke goes directly to her room, she is exhausted since Sara has been training her after the school fight, impressively Brooke has been able to beat Sara twice showing she wasn't giving her full potential when she fought Billy.

Sara and I talk about what happened with Dani, I told her everything that happened, how I met her, that there was no way of saving her, that in our conversation she said that it was okay, that she had a happy life, she had a sister and got to meet one of her Moms, we spent the rest of the night comforting each other, at the end it was okay, Dani was happy and in peace. 

Hi guys!!

I can't believe it's been a year since I first posted the first chapter of my first story A New Life From Now On, this journey has been one of the most amazing things in my life, you guys are the best, you have helped through so much when I first posted I thought no would read my books, but here we are 66344 words, 11200 views, 303 votes, 94 comments, 3 books, 31 chapters, and 30 followers later, Wow, I just want to thank you all for your support all along, for you comments, votes everything, I love you all!!

This chapter was supposed to be published on March 14 for the one anniversary since I joined Wattpad but this dumbass broke her foot so It got delayed a little, but today is the anniversary since I first published so it worked out.

Votes and comments (especially comments because you guys take time to write them and that let me know you are actually liking it) are really appreciated and motivate me to keep going and update sooner.

Keep safe, Use a mask if you go out!
