Family Vacation

May 14, 2021

Outside POV

As soon as Brooke walks through the door, Ava stands up from the couch and walks up to her daughter.

"Hey, how did it go?" Ava asks softly hoping her daughter enjoyed the date and the boy treated her right.

"It was amazing Mama, Lucas found this art class where they let you play with puppies and they were so cute, I named the one that they give us Milo..and they are up for adoption, then we went to big belly burger and got some ice-cream finally he walked home with me just to make sure I arrived safely," Brooke tells her Mama excited, the only thing Ava can do is smile at her daughter maybe Lucas is a great boy like her fiancee told her.

"That is great baby just one more question, did he treat you right?"

"Yeah, he was really nice and he asked for my consent every time he wanted to take my hand or hug me.......or when he kissed me" Brooke explains, Ava's mouth hangs when her daughter mentions she had her first kiss.

"I am glad you had a good time"

"Thanks, Mama," Brooke says, she turns around to see Nate sitting on the couch next to Sara "What is Uncle Nate doing here," she asks looking at her Mama, Ava tries to come up with a late but Sara speaks first.

"He came by to talk about the legends, right Nate?" Sara explains and Nate nods following Sara's lie.

"Yeah, it is getting late I think I should go back to the waverider," Nate says and then leaves the apartment.

Ava mouths a thank you to Nate as he leaves, Brooke frowns then she walks over to Sara and sits on the couch.

"Uncle Nate was acting weird" Brooke states to her Mom.

"He was probably just tired. Now tell me how was your date?" Sara asks smiling as Brooke starts to tell her everything about her date.

Ava watched them from the door a big smile on her face just like every time she sees Sara and Brooke being Mother and daughter, it has always amazed her how fast Brooke opened to Sara, and how fast Brooke became Sara's world and adoration, sometimes she even forgets that Brooke met Sara when she was thirteen and not as newborn, it seemed like they were in each other lives for decades and not for months, it is the way that Sara is willing to do anything to keep Brooke safe and happy and also the way Brooke looks up to Sara and always tries to make her proud that made her heart melt.

After the family talks about the date they decide to watch a movie on the couch, Brooke changes to her PJs and joins her Moms in the living room, Brooke starts her plan to convince her Moms to adopt Milo, while the movie plays she mentions how cute the dog in the screen is and how cool would it be to have a pet.

At the end of the night, Brooke is asleep on Sara's shoulder like every other movie night when it is time to sleep Ava tries to get Brooke up but she refuses, Ava gives up she learned long ago that if Brooke is sleeping comfortably not even an earthquake will move her.

The next day Brooke wakes up early with one goal on her mind persuade her Moms to get a dog, Brooke made a five-stage plan, first show her Moms pictures of Milo to show them how cute he is, second get her Mom on her side,three take them to the art studio where they keep the puppies, fourth convince Mama, and finally take Milo home.

She walks to her Mama's office, Brooke knocks on the door then comes in when she hears come in from Ava.

"Hey Mama, can I show you some pictures of yesterday?" Brooke asks.

"Sure baby," Ava says as her daughter sits next to her.

"Remember yesterday when I told you we played with some puppies?" Brooke tells Ava, Ava nods then the teenager continues "Well so we took some pictures of the husky puppy they gave us, he didn't really have a name so...I named him Milo, he was so cute Mama and the puppies are up for adoption"

Ava smiles widely at her daughter she knows where this is going, and she is not opposed to it, she has seen how excited her daughter gets when they talk about having a pet, the Director is not the number one fan of dogs but having a loyal pet that can keep her daughter company is not that bad especially in those nights when Brooke has nightmares and doesn't want to go to her Moms' room.

She hears Brooke as she rants about Milo and shows her pictures of the dog, Ava is surprised at how happy and excited her little girl is about the puppy, yeah Brooke has been better over the past months but it has been years since Ava saw her so innocently happy about something.

"You know of this puppy is up for adoption, maybe we should go right now before someone else adopts him" The older blonde states looking at her daughter, Brooke stops talking her mind processing what her Mama just said, she thought that it was going to take more time and effort to persuade her.

"Are you serious?" Brooke asks.

"Yeah, a husky sounds like a great idea" Ava replies, Brooke jumps from her chair and wraps her arms around her Mama.

"Thank you, thank you so much, I love you" Brooke mumbles how much she loves Ava and says thanks many times, all Ava can do is chuckle at her kid.

"Okay baby, get ready while I talk to your Mom about it" Ava instructs as Brooke nods, the teenager quickly leaves the room to do what her Mama said.

Ava's POV

After Brooke leaves the room I stand up, walk to my room when I get in I see Sara laying on the bed watching something on her phone.

"Mornin' babe," Sara says from the bed.

"Morning" I reply lying on the bed next to her.

" Do you remember Milo?" I ask and Sara lifts her head from the bed.

"The dog that Brooke won't stop talking about" Sara clarifies and I nod.

"So I talked to her about it and...maybe we can adopt Milo is just that she seems so happy when she talks about him and I haven't seen her being this innocent and childish about something in years, the apartment is big enough for a dog, it might help her you know when we are working and she feels a little bit down or even when she has a nightmare or something and doesn't feel like coming to us at that moment," I say quickly as Sara smiles.

Sara kisses me on the lips "I think it is an amazing idea babe"

"Yeah?" I ask.

"yeah, a dog sounds like a great addition to the family," Sara says and I chuckle.

"I think that her plan all along was to get you on her side and then try to convince" I explain and Sara laughs.

"In her defense, you are not a fan of dogs"

"It may be but she is such a Mom's girl," I say and Sara smiles it was always obvious how much Brooke followed Sara into everything, and when Brooke had a problem she would come to Sara first, I was never jealous or annoyed by this it was one of the best things ever knowing that Brooke has another loving mother that will always take care of her.

"She is not" Sara replies laughing.

"Yeah she is and you love it," I say and Sara smiles.

"Okay, maybe she is but can you blame her I am the cool mom" Sara quips as she quickly gets out of bed.

"Hey!! I am the cool mom too" I yell and Sara laughs.

"Sure you are babe" She replies as she enters the bathroom to change her clothes.

I get ready and wait for Sara to finish, when we get out of the room Brooke is already in the living room waiting for us.

"let's go, Brooke," Sara says as she opens to door, Brooke rapidly gets out of the apartment.

We all get in the car and I drive to the studio, as soon as I park Brooke gets out of the car and walks to the entrance of the studio, Sara and I follow her, I knock on the door minutes later we are greeted by a middle-aged lady.

"Good morning can I help you with something Miss?" She asks me.

"Yeah, my daughter told me you have puppies up for adoption" I explain, she nods.

"Of course, follow me," the woman tells us as she opens the door, we get in and follow the woman, she leads us to a small room where they keep the puppies.

When we get in, Brooke crouches down and calls the dog "Milo!!", the dog lifts his head and searches for Brooke when he spots her he comes running tripping with his little legs, the moment he gets to Brooke he starts jumping and licking all over her face, Brooke bursts out laughing.

"I think you have already chosen a puppy," the woman says and Sara nods.

"Yeah, we will adopt him" Sara agrees.

"Sure you just have to fill some paperwork" I nod, she gives me a few forms and I start to fill them, I turn around and see Brooke and Sara playing with the puppy, Sara is laughing as Milo licks all over her face and moves his tail around.

"You have an adorable family Ma'am," the worker says.

"Yeah I do, thank you" I reply as I smile at them.

"So all that paperwork is done, you are clear to take him home"

"Thank you"

"Thank you for adopting him"

I walk back to Sara and Brooke, they get up from the floor with Milo in Sara's arms.

"So now he is yours," I tell Brooke, her face lights up, and jumps to hug me.

"Thank you sooo much Mama" She mumbles and I chuckle, god she looks so happy about this.

"You are welcome, now we have to get things for the dog"

We get out of the building and drive to a pet store to get Milo all the things he needs, while I get the basics like his bed, food, water, collar, a leash, plate, Sara and Brooke are trying onesies on Milo and playing with toys, after spending two hours on the store we get back to the apartment.

When we get in Brooke puts Milo on the floor and he starts running around that apartment and exploring it, Brooke chases him around, I set all the things in Brooke's room while she is on the terrace playing with Milo.

After a few hours, I walk into Brooke's room I don't see her on her bed, couch, or desk, I get worried I saw her get in her room an hour ago then I hear some noises from the bathroom, I turn around and notice the door open I get in that bathroom to see Brooke inside the bathtub in her bathing suit trying to shower Milo.

"Hey baby, what are you doing," I say.

"Hi mama, I am bathing Milo but he is so dramatic" Brooke complains and I laugh.

"Well, I do remember someone who was a little overdramatic about taking a shower" I reply and Brooke frowns.

"I don't remember that"

"You were two, it is normal that you don't have memories from that age" I reply and Brooke smiles softly.

"I wished I remembered more of our lives before Rip appeared" She whispers.

"It is okay baby you do remember a lot and we have new memories now with your mom, your grandpa, the Queen family, and all the legends" I comfort her as I kiss her head then she smiles.

"Yeah, they are a pretty cool family" Brooke mumbles, I was going to reply but Milo jumps splashing bubbles all around and Brooke laughs.

Brooke keeps bathing Milo as I try to help her without getting splashed, she gets Milo in a towel and dries him as he tries to escape when she finishes Brooke lets Milo out of the bathtub and he runs out of Brooke's room, I watch the dog checking that he doesn't fall.

When I turn back, I see Brooke scratching her back right where her scars are.

"Are your scars itching?" I ask and she nods, I walk over to her drawer and get the vitamin-E oil "Can I put it on?"

"Please" Brooke replies as she moves the hair out of her back, I put the oil on my hands and starts to spread it all over her scars, I feel as Brooke tenses up, her scars were always a delicate subject, after the fight we had months ago where she showed me the three scars she has in her stomach, it took her another two months to feel comfortable enough to show me the one she has on her shoulder, the other two in her back and the one on her leg, Brooke sees her scars as a reminder of the horrible things he did to her, it took her a few months to feel comfortable in her body.

When I finish putting the oil in her scars, I grab a towel, she sees my act and extends her hand so I can help her get out of the bathtub.

"Oh no, you are going to shower again, you stink, you smell like the dog," I say and Brooke huffs.

"But I already showered today, can I shower tomorrow morning?" Brooke asks looking at me.

I think for a second then look back at her "No, you are showering again, when you are done dinner will be ready in thirty minutes"

"You are a neat freak; you know that right?" Brooke asks teasingly, I smile at her she was starting to act a little too much like Sara.

"Yes, love you too," I say kissing her head, I get up and walk out of the bathroom closing the door a couple of seconds later I hear a love you from Brooke.

I get in the kitchen, Sara is cooking mac 'n cheese the only thing she manages to cook that tastes delicious, I stand next to her.

"What is Brooke doing babe?" Sara asks.

"She is taking a shower"

"Great, so I wanted to talk about something with you," Sara says and I nod "So Brooke is graduating middle school in three weeks, and then she has summer break, and we talked that maybe we could send her to the camp I went when I was her age but today the legends started to talk about all the things we could do over the summer and they came up with an idea that is actually Nate has this uncle who rents school and tour busses, their idea was to rent the biggest bus he has which has bunk beds, a couch, a bathroom, and a small kitchen the bus looks really big and all of us could fit there without a problem and have a two-weeks road trip across the country visiting many places that Brooke didn't have the chance before, Zari even proposed to go to Disney World" Sara explains.

"That's really sweet of them" I reply smiling.

"Yeah, it would be a great family bonding opportunity and for Brooke to get some semi-normal childhood memories, so what do you say, babe?"

"I think it is a great idea, let's do it" I agree and Sara smiles.

"Good because I promised the legends that I would convince you about this" Sara admits and I laugh, most of the time the legends were also our kids.

"You know if we do stop at Disney, maybe we can go on a date to some fancy restaurant in the park while the legends and Brooke are having fun" I propose and Sara smiles.

"Like your way of thinking Director," Sara tells me as she quickly kisses me.

Three weeks later we are at Brooke and William's middle school graduation, all the legends, Nora and Ray, and team arrow were there. Sara holds my hand as Brooke walks and gets her middle school diploma all the legends starts to cheer and clap at her and I hear Nate yell that Brooke is his niece and he is damm proud of her, she graduated middle school with honors, I have some tears on my eyes and so does Sara, the same happens when William gets his diploma, Felicity has tears in her eyes and has Mia's hands in hers making her clap for her older brother.

When the ceremony ends William and Brooke hug each other, then they hug their other friend Stacey, Brooke walks up to Lucas who gives her a kiss on the cheek then he hugs her, a week ago Lucas had asked Brooke to be his girlfriend and she said yes, after talking for ten minutes Brooke walks back to us and hugs Sara.

"Why do you have tears in your eyes it is just middle school, not the actual big graduation" Brooke teases and Sara smiles.

"Still a graduation kid, plus I am so proud of you, honors mention is amazing" Sara replies as a grin forms on Brooke's face.

"Congratulations baby," I say now hugging her.

"Thank you, so can we go for some ice cream now?" Brooke asks and I chuckle.

"Sure we can," I say as we walk to the legends, all of them start to congratulate her.

Brooke hugs Nora, she was happy Nora could make it to her graduation even though her pregnancy has been exhausting, Ray gives her as a gift a small wrist clock that has a time courier, can make calls, speak to Gideon, and can project movies Brooke says thanks and hugs him.

We go for some ice cream with all the legends and the Queen family after hanging out all afternoon we go back to the apartment, we still have to pack for the road trip, tomorrow we have to meet the legends and the Queen family in the waverider to pack some snacks, get in the bus and start driving.

The next day we all are at the waverider packing and ordering everything, we were going on a two-week road trip with eleven people and a dog that Brooke refused to leave at home, I check my list to get all ready.

1.Ava, 2.Sara, 3.Brooke,4.Nate, 5.Zari,6.Behrad,7.Astra, 8.John, 9.Felicity, 10. William, 11.Mia, 12. Milo.

Everyone got a duffle bag with their name on it, four shirts matching shirts with their name and the logo of each DisneyWorld park (Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Animal Kingdom, and Hollywood Studios), also a bottle of water, a cap, and another shirt for the water park, we figured out it would be easier to recognize everyone in those crowded places.

When everyone is ready we walk outside of the waverider, at the end we decided to rent to busses so we could travel more comfortably, we split into groups of six, each group gets a bus.

We get on our bus with the Queen family and Milo while the rest of the legends get in the other one, we agreed that our first destination was a big beautiful lake where families went camping it is four hours away so we decided to make a quick stop in two hours, not that everything was planned we take off.

Brooke's POV

Mama is driving and Mom is her co-pilot, aunt Felicity is with Mia in the bunkbeds she is reading to her, I am with William in the small living room if you can call it that, we are playing with Milo who is trying to bite his own tail, when he gets tired he moves lays down in my lap.

"So when we get to the lake what do you want to do?" William asks me as he pets Milo.

" I dunno, we are going to camp there today so I guess fins a nice spot to set up the tent, make some s'mores, play with Milo in the lake, and you?"

"It would be cool to play with Mia in the corner of the lake also I want to swim"

"Yeah all of that would be cool, have you ever been to Disney?" I ask him and he nods.

"Once when I was little with my Mom" I put my hand in his arm and rub his back "It was cool my favorite ride was space mountain"

"It sounds great, we should go on that ride, I heard that the avatar ride is really cool," I say and he smiles.

We keep talking for a while until Mama announces that we arrived at the lake, we take our bags, grab Milo's leash, and walk out of the bus. The lake is beautiful it has clear water, there are trees with strings of lightbulbs hanging, it is mostly empty there is only another family, Uncle Nate us taking the tents out to set them up.

An hour later we finally manage to set up the tents without them falling, Uncle Nate starts a campfire while Zari and Mama are taking out all the food, Mom and Aunt Felicity are playing with Mia, the rest of the legends are sitting around the campfire making s'mores. William and I are throwing a stick and Milo is bringing it back.

After eating all the s'mores and making sure all camp is set, we all change into our bathing suits, near to the lake there was a rope tied down from a tree, William tries it first he jumps when he is right above the lake and lands in a cannonball, Uncle Nate follows him jumping into the lake.

Felicity is on the edge of the lake as Mia dips her toes in the water Milo is playing next to them, Astra is on a summing float tanning, Behrad is having a fight with Uncle Nate with Nerf water guns, Zari and John are getting in the lake, while Mom and Mama are inside the lake but not deep it only reached Mom's waist, she doesn't really like to be in lakes and oceans especially when it is getting dark.

I swim over to William when I raise my head to the surface Behrad shots water to my face, I quickly take a water gun and shot him back, William teams up with me while Nate does with Behrad, we fight for fifteen minutes until we decide to call it a tie.

We spend the rest of the afternoon playing, fighting, and laughing, at some point we did a race to see who swam faster Mama and Mom got closer to see the race Mom always holding Mama's hand, Uncle Nate won the race for a few seconds I was in second place and Astra in third.

After that, we decided it was time to sleep, everyone went to their shared tents, I shared mine with William and Milo, we snuck some snacks and flashlights, we stayed up all night whispering and trying to hold back our laughs.

"You know we should go outside to explore," William says getting up.

"Let's go" I reply he smiles and extends his hand, I take it as he helps me stand up.

We leave Milo sleeping in the tent, we wander around for a while until we climb up to the top of a tree, the tree was extremely tall so it have us the chance to see all the lake, the forest, and the camping area.

"It is really beautiful up here" William whispers looking around.

"It is, you know we don't have to whisper up here right? our parents are not near here" I remind him and he tenses up.

"Yeah..just forgot about that" He replies looking down.

"Are you okay Will?" I ask and he looks at me.

"Is just that...the last time I went on a road trip it was with my Mom and it brought some memories, it's been four years and I miss her" He tells me with some tears in his eyes, he rests his head on my shoulder and keeps talking "...and my Dad died a hero more than a year ago...and Felicity is the best but sometimes I just miss them and wish they were here"

"It is okay to feel like this Will, they are your parents and you miss them, I never met them but I am sure they loved you more than anything in this world and they are still taking care of you wherever they are," I say stroking his hair as I feel him smile.

"How didn't you break all those years without knowing if you Mama was fine or even alive?" William shoots the question.

"Uhmm...the first year I didn't really have an option to not break down...for all the other years Dani pulled me through the pain whenever I was feeling like I was going to break when I felt like I was drowning or when I felt like I couldn't keep going...she was there every time to pull me through it...she is the only reason why I survived those six years"

I explain and William nods "What happened when Dani wasn't there to pull you out of the darkness?"

"I was broken ...I didn't eat or sleep, I barely cared about myself, I saw no point on keep going I had no one left, there were some nights where I just wanted to die to be with her to make the pain go away...but I couldn't bring myself to do felt like making Dani's sacrifice in vain, I was just a living zombie for those two months then I accidentally fixed the courier, if I wouldn't have made it here I don't think I would have survived"

I feel Will grabbing my hand and squeezing it, it was funny how fate worked two teenagers that are best friends talking about their trauma at four am sitting at the top of a tree.

"You make it through the pain even if it feels like you can't, there will always be people that love you they will help you out and you have plenty of those people" I conclude and William nods.

"You also have plenty of people that love you that will help you out with everything" He replies and I let out a wet chuckle now noticing that there were tears in my eyes.

"Love you Will"

"Love you too Brooke"


The next of the week we drive across the country visiting many places like the Grand Canyon, Washington DC, Yosemite, and also to a water park but we got kicked out because the legends thought it would be a great idea to climb all the way up to the top of a slide and the jump from it landing on the pool the rest day was amazing there were a lot of slides, and a zip lines.

And finally today we are driving to DisneyWorld, we were going to park the bus and stay at Disney's Polynesian Village Resort for five days one for each park and a day to walk around Orlando, I search the hotel we are staying in it was enormous, fancy and it was just stunning, Mom and Mama really went over the way for this trip.

We arrive at Disney in the middle of the day, we get to the resort and walk to our rooms, they let Milo stay with us because he is still a pup and won't cause a lot of trouble, we leave our bags in the room and change our clothes so we can go to Disney Springs.

All the legends meet us at the lobby then we take Dinsey's bus to Disney Spring, we went shopping and took a lot of photos, everyone bought Mickey's ears of their favorite character, mine were of Buky Barnes my favorite character from Marvel, Mama bought Mom's mickey ears of peter pan just to mess with her, and Mama's were of Wendy to match with Mom.

The next day we went to Magic Kingdome, we split into different groups depending on what you wanted to do, I went with Astra, Uncle Nate, and Will to all the roller coasters and rides, and right now we are waiting in line to get on Space Mountain, Uncle Nate said that he has going to get something.

"Hey I am back," He says running back to us with four churros in his hands "One for you, one for you and you, and one for me," He says handing out the churros to the three of us.

"Thanks, Uncle Nate" I thank and he smiles.

"No problem kid this is your first trip to Disney I better make it magical" He replies taking a bite of his churro.

After half an hour we finally ride Space Mountain, it was incredible the best roller coaster I have ever been to, Uncle Nate was screaming all the ride while Astra was sitting like nothing was going on.

A couple of hours later we meet with everyone at the castle, Mom and Mama had been on a date in Cinderella's Royal Table, Aunt Felicity and Mia went on the little kid rides while John, Zari, and Behrad race to see who could get more pictures with Disney Characters.

At the end of the day we take a photo of all of us in front of the castle, we stay for the fireworks show, Mama is hugging from behind and kissing her cheek, Mia is on William's shoulder, and the rest of us are standing.

We finally get to the hotel twelve hours and probably five hundred pictures later.

The rest of the trip was amazing, the parks were so magical, we all had a lot of fun like the big family we are, this is the best vacation ever, we made a lot of memories like sneaking in the middle of the night with your Uncles to get some ice cream or building a human-size lego of Zari.

When we get home everyone goes to their houses to get some rest after two chaotic weeks, a few days Mom gets a call from Barry Allen telling her if they could meet up in Central City to catch up and help them with a metahuman.

So I think my chapters will be 5K words now!

Marvel is a cinematic universe in my fanfic and Brooke loves it.

Also, AHHHHHHHHH the avalance reunion and proposal! I cried so much ahhhhhh, I am still not over it, it was sooo perfect, my heart was exploding!!

Thank you for your kind comments it really motivates me to write faster <3 <3

Anything you want to read?
