
*4 years later*

Allie's POV

"You sure you don't need any help?"  I ask my brother Kaleb as he moves some of my things into my new apartment, "yeah I'm fine Allie don't worry" he replies as he places the box he's carrying onto my kitchen counter. "That's the last of it" I say with a smile, "thank god, you have way too many things" he replies, "shut up" I exclaim while shoving him. "Are you all good now?" He adds, "yeah, now I just have to unpack" I reply with a smile, "okay, I better start getting back home, but let me know if you need anything" he explains, "okay bye" I say as he leaves. I turn back to my living room and sigh seeing all the boxes I need to unpack.

A few hours later I finally unpack my last box, I sit on my couch and throw my head back feeling relieved. As I feel myself relaxing I'm jolted awake by some loud music that comes through the wall, I glare at the wall wanting the music to stop. When the music seems to get louder I groan and get up to talk to the very noisy neighbour. I take my key and my phone before walking out into the hallway and going to the nearest door. When I'm standing in front of the door I don't hesitate to knock loudly, after a few seconds the door swings open, a tall muscular guy with messy blond hair and piercing blue eyes stands there. "Hey what can I do for you?" He asks I snap out of my daze remembering why I came, "I was trying to relax after finishing unpacking and I couldn't because of your music, could you please turn it down a bit?" I reply, his expression turns to one of understanding, "ahhh sorry about that, on that note I've never met you and I know everyone on this floor" he exclaims with a smile, "I'm Allie Peller I'm you're new neighbour" I tell him, "I'm Austin, I would introduce you to my roommate but he's not here right now" he replies, "I'm sure I'll bump into him at some point" I exclaim with a laugh. "I better get back, I need to continue relaxing" I add gesturing to my apartment, "okay, I turn down the music to make that a better time for you" he explains, "I guess I'll see you around" I say and turn around walking back to my apartment with a smile on my face.

Once I'm back on my couch I pull out my phone to tell the girls about my encounter with the attractive neighbour. After the news is spread we spend a few hours just talking and catching up before hanging up as it nears midnight. I yawn as I walk to my bedroom to change into my pjs, once that is done I get into bed and immediately fall asleep.


The next morning I'm woken up by a loud thud, I jolt up and look at my surroundings. I groan when I realize it was Austin and his roommate that made the noise. I don't bother trying to fall asleep again so I get out of bed and go take a shower. Once I'm finally dressed I walk into my kitchen ready to eat something, I open my fridge and see that it's empty remembering that I haven't gone grocery shopping yet. I decide to go to the coffee shop nearby that I saw on the way here so I grab my keys and walk out of the apartment before locking it behind me as I run down the stairs and out of the building. I look down the street to the left and spot the little coffee shop, I smile and walk towards it. Once I get inside the shop I wait in line behind some girls and I look through my phone to see what I need to do before I start my first day at work. "Next in line" I hear so I look up and see that it's my turn to order, I do just that before paying and waiting by the counter for it to be ready. A few minutes later the barista gives me my drink and I smile before turning towards the door, I lose my smile when I see him, he looks older and more mature than 4 years ago. I lower my head and attempt to leave the shop without attracting his attention. Just when I think i've made it a hand grabs my arm gently, I look up and see Nate's familiar gaze on me, "Allie" he says surprised, I shake my arm out of his grasp and walk out of the shop and to the apartment building. 

When I get back into my apartment I drop my purse and set down my coffee on my counter before sitting on a stool and placing my forehead on the counter. I take some deep breaths trying to calm down as I come to terms that I just saw my ex for the first time in 4 years. After a few seconds of sitting there I jolt up from my seat and go grab my phone to call Becca, "hello" she says, "Becca its Allie, I just saw Nate again" I immediately explain, "wait you saw Nate, as in former Gopher Nate? she asks "yes, what other Nate do we both know" I reply, "just had to make sure, where did you see him? what happened?" she exclaims, "I needed to go get some breakfast so I went to this little coffee shop near the apartment and he was there, I tried to get out unnoticed but he grabbed me and we looked at each other for a few seconds before I bolted and came back to the apartment" I say as I run my fingers through my hair, "relax girl you've only seen him once, you'll probably never see him again, but if you do maybe you should get to know him again, you never know what could happen" she says to me reassuringly, "it's probably too late, I wouldn't forgive me if I was in his shoes, plus he can have anyone, why would he chose his old fling of a girlfriend" I tell her sadly as I play with the coffee cup in front of me, "don't say that, you guys loved each other and i'm sure he still loves you, from what Dylan tells me he hasn't been with anyone since you guys ended it" she exclaims, "i'm not going to stress about it, I need to think about this job I have and making sure that I don't screw it up" I say, "okay Allie, i'm always here if you need to talk" Becca says, "i know, I better go I need to get food for my kitchen" I tell her, "bye Allie" she replies before hanging up, I do the same and sigh as I sit back.

Once I compose myself I stand back up, slip my shoes back on and go to knock on Austin's door to see if he wants to join me at the grocery store. I wait outside of his door and I hear footsteps before the door is opened, I freeze when I see those familiar eyes staring down at me, "Allie" he says, "Nate" I reply quietly, "what are you doing here?" he asks me, "I got a job in the area, I live next door" I explain while biting my lip, "oh" he says, "yeah" I exclaim, we stand there for a few seconds in silence. "I better go I need to go get groceries" I tell him, "Allie!" I hear a yell behind Nate, Austin comes to the door, "hey Austin" I say, "what's up?" he asks with a smile, "was just going to ask if you wanted to come get groceries with me, but don't worry about it" I say with a smile as I turn away from them ready to leave, "no i'll come" Austin exclaims stopping me in my tracks, "just give me a sec" he adds while going out of sight. 

Me and Nate stand there while waiting for Austin, "so how do you know my roommate?" he asks me to break the silence, "we met yesterday when I was moving in" I reply while fidgeting with my fingers, "wait where did you move?" he asks while leaning against the doorframe, "right next door" I explain. Before he can say anything else Austin appears again with a smile, "i'm ready let's go" he says, I nod and we walk away together.


While we're walking through the aisles at the nearest grocery store Austin asks me questions about my life, "so how do you know Nate?" he asks suddenly. My eyes widen at his question, "um we dated for a year at U Minnesota" I reply sheepishly, "wait you're the girl he keeps talking about" he says with excitement, "he talks about me?" I say while looking at him, "yesss and he doesn't stop, I never see him with any girls, I was starting to think he wasn't into girls but then he told me about a girl that had his heart from when he was with her 4 years ago" he tells me, "oh my god" I say as I run my fingers through my hair as I pace back and forth, Austin places his hands on my shoulders making me stand still, "Allie calm down, it's not a big deal, you can just walk up to him and make it right" he explains to me, "but I promised myself to focus on my new job, I can't handle all of this, why does he still love me, I was horrible when I broke up with him" I say worried, "If you love him you will make this work, and if he loves you like he says he does none of that will matter" Austin tells me reassuringly. 

"Just tell me one thing...does Nate play for the Bruins?" I ask him, "he sure does, we're on the same line" he replies with a proud smile, "why didn't you tell me you played!" I exclaim before punching his arm, "it never came up you goof, we've known each other for not even two days" he explains, "huh you're right, I just feel like i've known you my whole life" I say sheepishly, "I gotta agree with you there...by the way, what's your job?" Austin asks curiously "I'm going to be a graphic designer at video game company" I reply with a smile, "that's actually really awesome, I wish I was talented enough for that" he exclaims, "are you kidding dude! you play hockey for a living" I tell him, "yeah but sometimes I wonder" he tells me with a shrug, "by the way you are definitely coming to a game" he adds, "whatever you say" I exclaim with a laugh as we finish getting all the needed groceries.
