
Allie's POV

"I can't believe you kissed him on the cheek, where did that even come from?" Kasey exclaims as we sit in our room once we get back from the rink "I don't know, but I felt like it was the right thing to do" I reply while blushing, "awww you like him" Kasey says, "no I can't it's too soon" I reply while shaking my head, "I don't think there's a set timeline" she explains with a smile. I groan and fall back onto my bed feeling confused, "why are boys so confusing?" I ask while starting up at the ceiling, "i think you're making it confusing by overthinking this, that boy clearly likes you" Kasey tells me, "what do you think I should do?" I add looking over at her, "I think you should just let whatever this is happen, no point holding back" she replies with a smile. I lie there and think about her words, "while you contemplate your love life i'll be over here watching a movie, feel free to join me when you're done" Kasey explains before getting up and going over to her bed.

I make a move to go join Kasey on her bed for the movie but my phone chimes with a notification, I pull it out and turn on the screen, I see and unknown number but my curiosity gets the best of me as I open my text messages.

Unknown number: Hey! It's Nate

A: Hey

Nate: This is Allie right?

A: Yep it sure is

N: Okay good, you can never be sure these days

A: haha so true

N: what are u up to?

A: about to have a movie night with my roomie, u?

N: having a beer with some of the guys

A: And you're texting me? i'm pretty sure i'm not that special haha

N: I beg to differ, you are something else Allie

A: that definitely doesn't sound like a good thing lol

N: believe me, it is ;)

A: okayyy, well I got 2 go my roommate is waiting

N: have a good night

A: u 2

N: :)

"Earth to Allie" I hear Kasey say, I turn to her and see a smirk on her face, "what?" I ask, "was that Nate?" she asks, I nod with a big smile on my face, "I told you he likes you, it didn't even take him a day to text you" she adds excitedly. "This is probably too good to be true" I say sighing sadly as I look down at my phone, "it might be but the only way to know is to take that leap" Kasey exclaims before turning back to watch the movie on her laptop, I sit there silently and I don't absorb any of the movie playing.

***** ***** *****

The next morning my phone wakes me up when it starts ringing, I jolt up in surprise and put my glasses on before grabbing the ringing device. "Hello?" I ask still half asleep, "Hey Allie, it's Nate" the deep voice says, my eyes widen, "Nate, what's up? why are you calling me at 7am!" I say in surprise, "never mind that, do you have skates?" he replies, "yeah" I tell him curiously, "okay meet me at the arena and dress warm" he explains before hanging up. I sit there for a second trying to process what just happened, suddenly I hop out of bed realizing that I need to go meet him. I make sure that I have everything before leaving and locking the door behind me.

I get to the arena and see a person waiting by the front entrance, I quicken my pace with a smile growing on my face. When I get close enough Nate talks, "hey", "hey Nate" I reply, "so what are we doing here this early" I add looking up at the building, "I rented out the ice for a bit" he explains while taking out a key and inserting it in the doors to unlock them. Before I can ask anymore questions he opens a door and gestures for me to go inside, I smile and walk through the doorway. I turn and watch Nate come inside behind me, "c'mon this way, we can change into our skates in the locker room" he explains before walking towards the locker rooms. Nate goes down a hallway and I see the big M on a set of doors, he pushes them open and I walk in with awe on my face. "I know right, I had the same reaction when I started" Nate says, "am I aloud in here?" I ask while looking at him, "yeah, as long as I'm here with you" he replies, I nod and follow him as he walks across the room.

Once we have our skates on Nate leads the way to the ice. We walk out to the bench and I just take a moment to enjoy the silence of the arena. "Isn't it great?" Nate asks coming up next to me, "yeah" I reply with a smile on my face. The awe wares off and I hop onto the ice with ease and I start skating around the ice with a smile on my face. I turn so that I'm going backwards, I see Nate catching up and I continue while going backwards. He speeds up getting closer so I turn back around and skate forwards around the ice. My skate suddenly gets caught in a rut and I go tumbling down to the ice, i cringe as I hit the ice. "Are you okay?" I hear Nate ask as he comes to a stop next to me, "yeah I'm fine, just a bump" I reply with a smile as I look up at him. "Phew I thought I was the cause of that" he exclaims while holding out a hand to help me up, I place my hand in his and he hoists me up. Nate's strength for the hoist is too much for me so I end up falling into him, "you okay there Allie" he asks with a smirk, "oh shut up, I'm way lighter than your hockey buddies" I explain as I hold onto him to keep my balance. "You are way prettier than they are though" he tells me as he places his hands on my hips, I blush slightly and look down at my skates, Nate laughs and I get out of his grasp before skating away.

After a few more laps on the ice we get off and go back to the locker room to take off our skates. I flop down in the stall next to Nate's and bend down to untie my laces, he does the same and we sit there in silence while we do that. I get up to grab my sweater but I end up tripping on the carpet, I fall onto Nate's lap my hands grabbing his shoulders, his hands come to my waist and I blush. "I'm so sorry" I say moving to get up but he keeps his hold on me, "it's okay Allie, plus I don't mind this position" he exclaims, the blush darkens on my cheeks as I bite my lip. He brings a hand up to my face and cradles it gently, I look into his eyes and he starts leaning in, he places his lips on mine and I wrap my arms around his neck enjoying the kiss.

A few seconds later someone yells, "get some Carter!" I pull away looking to see where the voice came from. I see a guy standing by the door watching us, I bury my face into Nate's neck feeling embarrassed, he laughs but brings me closer to him and I smile at the contact. I get off of Nate's lap and put my sweater on like I was initially planning to do. I put my skates over my shoulder, "I better go" I say gesturing to the door, "i'll walk you back to the dorms" Nate replies as he slips his own sweater on, "i'd like that" I exclaim with a smile. Once he's ready he takes my hand in his and we walk out of the room together.

"Well this is me" I say as we get to my residence building, I bite my lip as I look up at Nate, "you kill me when you bite your lip like that" he explains to me as he tugs me closer, "I don't mean to" I tell him with a smile, "sure you don't" he replies while wrapping his arms around my waist leaving no space between our bodies. I place my hands on his chest feeling overwhelmed by the close proximity, before I can say anything he places his hands on either side of my face and leans down to kiss me gently on the lips, I relax into him and he pulls away smiling, "that never get's old" he explains while stroking my cheek gently, "I definitely have to agree with that" I say while blushing. "Are you doing anything Friday night?" he asks, "not that I know of, why?" I reply "I would love to take you out to dinner" he explains, "okay, sounds great" I tell him with a big smile on my face, "see you at 7 on Friday" he says before pecking my lips and going back towards the arena. I watch him go and replay the whole morning over and over again in my head, as I walk into the building the smile on my face is permanent.
