Not Fine

In the Training Hall, Shifu is sitting in meditation, surrounded by candles. His inner turmoil causes him to fidget incessantly.

Shifu: Inner peace... inner peace... i-in... in-in...inner peace.

A very faint flapping sound in the distance does not help matter. Eventually, he turns around.

Shifu: Would whoever is making that flapping sound quiet down!

Silence. Satisfied, Shifu resumes his meditation.

Shifu: Inner...

WUMP. A goose drops in from the open ceiling. Scowling, Shifu gets up but smiles when he sees who it is.

Shifu: Oh, Zeng. Excellent. I could use some good news right now.

Zeng hesitates. He has anything but good news.

Zeng: Uh...

Minutes later, Shifu is rushing up Peach Tree Hill. Oogway stands under the tree, slowly performing Tai Chi movements, blossom petals floating elegantly from the branches.

Shifu: Master! Master!


Shifu: *Out of breath* I have... it's... it's very bad news.

Oogway: Oh, Shifu. There is just news. There is no good or bad.

Shifu: Master, your vision... your vision was right! Tai Lung has broken out of prison! He's on his way!

Oogway pauses for a moment.

Oogway: That is bad news... if you do not believe that the Dragon Warriors can stop him.

Shifu: The panda and the fox? Master, that panda and the fox are not the Dragon Warriors. They weren't even meant to be here... it was an accident!

Oogway: There are no accidents.

Shifu: *Sighs* Yes, I know. You've said that already. Twice.

Oogway: Well, that was no accident either.

Shifu: *Holds up three fingers* Thrice.

Oogway: My old friend, the panda and the fox, will never fulfill their destiny, nor you yours, until you let go of the illusion of control.

Shifu is incredulous and confused.

Shifu: Illusion?

Oogway: Yes. Look at this tree, Shifu.

Oogway looks up at the tree's branches, where blossom petals continue to fall.

Oogway: I can not make it blossom when it suits me, nor make it bear fruit before its time.

Shifu: But there are things we can control.

Shifu kicks the tree, and a hundred peaches fall to the ground. Oogway gazes at him in silence.

Shifu: I can control when the fruit falls!

A peach falls on his head: he growls, and Oogway chuckles.

Shifu: And I can control...

Shifu tosses a peach in the air, leaps up, and splits it with a chop, freeing the seed.

Shifu: ... where to plant the seed... hi-yah!

Shifu punches the ground, creating a small hole. The seed falls into his paw.

Shifu: That is no illusion, Master!

He tosses the seed into the hole.

Oogway: Ah, yes.

Oogway steps forward while Shifu begins pacing in frustration.

Oogway: But no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange... but you will get peaches.

Shifu stops pacing and turns to Oogway.

Shifu: But peaches can not defeat Tai Lung!

Oogway: Maybe they can. If you are willing to guide them, nurture them. To believe in them.

Oogway covers the seed with dirt.

Shifu: But how? How? I need your help, Master.

Oogway: No, you just need to believe.

He leans in towards his friend.

Oogway: Promise me, Shifu. Promise me you will believe.

Shifu hesitates.

Shifu: I... I will try.

Oogway smiles.

Oogway: Good.

Oogway glances up at the starry sky. The petals begin rapidly falling from the tree as the wind picks up.

Oogway: My time has come.

He turns back to a confused Shifu.

Oogway: You must continue your journey... without me.

He hands him his staff.

Shifu: What are you..? What...?

Oogway begins walking to the cliff's edge. Shifu realises what he's doing and runs after him.

Shifu: Master! You can't leave me.

The petals surround Oogway as he stops at the cliff's edge and turns back to Shifu.

Oogway: You must believe.

Shifu: Master!

Oogway is engulfed by peach blossoms as he begins glowing with a lovely blue light. As the winds settle, Shifu stands at the edge of the cliff, clutching Oogway's staff, staring after the mass of petals as they float up into the sky. Oogway is gone.

Back at the bunkhouse, in the kitchen, Po is cooking for the Five, who are all sitting at the table, alongside Yue. He chops a radish mid-air, and the slices fall into the pot. Yue smiles at her brothers story. Viper, Monkey, Mantis, and Crane are listening to Po's story with amused skepticism, but Tigress ignores him completely.

Po: So I'm like, fine, you may be a wolf, you may be the scariest bandit in Haijin Province, but you're a lousy tipper.

Crane: *Incredulous* Really? So... how'd you get out of there alive?

Yue: Probably because he didn't actually say it.

Po: *Laughs awkwardly* I mean, I thought it... in... in my mind.

Po flips some bowls and expertly lines them up on his arm. He ladles soup into them.

Po: If he... could read my mind, he'd have been like, "What?" But you should've seen Yue hitting him below the belt. Wow, I've never seen her that mad.

Yue: Okay, in my defense, the creep was hitting on me and trying to touch my tail. He had it coming. It takes forever to groom this thing, *Gestures to her fluffy tail* and I wasn't going to let him ruin it.

Po: Well, Yue. You've never been interested in any of the guys in town.

Yue: Correction, I'm not interested in guys, period. Besides, I'm not in a rush to find a partner. I'd rather wait a bit longer before finding the right one.

Po: If you say so. Order up!

Po slides out the bowls of noodle soup to Yue and the Five (minus Tigress, who already has a plate of tofu).

Po: Hope you like it.

Mantis: *Takes a sip* This is really good!

Po: *Bashful* No, c'mon. You should try our dad's secret ingredient soup. He actually... knows the secret ingredient.

Viper: What are you talking about? This is amazing.

Crane: Wow, you're a really good cook.

Mantis: I wish my mouth was bigger.

Yue: Trust me, Po. As your sister, I can say that your noodles are the best.

Viper: Well, Yue, I'm sure the noodles you make are just as good.

Yue: Eh, I wouldn't say that. Between me and Po, he's always been the better cook. He's the foodie of the family.

Po: Oh, come on, sis. Your noodles are just as good. I mean, you make delicious almond cookies, so it's expected your noodles are good as well.

Yue: Yes, almond cookies you always try to find in my room.

Crane: You hide food in your room?

Yue: Well, I have to. Po would always eat my leftovers as kids, so I had to take precautions. I made all sorts of hiding places in my room back home. Whether it's spaces under the floorboards, in the ceiling, or just hollow spaces in my furniture. No matter how hard Po tries, he's never been able to find my leftovers. I have so many hiding spots for my stuff that at this point, my room is a could technically be considered a puzzle.

Po: I'm getting close to finding all of them.

Yue: No, you're not. *Takes of a bite of her noodles* I may not be fond of being called sly, but I'll accept that fact that foxes are clever. And if you guys ever need a hiding spot for your valuables, come talk to me.

Mantis: I'll keep that in mind.

Monkey: Tigress, you've got to try this.

Tigress picks up her plate and picks up a piece of tofu with her chopsticks, ignoring the noodles.

Tigress: It is said that the Dragon Warrior can survive for months at a time on nothing but the dew of a single gingko leaf and the energy of the universe.

There is silence as everyone realises that Po and Yue have been put down yet again. Yue glares at Tigress as she continues to eat her noodles. Po just shrugs.

Po: I guess my body doesn't know it's the Dragon Warrior yet. I'm gonna need a lot more than dew. And, uh, universe juice.

He picks up his bowl and takes a giant gulp. When he lowers the bowl, we see a noodle hanging from his face... it looks like a long mustache. Yue and Mantis snicker.

Po: What?

Yue: Nothing. It's totally nothing. *Snickers*

Mantis: Oh, nothing... Master Shifu!

The rest start laughing. Po realizes he's wearing a noodle mustache. He plays it up, picking up a chopstick and pretending it's Shifu's staff.

Po: *Imitating Shifu* You will never be the Dragon Warrior's unless you lose five hundred pounds and brush your teeth!

Yue and the Five laugh. Tigress, however, stays silent.

Po: What is that noise you're making? Laughter? I never heard of it! Work hard, Panda. And maybe, someday...

He picks up two empty bowls and holds them up like ears.

Po: ... you will have ears like mine!

This gag has Yue the Five in near-hysterics. Suddenly, they stop laughing. It's revealed that Shifu has entered behind Po, who is still holding up the 'ears'. He is holding Oogway's staff and has one heck of a scowl on his face.

Po: *Normal* Ears. Is it not working for you? I thought they were pretty good.

Monkey: *Whispers* It's Shifu.

Po: Of course it's Shifu. What do you think I'm doing?

Yue: Po... turn around.

At the same time, Monkey points while Viper, Mantis, and Crane shift their eyes to something behind him. Po turns and finally sees Shifu standing there, doing a slow burn. In mortification and shock, he slaps the bowls to his chest.

Po: Ooh! Master Shifu! I...

Po slurps up the noodle mustache and lowers his arms... the bowls stick to his chest like a bra. Yue and the Five burst out laughing.

Shifu: You think this is funny?! Tai Lung has escaped from prison, and you're acting like children!

Po: What?

Yue: Huh?

Shifu: He is coming for the Dragon Scroll, and you two are the only ones who can stop him!

The bowls fall off and clatter on the floor. The siblings just stand there as this sinks in... then Po starts to laugh.

Po: And here I am saying you have no sense of humor. We're gonna... stop Tai Lung...

Shifu just stares at him, deadly serious.

Yue: Po, I think he's serious about this.

Po: What, you're serious? And me and Yus have to... uh... Master Oogway will stop him! He did it before. He'll do it again.

Shifu: *Snaps* Oogway cannot!

He softens as he looks down at Oogway's staff.

Shifu: Not anymore.

The Five look up in shock, realizing what this means. They are saddened by the news.

Shifu: Our only hope... is the Dragon Warrior's.

Tigress: The panda and the fox?

Shifu: Yes, the panda and the fox!

Tigress pushes the chair back as she stands up.

Tigress: Master, please! Let us stop Tai Lung. This is what you've trained us for!

Shifu: No! It is not your destiny to defeat Tai Lung. It is their's.

He dramatically points at Po and Yue... but Po is gone.

Yue: Uh... Po just left.

Shifu: Where'd he go?

Outside, Po is screaming at the top of his lungs as he races down the stairs in total panic. He is almost to the top of the stairs leading down to the village when Shifu suddenly jumps in front of him out of nowhere. Po skids to a stop. Yue catches up to them as she catches her breath.

Yue: Po. Next time, warn me when you make a sudden exit.

Shifu: You can not leave! A real warrior never quits!

Po: Watch me! Come on, Yue.

He grabs his sister's paw and tries to maneuver around Shifu, but he is redirected back.

Po: Oh, come on! How are we supposed to beat Tai Lung? I can't even beat you to the stairs. Or my own sister.

Shifu: You two will beat him because you two are the Dragon Warriors!

Shifu pokes Po in the belly with the staff, keeping him back.

Po: Ow! You don't believe that!

Shifu hits him again.

Po: Ow! You never believed that! From the first moment we got here, you've been trying to get rid of us!

Po let's go of Yue's paw and attempts to maneuver again, but Shifu sweeps his legs from under him, causing him to fall on his back. Shifu points the staff at his face.

Shifu: Yes! I was! But now I ask you to trust in your master as I have come to trust in mine.

Yue: Why? So we can finish off Tai Lung, because you didn't have the courage to do it yourself? Do you just want us to be the Dragon Warriors so we can clean up the mess you made? The mess that's your lunatic of a son.

Shifu paused, starring wide eyed at the red fox.

Shifu: Who told you that?

Yue: That's not important. What's important is the fact that you just want us to deal with a crazy snow leopard that you created. You filled Tai Lung's head with false hope, and that was the catalyst that led to his dark path. How do we know you won't do the same thing to us, "Master?"

Po: He's not our master.

He shoves the staff away.

Po: And we're not the Dragon Warriors.

Shifu: Then why didn't you two quit?! You knew I was trying to get rid of you both, and yet you stayed!

Po: Yeah, I stayed.

Po gets to his feet.

Po: I stayed because though every time you threw a brick at my head or said I smelled, it hurt...

Shifu and Yue stare at him.

Po: But it could never hurt more than it did every day of my life just being me.

Po pauses. Shifu and Yue are in a stunned silence.

Po: I stayed because I thought if anyone could change me... could make me... not me, it was you! The greatest Kung fu teacher in all of China!

Before Shifu could speak, Yue stepped in.

Yue: And the only reason I stayed was because...

Yue shakes as Po and Shifu look at her.

Yue: Ever since day one, I've been called sly and untrustworthy, just because I'm a fox. I know I say that I'm fine, but in reality, *Starts tearing up* I'm not! You don't know how much it hurts to hear those types of comments every single day of your life. Everyone respects you, Oogway, and the Five. I wouldn't expect any of you to understand what that feels like! You and the Five were all so quick to judge me when you didn't even bother to get to know me first. I thought if I stayed here, if I could be like Master Suyin, I would gain everyone's respect, and I wouldn't have to deal with racism ever again. I could finally love myself!

Tears stream down her cheeks as Yue vented out all her frustration. Po and Shifu stare at her in sock. Po is the most sympathetic, seeing his sister this vulnerable.

Yue: But after dealing with all the nonsense you put me and Po through, and what that arrogant, stuck-up tiger said about me and my brother, I don't think that'll ever happen! I'll never see past the rock and find the gemstones within! I'm just sly, untrustworthy fox. And that'll never change... I'm not fine. I've never been fine...

Shifu: But I can change you too! I can turn you both into the Dragon Warriors! And I will!

Po: Oh, come on! Tai Lung is on his way here right now! And even if it takes him a hundred years to get here, how are you... gonna change this... *Indicates his belly* ...into the Dragon Warrior?! Huh?

Yue: *Points at herself* Or this?

Shifu opens his mouth... and freezes.

Po: How?

Shifu doesn't speak.

Yue: How?

Shifu closes his mouth, still speechless.

Po and Yue: HOW?!

Shifu: I DON'T KNOW!

Shifu yells out the answer in frustration. Then, he sighs deeply, realizing what this means.

Shifu: I don't know.

Po and Yue's anger changes to sadness. Po also sighs.

Po: That's what I thought.

Shifu walks away, leaving the path open to Po and Yue. Po looks at his sister and sees her slumped shoulders as she looks away.

Po: Yue... are you-

Po didn't get to finish his sentence as Yue collapsed to her knees as she began to sob. Po was immediately at her side.

Yue: *Crying* I never wanted you to see it. To see how much pain I was in. You didn't deserve to deal with my struggles. I care about you so much, Po. I didn't want to burden you with this. I-

Yue didn't get to finish as she found herself in Po's embrace. The panda has knelt down to comfort his sister with a hug.

Po: Yue, you're my sister. You can never burden me. I always thought I was the burden to you.

Yue: Po. You're never a burden. You're my big brother. You'll always be my big brother.

The two just stood there as Yue hugged back, the tears still streaming down her face as she felt Po rubbing his paw along her back to soothe her anxiety. It reminded Yue of all the times she comforted Po when they were kids, and now Po was the one comforting her. It was those moments that really cemented how strong their sibling relationship was. Above them, Tigress stands in the moonlight on the edge of the palace roof. She has seen what just transpired between Shifu, Po, and Yue. She turns away, a look of resolve on her face... and LEAPS. She flies through the air towards the village in the valley below. At the last second, she slides down a pagoda roof and lands safely on the rooftop. She looks up at the horizon, then back up at the palace.

Tigress: This is what you trained me for.

She takes off across the rooftops. The other four are right behind her, having suspected what she would do.

Viper: Tigress!

Tigress looks back and sees that they have followed her. She keeps going, and they give chase.

Tigress: Don't try and stop me!

The chase continues through the village.

Viper: We're not trying to stop you!

Tigress: What?

Viper: We're coming with you!

Then...the others join her. Monkey gives her a thumbs up. Tigress smiles. The Furious Five leap off into the night.

To be continued...
