No Pain No Gain

(So, in case you guys were wondering, I won't be doing a story for Kung Fu Panda 4. The reason should be pretty obvious. The movie wasn't good. It's nowhere near levels of God awful like Megamind 2, but it wasn't the best. It felt like a big cash grab instead of a sequel, and I won't forgive how they treated Tai Lung. He was marketed to make a big return, and many fans were hoping for him to get a redemption arc, only to get misleaded as he barely did anything in the movie. In my personal opinion, Zhen was just a nothing character to me and didn't deserve to be the next Dragon Warrior, and Chameleon was an okay villain, I just wish she was written a little bit better. Honestly, I knew the movie was going to fail when I saw who the director was. It was the same guy who directed the first Trolls movie. Now, the Trolls' movies aren't bad. In fact, Trolls 2 is one of my favorite movies. It's just that those movies' tones don't mix with KFP. And from what I heard about how the Co-Director was treated, it makes the situation even more sad. Anyway, I hope you understand. I don't know what plans DreamWorks has in store for KFP 5, but I pray it'll be an improvement compared to what we got. )

Shifu leads Po and Yue into the Training Hall, where the panda and fox (mostly Po) are struck speechless as they see the Furious Five combating the various deadly stages of the course. Crane is deflecting arrows while balancing on half of a jade-colored turtle shell. Then Tigress leaps onto the shell and briefly spars with him. Meanwhile, Mantis weaves his way through an army of wooden crocodile warriors. Viper evades fire spurts on the Field of Fiery Death. Monkey swings across the seven-talon rings. Tigress dodges the swinging spiked clubs on spinning serpent logs, then smashes one with her bare fists. Two pieces of the club come flying over to the siblings. While Yue quickly dodges one piece, one strikes Po on the head. In her head, Yue was starting to regret her decisions.

Shifu: Let's begin.

Po: Wait, wait, wait! What? *He stares at the fearsome course in front of him* Now?

Shifu: Yes, now. Unless you think that the great Oogway was wrong, and you are not the Dragon Warrior?...

Po: Well-

Yue: *Annoyed* Okay, first of all, we never denied the fact that we were the Dragon Warrior's, or the fact that Oogway was wrong. You're the only one who's saying all these things. If anything, you're the one who believes Oogway was wrong. Right, Po?

Po just laughs awkwardly, not wanting part of this conversation.

Po: Well... I don't know if we can do all these moves...

Shifu: Well, we don't know unless we try.

He begins walking along the side of the course. Po follows.

Po: Uh, yeah.... it's just... maybe we can find something more suited to our level.

Shifu: And what level would that be.

Po: Well, you know, we're not masters, but uh, let's just start at zero. Level Zero.

Yue: Level zero?

Shifu: *Laughs* There's no such thing as level zero.

Po: Well, maybe we can start with that.

Po points and runs over to a friendly-looking bandit dummy.

Yue: *Disbelief* You're joking, right?

Shifu: That? We use that for training children. And for propping the door open when it's hot. But if you insist...

At that moment, the Five gather around the siblings.

Po: Whoa. The Furious Five. You're so much bigger than your action figures. Except for you, Mantis. You're about the same.

Mantis's antennae twitches as he glares. Po looks uncomfortable.

Shifu: Go ahead. Show us what you two can do.

Po: Uh.... well, *Looks at Yue* Yue, you go first. *Pushes her in front of the dummy*

Yue: What? Why me!? I can't fight either!

Po: Well, you can punch, and that's kind of the same as fighting.

Yue: Okay! First of all, that was a one-time thing, that rabbit had it coming. Secondly, just because you can punch doesn't mean you can fight.

Po: Well... as the older brother, I think that-

Yue: Hold it! Who said you were older?

Po: Isn't it obvious?

Yue: Uh, no. I'm pretty sure I'm older. I'm the more mature one between you and me.

Po: Age doesn't affect maturity. I think...

As Po and Yue continue arguing, Shifu and the Five watch on in either confusion or annoyance.

Shifu: Will one of you just hit it already!?

Yue: *Sighs* Alright, I'll go.

Yue walks up to the dummy and gives it the hardest punch she can muster. The dummy rocked backward as she faced Po and Shifu.

Yue: *Annoyed* Are you happy now?

The dummy began to rock forward and was about to hit Yue, but her instincts kicked as she quickly moved to the side before it could hit her. Shifu's eyes widen at this.

Shifu: How did-

Yue: It's just an instinct I have. The years of living with Po and trying to avoid accident after accident have apparently made it so that my body reacts before my mind does. It's how I avoided any form of danger since I was a kid. Unless you're fast enough, that is. Like how you did with my finger and my knee. *Rubs her sore knee* Look, I went first, so Po, now it's your turn.

Yue moves to the side as she motions for him to go. Po hesitates, seeing the Five watching him.

Po: Um, are they going to watch. Or should I just wait until they get back to work or something?...

Shifu: Hit it.

Po: Okay. I mean, I just ate, so I'm still digesting. So, my Kung fu might not be as good as later on...

Shifu: Just hit it!

Po: Alright... *He turns to the dummy* Whatcha got? You got nothing because I got it right here. Are you picking on my friends?

He begins dancing on the spot.

Po: Get ready to feel the thunder. I'm coming at him with the crazy feet. What are you gonna do about my crazy feet? I'm a blur. I'm a blur. You never seen bear style. You only seen praying, Mantis! OR... I could come at you Monkey style.

Po began to make monkey sounds, which made Monkey raise his eyebrows. Everyone stared at Yue, expecting that she would answer them. She only laughed nervously as she turned away from them, scratching behind her left ear.

Po: OR... I'm comin' at ya snikity-snake...

Yue, Shifu, and the Five stare at Po as he faces the dummy, and Shifu loses his patience.

Shifu: Would you hit it!?

Po stops dancing.

Po: Alright... Alright.

Hesitantly, he very lightly hits the dummy with his fist. It rocks back into place.

Shifu: Why don't you try again? A little harder this time.

This time, Po knocks the dummy all the way backward.

Po: How's tha-

WHACK! The dummy rights itself and whacks Po, sending him flying backward and knocking out a tooth. Po finds himself in the training course. The Five and Yue instinctively step forward to help Po, but Shifu holds up his paw to stop them.

Po struggles to balance on the serpent logs and eventually ends up doing a painful split on two of them.

Po: Ow! Oh, that hurts!

He looks up and sees a spiky tethered ball, which hits and sends Po flying into the jade turtle exercise, where it rattles him around. The Five wince while Shifu looks on with a smile. Yue, meanwhile, was concerned for Po's safety as she saw him go flying across the training hall. As much as she wanted to help her brother, she couldn't help but be a bit selfish and stay clear from the death trap that was this training course. No way was she dying over this.

Shifu: *To the Five* This'll be easier than I thought.

Po: Feeling a little nauseous...

The turtle spills him out, and he stumbles into the army of wooden warriors, proceeding to whack every part of his body.

Po: Ow, those are hard! Ooh! I think I-

The last dummy whaps him in the crotch and everything becomes still.

Po: Oooohoohoo... my tenders.

He struggles to get on his feet, takes one step and reaches out to a dummy arm...and immediately gets pummeled all over again. Po comes out the other side, battered and bruised, and finds he is standing on the Field of Fiery Death.

Po: Uh oh.

We see reflections of fire on the Five, Yue, and Shifu, as well as Po's yells as he gets singed. After a while, he comes crawling into frame, dazed and charred, with the little tuft on his head on fire. Yue immediately went to his aid.

Po: *Gasping for breath* How did I do?

Shifu: There is now a Level Zero.

He puts out the little fire with his fingers. That night, the Five are walking to the bunkhouse, which sits high on a hill, led by a palace goose with a lantern.

Mantis: There's no words.

Crane: No denying that.

Viper: I don't understand what Master Oogway was thinking. They're going to get themselves killed! Especially the panda.

Crane: *Mocking* He is so mighty! The Dragon Warrior... fell out of the sky on a ball of fire!

Mantis: When he walks, the very ground shakes!

Everyone laughs except Tigress.

Monkey: I wonder how the fox must have felt about having him for a brother.

Crane: Yeah, she must have thought he was an embarrassment. I don't blame her.

Mantis: But you how she quickly moved out of way before the dummy hit. I'll give her that.

Tigress: One would think that Master Oogway would choose someone who actually knew kung fu. Or someone who isn't full of lies and deception.

Crane: Yeah, or could at least touch his toes.

Monkey: Or even see his toes.

As the others walk off, laughing, Po and Yue emerge from behind rock, who unbeknownst to them, have been walking behind them this whole time, hearing everything. Po attempts to look at his toes but just sees gut. He lifts up his stomach and leans forward... leans... leans... and falls over. He gets up and watches them go inside. He sighs. He looked over to his sister and saw the hurt look on her face as she gripped her shoulders. Inside her mind, Yue had thoughts of self-consciousness and anger flying all over the place. The Furious Five, some of the greatest Kung fu warriors in all China, defenders of the Valley of Peace, were talking trash about her and her brother. How did Po ever idolize these jerks?

Po: *Worried* Yue... are you-

Yue: I'm fine, Po. I just... need a moment to myself.

With that, Yue walked off.

Po: Yue, you don't think I'm an embarrassment, do you?

The red fox stopped and turned back to her brother.

Yue: Of course I don't. You're my brother. You mean the world to me. Just because some arrogant Kung fu masters say you are, doesn't mean it's true.

With that, Yue walked away, leaving Po standing there. Sometime later, Yue was wandering around a peach tree near a pond. She stopped near the edge of the pond and looked at her reflection. In an instant, she immediately looked away in shame. She let pit a sigh as she sat down with her legs crossed.

Yue: *To herself* Why am I even here? This is Po's dream, not mine.

???: If you weren't here, you wouldn't be able to discover who you are.

Yue's ears perked up when she heard the familiar voice. She turns around and sees Oogway walking up to her with a smile on his face.

Yue: *Startled* Oh, Master Oogway, I didn't see you there.

Oogway stood next to her as he took a seat as well. It was silent for a moment. Yue eventually broke it when she turned to the old tortoise.

Yue: Why did you pick me and my brother to be the Dragon Warriors? Po and I don't know a thing about Kung fu, and it's obvious that Shifu and the Furious Five don't like us in the slightest. I mean, I was perfectly fine making noodles.

Oogway turns to look at her.

Oogway: Is that the truth?

Yue paused.

Yue: Of course. Why wouldn't it be?

Oogway: I sense that something is troubling you, my dear. And it's not what you just mentioned.

Yue looks away from Oogway.

Yue: Nothings troubling me. I'm fine. Really...

Oogway: Saying that you're fine and actually feeling fine are two completely different things.

Yue: *Snaps* Why do you care anyway?! I'm just a lying fox, just like what everyone else says!

Even though Yue raised her voice, Oogway didn't flinch. The old tortoise still smiled at her. It wasn't until Yue realized what she just said that her ears drooped a bit. She sighs as she faces the river. There was another long moment of silence before Yue spoke again.

Yue: I'm sorry. It's just... *Sighs* Ever since I was a kid, everyone has been labeling me as lying and deceitful, all because I'm a fox and a red fox at that. No kids wanted to play me with. I had no friends because of that, and Po suffered the same, all because of me. Sometimes, I wonder if what they say is true, that all I am is just a fox no one can trust. How am I supposed to be the Dragon Warrior if no one even trusts me with their food?

There was a long pause before Oogway spoke up.

Oogway: So, you feel this way because of what other people say?

Yue nodded.

Oogway: And you believe what others say about you is true.

Yue nodded again.

Oogway: If that's the case, then your fur is purple.

Yue's ears went up and gave the old tortoise a confused look.

Yue: What?!

Oogway: Your fur is purple.

Yue: My fur isn't purple! It's red, or orange red.

Oogway: And you have a giant horn sticking out of your forehead.

Yue: No, I don't!

Oogway: But you just said that you believe what others say about you. So that must mean whatever others say about you is true.

Yue: No, it doesn't. Just because you say it...

The realization hits her fast as she realizes what she's about to say.

Yue: ... That doesn't mean it's true.

Oogway: Exactly.

Oogway gives her a knowing smile. Yue mentally face palmed. She didn't expect Oogway to use her own words against her. She grabbed onto the grass as she sighed.

Yue: Okay, so maybe you have a point. But even still, I've dealt with this for years. I can't even look at a mirror without hearing all the hurtful words. *Looks at her reflection in the pond* All I see now is the untrustworthy fox that everyone else sees.

Oogway took a long pause as he observed the peach blossoms fall from the tree and gently fly through the air before landing onto the pond. He looked over and saw a small lumpy black rock resting near the pond. Oogway picks up the rock with his staff and presents it towards the red fox.

Oogway: I'm looking at a sparkling bright green and white rock. Do you see it?

Yue looks at rock and gives the old turtle a confused look.

Yue: Uh... Master Oogway, that's just an old black rock.

Oogway: No, it's a beautiful green and white one.

Yue blinked. She was starting to think that maybe the old tortoise's age was getting to him, and he was now seeing things.

Yue: I... don't know what to tell you. That's just a black rock. I'm sorry, but what do rocks have to do with what I just talked about?

Oogway gave her a cunning smile. He gently placed the rock onto the grass and used his staff to give it a light tap. Within moments, a crack appeared on top and made its way towards the bottom. When the rock split in two, Yue was left starstruck when she saw the beautiful green and white gemstones that were inside.

Yue: Oh... it's a geode. *Laughs nervously* I... I totally knew that.

Oogway: On the outside, it appears as regular rock, but on the inside, it's filled with beautiful gems. Do you understand?

Yue: *Confused* I don't follow.

Oogway: You see yourself as rock, but on the inside, you're a gemstone. And even if some people might not ever see it, it doesn't mean it's false. From what I see, your brother already sees you as the gemstone you are. If you only focus on what's on the outside, you'll never see what's on the inside.

Oogway gives her the two halves of the geode as he stands up.

Oogway: Try to look past the rock and find the gemstone within.

Yue: Wait, Master Oogway! You still haven't answered my question! Why did you choose Po and I to be the Dragon Warriors?

Oogway: *Smiles* The answer becomes very clear if you take a closer look.

With that, the old tortoise began to walk away and eventually was out of sight. Yue thought for a moment as she looked down at the two halves of the geode, contemplating what Oogway just said. At the same time, she looked down and saw her jade necklace, the color of the stone almost resembling the gems inside the geode. Meanwhile, inside the barracks, the Five blow out the candles in their rooms as Po peeks around the corner.

Po: Okay.

He tip-toes into the hall. SQUEAK. The floorboard strain beneath him. SQUEAK.

Po: *Whispering* Great.

Po takes a gentle step. Cre-e-e-a-a-CHUNK! Po's foot goes through the floor. Po tries to recover. SQUEAK-SQUEAK-SQUEAK! THUNK! Po rolls his ankle and stumbles through a bedroom door. He turns and finds Crane staring back at him.

Po: Oh hey... hi. You're up.

Crane: I am now.

Po: I was just, uh... Some day, huh? That kung fu stuff is hard work, right? Your biceps sore?

Crane looks at his wing.

Crane: Um... I've had a long and rather disappointing day, so uh... yeah, I should probably get to sleep now.

Po: Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course.

Po turns to leave.

Crane: *Relieved* Okay, thanks.

At the last minute, Po turns back to Crane.

Po: It's just... I'm such a big fan. *Turns back*

Crane: *Alarmed* Oop.

Po: You guys were totally amazing at the Battle of Weeping River. Outnumbered a thousand to one, but you didn't stop, and then you just... WA-YA-HA-HA HI-YAH!

Po does a spastic series of kung fu moves and... RIP... kicks his foot through the paper wall.

Po: Ooh, sorry about that.

Po looks through the hole to see Monkey glaring at him.

Crane: Look, you don't belong here.

Po looks stung to be hearing this from one of his heroes.

Po: I know. I know. You're right. I just- my whole life, I've dreamed of-

Crane stops Po before he embarrasses himself even more.

Crane: No, no, no... I meant you don't belong here. I mean, in this room. This is my room. Property of Crane.

Po: Oh, okay. Right, right. Yeah, you want to get to sleep.

Po begins backing out of the room.

Crane: Yeah.

Po: I'm keepin' you up. We have big things tomorrow. *Begins shutting the door* Alright. You're awesome. Last thing I'm gonna say. Okay. Bye. bye.

Po shuts the door. His silhouette can be seen standing outside, not moving. Crane sighs. The door suddenly opens. Po pokes his head in with an eager smile.

Po: What was that?

Crane: I didn't say anything.

Po: Okay. Alright. Goodnight. Sleep well.

Po backs out and closes the door. Crane puts his foot on his head.

Po: Seemed a little bit awkward...

Po turns and walks down the hall to find a vacant room. CREAK-CREAK.

???: Po?

Po stops and turns to the hallway. Yue walked in, holding both halves of the geode together in her paws.

Yue: You're still up?

Po: Oh, hey, Yue. I was just... looking for an empty room. *Notices the geode* Wait, why are you holding a rock?

Yue: Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it.

Before Po could ask anything else, Tigress opens the door next to him. Po winces.

Po: Master Tigress! Didn't mean to wake you. I was just, uh-

Tigress: You don't belong here.

When Tigress said that, Yue couldn't help but growl in anger.

Po: Uh, yeah, of course. This is your room-

Tigress approaches and glares at him.

Tigress: I mean... you don't belong in the Jade Palace. And neither does the fox. You're both a disgrace to kung fu, and if you two have any respect for who we are and what we do, you two will be gone by morning.

At this point, Yue couldn't hold it in anymore. Yue gave Po the geode as she confronted Tigress, baring her canines as she looked up at her.

Yue: *Angry* What makes you think you can talk to my brother like that?! Just because you and the others are some Kung fu experts doesn't mean you can act like you're superior to us!

Tigress narrowed her eyes at the fox as she emits her own growl, with Yue growling back. Po watches in fear for both his sister and one of his idols. Without saying a word, Tigress turns her back on Yue and closes the door on the siblings. Po stares, stunned and saddened, while Yue just scoffs.

Po: Big fan...

Yue: I'll never understand why you looked up to these jerks, Po.

Yue turned around and took back the closed geode from Po as she made her way towards an empty room. Po just watches in sadness. A little later, a dejected Po is standing under a peach tree on a hill. Oogway approaches with a glowing lantern.

Oogway: I see you have found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom.

Po spins around, his arms full of peaches and his mouth equally stuffed. He drops the peaches in shock.

Po: *Mouth full* Is that what this is? I am so sorry. I thought it was just a regular peach tree.

Oogway: I understand. You eat when you are upset.

Po spits out the remaining peache.

Po: Upset? I'm not upset. What makes you think I'm upset?

Oogway:So why are you upset?

Po pauses, then sighs: There's no use trying to lie to Oogway.

Po: I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of kung fu, in the history of China, in the history of sucking.

Oogway: Probably.

Po: And the Five... man, you should have seen them. They totally hate Yue and me.

Oogway: Totally.

Po: And the thing that happened with Yue and Tigress. How's Shifu ever gonna turn me or Yue into nto the Dragon Warriors?

He lifts his belly and drops it, causing it to bounce until he stops with his his paw. He sighs.

Po: I mean, I'm not like the Five. I've got no claws, no wings, no venom. Even Mantis has those... *Imitating a mantis's front legs* ...thingies. I mean, Yue has claws, but they're small, and she's never attacked anyone with them. The most I see her using them for is to craft hiding spots in her furniture to hide her valuables. Maybe she could become an awesome Dragon Warrior, but not me. Maybe I should just quit and go back to making noodles.

Po sits down, his back to Oogway. Oogway look at him for a moment.

Ogway: Quit, don't quit. Noodles, don't noodles.

Po looks back at him, confused.

Oogway: You are too concerned with what was and what will be. There's a saying: Yesterday is history, and tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.

Oogway hits the tree with his staff as he walks away, and a peach falls into Po's open paw. Po smiles as he watches the tortoise leave.

To be continued...
