Chapter 25 - Two-Bit

"Lara, I need to talk to you," I said. "Alone."

I love the way her bright eyes danced when she was happy. I love the way her eyes reflect every emotion.

What I was about to tell her could change our lives forever. We could be closer than ever, or so far apart, we'd never find each other.

She met my eyes with her bright blue ones, and slowly nodded. "Okay."

I was elated. She was gonna let me talk to her.

"C'mon," I said, grabbing her hand.

It was molded perfectly to mine. Huh, I never thought about that stuff before. Only with her. My Lara.

I pulled her outside, and down a small path. It was overgrown, so I knew not many people came this way. I scouted it out before, and there was a nice clearing up ahead. I knew Lara would appreciate the beauty of it.

She was gazing around, her face full of wonder. I knew she was lost in thought, soaking up the beauty.

"Two, what's up?" she asked, once we reached a small clearing, dappled with sunlight.

I didn't really see it. It seemed mocking, almost. Showing us the beauty, when we grew up with nothing. Just the clothes on our backs and a survivalist instinct.

The Socs got all that, and more. Beauty in life. The small things.

And they didn't even appreciate it. They barely saw it.

"Why?" I muttered. "Why does life keep giving us the worst cards?"

"Two?" Lara whispered.

She looked so helpless. Her hand hung in the air, hesitant to touch me. I didn't blame her. I was shattered, and she'd cut her hand on my broken shards.

But I craved her gentle touch. More than any blonde greaser girl.

She ain't just a greaser girl. She's Lara.

She touched my shoulder gently. "We get stronger, every time life deals us a bad hand. We're stronger than those dirty Socs."

We're stronger, and ready to kick their asses. I wanted to. To make sure they knew I wouldn't forget all the slights against us. The way they snubbed us.

"Yeah, those dirty Socs," I said, cursing them blue and green. "Hate 'em with every cell in my body."

That wasn't true. I did hate them, but I loved Jenny. I loved Lara. But she couldn't feel the same way. She's so much better than me.

"You shouldn't hold onto all that hate," she whispered. "You'll burn up, from the inside out."

See? She's so kind, so forgiving.

"Ya sure ya ain't an Empath?" I asked. "That's what Pony would say."

The words were teasing, but my tone wasn't. I sounded broken, and I knew if I could hear it, Lara could too.

"Or Tess. And she ain't an Empath," she reminded me.

Yeah. Tess is good at everything. I can't think of anything she ain't amazing at. Seriously. Nothing.

"True," I said sadly. "I still hate 'em. They get everything. We get nothing."

But we have feelings. They don't. Sometimes we have too many feelings.

"We have everything. Friends, a family that's been patched together, stronger than it ever would've been without getting patched together," she said, grinning. "Mallowmelt."

I love mallowmelt, but Lara's better. She's better than everything. I can't believe I'm lucky enough to know her.

Her eyes twinkled, as she wiped at my forehead.

"You're a mess," she said, grinning despite her watery eyes.

I wanted to wipe away every last tear. Make sure she knows she is loved.

"A hot mess," I said, wiggling my eyebrows. "Can't deny that, can you?"

This is the perfect chance to find out what her feelings are. Does she love me the way I love her? Or am I just her older brother?

She ducked her head, tugging her hair out from behind her ear, and covering her face.

Maybe she does have feelings for me. I sure hope so.

"C'mon, Lara. Ya gotta think something," I said. "Ya can't just not have an opinion."

Please have feelings for me. God, I need your love. I really do.

"I-um," she stammered, glancing around. "I mean,"

I think she has feelings for me.

"Lara. Seriously, what do you think?" I whispered into her ear.

I wish I knew what was going through her mind. I wish I could tell. She opened her mouth to speak, but her eyes were scared. Guilty, almost.

"The truth. I need the truth," I whispered.

I felt like I would shatter if she lied to me. If she lied to me, I wouldn't be able to take it. I'd be shattered into too many pieces.

"You're a mess," she said. "A hot mess."

I was elated. She has feelings for me!

"Really?" I asked.

I was filled with joy. So much freaking joy. I felt like bouncing off the walls, almost.

"Yeah," she said. "Two, this doesn't change anything."

Wrong. This changes everything, but at the same time, nothing. We'll still be real close, but it'll be a different close.

"This changes everything," I said. "Now I don't think you'll mind when I do this."

I leaned towards her, our lips just centimeters apart. Too far, still. But I needed to make sure Lara was okay with this. That I wasn't gonna do anything she didn't want. I love her, and I need to make sure she knows it.

I paused, my eyes searching her bright blue ones. I was waiting for a signal, a sign that I could kiss her. My fantasy.

She was speechless. She gently took my face, closing the distance between us. I wrapped my arms around her waist, holding her like the most precious thing ever.

Because she is the best thing that's ever happened to me. My most precious thing.

"Lara," I whispered.

"Two," she moaned.

I continued to kiss her, savoring every little detail about her. How her eyes brightened. I didn't think they could get any brighter, but I guess I was wrong.

"So, Lara," I said, pulling out of the kiss. "That settle any doubts?"

"Oh, Two," she whispered, burying her head into my chest.

I love the coziness of this moment. My arms, shielding her from all the pain. Her warmth, enveloping me.

I wish this could last forever.
