Chapter 27

A/n: All of my internet history got deleted after a Windows update, I need some help if I can get it... That and sorry for the long wait, I had issues with my internet and was suffering burnout from school. Least my translator app finally works! And Rainbow with Magic occurred, sorry for taking longer, and Siege kept freezing on me... And I noticed something in the picture here, look at Chapter 25... hmm...Enjoy this chapter!

Y/n goes to the locker room to see Ash and Kali arguing?! Then Sledge appears next to Y/n. 

Sledge: Kali returned.... 

Y/n: How? 

Sledge: Harry was somehow wrong and let her back on with all the benefits of NIGHTHAVEN operators and all. She was not the one who stole the $20 million in funding, we think this group of arseholes we've been dealing with could've done it. 

Y/n: And why are they arguing? 

Sledge: Because, Kali won a training round but used Grace and Eliza as bait to distract Mozzie, Doc and Mira, this led to Kali saving them, but Grace was dead and Ash got winged in her right ear. 

Y/n: Well, Kali should not be doing this, it can get someone killed in a real firefight or operation. I'm with Eliza, you? 

Sledge: Same here, can't be pulling this shite. 

Kali and Ash move their fighting to the hallway and a crowd of operators gather. And then, Jan walks in. 

Kali: Shut up Eliza, be quiet, I won this game for you! *Notices Y/n* Who the hell even are you?! Get out! 

Y/n: Wait, wait, hold on, I'm sorry. 

Kali: Get out of here ya worthless short looking bastard! 

Y/n: What do you just say you stuck up little bitch?! 

Kali: And who's that jackass over there?! *Points at Jan* 

Jan: I'm just going to the bathroom, I thought the time of the month for you is at the end of the month not the start...

Kali: Be quiet. 

Jan: Well the fuck you mad as hell at the red haired woman at for? 

Thatcher: She used Eliza as bait during a training exercise even though a teammate is dead.

Jan: Well you can't do that, work together dummy. Well now I'm disappointed, god. 

Kali: Well your being an asshole right now, even dumber sounder then that Polish retard over there. 

Jan: Hold on-

Wamai: *Whispers to Ace* Steer clear of the retards, everyone in this room is one. 

Jan: Wait, would do you just say? 

Wamai: I was talking to Ace, not you. You fucking cunt. Your being one. 

Jan: Wait, I'm a fucking cunt?! 

Wamai: Yeah! 

Jan: Well listen up here, aquaman, you and the retard with that red outfit are not fucking the woman with the stupid high-tech battle suit. So please spare everyone in here your bullshit. 

Blitz starts giggling. 

Kali: Do you know who I am?! 

Jan: Say it! Speak some fucking proper English! 

Kali: I own NIGHTHAVEN. 

Jan: Oh yeah, your that sellout bitch with the company that got three of my friends injured because you tried stealing our operation. Guess what bitch?! 

Kali: What?! 

Jan: I'm the former Minster of Internal Affairs, and also, that retard in the corner is my retard. Oh when I learn of all my taxpayers pay off a bitch like you, oh... I wanna just- *Coughs* Now you listen here, you see that boy right there? That's my boy, now git before I tear you one bigger then the encirclement of Minsk.  And, I'll go call my friend, the President, and he'll convince the fucking EU of banning your asses in Europe and sue you if your dumbass steps out of line again. 

Kali: Fine! Sue me! 

Jan: Oh bring it on! I'll fucking bomb your shithole of an offshore base for all I care. I'll sue you in Brussels.

Kali: Bring it on, with your stupid religion in this country. 

Boris encounters this, angrily leaving the women's restroom. And Vasily appears from the men's room.

Boris: You shitted on our faith you bitch, I'll sue you too! 

Kali: Go on you alcoholic! You people can't even aim right in half of the simulations! 

Ash: Well, she's right, actually, none of the Russians except Timur and Lera can. Hence why Shuhrat always kills the- 

Fuze: That thing is getting old, ya think? I mean it's like every single fanfic I read with me in it I'm either killing the hostage in the simulations or in combat or me and my comrades or all getting drunk, the fuck, I drink Kvass. That's the good shit, Vodka smells like crap. You'd think I'd still be here over it like after that one story where the character dates Nøkk I'd be here after killing hundreds of hostages?! It's mentioned in the first like two chapters and it was a really disturbing story, props to that guy, he's a legend! That and for some goddamn reason every reader gets their wood up for Ela or IQ or Ash instead of some different character like Nøkk or even a guy operator! Come on, we need variety, there's fucking 58 of us here! We all need a little love.... 

Nøkk blushes. 

Everyone in the room: What? 

Hibana: What's a fanfic? 

Boris: *Hic* Most beautiful literature, only thing that keeps me reading. 

(Someone must've gotten one of the references, I hope)

Castle: Oh god, you read that stuff? 

Boris: I learned more English on there than being with that teacher before uh, things happened...

Glaz: We don't need a reminder of that disaster. 

Boris: Ты просто завидуешь. (Your just jealous.)

Ash: What are you two even doing here? 

Vasily: Harry said he needed help with something, hence us. Why you guys arguing? 

Boris: Isn't that time of the month for the women, all of them? 

*Timeskip to one hour later after every female operator beats up Boris and every operator has to break it up*

Boris: Ahh! They crazy. 

Vigil: Are we going to finish the original argument?

Ash: Huh? Oh yeah. 

Kali: Where did we leave off? 

Ash: I don't know how you do things in the private sector, but we do not use people as bait here! 

Kali: Well this is a game, princess, and I just won it for you. 

Ash punches Kali in the face and everyone attempts to break up as the two fight but then everyone decides to let it solve itself out. In the meantime in the hallway, Boris stumbles onto Y/n as everyone is too distracted by the fight and no one has anything to do.

Y/n: Ow. Why are you trying to sit on me?

Boris: Oh, thought you were a chair. Here, drive me back to my hotel. Please? I got a buzz and have alcohol.

Y/n: Fine... 

Glaz: Oh, let me come with. 

Fuze: Me too! 

Ela: I'll go. 

Boris: Fine. 

It's now 3:00 PM at the hotel as everyone decides to go to the bar to drink, so does the gang except Boris...

Glaz: Where'd he say he was going? 

Y/n: To get some of the Polish beer we have in this country and to eat. We'll just relax since we got nothing to do. And he's the only one with a drivers permit for a foreigner, we don't. 

A/n: I dunno if this is true for a drivers permit for a visitor from another country even exists, just bear with me here.

Now it's 2:00 AM in the morning as they haphazardly leave the hotel with a buzz...

Ela: The fuck this guy go?! We're in the outskirts of Warsaw, we're 30 Kilometers from base! (18.6 miles) 

Glaz: We all can still walk, but he's got the car and he's our friend. 

Y/n: Jesus Christ, it's freezing, dude he could've gotten drunk and fainted out here, he could be dead since this happens a lot in the winter, we're in the countryside.

Fuze: Your right. Wait, is that him? 

The four look over to see a plastered Boris approaching reeking like perfume. 

Boris: Hey! *Turns around* Thanks again for the awesome club! 

Man in the distance: No problem!

Y/n: Where's the beer, Boris? 

Boris: Huh?

Ela: The beer you said you would've gotten us. 

Boris: Oh sorry, duty calls with the ladies. We'll do a beer run, come on, get in the car. 

Glaz: Your wasted. 

Boris: I'm a 2nd lieutenant, I outrank you all. Get in! We gotta drive. I need this car. 

Everyone gets in the car and they drive back on the S8 highway into Warsaw, Y/n sits in the passenger seat up front. Boris proceeds to pull out a Tyskie bottle and starts drinking. 

Y/n: Boris, aren't suppose to not drink and drive? 

Boris: I'm not doing that, silly, I'm driving while I'm drinking! Right Timur?

Glaz: I guess... 

Boris: I gotta piss, here, Y/n, hold the wheel.

Y/n: Dude, pull over and pee. 

Boris: Shut it! You need to learn to be a man! Hold the wheel and watch. *Unzips his pants and gets and empty bottle off the floor of the car* There's a reason in life, why God made our dick's look and be used like a hose, gents. *Knocks over the steering wheel*

Boris knocks over the steering wheel by accident, almost crashing the car into the next lane.

Ela: Boris, we're gonna crash! 

Boris: Quiet!

Glaz: Uh, someone's tailing us. 

Boris proceeds to flip off the car. And then the police lights on the car turn on. 

Everyone: Oh shit. 

Boris: Shit, hold the bottle. 

Y/n: It's all warm... 

Boris: *Gets out and starts chewing gum* Remain calm, bitches, not my first time...

The car pulls over on the side of the highway and a cop walks up to the driver's door. 

Boris: Fuck your mother, fucking gay man... 

Policeman: Wysiądź z samochodu. (Step out of the car) 

Boris: Huh? 

Y/n: He said step out of the car. 

Boris steps out, and his pants fall down. And other cop behind the car is seen putting tape in a straight line on the pavement.

Policeman: Przejdź linię, sir. (Walk the line, sir)

Y/n: He said walk the line Boris. 

Boris falls on the ground, failing and getting thrown in the back of the police car. And then the two cops come up to the car and start trying to arrest everyone. All four of them scatter across the highway, dodging cars and trucks and making it into downtown Warsaw. 

30 minutes later, back at base....

Y/n sneaks through a window into his barracks window into his dorm, and Finka is gone. Heavily panting, he changes clothes and goes to bed and then Finka walks into the room. 

Lera: Y/n? 

Y/n: Yes? 

Lera: Where were you? 

Y/n: Nowhere. 

Lera: Well, you weren't at the fight earlier? Everyone's hurt. 

Y/n: No, I went to the shooting range. 

Y/n turns over to where Finka is, seeing her bruised. 

Y/n: What happened? 

Lera: I and Gustave had to break up all the fights occurring between operators. That and Jäger was trying to steal an Acog for his rifle.

Y/n: I don't get why he can't use one. Yet everyone else can use any scope's or grenade's. 

Lera: Yeah, just go to bed, I gotta go back to treating all the манекены. (Dummies)

Y/n: All right, night. 

Lera: Night. 

Later on that day, 11:00 AM, November 4th...

Y/n finishes up his routine and training and sees a couple of cops walking around the base and them dragging in a hungover Boris. Harry calls a meeting and everyone enters the Mess Hall. 

Boris: *Hic* Somebody ditched me! Who did it?! 

Cop 1: Ten niski mężczyzna, wygląda z nim jak ten koleś. (That short man, he looks like that dude with him.) 

Cop 2: On to robi. (He does.) 

Zofia now looks angrily at Y/n. 

Boris: Office- *Hic*-rs, baller shoes you guys got. 

Cop 1: *In English* Thank you, devil worshipper. 

I do not own this song, the original writer does, and I dunno who that is, only saw the meme, sorry.

Maverick: They ain't cops! 

A standoff ensues with every Team Rainbow member pointing their guns at the two "Cops".

Boris: Fucking Germans! We'll retake Berlin again motherfuckers! 

Vasily: This shithole is Poland, you retard! 

Cop 1: Hey, we're not a box of chocolates, sweetie.

Boris: Mind your business, "Andrei" no one was talking to your Pierogi eating ass. 

Cop 1: Actually, *Cocks Glock 19 into Boris's forehead* this is my business, you drunk driving, sin loving, anti believer! 

Boris: *Sobers up and realizes the standoff that's occurring* Hehe, oh shit...  

Cop 2: Now, we are just going to leave the building, okay? With this anti-Polish douche. Will it be okay if we shoot him? 

Vasily: Sure, he's dumber then incest boy from Kentucky.

Warden: Hey! 

Cop 1: We have the base surrounded. 

Jan: Your lying. 

Cop 2: No, because we're nice. They are all grouped up outside to do a citizen's arrest! Look! *Points to a grassy knoll just behind the fence of the base* 

Jan: You planted some grass? 

Cop 2: *Laughs* 

No other laughing is heard. 

Glaz: My thermal scope shows no one around. 

Cop 1: Huh? 

Cop 2: Did we um, forget to call them? 

Cop 1: Your the one who organized this shit. 

Cop 2: Yeah, but we only have couple hundred followers in reality.. They all said they'd show up from America to do this. 

Cop 1: They're too lazy and dumb. 

Cop 2: Way to go, this is even worse than buying our weapons from that Irish prick in Liberty City to fund this whole thing! 

Cop 1: Don't blame me for the fact your parents don't love you! 

Cop 2: Fuck you! Why don't you go back to smelling half of the grass in Amsterdam up your nose every other night?! 

The two cops began to shoot at each other as everyone is pointing their guns at them. After a few seconds, both of them realize that they're guns only have blanks for the operation and then are arrested and given to Caveira. 

Timeskip to 2 PM after Caveira tortures them...

Ace: Damn Zofia, I think we found the undiscovered part of your family, you guys gonna have a reunion later? 

Zofia punches Ace in the face, breaking his jaw. And then Caveira walks in. 

Caveira we have their locations now, and they're warehouse is not even here, they move from place to place. They're main headquarters in Europe is somewhere close by, not even the place we spied on. And they only have a couple hundred members in reality. 

Timeskip to 2:30 PM...

Harry: Y/n, come over here. 

Y/n sees Jan and his siblings and Finka. 

Y/n: Yes? 

Harry: I want you to do something with them. 

Y/n: Such as? 

Harry: Go to your old home in Wrocław with them. 

Y/n: Fine. 

Timeskip 3 hours to Wrocław and at Y/n's old house and Zofia and Ela arguing the ride over. 

Y/n goes up to his old room to see literally everything where it was and sits on his bed with Finka with the door shut behind them. 

Lera: Thank god we're no longer stuck with them. 

Ela: (Through the wall) These walls are thin, you fucking asshole! 

Lera: You wanna calm down? Your really on your period. 

Ela: Pierdol się!(Fuck you!)

Timeskip to 7:30 PM...

Y/n and Finka fall asleep and then Ela wakes them up. 

Ela: Dinner is ready. 

Lera: What is it? 

Ela: Pierogi. 

Y/n within a second zips downstairs into the kitchen. 

Y/n: I want my pierogi. Give it!

Zofia: No, I'm taller then you. *Holds the plate of pierogi for Y/n above her head*

Y/n: Goddamnit, I'm not a dog! 

Jan: Zamknij się. don't use the lord's name in vain! (Shut up!)

Y/n: Robisz to, bo ona jest faworytem! (Your doing this because she's the favorite!)

Ela: Give up the plate, Jesus. Y/n's right. 

Jan: *Sigh* Oh my darling son and daughter, two fucking imbeciles who do not learn to behave. Even against all the advice I gave them, one became a runaway who's stupid and the other became rebellious brat with an arse that looks fatter than a Kardashian's.  

Ela: You hate me for who I am!

Jan: Maybe I wouldn't if you weren't acting like this all the time. At least Y/n can shut up and knows when it's a great time to. 

Zofia: Yeah, you can do better Ela. 

Ela: And you shut up too! 

Y/n: *Finally gets his plate of pierogi* Calm down, you two. Now- 

Zofia and Ela: Shut up! 

Y/n: Okay... *Goes back to his room upstairs*

Lera: Oh, looks nice. Why do your sisters sound like a normal day at Hereford before I met you downstairs? I didn't know Harry's idea was so smart...

Y/n: Hehe, insulting my height led to family issues reoccurring. Ela will be over it soon or break something, or somehow blame you for this. Or a massive fight ensues, maybe we're lucky and all four. 

A phone call appears on Finka's work phone. 

Lera: Yeah? 

Tachanka: Your in Wrocław with them? 

Lera: Uh-huh, their house is... interesting. 

Tachanka: Get Y/n. 

Lera: Here. 

Tachanka: Y/n? 

Y/n: What? 

Tachanka: Are your sisters arguing? *Lots of giggling is heard* 

Y/n: Yep, they are right now, I'm not lying. 

Tachanka: Fuck! Fuck you, Boris! I'm not paying! 

The screaming match downstairs gets louder. 

Ela (Muffled): Kurwa cię nienawidzę! (I fucking hate you!)

Zofia (Muffled): Dlaczego nie możesz nawet spędzać ze mną czasu ?! (Why can't you even spend time with me?!)

Lera: Uh, I gotta go, my battery is about to die, bye. 

Tachanka: Bye! *Hangs up* 

Jan walks into the room, seeing Finka laying in bed with Y/n. 

Jan: Oh, nice job with the woman. Uh, wanna get dinner sometime? I know, bad joke, but fuck, they can yell.

The sound of something breaking downstairs is heard. And Zofia and Ela are heard angrily screaming even louder. All three rush to the scene to a plate smashed on the ground and some blood from both siblings on the ground.

Ela: Fuck you! You dumb bitch! 

Zofia proceeds to beat up Ela and Finka and Jan manage to keep them apart

Jan: What happened?! 

Ela: She hit me first! I hit her with the plate. Fuck her. 

Zofia: I'm your sister! 

Y/n's phone rings, and he goes back upstairs. 

Y/n: Yeah? 

Harry: How's it going so far? 

Y/n: As beautiful in shape as the Iraqi Army after Desert Storm, it's a disaster, they're hitting each other. 

Harry: Noted, bye. 

Y/n: Bye. 

All of a sudden, it gets quiet, and Y/n tries to go down the stairs, but Finka drags him back to his room with her. 

Lera: *Whispering* Shh... 

Y/n: *Whispering* What?

Lera: We calmed them down, just be quiet so another fight does not occur or Jan gets angry. Go to bed, I got you cuddled if they try anything. 

Y/n changes into his pajamas pants from his youth that still fits him. 

 6:00 AM, November 5th... 

Finka wakes up and puts her nanomachines in her since she can't work out at the moment. And Y/n wakes up too. Both are still whispering.  

Y/n: Okay, let's just test the water to make sure we don't die. 

Lera: Good idea.

The two walk out into the hallway, Y/n cuddling Finka and Zofia walks into the hallway. 

Zofia: Good morning. 

Y/n and Lera: Morning. 

Y/n: So is everything fine? 

Zofia: She's most likely asleep, unsurprisingly, and can't handle insults like a twelve year old. 

Ela: WHAT?! 

Finka picks up Y/n and they both run downstairs into the kitchen and grab some water, encountering Jan. 

Jan: Nice one, you failure. 

Lera: Just need water, we're gonna be stuck in his room due to the fighting. And there's our charger's for the phones, we're set. And still some leftover pierogi, this morning is great. 

Y/n and Finka hurry on into the living room before heading upstairs, seeing many pictures of Ela and Zofia and their medals and achievement's and the photos with them, set up everywhere. Only one picture has Y/n in it, an old family picture, both of them notice it. Finka knows what'll occur next and rush's upstairs into his room. 

Lera: Hey, hey, it's okay. 

Y/n: *Quietly sobbing* They don't love me, right? 

Lera: Shh, here, let's sit down and eat, okay? 

Y/n's phone gets a text.

Automated messenger: You have one new message from:

Tachanka: *Burps* We gonna go and raid some building in your city tonight, don't go downtown for like, a few hours. Fuze has got his gadget ready, me and him will get it done... 
