Chapter 14 (Smut)

It is now for the sake of time, September 4th, 2020. This is due to the week off, and inactivity going on between the LSLA and Team Rainbow. Sorry I forgot to mention this in the last chapter. Lera and Y/n's relationship is now pretty stable and happy for the two of them. I'll leave a bold warning for the Smut part since it's about a 5000 worded chapter. And it gets dark to an extent, you've been warned.

Anyways, back to the story....

Zofia and Lera go out back behind the building and Zofia slams Lera into the wall unexpectedly. And now lera is in a choke hold. 

Lera: Agh! 

Zofia: What are you really doing with my brother?! 

Lera: Nothing! I swear! 

Zofia: Your lying! I know you've been. 

Lera: I'm not! Why are you always like this?! Let your siblings live their own lives! 

Lera proceeds to break free and is able to move freely now. 

*Grunts* You happy? 

Zofia: What?! 

Lera: As in, your happy with yourself. You haven't looked like a happy person since I've met you. Feeling okay? Something's bothering you? 

Zofia: No.... 

Lera: Zofia, it's okay. I see it. A person who is genuinely trying to protect her loved ones from your mistakes. Is it yourself trying to prevent your mistakes to them? 

Zofia: *Voice quivering* Maybe.    

Meanwhile, on the other side of the building in an office Doc walks in and talks to Y/n.

Doc: Hey, Y/n?

Y/n: Oh, hey Doc. What is it?

Doc: Could you come talk over at my office? 

Y/n: I don't know where even is yours at. 

Doc: Oh, it's kind of like a checkup room you know? It's mine now. I need to see you. Now. 

Y/n: But, I'm kinda of busy with these reports for a shooting... 

Doc: I'd prefer to get this over with now. It's kind of important. And I'm getting pressure to do this. From our leader of the group. 

Y/n: Fine, let's go. 

Timeskip to them walking into Doc's office. And Y/n notices a very advanced looking machine of some sort.

Y/n: So what is it that you want exactly? 

Doc: Well, see your in a relationship with lera which has sexual pleasure now and again. Yes?

Y/n: Yes, why? 

Doc: Since you two are pretty valued, Six wants to make sure your both healthy. In the manner so neither one of does not spread an STD to each other or something. And to give you a regular checkup to check if your okay physically and mentally. I, (pulls out a throwaway cup) want you to give me a sperm and blood sample. I may be able to find out if you an unknown aliment or something such as TB which stays unnoticed for quite a bit. It's to ensure an operator such as lera does not get infected and spreading it to other operators and them staying off the field. Okay?

Y/n: Why wasn't this done earlier? 

Doc: It kind of got lost in translation with Six earlier two months ago, nobody brought it up. And he's pissed at me.

Y/n: So wait, quick question. And sorry about that thing with Six.

Doc: Sure thing. And it's not your fault, I'm not trying to get at that. 

Y/n: If I have a disease such as Rabies, that is a close to 100% mortality rate, right?

Doc: Yes it very much is. But, it stays hidden in you, if infected. Usually for a year and reemerges and gives you a cruel death and your done in a couple of weeks. That's assuming you haven't gotten the vaccine or went into the woods and got bitten by a bat. 

Y/n: If I have something like that, and it's about to go terminal, kill me. Just shoot me in the back of the head. I don't wanna die like that.

Doc: I...okay. It's a deal. I'll do it. 

Y/n: Thanks. Let's get the blood sample done with. 

Doc: Okay. (Pulls out a needle) 

Y/n: Ow, fuck. 

Doc: Sorry, *cleans the shot wound* kind of made you bleed a bit. 

*Knock at the door* 

Doc: Come in. 

???: Gustave, your suppose to give me my medical exam. 

Doc: Sorry sam, I'm kind of busy with him *nods at Y/n*, can you do it later tonight with me? 

Sam: Fine. *Closes door*

Y/n: Who's that? 

Doc: He's a legend among est us CTU's let's just say. You would not want to mess with him. That's what I'd tell you. Very classified. 

Y/n: Dude, I'm shorter than Mozzie. I don't think I'll try to fight anyone. 

Doc: Your not wrong there. But the whole Dmitri and Oliver thing however... 

Y/n: Please no, knowing my luck, the ceiling will collapse due to Oliver getting thrown through it. It's a literal sitcom between those two.  

Doc: Over 40 of us operators hate Oliver, or dislike him to an extent. He keeps acting like an asshole to us. Now, let's do the what will be the best part for you. The sperm sample. *Hands cup over to Y/n* Now do it.

Y/n: Um, can you leave the room? And lock it? This will take awhile. 

Doc: Oh right. I'll leave the room and will be waiting outside. *Leaves*

Y/n: Okay, right. *pulls out his phone* The door is... locked. (Scrolls around on certain websites) Um, this ain't gonna work. Fuck. Jesus. (Begins thinking about lera) Here we go. Ah... 

20 minutes later...

Fuck. Lera, ah. Okay, that was... pretty massive. Least it's in the cup. *Walks up to the door, and starts whispering* Doc, I'm done. 

Doc: Okay, *comes inside* you took a bit. And that's quite a lot... pretty impressive. 

Y/n: I'm gonna go to the bathroom near the cafeteria. For obvious reasons. Take the cup. 

Doc: Be back here in 5 minutes. I need to get the tests over with. 

Y/n: K, thanks. *Walks over to the cafeteria* 

To give some perspective, the cafeteria is about 9 meters away, or 30 feet away. And Y/n walks into the bathroom. Finishes up, proceeds to walk back. As he's about to enter the room, Bale appears. 

Bale: Hey, you want to go eat? It's almost noon. 

Y/n: I gotta do some tests with Doc. 

Bale: Okay. I won't tell your sisters, since you know how they are. 

Y/n: Alright, bye. *Enters room* Doc, how is it so far? And what are you using? 

Doc: It's an advanced machine to run quick tests for disease's. Your doing pretty good, except for something. Sit down.

Y/n: Oh no. What's in there? 

Doc: It not really bad per se. It might be good based on how you look at it. So, you have a rare condition which does not really affect you physically or mentally in any way. Except in bed. 

Y/n: This is...

Doc: A sperm condition kind of. So, lets say you and lera are having intercourse and you ejaculate.

Y/n: Yes...

Doc: Not only have you got a higher fertility rate, you are more easy at getting someone pregnant. 

Y/n: Wait, what? 

Doc: Yeah, sperm counts for the average male is 40 to 60 million sperm cells per ml. High counts are 300 million and above. *Laughs* You have on average according to the machine, have 700 million. Very fertile even in the young age range like you. Lera is probably very pleased when you finish. I suggest taking protection with her. If you take condoms, your at higher risks of the condom breaking or it leaking. We don't want a pregnancy.  

Y/n: We use pills, so we take pretty good precautions for a bit after and before the main event. And, yes she's pretty pleased by the end of the night. It's a lot of fun for us both. 

Doc: Okay, good for you. Anyways, let's see how good in shape you are in mentally and physically. We'll do it all in here. 

Y/n: Oh shit. 

8 hours later...

Y/n: *Panting* I'm I fucking finished?

Doc: Your done, and it is pretty good. Thanks, now I think they'll be serving dinner soon. You got 30 push ups in a minute and did pretty well. And you weigh 67.1 kilos. (148 pounds)

Y/n: I don't care about the dinner, I got another two hours before I go home. I'll be in my office, later.

Doc: Bye bye.

Y/n goes up to his office and just chills out. Meanwhile, a pissed off ela follows him back and locks the door to the office behind them. 

Ela: Where have you been all day? 

Y/n: With Doc, doing tests why?

Ela: For what? Is there something I don't know about going on here?

Y/n: No, it was just regular check up. And do you know where lera is?

Ela: No, and neither is Zofia. Hmm.

Y/n: Oh great, but can she just back off? 

Ela: You know her. God, your lucky, she's even worse to me. It was due to the lake incident, remember?

Y/n: Yes I do remember. Is that why she acts like this?

Ela: I think so.

Y/n: You wanna go eat? I'm now hungry.

Ela: Um, you can't because you have to meet Six. I'll take you to him. He's in another room come on. 

The two walk over to the Captain's office which has now been taken by Six. And Y/n is left alone in there with him. 

Y/n: Hello, Sir. 

Six: Just call me Harry please. 

Y/n: Okay, harry. So what do you need from me? 

Harry: I have a few questions about you. 

Y/n: What is it?

Harry: Why are you exactly in a relationship with lera? 

Y/n: It is because we love each other. We share quite a few similarity's then one might think. For an example, we both have had some rather messed up childhood's. My father's abusiveness towards me, her parents being rather insane towards her in terms of her being the best no matter what, similar in the sense of the pressure of a student in a high stress culture like Japan if you get what I mean.

Harry: Yes, certainly. Couples tend to mend better with childhood's like that or jobs they do. Such as Team Rainbow operators. Some of them are dating each other secretly. 

Y/n: Such as? 

Harry: It would cause problems if word got out. But I'm obliged to tell you Ela is dating Mute.

Y/n: Well, I kind of knew that due to how it's always been with my sisters. Ela's always been the one to go against just about everything Zofia tell's her to do. It's how it's been with those two. Ever seen it, or talked to them about the messed up events over the years? Harry, I can name 20 good examples off the top of my head easily growing up, that you never even heard of. 

Harry: I do actually have meetings with them where they talk it out sort of. To try and end it. They tell some stories that your saying. 

Y/n: Give me an example of how it goes when those two get brought in. 

Harry: They walk in, it goes for 20 minutes usually where they'd talk about their issues with each other over the years. 40 minutes into it, things start getting dicey when Jan gets brought up. As in the way Ela says something negative about him, and Zofia does the opposite and things escalate out of hand rather quickly. I manage somehow for them not to kill each other, and then 80 minutes into the meeting or therapy lesson if you could call it that veers towards other options. 

Y/n: As in? 

Harry: How can those two be more better together, their relationships are better. For them both to own up what's happened to you. It's a gigantic mess really. And it ends normally around the 90 minute mark. 

Y/n: Wow, it's even worse then how it was back home. Where do you even do these meetings at? 

Harry: At my home near Hereford base. 

Y/n: Are you asking for a murder scene? Do other operators come there for there problems, with others, or just sheer help with themselves? 

Harry: No murder scene. But other operators go there if they need a meeting. They just call me up and we go walk to my house. 

Y/n: Who do you live with? Are you sure it's a good idea bringing some people who have weird background's into your own home? 

Harry: My wife and 4 year old son. But, my son is at school during the meetings, and my wife is elsewhere in the house. And the room is soundproof so least my kid if he comes home or it's the weekends does not hear some of the things said between operators. And it's to give the operators a sense of calmness. And one question about your siblings.

Y/n: Okay, what's your question.

Harry: If they talked to each other back home, how often would things get physical? Or at least argue with each other?

Y/n: Pretty much argue every other day. Especially around the time I was 5-ish, when those two were young adults and teens and stuck together. And usually it would spiral into a brawl with either one of them getting hurt. Usually Zofia won those. I'd be surprised if a day went by without one argument. 

Harry: How severe did they get?

Y/n: Even worse as I got older, I still remember one time when I was 14.  Um, *sniff* sorry. 

Harry: It's okay. 

Y/n: Shit, no one can hear us in here, yes? 

Harry: No one can. 

(Just thought I'd put that here, get the tissues out)

Y/n: So, uh it started off normally as they'd argue. I was in my room at that point and those two were an Ela's room across. We were all alone at home, and Zofia escalated the argument to the fight stage. And as I was pretty much hearing this, trying to ignore it as best I could. Then, I heard something about me in the middle of this. I walked into the room asking the hell was the argument was about. It turns out, this was over a decision made in 2000, back when I was 6. It goes over how when Ela had just gone to Berlin for the arts and Zofia was training to be a PMC in Warsaw. 

As my Dad and Mom decided to just get rid of me in Wrocław. The reason? They just couldn't handle me. The two were going to put me up for adoption just because I was an accident and they now realized this was there chance to discard me. As my mother was driving over to an orphanage to sign me off, since my father is so much of a coward he could not do it himself. But anyway, as my mother was driving there late at night, a drunk driver hit the car at 144 Kilometers an hour. (90 miles an hour) My mother and the drunk driver died, but I was left alive. Since this was a forested area because my mother wanted to spend some last time with me. And there was no one around for miles. Some guy, who was driving nearby and heard the collision found me there and saved me in time before the roof of the car collapsed in on me. He took me to a hospital 4 Kilometres away. (About 2.5 miles)  

I still remember this guy talking to me after getting me out. 

The man: Ćśś, wszystko w porządku, pomogę ci. Będzie dobrze.  (Shh, you're okay, I'll help you. It'll be okay.)

Y/n: That's it, really. I don't really remember what happened afterwards. My dad lied about it all, saying he was working from home when my mom took me out. My siblings did not find about that until than too. Do you have any idea how that fuck's with a person? No one else knew about it until you did right now. Never bring it up near my siblings, they'll kill you for it. That's the type of shit you've never heard from them. I heard years later my dad found out who saved me, and beat the fucking shit out of the guy allegedly. That's the only reason I'm sitting here. 

Harry: My god, I'm so so sorry. 

Y/n: It's fine really. *Checks phone* It's almost now 9:50 pm. So I guess I'll be going home now. 

Harry: Alright, thank you for what you've told me, and I might see you tomorrow. 

Y/n: Nice meeting you harry. 

Harry: You too. 

Y/n walks on home. He leaves the building and go's on home. He see's lera sitting on their bed  looking sad. And pretty bruised.

Y/n: Holy shit, the fuck happen? Who did this to you?! Where have you been all day? 

Lera: Oh, I just came back too. I've been trying to avoid Zofia from killing me, to doing CQB with fucking Kapkan and nearly breaking his neck, to trying to find you. The hell where you doing?

Y/n: I had to do some tests with doc to prove I did not have any diseases. Including a sperm test.

Lera: Bet you had fun. 

She says this in a sadder tone.

Y/n: I just want to be with you more often, but hey, I learned something from doc about my sperm. 

Lera: Like what is it? 

Y/n: I'm way more fertile then even in the age range for my group. I have higher sperm counts then most people even have! 

Lera: What else ya did?

Y/n: I then had to do 8 hours of physical tests which I did good one. Proceeded to meet Harry afterwards - 

Lera: You did what now?!

Y/n: I was forced to see him. And had to talk about my siblings and why I'm with you. But hey, *puts hands on lera's hips* today was such a treat, what I don't I give you one to cheer you up? :)

Lera: I need a massage or something from you, not another sperm sample немаўля. (Baby)

Y/n: Anything, for you my love. C'mon, lay down for me. 


Lera: Take a shower first, with me. I like smelling like a person, not like gunpowder. 

Y/n:  Cóż, po to się zapisałeś. Bez obrazy, ale w ten sposób mnie podniecasz. (Well, that's what you signed up for. No offense, but you turn me on this way.)

Lera: I don't wanna know what you've said. I can hear your accent come out quite a bit however, your getting me horny. 

Y/n: I was saying in Polish how you've signed up for that position, but no offense your turning me on. Let's go to the shower. 

Lera: Sure thing. 

Y/n: I'll start it up a bit. 

Y/n goes to the bathroom and starts taking a shower then lera enters the bathtub too. 

Y/n: You have quite a few bruises, especially around your chest and ribs, wanna get massaged in those areas? 

Lera: Sure, and my shoulders. I have to carry so much shit, it's literally your weight. 

Y/n: Hey, now come on miłość.(Love)

Lera: Ложак будзе сапсаваны, і вы будзеце шкадаваць сёння ўвечары. (The bed will be ruined and you will regret it tonight.)

Y/n: Huh? 

Lera: I'm getting more horny every time you speak Polish, knock it off.  

Y/n: Nie. (No)

Lera: About that treat... 

Y/n: Yes? 

Lera: Start jerking off now. Гэта загад! (This is an order!)

Y/n: I like speaking to you in Polish. 

Lera: Maybe it's our kink. We both naturally get turned on to different accents. Yours comes out more when speaking Polish, mine's just there no matter what. That and the fact you've been here for 10 years. I'd be fucking you every night in bed with that accent on all the time. 

Y/n: I like yours a lot too. It gets me going a bit, especially when your speaking Belarusian. This warm water, it helps a bit too, right? 

Lera: For sure the water helps. You haven't outlived your Slavic genes on surviving the cold, now have you? 

Y/n: It does not get as cold here. I think I have lost that epic gene. 

Lera: If I'm still here by November, expect a lot of our potential kids being fired out of you every night. Winter just gets me turned on. And I'll take this shampoo bottle. Huh, is empty. You wanna joke about you firing your load onto me? 

Y/n: Okay, sure. 

Lera fills the bottle with the warm water and begins spraying it onto Y/n's chest in bursts. 

Lera: *Grunting mockingly* *Laughs*

Y/n: *Laughs* Really? Was the grunting necessary? 

Lera: It's what you sound like. C'mon, others might have heard it too. 

Y/n: The walls here are very thick, you don't here anything at all. It's pretty much soundproof, my neighbor next door bangs his girlfriend loudly every night, ever hear them? Or the ones above us or below us? 

Lera: Why? Do others have kids? 

Y/n: That, and people like privacy, it's part of the reason I live here. And about the grunting...

Lera: What? Oh... I see. And since we're done with the shower, let me save us some money. *Turns off the shower* Let's just talk and relax in the cold air. You need that gene back.

Y/n: The cold is not nice. *Shivering* 

Lera: Shit, now let's dry up. 

10 minutes later...

The two are now dried up, and Lera is in her bra, and in her combat pants she wears. Y/n meanwhile is fully clothed. Lera is lying down on the bed wanting the massage. 

Lera: You gonna keep staring? 

Y/n: Oh, right sorry. And why are you wearing your CBRN pants now? 

Lera: All my clothes are in the washing machine. I'll put the pants in there tomorrow. Why?

Y/n: You look hot in them. 

Lera: I find that from you a complement. Now, massage my ribs, rub them good hon. 

20 minutes later...

Lera: Now massage behind my shoulders. 

Y/n notices a Red star tattoo when looking at lera's back, a small but noticeable star. 

Y/n: Why do you have a small Red star tattoo on your Spinal cord? Near your collarbone? 

Lera: It's from graduating Spetsnaz training, why? 

Y/n: Looks so cool. 

Lera: Yeah, you'll get a view better with anal. Tonight. 

Y/n: What?

Lera: I'm tired and stressed out. Y/n, be fucking mean to me! Don't be afraid. Be the dominant one, make me limp in the morning. We don't even need protection! 

Y/n: Let's do it now, *Slaps lera's back* you said be dominant, hon. Get onto the side of the bed. I suggest you hold on tight too. ;) Wanna role play? 

Lera: I'm loving this type of Y/n, sure! *Complies with Y/n's demands* 

Y/n: I really need to release my stress from today. My fucking siblings being angry all the time...

Lera: Don't get me started. I'll tell you later. Wanna keep role playing? I'm ready.

Y/n: Fucking bitch, your mine now. Let me get some lotion. And some handcuffs you have as well for detaining the likes of me. It'll be more fun, you Team Rainbow scum. What do your dog tags say? CBRN? Belarusian? You guys are as pretty as us Polish people. You'll regret it all. *Grabs lube and spreads it onto his throbbing cock. Then proceeds to hand cuff lera's hands to the headboard. * Wait, don't you have a surge device? For stamina? I suggest you to tell me how to use such an item. *Grabs lera's surge booster gadget* 

Lera: Here, you see those small needles? You gotta insert one of them into either of my wrists. There you go. These are used by all operators but they gotta return the needles by the end of the mission or training. Anyways, you see that glove and wrist device next to the rest of my equipment? They're attached. Put it on your arm so you can control a surge being activated. Have fun with this. God, this type of you is what I wanna see more of here!

Y/n: Let me just, wow, so advanced. Okay, is the surge device ready?

Lera: Yeah, you only have three shots in the surge before you gotta reload it. It will make you last longer. Mute and Ela experimented with that one. *Laughs* 

Y/n: Not funny, darling. 

Lera: Sorry, but hey least you wanna be me when I activate one of them, yell "Surge Activated!" And squeeze your fist tightly for it to work. 

Y/n: Now, time to get rid of your pants. *Strips off her pants and underwear*  Okay, bitch. Give me one good reason you shouldn't be punished. 

Lera: *Role playing as well* Well- *giggles*  I guess I do need to be punished. *Giggles* Such a bad boy you are. 

Y/n: Think this a game? Spread it your ass out some more you Team Rainbow bastard!  *Sticks it into Lera's ass* 

Lera: Agh! Perfect, right hole too! 

Y/n: Scream all you please, no one's coming to help. Your tight as hell. You'll be loosened up and I'll be having fun. *Slaps lera's ass a 5 times* Ready? No turning back. 

Lera: Ready for this punishment. Serve it. 

Y/n process to begin moving hips back and forth rapidly, in steady paste's. Slapping the shit out of the Spetsnaz operative as he acts more boldly. His form goes from nice and steady to rough and fast in a matter of minutes. As he also tightly holds onto lera's hips for her. 30 minutes into it...

Lera: *Moaning loudly* Cyka, you'll pay! AGRH! Come on pussy! 

Y/n: Loving it? Your punishment? 

Suddenly lera's legs give out and drop. But, Y/n in his frenzy of adrenaline, yells "SURGE Activated!"  And squeezes his left fist tightly.

Y/n: *Gasps* Lera, feeling the adrenaline from this?!

Lera: I do you fuckin- ugh!  

Another 10 minutes goes by, then lera cums onto Y/n's cock. And in response fires his full load into lera's ass. 

Lera: Agh! FUCK! 

By the end after 50 minutes of hard sex, the two are fatigued greatly beyond repair. Y/n gets one last idea, he flips over the exhausted operator after uncuffing her. 

Lera: We finished?! *Panting*

Y/n: *Makes out with lera* We are now. 

Now, the two are tired and are about to go to sleep. lera is out within a minute of the stopping of the fun. And Y/n passes out due to exhaustion. And sleeps on top of lera as a power move.

The next morning at 4 am...

Lera wakes up first, and gets to say one quote to Y/n before getting ready.

Smut over. God bless you trooper.

Lera: You fucking beast. 

Y/n: *Waking up* Huh? 

Lera: You don't think when my legs lost strength, you went too far? 

Y/n: Maybe, but you said "don't be afraid, be dominant!" 

Lera: Well, I'm gonna be limping all morning because of you now, that and your load inside, it's packed let's just say. You are so fucked when you come home tonight.  

Y/n: No, I won't be. 

Lera: Trust me, you'll be sorry. Now- *stands up* I gotta go for a jog. My thighs and cores hurt! Clean up the mess, it's yours urod. Good job following orders. *Kisses Y/n* I'll be back in an hour.  

Y/n: Wait, lera.

Lera: Yes? 

Y/n: I didn't mean to hurt you. 

Lera: Look, I know. But we took it a tad bit too far. Especially your role playing, what was it? 

Y/n: I dunno, like some mean guy who found you or something. 

Lera: Don't take it that far again.  

Y/n: I'm sorry, I guess I go on power trips usually. I wish I was able to be back on the tactical team after the broken leg since I still walk weirdly. I need to prove myself again. 

Lera: Why not try the simulation we brought over? It will be finished getting setup today. 

Y/n: Huh? Okay, but you gotta show me how to use it. Deal?

Lera: Deal, you can use it with other people too, that's how it works. 

Y/n: I guess I'll try it. *Phone rings* Hello? 

Micheal Scott: Hello sir, would you like to buy our newest air conditioners- 

Y/n: Micheal, I know that's you, I can easily recognize your voice. It's a literal Steve Carell voice. 

Micheal: Y/n? Um, *Switches to a Mexican accent* Senor, I think you have the wrong personada. 

Y/n: Dude, it's you, what on earth are you doing in telemarketing? 

Lera: Who is that your talking to? 

Micheal: Oh and who is that with you?

Lera: Give me phone. *Takes Y/n's phone away from him* Fuck is this? 

Micheal: Hello there ma'am, would you like- 

Lera: I'd like to know who you are. 

Micheal: Introduce yourself first.

Lera: *Sigh* I'm his girlfriend. *Sits down on Y/n's lap*

Y/n: *Snuggles and holds's on to lera's chest.* So beautiful. Did it have to end so soon between us in bed last night?

Micheal: That's what she said! 

Y/n: That's what your ex wife said. 

Micheal: That's my joke, and also, I'm coming back to Liberty City today with Arthur, I won't say when, but the flight takes half an hour from here. Don't tell anyone.

Y/n: Fine, Bale gonna be pissed. And also, Adrian's brother in law is with them, and all of Team Rainbow is here, including my girlfriend. This includes the brother in law. And my two sisters, and Bale's old Spetsnaz friends.

Micheal: So, your dating a badass right now? Nice one, man. And I knew of Team Rainbow.

Y/n: I gotta go exercise with her now, because I made that commitment in our relationship, later. 

*Hangs up*

2 and half hours later...

Y/n and lera are just outside his apartment exhausted. 

Y/n: *Panting* This what you do before the sun shines?! 

Lera: Yes, and let's go take our showers, then we can go to work. 

The two get ready and bring their stuff to work. 
